Tag Archives: Is It Safe

Is Bottled Water Safe During Pregnancy?

Do you know that besides increasing your nutritional intake you also need to drink more water during your pregnancy? Are you contemplating switching to drinking bottled water to safeguard your unborn baby from the threat of water-borne diseases? Well, if you can relate to the above situations reading this post is a good idea! During […]

Is Anesthesia Safe During Pregnancy?

Are there any risks of anesthesia for expecting moms? Does it have any side effects? If these questions seem to trouble you, read this post. It may be a minor dental procedure or a major surgery, anesthesia is extremely important for the success of a medical procedure. Now that you are pregnant, you want to […]

Why Do Pregnant Women Waddle?

Are you looking forward to the arrival of your little bundle of joy soon? Are you noticing a swing in your steps of late? Well, if you can relate to the above situations reading this post is a must! From the growing baby bump to heartburn, insomnia, and consistent nausea– Pregnancy causes a number of […]

Is Skating Safe During Pregnancy?

Do you love winter sports? Are you game to go ice skating even while you are pregnant? Well, if you can relate to the above situations reading this post is a must! Prenatal exercises help you stay fit while expecting and can also ease your labor. Do you want to know whether is it safe […]