10 Ways To Make Fussy Babies Love Their Food

Do you have conversations with fellow new mommies where the words, “my child is such a fussy eater” often come up? Well, if your toddler indeed refuses to eat most of the things you serve and gives you a tough time on the dinner table, you might want to change your strategy and try different things to widen their tastes.

You can instil healthy eating habits in your toddler by introducing them to healthy foods before they turn two. This is because what you feed them now can largely influence their eating choices when they grow older. So instead of trying to change the habits of a finicky eight-year-old, start early by employing these smart tricks:

In This Article

1. Don’t give up so soon

There are 99.99% chances that your kid will spit out the healthy veggies you give them for the first time. But you shouldn’t give up after the first couple of attempts. Your child will not automatically learn to love these foods. You need to be patient and give them time to learn to love the foods they eat.

2. Place all options on the table

Give your child the option of as many foods as you can during their first two years. Children have the tendency to refuse new foods as they turn two, hence you will need to lay all your cards before that so they get enough time to develop their tastes.

3. Create a relaxed atmosphere

Eating should not be a stressful activity for your child as such an atmosphere can kill your child’s appetite and close them up from trying new foods. Hence, make sure that you create a calm environment while eating so the baby can enjoy their meal.

4. Bring variation in textures

Experts recommend that you vary the texture of the foods you give your baby in order to develop their taste. Smooth purees should be supplemented with lumpy foods when your baby is around nine months old.

5. Let them play with their food

Making a mess is a part of your child’s learning process. Babies like to experience what they eat and this will get them accustomed to sitting. So you can save the tissues next time.

6. Give fruits or veggies with every meal

Serving healthy food items such as fruits and veggies with every meal you give to your child will guarantee regular exposure to different tastes so that they can choose what they like.

7. Limit or skip dessert

Let dessert not cause future trouble for you and your child. Limit or omit them from the very beginning. Not giving desserts from a young age will give your child the opportunity to focus on other foods and tastes.

8. Don’t give in to their patterns

Your child may display a preference for a particular type of cheese or bread, but that doesn’t mean you only give them that type. Bring small portions of each type to the table so that they become agreeable to different tastes.

9. Ignore the grimace

Children have the tendency to give the ‘yuck’ expression even at foods they like. Avoid these grimaces when you see them. Let your child finish their food and do not take the bowl away.

10. Offer the veggies first

Your kid will learn to love his veggies if you serve them to him when he’s hungry. Children are more receptive to different tastes when their bellies are empty. So serve the vegetables first.

You can try out some other tricks too such as letting your child explore the taste of food rather than gulping it down, speaking to your child in a positive way and bringing variations in your menu. All of these will help transform your child from a picky eater to the love-all type.

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