8 Tricks That Guarantee Your Baby Will Sleep Through The Night

Initially, your baby requires a minimum of 16-20 hours of sleep. As he grows, it gets reduced to 10-12 hours. This sleep is important for their overall growth as well as for you to get some rest. A mother cannot possibly be at peace if her child is not.

Babies do wake up from their sleep when they are hungry and require feeding, which is absolutely normal. However, there are some tricks which you can use to your benefit to assure that your baby sleeps uninterrupted through the night.

A soothing massage and bath right before sleep can do wonders for your baby. A good massage using a light fragrant oil helps in relaxing their muscles. As they feel fresh and clean they are likely to fall asleep better and faster.

Clean clothes and a full tummy are necessary to put the baby to sleep. A dirty diaper or an empty tummy can be the prime reason for your child to keep awake. Feeding the baby properly before putting them to sleep will definitely help them sleep for longer.

Playing some soothing music or singing to your baby will not only improve their auditory skills but also calm their mind, and lull them to sleep. Mothers have sung lullabies to their babies for centuries now to put them to sleep and it is proven to work every time.

Keep the room cool and dark as an optimum temperature relaxes them and makes them more comfortable. Keeping the lights off prevents the baby from getting distracted from things in the room. Combining music with proper room temperature and dim lights will create the perfect sleep environment for your baby.

Build a sleep routine for your baby. This can be started as early as you want. Fixing a sleep routine gets the baby used to the tasks before sleep and gives your baby cues that it is time to sleep. This not only helps for the time being but develops discipline in the child.

Avoid eye contact with the baby as eye contact with the baby can keep them in a playful mood and they will delay sleeping. So, try to avoid eye contact or talking with the baby when trying to put them to sleep.

Put your baby on the bed while they are drowsy as this will help the baby recognise their environment before they fall asleep as they are going to wake up to the same one. Putting them to bed after they have slept means that they will wake up to an unfamiliar environment, which leaves them disturbed.

Understand your baby and try to figure out what works best for them as each baby is different. Some babies fall asleep on a stroll, or a drive and some might sleep well after some exercise. It is necessary to understand what soothes and relaxes your baby the most and use it to help your baby sleep uninterrupted.

For your baby

Most of the baby’s growth happens while he is sleeping so it is necessary to give them the right amount of sleep so that they remain healthy and grow well. When they sleep well it also gives you a peace of mind and you too start relaxing. So go ahead and see what works the best for you and your little one.

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