5 Miscarriage Facts That Every Woman And Couple Should Know

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Having a baby is one of the most beautiful experiences and every couple wishes to have one during a certain phase of their relationship. Getting pregnant is a process for which a couple might have to look into aspects such as ovulation time, menstrual cycles, sperm qualities, etc. However, getting pregnant does not always ensure that you’ll end up having a baby. There is always the risk factor of a miscarriage. Here are 5 miscarriage facts that every woman and couple, who intend to start a family, should know:

In This Article

1. Miscarriages Are Commonplace

As unfortunate as it may sound, miscarriages are very much common. According to a study by the American Pregnancy Association, nearly 10-25% of clinically confirmed pregnancies end in miscarriages (1). The first 13 weeks of pregnancy are crucial as around 80% of miscarriages happen during this phase. This could be because most women are generally unaware of their pregnancy until they suffer a miscarriage. The age of an expectant mother at the time of conception also plays an important role, with increased chances of miscarriages among women of older age.

2. Look Out For Unusual Bleeding Or Cramps

Look Out For Unusual Bleeding Or Cramps

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A pregnant woman will never experience regular menstrual bleeding. However, she may have a little bit of bleeding or spotting in between 6 to 12 days following conception. This generally lasts for 2 -3 days and is known as implantation bleeding. However, if you experience unusually long bleeding along with cramps, you may want to see the doctor even if the amount of bleeding is less. A doctor will generally conduct lab tests and an ultrasound to determine the cause of the bleeding.

3. Post Miscarriage Treatments

A miscarriage can have a devastating effect on you, both physically and emotionally. However, this does mean that you should not seek treatment for it. Check with your doctor regarding the options available. One of them (the most common one) is to let the tissue clear out of your body the natural way. You may bleed for several days, sometimes up to 2 -3 weeks until the entire tissue clears out. Another way is through medications which can be taken after due consultation with Gynecologist/Obstetrician. Finally, surgical removal of the tissue can also be considered. However, this process is recommended only in cases where there is a high amount of bleeding and a risk for internal infection.

4. Miscarriages Can Happen To Anyone

Miscarriages Can Be Prevented

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Despite being common, when miscarriages happen it can be devastating. But the thing to remember is that it can happen to anyone. If you have a history of miscarriages in your family or based on your previous experiences, extra care, and precaution must be taken. Once your pregnancy is confirmed through a lab test or pregnancy home test kit, become more cautious with your body. Certain lifestyle changes are necessary if your lifestyle includes regular smoking or drinking alcohol as these could prove fatal to the fetus. Consult your doctor or nutritionist to device a customized pregnancy diet plan for yourself. Increase your intake of water and lead an active life. Avoid strenuous physical activities and contact sports. Try to maintain a fit mind and a healthy body. But if you experience a miscarriage, do not beat yourself up about it. Remember that you are not alone.

5. Pregnancy Is Possible After A Miscarriage

Crying or letting out your frustration is a healthy way of healing yourself mentally, while your body heals itself physically after a miscarriage. Do not internalize your pain or grieve excessively out of self-inflicted guilt, because both are bad for your health. You need to understand that a miscarriage does not mean that you will never be able to conceive. There have been several instances of women conceiving after a miscarriage and continue to lead a healthy life as well. Consult your doctor to know how soon you could start trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage.

Losing a child is certainly any mother’s nightmare. However, the right kind of awareness and precaution will go a long way in helping you retain your pregnancy or get you pregnant again after a miscarriage. So, there is always hope!

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