The Extraordinary Birthing Story Of A Woman Who Pulled Out Her Baby From Her Womb

Ever heard about a ‘maternally-assisted’ Cesarean birth? What does it feel like for a mother to pull her baby out of her own womb during a Cesarean birth?

Well, in a recent Cesarean birth the mother involved spoke about the remarkable instance of her C-section that happened to be a ‘maternally-assisted’ one.

Sarah Toyer who had three C-sections earlier, gave birth to her fourth baby, Spencer, through the maternally-assisted C-section wherein she was allowed to pull out her son from her womb.

The incredible photos show the beautiful birth where Sarah Toyer personally welcomes her son into the world.

Sarah was keen to be more included in the birth of her fourth son. Given that the three previous Cesareans were done the routine way.

About the time when she first gripped her child, she says that he was very easy to pull out. She adds that it was pretty effortless to pull him out.

Now a mother-of-four, Sarah urges other moms to ‘stick to your guns’ and ensure that they can have the type of birth they want. She calls the birth an incredible one with an indescribable feeling.

It was not that Sarah was aware of a maternal assisted C-section, but as she did more research into the concept, she realized it was something she indeed wanted to do.

The successful delivery happened right after Sarah planned the birth in the lead-up to the big day, although she was also told that it would be determined by the surgeon available at the time of her C-section.

he successful delivery happened right after Sarah planned the birth in the lead-up to the big day

Image: source:

On the day of the delivery, her surgeon had a chat with her before scrubbing up on what was to follow. In fact, everything around the birthing was planned with Sarah at Gold Coast University Hospital in Queensland, Australia.

The surgeon detailed the procedure step-by-step as she had planned and she explained to Sarah how she could be involved in the procedure. She was advised to reach down and pull the baby out once the surgeons dropped the sheet so that Sarah could bring the baby to her chest for skin to skin.

Her husband Joseph took the pictures during the birthing process. Sarah says that she would cherish the tender times she could share with her baby. Although she could bring the baby to her chest, shortly afterward he had to be taken by the nurse to get some oxygen.

The baby swallowed a bit of the amniotic fluid. Do not be alarmed, this is a common occurrence in C-sections. But the nurses helped her take her gloves off so that little Spencer could be handed to her for her skin-to-skin.

Sarah’s incredible story has gone viral after she spoke about the birthing in a post on the Facebook page of Birth Without Fear. She wrote, “This was the moment I welcomed our fourth baby into the world.” She added that she planned for the maternal assisted Cesarean when Sarah realized she was pregnant with her fourth child last year.

After eight hours of waiting at the hospital, Sarah lay on the operating table and watched her son’s head as she pulled him from her womb. She reached down to place her hands under his arms and lifted him out of her body.

Sarah highly recommends the procedure to all the soon-to-be moms who want to ‘stick to your guns about the birth you want’.

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