Every Mother Should Read These Facts About Baby Diapers

Nappies. Undoubtedly the bulkiest item and your biggest expense once Junior arrives. And even though there are a number of brands that more than match the demand these days, the prices seem to be consistent, but the labels are getting more confusing.

What if your baby is bigger than the target weight for five months? What if Junior is a poop-and-pee champion? What if you are taking a long-haul flight or are traveling but not sure of the changing facilities? What kind of nappies should you buy and how many should you carry?

Diaper change is the only constant thing in your baby’s life. Yes, these sweet-faced raspberry-blowing angels can break your bank only with their demand for nappies. Unless, of course, you are choosing cloth nappies, which only cost you in terms of manpower.

But you are already running ragged and you are choosing the disposable nappies – and we’re not judging you at all! – but how about I take one for the team and give you a lowdown on nappies.

In This Article

The Nappy Confusion –

I was as confused as you are in the department store aisles, but then I turned my confusion into a problem – which obviously means women will find a solution come what may. I did my research, and wrote a tell-all for the other super moms.

I kept increasing the sizes of the nappies, as one does, as my baby grew. But either the solution seemed too simple or didn’t work because I wanted to know what the diaper labels really meant. As if reading food labels for possible toxins and clothing labels for sweatshop origins weren’t enough! But if you think it would save you the big bucks, you would start reading the labels, wouldn’t you?

And that’s a sneaky trick by companies, too. If their labels are legible, there isn’t enough information explaining it. On their website of course, but who has the time when you are juggling between dirty and clean diapers and also withdrawing money for the next pack of them? Social media gets a lot of flak for its omnipresence in our lives. But if one mom can get an essential message out to other moms, then media hath no filters that a mom won’t slip through.

When every other baby paraphernalia is listed in terms of age, you would not be wrong in assuming that diapers are, too. So when you are buying 3+ diapers because the little angel is three years and eight months but not yet four years, you are not alone. Mothers, even fathers who are usually on the late night shift to run out and buy diapers, have been confused a long time.

What does the ‘+’ sign mean?

Apparently, the plus sign next to the number on the diaper pack has nothing to do with the baby’s age. It has everything to do with – wait for it – the absorbent capacity of the diaper!

Size doesn’t matter here! The plus sign, as explained by most companies on their website – not their fault that you don’t have the time to do research – is for letting parents know that the diapers have larger absorption capacity, and are not relative to age or size of the baby.

If your baby’s a nocturnal champion, a plus size diaper would be the peaceful solution. According to a communications manager at a popular nappies brand, “The ‘+’ actually refers to an extra absorbing material added to the core of the nappy, which is useful when babies are beginning to drink more fluids, and need more leakage protection, but aren’t quite ready for the next size. Both the fit, and size, of a baby’s nappy are important in ensuring that they stay dry and comfortable. A dry baby is a happy baby, after all!”

Did you know this already? If you didn’t, you do now! And you have the moral responsibility to tell other parents who have been spending so much on diapers for years because they didn’t know this.

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