Watch The Most Miraculous C-Section Video Ever!

The thought of witnessing a vaginal delivery sends a chill down your spine. “How is that even possible?” is usually the first thought. See a woman give birth, and your ideas of pain and endurance will be redefined instantly.

Then you come across this unbelievable Cesarean section video, and you are like ‘WOW.’ I didn’t have the heart to play this initially, but when I did, I witnessed magic. Pure magic!

This video was uploaded on Instagram by Dr. Jham Frank Lugo, an OB-GYN from Venezuela. It features a ‘Gentle C-Section’ where the baby pops out of mom’s abdomen and delivers itself. What a charismatic entry I say!

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This Gentle C-Section method of delivery is the latest rage, and there’s a reason to it. It gives mothers a fulfilling delivery experience in spite of the surgical process.
Mothers often complained that they could not feel the joy of birthing a baby during C-Section. “It’s like a stork delivered the baby and we had to deal with the post-partum pain.”

With this method, mother’s can see babies emerging out of them. This unconventional procedure has become the latest fad because it lets babies to be born at their own pace. It gives them time to adjust their breathing to external surroundings. Plus, mothers are given enough time with the newborn before snapping the umbilical cord. The baby rests on the mother’s chest and breast-feeding is initiated calmly. There’s no hurry and it is made sure that mothers have an experience of their life.

Here’s another Instagram video posted by Dr. Jham Frank Lugo, which shows a more complex breech delivery performed with Gentle C-Section.

Mothers of the world, we salute you!

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