60+ Romantic Wedding Anniversary Letters For Him And Her

A wedding anniversary is a special occasion for all couples. Be it their first or their 20th, this is an occasion that couples use to thank each other for always being by their side no matter what. This post on wedding letters will help you convey your wishes, love, and gratitude to your beloved partner in a special way. An anniversary is a perfect occasion to look back at the beautiful memories and reminisce about the memorable moments. Of course, there are ups and downs in a relationship, but holding on to each other through thick and thin is what makes a successful marriage. Expressing your feelings and gratitude towards your partner with the help of a handwritten letter will make them feel special and loved. Dive into this post for a list of special messages you can write to your partner to commemorate your special day.

In This Article

60+ Anniversary Letters

Your wedding anniversary is a celebration of your love and commitment for the years you’ve been together. When you write an anniversary letter for your spouse, you show them how deeply they matter to you and how strongly you feel for them. Anniversary letters are proof of your shared experiences and memories, and ultimately, a beautifully romantic declaration of your feelings for each other.

How To Write An Anniversary Letter?

An anniversary letter is not about merely wishing your partner a happy wedding anniversary; it’s about telling them how much you love them. There is no sure-shot way to write an anniversary letter. All you need to do is think of the person you love, and pour out your honest feelings. However, to make it extra special, here are a few things to keep in mind while writing the letter.

  • Begin with a romantic greeting; you may address your spouse with their nickname or a cute pet name.
  • Talk about the magical moment you met each other, and pen down your feelings, reminiscing about that time.
  • Thank them for all that they have done for you, and mention why you are grateful or feel lucky to have them as your partner.
  • Mention and make them remember all the sweet memories you had in your married life.
  • Talk about what makes you proud of them; you can talk about their professional excellence or dedication towards the family.
  • Write in simple language, and as though you are talking with them.
  • To leave a lasting impression, you may try and include a few inside jokes that only you both know.
  • Praise your partner’s traits that you love the best and tell them why.
  • End the letter with a promise of the future and add a meaningful note.

Once you are done writing the letter, read it once again; if you are happy with the outcome, sign and seal it. You may also include a gift or greeting along with the letter or think of a romantic way to deliver it to your partner.

Anniversary Letters For Him

He is the man of your dreams, your rock, and your everything in life; he is perfect for you, and you love him with all your heart. 

Here are some heart-melting anniversary letters to express your undying love for him. 

1. Dear Husband,

Thank you for all that you did for me and our family.'

Image: Shutterstock

I wish you a very happy anniversary!

It has been a magical journey of ______ years! And I can proudly say that I enjoyed each and every minute of it. You showed me a whole new world and also made me the happiest person I had ever been. Thank you for all that you did for me and our family.

All my friends say I am lucky to have a caring and loving husband like you. Yes, I am indeed lucky, for you find ways to make me feel important. You always took care of the small things that I tend to forget. You always had my back, praised me in public, and corrected me in private. I am happy to share this life with you. Cheers to you, my complete man!

With love,

2. Dear Husband, 

Today, on our anniversary, I want to tell you how much you mean to me. You are my guardian angel, and I feel lucky to have you in my life. Thank you, my love, for filling my life with happiness all these years. You are a great husband and a fantastic dad; I wish our children  grow up to be just like you.

All those late nights at work make you tired, but you always manage to return home with a smile; this shows your dedication towards us. You made me realize how beautiful life is when you have someone dear to share it with. I wish you a happy anniversary, darling! And I hope we stay happy and blessed until eternity.

Your loving wife,


3. My dear partner,

Celebrating another year together brings to mind the countless ways you have brought light into my life. From the small gestures like morning kisses to the comforting moments of late-night cuddles, each one is cherished. I am grateful for your unwavering support and unconditional love, standing by me through thick and thin. Your love brings immense joy and laughter, like a beautiful painting brightening our days. Thank you for being my steady source of strength and support. Let’s toast to another year of our love and dedication, and to the path ahead as we age together. Happy anniversary, my love.



4. Dear (Name)

Hurray! It is our first anniversary! Congratulations to us for successfully surviving a year together (just kidding). Spending the past 365 days with you has been amazing. This is what I always imagined being married to you would be like. I appreciate that I can be my true self with you.

You are my constant support and cheerleader, and without you, I would have never achieved my goals in such a short span. My friends tease me that I look more cheerful and happy now; that’s what you did to me, darling! I’ve planned a sweet surprise for us, so come home early. Until then, miss me because I miss you much. Once again, a happy anniversary!



5. Dear Hubster,

Happy Anniversary!

I still remember walking around you at the mall, just so you could notice me! Your one smile, one glance used to make my day. I was one among those girls who fell for you, but I am the luckiest of all for being able to call you mine. Although you get a lot of female attention, you never gave me a chance to doubt your loyalty.

It amazes me how you can figure out the sadness behind my smiles and remember all the minute details about me. I always wonder what I did to deserve you. I guess the gods must have been pleased with me. On this special day, I am writing this letter to tell you how blessed I am to be your partner. I hope our love stays alive and prospers with each passing year.

Lots of love,


6. Dear (Name)

From being my best friend to my life partner, you have been my rock through thick and thin. On this anniversary, I want to tell you how lucky I am to have married my best friend. You always gave me my space and never tried to change me. You believed in my dreams and encouraged me to chase them. I have always received unconditional love from you, and that is all I want for the rest of my life.

Darling, it’s been ______ years we have known each other, and still, your love for me is the same. I cannot tell you how happy I am to experience such unconditional love. We have shared many amazing adventures, and I cannot wait to start another adventure with you. Cheers to our friendship.

Happy Anniversary, Best Friend!

Your loving wife,


7. Hey, Handsome!

Do you remember the day we bumped into each other at the coffee shop?'

Image: Shutterstock

Happy Anniversary!

Ten years! It feels like it was only yesterday that you and I got married! The memories of our first meeting are still fresh in my mind. Do you remember the day we bumped into each other at the coffee shop? Someone spilled coffee on my books, and I misunderstood and started shouting at you? But, you just smiled and tried to calm me down. I didn’t stop until the waiter explained the situation. God! I was so embarrassed then. But, I am glad the incident happened, else I would have missed meeting an amazing person.

I know, at times, I can be a handful, and you are the only person in this entire world who can handle me. How do you remain so calm and patient? Well, that is one trait I’ve wanted to learn from you. You are an amazing dad and an even greater son-in-law; the way you take care of my parents amazes me every single time. Thank you for being there for me and shaping me into the person I am today.

Once again! A Very Happy Anniversary!

Much love,


8. My Dearest Love,

Happy Anniversary! Another year has passed, and I want to thank you for all the love and support you’ve given me. We’ve had our ups and downs, but you’ve stuck with me through everything.

Our kids love you so much and they look up to you. They see you as the ultimate example of how an adult should be—honest and kind. Your influence on them is far more substantial than you think, and I’m so thankful for that.

I can’t wait for dinner tonight. Although its nothing extravagant, it’s my small way of showing how much I appreciate you. Here’s to a great night and many more happy years together.

With all my love,


9. Hello Dear,

Happy 25th anniversary! Can you believe it’s already 25 years since our special day? How time flies! I know I had never written a letter to you, but I am doing it now to mark our silver jubilee. When I sat to write down this letter, all those memories flashed in my mind; some were happy, and some were sad, but let me tell you, you have made it all worth it, and I wouldn’t trade this life for anything else.

We have such a beautiful and fulfilling life together and the two most amazing children who make us proud by upholding the values we taught them. Looking back, I can only thank you for all the good times we had. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful life.

And the best part! Now that we have fulfilled almost all of our responsibilities, it is time to create new memories for ourselves. Check out the nightstand near our bed! I’ll be home in an hour. I am so excited for us!

Happy Anniversary, Love!

Your loving wife,


protip_icon Quick tip
You can style your letter in a format that lists words of appreciation for him. Example: 100 Reasons why I love you, 150 lines to express my gratitude for having a darling husband, or anything that resonates with your relationship.

10. Dear Hubby,

Happy first anniversary! I cannot believe it has already been 365 days since we got married. I guess we were too busy having fun and lost track of time. First of all, thank you for being the most amazing husband; you opened up a whole new world for me. I never thought I could fall madly in love, but it happened, and now I cannot imagine my life without you.

You are a constant thought on my mind, and most of the time, I find myself wondering what you might be doing! This is the reason behind my countless calls throughout the day! Call me crazy, but I cannot help it! I miss you so much.

In this one year, you taught me what patience and compromise are. I have no shame in admitting that you brought out the best in me. Now, I have a whole new perspective on life, and with you by my side, I feel I can achieve anything. I know I gave you hard times, but I get by because I am cute, and you love me. Jokes apart, this year, I will try to be more understanding and less stubborn. Also, I have planned a little something for us tonight, so come home quickly.

Once again, A Happy Anniversary!

Your loving wife,


11. Dear (Name)

I always knew we would make a good couple.'

Image: Shutterstock

Happy 50th Anniversary!

This is a huge milestone in our lives, and I cannot imagine sharing it with anyone but you. Our journey as a couple started 50 years ago on this very day. I remember the sparkle in your eyes when I walked towards you down the aisle, and after all these years, I can still feel that same magic. Thank you for showering me with unconditional love all these years.

All those ups and downs in life have only brought us closer and made us realize that no hurdle is too big to cross when you have the right person beside you. When I look at our happy family, I feel proud for what we have achieved, and I should say it wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Thank you for all the dedication and sacrifices. For this special occasion, I have planned a surprise trip to the same place where we got married! Let’s relive that magical moment once again.

Your loving wife,


12. Dear Husband,

I thank God for blessing me with a life partner like you. You never miss an opportunity to charm me. Your intellect, personality, and sense of humor have always amazed me. You are not only a great husband, but also an amazing dad. I am sure our children will grow up with compassion and a kind heart just like you.

You never let anything come in between the kids and me, and thank you for making us your priority every single time. I know you sacrificed many things for us, and the best part is you did it all with a smile. I still remember that day when you left your important meeting to make it to our child’s first school play. You always lent a hand in the household work and in bringing up the kids. My Superman! Thank you for everything. I am blessed to have you by my side. I hope our love grows stronger with each passing year.

Happy Anniversary!

Love you to bits,


13. Dear (Nickname)

Happy First Anniversary!

On this special day, I would like to tell you a little secret! I hope it makes you happy.

I still remember the first day I saw you. You wore a blue t-shirt and cream-colored shorts. Well, it was love at first sight. My heart fluttered when I saw you, and the voice in my head nudged me to talk to you. I slipped into a daydream of getting married to you; silly me, no? By the time I came to my senses, you had left. I thought that was the last time I would see you. I felt sad and disappointed.

But, I guess destiny had other plans! A few days later, I saw you across the street. I couldn’t believe my eyes; you were moving boxes into the house. You and I became neighbors! It was the happiest day of my life. Slowly, we became friends and hung out, and finally got married. I hope you will forgive me for keeping this from you till now. I am glad that I married the man of my dreams.

Love you.

Yours lovingly,


14. Dear (Name)

On this day, ten years ago, we made the best decision of our lives. I always knew we would make a good couple, but never thought we could become best friends too. Maybe that is the secret to our lasting relationship. Although we both knew each other only for a year before marriage, we became close and inseparable. We have no secrets and share minute details of each other’s lives. I am lucky to have a husband with whom I can share anything without the fear of being judged.

We have faced many ups and downs, and thanks to your love and understanding, we  overcame every roadblock with grace. Honey! I know when we turn old, your love for me would be the same, and that’s the most precious thing in this world. Thank you for giving me such an amazing life.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Your loving wife,


15. Dear Husband,

Happy Second Wedding Anniversary!

As we cross this important milestone, I wanted to do something special for the man who has been my everything. So, here is a letter in which I pour out all my feelings.

If anyone asked me four years ago when I was getting married, I would snort and tell them that marriage and I don’t go together. I always had my apprehensions about marriage and never really envisioned myself walking down the aisle. But then you came into my life. You were different, you didn’t make big promises, never pretended to be someone else, and that changed everything.

I know I gave you a hard time and took my time to say yes, but not once did you get irritated and give up on me. I had built concrete walls around my heart, and boy, am I glad you broke in! Do you know what made me fall in love with you? It was ‘I will not change you.’ Thank you for letting me be my exotic self.

With love,


16. To My Greatest Blessing

Today signifies another year of our union, and I want to pause and acknowledge everything you bring into my life. Remember, — years ago on this day something momentous happened: We got tied in the holy tie of matrimony for eternity and beyond. Life has been a rollercoaster ride ever since. For all those walks by the beach, those countless hours we sit on the couch to talk, searching for unpopular travel destinations and planning our future — I feel so lucky to have the best partner by my side. We make the best couple and I cannot wait to create more memories and live novel experiences with you. Happy Anniversary, hubby.

With lots of love,


17. Dear (Name)

This was the day when luck shined on me and paved the way for my happily-ever-after. Before I met you, I was shy, timid, and directionless; I had many insecurities, thought I was too ugly, and had given up on finding love. But, what happened on that day during our first date changed my life forever. When we first met, you looked directly into my eyes, and we talked and talked until the restaurant guys begged us to leave.

I still remember having those butterflies in my stomach when you first kissed me! Though I have told you all these things a million times, it doesn’t seem enough. Baby, I am truly among the luckiest women to find a perfect man. I am who I am because of you; you gave me the confidence to do something in my life, and you gave me the strength to fight all the odds and win. You even gave up on your promotion to stay at home to look after our child and gave me space and time to fulfill my dream. I am blessed to have a husband like you. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Cheers to a happy anniversary and many more to come!

Love you loads,

Your wife


18. Dear (Name)

Hey Partner! Happy Wedding Anniversary!

This year is pretty special for both of us as we welcomed our baby girl into our lives. She is lucky to get the most amazing dad in the world. Honey, thank you for all the love and care you have showered on me. I am really blessed to have you as my life partner.

Even though your work schedule is hectic, you took out time to read all the pregnancy books and talked to people to find out what was good for the baby and me. I don’t know what I would have done without you. God must be really pleased with me as he has sent you both into my life. I am sure we will give our little one a fantastic life, and I am glad to be doing it with you.

With lots of love,


19. My dearest (Name),

Happy 5th anniversary, my love! It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since our magical wedding day when we began this incredible journey together. Time has flown by, but my love for you has grown stronger.

Thank you for filling our home with laughter. You are the light that guides me through life’s challenges, and I am eternally grateful for you. Looking ahead, I am excited about the adventures that await us. Here’s to many more years of love and happiness together. You are my forever.

With all my love,


20. To my beloved husband,

It’s our marriage anniversary, and I could not be more excited. As I write this letter, I reflect on all the beautiful moments we shared. Our journey together has been full of ups and downs, but I believe these challenges have brought us closer. We have laughed and cried together, with our unwavering support being my rock.

I want you to know how much I cherish the little things you do for me. The way you make my morning coffee, just how I like it, or the sweet notes you leave before leaving for work remind me of how much you love me. I couldn’t have prayed for a better partner.
Happy anniversary, my love! Here’s to many more years of love and happiness.

Your wife,


21. Dear soulmate,

Happy anniversary! I can’t believe how fast time has flown since we started this incredible journey together. Every day with you is a blessing, and I cherish our love more than anything else.

Looking at the following year, I cannot wait for more adventures with you. With you by my side, I know we can conquer any challenges life throws at us. I look forward to making more memories, sharing more dreams, and growing old together.
Here’s to us, and many more beautiful years ahead. I love you!

Yours forever,


22. To my amazing husband,

Another year of love, laughter, and endless adventures with you! As I sit down to write this letter, I can’t get rid of the smile on my face. It feels like we started this journey just yesterday, and I’m grateful for every day since.

Your love has brought joy and meaning to my life. You are my confidant, crime partner, and best friend. Your love has been an anchor through the storms of life, and your smile brightens my darkest days.

Thank you for being the extraordinary man you are and loving and treating me like a queen. I love you more than you can imagine, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us.

Happy anniversary, my love!

With all my heart,


23. My dearest (Name),

As we celebrate another year together, my heart is full of love and gratitude for you. From the moment I looked at you, I knew you were special. Your kindness, our sense of humor, and your unwavering support have enriched my life in ways I never thought possible. You are my rock, adventure partner, and greatest love.

We’ve stood side by side, hand in hand, through life’s highs and lows, and I am eternally grateful to you for that. I promise to continue cherishing and nourishing our love, as it is the best gift I have ever received.

Here’s to the greatest love story ever told. I cannot wait to add more chapters to it. Happy anniversary, my love!

Forever yours,


24. To my beloved (Name),

Happy anniversary to the man who never fails to steal my heart, even after being married for ten years. Our love has been the kind of love that novels are written about. You’ve shown me how to love and be loved in its finest and purest form, and I am fortunate to be by your side.

I can’t wait to see where our love story takes us. I am sure that life will be thrilling with you, and I am excited to embrace it with you, one day at a time. Thank you for being my everything, and here’s to another year of love, laughter, adventures, and endless possibilities.



25. My dearest (Name),

Happy first anniversary, my love! I find it hard to believe a year has passed since we exchanged our vows. As we celebrate our first year of being husband and wife, I can’t help but think of why I fell in love with you in the first place.

This first year of marriage has been a whirlwind of emotions, but through it all, my love for you has only deepened. I want to thank you for your patience, our understanding, and your love.

I cannot wait to continue to build our life together and make more memories with you. You are the love of my life, and I am so proud to call you my husband. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness.

Your wife,


26. Dear (Name),

Happy tenth anniversary to the guy who’s been putting up with me all these years! They say behind every great guy is an even greater woman. Well, I say that behind every great woman is a guy rolling his eyes.

We survived another year of your weird socks all around the house and your refusal to ask for directions, even when we’re lost. Life has been an adventure with you, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Your quirks and sense of humor make me love you even more, which makes this relationship work.

Happy anniversary, my love! Thank you for being the laughter in my life.

Yours for better or worse,


27. Dear hubby,

Happy anniversary to the peanut butter to my jelly and the cheese to my macaroni! It’s been a crazy year with you, full of adventures!
Do you remember the day we said ‘I do’? Who knew that also meant saying ‘I do’ to sharing the bathroom, the last slice of pizza, and the TV remote? It’s been another year of compromises, and I must say, you’ve gotten good at negotiating. I’ll never forget the great toilet seat debate of 2022.

But in all seriousness, I would not trade a single moment of the year gone by. I love all the little, quirky things about you that make you uniquely you. So here’s to another year of putting up with each other’s craziness. You are my favorite person to annoy, and I can’t wait for more hilarious adventures together.

Your better half,


28. My dearest (Name),

Happy anniversary, my love! I wanted to take a moment on this special day to tell you how much you mean to me and how grateful I am to celebrate another year with you as your wife. Our life together has been filled with incredible moments, and I cherish every second.
But this year, I wanted to do something special for someone special. Pack your warmest clothes, because I’ve booked us a trip to Iceland because I know how much you’ve wanted to see the Northern Lights. I know this is your dream come true, and I cannot wait to see your eyes light up as you witness this wonder. So get ready for an adventure like no other!
Once again, happy anniversary. Here’s to our love that is like no other.

With all my love,


29. My dearest husband,

Twenty-five years have passed since we exchanged vows and said ‘I do’ to a lifetime of adventures and happiness together. What an incredible journey it has been! These 25 years have been a testament to our enduring love as we weathered through life’s storms together.

Your unwavering love and support have been my strength and sanctuary.
We’ve shared countless memories, from the births of our children to being empty nesters now, holding onto each other as we dwell in silence. I’m grateful to you for never leaving my side, and I look forward to continuing to build our legacy and to grow old together, hand in hand.

Cheers to 25 years together and to many more years full of love that life is ahead. Happy silver anniversary, my love! I love you more than words can express.

With all my love,


30. To the love of my life,

Happy anniversary! I can’t believe its been five years since we said ‘I do.’ It feels like just yesterday, we were standing face to face at the altar, professing our love for each other in front of our loved ones. And now, here we are, just as in love as we were then.

I’m so grateful to have such a kind, funny, intelligent, and handsome man as my husband. You make me feel loved, cherished and appreciated.

On this special day, I want to thank you for showering my life with love and happiness. I can’t wait to see what the future has in stock for us. I love you more than words can say.

Forever yours,


31. To my dearest husband,

Happy anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been ten years since we got married! I’m so grateful for the life we’ve built together. We’ve shared so many beautiful memories, and I’m sure the next ten will be as chaotic and memorable as the years that went by.

On our 10th anniversary, I want to thank you for everything you do for me and our family. You are a loving husband and a kind father to our kids, and there is none like you.

I love you more than anything in the world. Happy anniversary, once again!

Love always,


32. Dearest husband,

Happy first anniversary! It feels like yesterday we were walking down the aisle, and here we are now, celebrating our first anniversary as husband and wife.

This past year has been the best year of my life. I love how we now know each other better. We’ve shared so many milestones in the first year itself, from our honeymoon to our first Christmas together, and I know there are many more to come.

I’m so excited to see what the future holds for us. I cannot wait to grow old with you and go on many more adventures together. I’m so lucky to have you as my husband. Thank you for the best first year of our marriage.

Yours forever,


33. To my darling husband,

Happy anniversary to the one who holds the key to my heart! You entered my life as a blessing four years ago, and after all this time, I am lucky to have you by my side.

On our anniversary day, I fall short of words to express my love for you. I hope this letter captures the love and affection I have for you. Each of the 1,460 days we’ve spent together has been a precious gift, and I treasure them all.

As we celebrate our love today, I want you to know that my love for you has no bounds. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Raising a glass to our love and the countless adventures ahead of us! I love you.

Yours eternally,


Anniversary Letters For Her

She is the perfect wife and your best friend. She made your life meaningful by just being in it. Thank her for her dedication and love with a lovely anniversary letter. 

protip_icon Quick tip
This anniversary, write love letters to your loving wife and hide them at various corners of your house. Drop hints and play a treasure hunt. Sounds fun, right?

34. Dear (Name)

Happy Anniversary!

On this special day, I would like to tell you something that has been in my heart for all these years. You are the most understanding, kind-hearted woman I have ever met. After knowing you, I understood what true love is; you have made many sacrifices for our family and have brought it together.

You always go out of your way to make me happy, like the time when I invited my friends over without giving you a heads up. Instead of being angry with me, you cooked delicious food and were the best host. Thank you for being the most amazing wife. The kids and I have planned a little surprise for you. Hope you like it.

With love,


35. My Dear Wife,

I can’t believe it has already been one year since we got married.'

Image: IStock

Happy First Wedding Anniversary!

I can’t believe it has already been one year since we got married. The memories of our first meeting are still fresh in my memory! You wore a white dress and looked like an angel. You came in with your friends and sat at the table next to me. You were playing with your hair and talking with your friends. God! How beautiful you looked! I could smell your perfume, and it drove me crazy.

It was love at first sight, and I couldn’t take my eyes off you. Baby, that day, I made a promise that I would do whatever it takes to keep you happy. Getting to see your face the first thing in the morning every day is the most amazing thing in my life, and this one year together has been like a dream. Let us create some more beautiful memories. Love you!

Your loving husband,


36. Dear (Name)

I am glad that I found you. There might be no other woman who can handle me like you do. Words are not enough to tell you how happy I am that you are mine. When I wake up each morning and find you sleeping peacefully next to me, it gives me a sense of pride that I did something right.

You are not only a great wife, but also an excellent mother; our children are growing up with good values. Thank you for being there for all of us. Honestly, I don’t know what we all would have done without you. On this special day, I want you to take your day off and let me take you on a relaxing trip to your favorite spa. Get ready soon, darling! Love you and happy anniversary!

With love,


37. Dear Wifey,

This letter is to that girl who stole my heart during high school, became my best friend in college, and is now my loving wife. We’ve known each other for 16 years, and we have seen a lot of life together. In all the ups and downs, it was you that made me hold on and gave me the confidence to press on. Thank you for being my rock.

People say that when a couple knows each other for a long time, their relationship becomes monotonous, but I would say they do not know the amazing feeling of marrying your best friend. You never judged me for my mistakes and always encouraged me to become a better person. I could never imagine spending my life with anyone else. Love you so much, baby.

Happy Anniversary!

Your loving husband,


38. Dear Wife,

You have added immense joy, bliss, and happiness to my life. I discovered what true love is in our years of being together. You were there for me in my every pain and gain, and I never want our love to end. On this anniversary, I appreciate all that you do for our family each and every day.

There are so many moments in our married life that made me love you even more. Thank you for tolerating me and loving me unconditionally. This year, I have made a promise to myself that I will fulfill all your wishes and support your dreams. Open your wardrobe and check out my surprise for you.

Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart! I love you for eternity.

Your loving husband,


39. Dear (Name)

You are my lady luck!'

Image: Shutterstock

Happy Anniversary!

I know I am not the most loving and caring husband, but you definitely are the most loving wife any man could ask for. After being married to you for 15 years, I can say that I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else but you. All these years, you have shown me what unconditional love is.

On this special day, I am writing this letter to tell you how much you mean to me. I am very lucky to have you in my life. You understand the words behind my silence and the sadness behind my smile. You are my lady luck! As a token of my appreciation, let me help you set up your bakery  — Yes, I remember it was your dream. Go, baby, conquer the world! I am there for you.

With lots of love,


40. Dear (Name)

I know I had been a miser when it came to expressing my feelings and love for you, but thank God you picked it up from my actions. I know how much you wish I would be more vocal about our love. So, today on our anniversary, I am writing this letter to fulfill your wish.

Where do I start? You may find it hard to believe, but you filled my heart with happiness from the day I met you. I might not have told you this, but you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. The day you opened up your heart to an orphan boy, I was assured that you were the one for me. Thank you for choosing me as your life partner and for making me experience the joy of humanity and generosity.

Happy Anniversary, My Angel!

Your loving husband,


41. Dear (Name) Happy Wedding Anniversary, Dear!

You might be thrilled looking at this letter! Yes, it is true, your husband has written a letter to you on our anniversary. You might have thought that this would never happen, but well, here I am fulfilling all your wishes.

When I met you, you were a strong and independent woman who single-handedly built a business. But, after all these years, I can tell you that you are also a gentle and kind-hearted woman. Many people might get intimidated by your fierce outward demeanor, but I am privileged to have known and experienced the tender and lovable side of you. You manage both home and office so well! I wonder how you do it. Thank you for being a role model for our daughter and an amazing wife to me. Keep rocking, baby!



42. Dear Wife,

Can you believe it! It has been ten years since we got married. Yes! Ten incredible years, I must say. Though we had our fair share of troubles, I have never wanted anyone other than you by my side. You have not only loved me unconditionally, but also made me a better man. Before meeting you, I was directionless, but now, I have a stable job, home, and a lovely family. All these couldn’t have been possible without you.

Thank you for being my friend, guide, and philosopher — I would have been lost without you. I promise to love you and take care of you till my last breath. Happy anniversary, dear.



43. Dear (Name)

Happy Anniversary, Dear!

As they say, “The destination doesn’t matter, the journey does.” Let me add that the companion throughout the journey matters the most. I am privileged to have you as my life partner; you have made our marriage an incredible journey with lots of surprises and amazing moments.

When I look back, all I can find is a woman who is fiercely in love with her family and is ready to do anything for them. Thank you for being there for the kids and me. You are such a down-to-earth woman and always believed in equality. No matter how bad things might have gotten, you always stood by me. Thank you so much! Let’s continue to make more memories together.

Love you always,


44. Dear (Name)

I wanted to give you the best gift for our anniversary and spent days searching for it. I just couldn’t find the ideal gift that can express my true feelings for you. So, I decided to pen this letter.

Darling, thank you for entering my life and making it a paradise. I still remember our dating days when we used to look into each other’s eyes and talk about growing old together. Now, after 20 years together, we are still in love and happy with each other, and I hope we keep this precious bond alive forever.

When we got married, we did not have much money. Remember? We slept in a tent on our honeymoon! Though it was not the most comfortable vacation, I still remember the words you told me that day “Dear! Your love makes any situation better.” Thank you for being so loving and understanding. It means a lot to me.

Once again, a Happy Anniversary, Dear!

Love you loads,


45. Dear wife,

Happy Anniversary!

This year, I wanted to do something special for our anniversary, so I am writing this letter to tell you a few things. Darling, thank you so much for choosing me as your life partner. There is not one day when I do not thank God for sending you into my life. You are the most wonderful human being with a big and kind heart.

The way you handle situations with grace always amazes me; how can you be so patient and calm all the time? Our life is no bed of roses, but you overcome all the difficulties with a smile and never let it touch our relationship.

I still remember when we used to sit on our patio sipping coffee and having deep conversations. Ah! Those were the golden days. We haven’t done that for ages, have we? So, today, I have arranged a candlelight dinner for just the two of us in the same old patio. Come and enjoy the treat, my queen. You deserve all the best things in life.

With love,


46. Dear wife,

Happy Anniversary!

I am happy to share this special day with the love of my life. Darling, thank you for coming into my life and showering me with unconditional love. Before meeting you, I never thought I would ever find true love. You never expected anything from me, but gave me everything! Such selfless love is truly a thing to treasure forever.

Thank you, my angel, for letting me understand the true meaning of love. Once again, I wish you a very happy anniversary.

Love you forever,


47. Dear (Name)

A Very Happy Anniversary!

These years went by like a dream. I still remember the tough times we went through. I lost my job and was drowned in depression, but you did not leave my hand; instead, you supported me and encouraged me to get back on my feet. Now, if I can run a successful business, it was all possible because you were there for me when I had hit rock bottom.

Thank you, darling, for being the reason behind all the good things in my life. On this special day, I wanted to show you how much you mean to me. So, come home soon; there is a whole day of sweet surprises waiting for you.

With love,


48. Dear (Name)

Do you know what makes me happy? Your smile. The thought that my wife is happy in life gives me the strength and confidence to accomplish anything. When I married you, I made a promise to myself that I will never let anything bring tears to your beautiful eyes. I vow to take care of you until my last breath.

Darling, I know I get grumpy at times, but that does not mean I don’t love you. I hope that you will always be able to see through my rough exterior and know how deep my love for you really is. Today, as we celebrate our 15th anniversary, I am writing this letter to tell you how much you mean to me. Stay with me, sweetheart, and let’s grow old together.

Love you always,


49. My dearest (Name),

Happy anniversary, love! Another year of married life has passed, and I’m more in love with you than ever. Since we exchanged vows in front of our loved ones, you have filled my life with joy and love. Your infectious smile brightens my darkest days, and your laughter is music to my ears.

As we celebrate this special day, I want you to know that I am devoted to you and love you. You are the light of my life, and I cherish every moment I spend with you.

Here’s to creating a beautiful love story together. I love you more than words can express.

With all my love,


50. To my beloved (Name),

Happy anniversary, my love! Cheers to another year of this incredible journey we decided to take together.
Looking back at our shared moments, I remember how lucky I am to have you as my wife and partner in crime. I can’t imagine what the future holds for us, what dreams we’ll chase, and what adventures we’ll embark on. You are my forever and always, and I will always love you. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness with you.
Your husband,


51. My darling wife,

Happy first anniversary! From the moment we met, I knew my life had improved. It’s only been a year of togetherness, but I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you and your craziness.

I want to reaffirm my love and commitment to you on this special day. You are the one I want to share life’s happiness and sorrows with. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness. Happy anniversary, my love!
Love and hugs,


52. My dearest (Name),

Happy first anniversary, my love! Can you believe it’s been a whole year since we exchanged vows? It feels just like yesterday, yet it also feels like a lifetime. I still remember how your eyes sparkled on our wedding day. Let me tell you, they shine even brighter now with your smile, which can brighten up a room.

From the small everyday things like cooking together to bigger adventures like our weekly getaways, I am grateful for every minute I spend with you. You make every day better by just being in it.

Thank you for being the most amazing wife and partner I could ever ask for. You complete me in every way and make me want to become a better person. Cheers to our first year of marriage, and here’s to many more years together.
Yours now and forever,


53. To my better half,

Happy anniversary to my partner in crime, especially for putting up with my jokes for ten years! You deserve a medal or a big slice of cake for your patience.

Looking back at the last ten years, I realize I’m the luckiest guy on the planet. You not only laugh at my terrible puns, but you also encourage them. Thank you for not staging a sock intervention yet, for the myriad of socks everywhere except in the laundry basket. I’m getting better at aiming, but I have much room to improve.

But in all seriousness, you’ve made the most mundane things in life fun, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Here’s to another year of conspiring together and being stuck with me. I love you more than I love making puns.
Your roommate and husband,


54. My dearest (Name),

Happy anniversary to the woman who put up with me for another year. Your tolerance level must be off the charts. I can’t believe it’s been five years since we exchanged ‘I do’s and promise to be there for each other through thick and thin.

I want you to know how much I adore you. You’re not only my wife; you’re my partner in crime and partner in binge-watching TV shows until we can’t remember what day it is.

So here’s me celebrating our special day and hoping that God makes you more tolerant of me and my goofiness. Happy anniversary, my love. You complete me.

With love and laughs,


55. My love,

Our anniversary is the day that reminds us of the most extraordinary day of our life – our wedding day. Let me start with the simplest thought: I love you and I’ll keep loving you forever. You’ve not only been my wife but also my unwavering support, my guiding light, my partner in mischief, my honest critic, my constant source of motivation, and every other positive thing. It’s incredible how these last two years have flown by. You’ve been a sturdy pillar in my life, and I can’t thank you enough for being such an influence and making me proud of everything you have achieved.

Love you more than my life,


56. My dearest wifey,

It’s been one year since we got married, and I’ve witnessed you transform into the most amazing person in the past year. Your personal growth has been a source of inspiration for me, pushing me to do my best as well.

This anniversary is about celebrating the last 365 days of being together. Yes, we’ve had our fair share of disagreements, but we’ve come out of it stronger than ever. I promise to cherish our love forever. This anniversary letter is a humble attempt to put all my thoughts into words.

So here’s to celebrating one year together, my dearest wife!

Love always,

Your dearest hubby

57. Darling (Name),

I can hardly believe that it’s our anniversary! It seems like just yesterday we were planning our wedding and tackling all those important tasks together. We’ve grown so much since then.

I believe there is no one more perfect for me than you. I’m eagerly looking forward to our future together – full of happiness and yes, challenges, too, which I’m positive we will navigate together. Meeting you feels like I’ve finally found the woman of my dreams. I can’t thank you enough for all the little things you do for me. This letter is only a small way to convey my feelings about you. You know how I struggle to express my feelings, right?

I love you, and here’s hoping you’re not bored of me yet.

Your loving husband,


58. My love,

I’ll never forget the first day I spotted you among your friends. It seems like it just happened yesterday. Back then, you saw me staring, approached me, and struck up a conversation. I was speechless by your courage and beauty. When you asked me out that day, I never imagined we’d end up here. But you know how the saying goes: expect the unexpected.

You make me feel blessed every day. It’s almost hard to believe how you understand my feelings even when I’m not saying anything. You are my light on my gloomy days and ease my stress during tough times. Life is easier when you are around.

Some people say love fades as time passes. But be assured, my love, that my affection for you has only deepened as the years go by, and I couldn’t be happier than I am now.

Love you forever,


59. Dear wife,

Being with you every single day feels like a dream. You’ve made me a better person, and your little acts of kindness and love keep me going. We’ve shared countless memories, from laughing until our stomachs hurt to the occasional fights to our love for each other. Know that I would not have it any other way.

Others may find celebrating anniversaries cliche or cheesy, but today is an important day for us to celebrate because you mean the world to me. This anniversary marks a year of togetherness with the love of my life. Your love inspires me to be a better husband every day.
I love you.

Yours truly,


60. Darling,

Every day, I thank my lucky stars that you are in my life because I couldn’t have asked for a better life. My hope for this next year of togetherness is that we grow closer and stronger with each passing day and discover new reasons to fall in love with each other all over again.

Even this letter will fail to capture the full extent of my love for you. I am the luckiest person because I got to marry my best friend. Thank you for being so kind, loving, and affectionate.

Here’s to many more years of love, laughter, and the occasional fight. Happy anniversary, my love, and I promise to love you a little more every day.

Truly yours,


61. To the love of my life,

Firstly, I want to wish you a happy anniversary. This day means the world to me because it is the day I chose to hold your hand and build our future together. You are the best gift I’ve ever received, and even after four years of being together, I cannot believe how rewarding it is to be your husband. I eagerly look forward to more years of togetherness and sharing my life with you.

Words cannot capture how much I love you, but I’ve made a humble attempt to write you this letter. It is an attempt to express how I feel about you. Every day of the last four years has been the best day of my life because of you.
Love you more than words can describe.

Yours forever,


62. My dearest (Name),

I remember how lucky I am as we celebrate another year of our love. From the moment we first met, I knew deep down that you were the one for me, and with each passing day, you have proved, time and again, why I felt this way.

I’ll always remember how you looked when I came to pick you up on our first date, how we laughed until you snorted, and how you held me when I needed you the most. I will always hold onto the memories we have created, and I’m excited about the adventures that await us.

I love you more than anything and I cannot wait to go on more of life’s adventures with you. Happy anniversary, my love.

Forever yours,


63. Dear (Name),

As we mark another anniversary of our marriage, I want to remind you of the vows we exchanged on our big day. I promise to love and stand by you, be your partner in everything, and be there for you when you need me.

I also promise to keep growing in life, to be a better husband, and to continuously work towards being the best version of myself for you. I’m looking forward to many more years of happiness and love with you by my side. I love you so much. Happy anniversary, my darling!



64. My dear wife,

As we celebrate another year of marriage, I cannot stop thinking about all the fantastic memories of the past few years and all the exciting journeys we want to embark on. I’m so thankful to have you by my side, and I promise to fill your life with love, laughs, and exciting adventures.

I’m excited to plan our next adventure and take whatever comes our way in this life journey. I love you now and forever until the end of time.

Happy anniversary, baby!


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a wedding anniversary letter?

Avoid being too generic or cliche, do not sound disrespectful, avoid including too much about your fights and reconciliations, and put your focus on both of you. Also, while appreciating your spouse, remember to be lovable.

2. Should I reminisce about our wedding day in my anniversary letter?

Yes, it can be a beautiful touch but do not add about it in every year’s wedding anniversary letter. Instead, you can focus on the special memories you shared and your love for your spouse.

3. Should I focus on the past or present in my wedding anniversary letter?

Whether you want to focus on the past or present in your wedding anniversary letter depends on your personal choice. You can also include both the past and the future by mentioning your journey as a couple, how lucky you feel to have them, and your wish to be with them in the future.

4. What are some tips for writing a wedding anniversary letter to my spouse who is deployed or away from home?

If your spouse is deployed or away from home, you must include how you spend your day missing them, thinking of even the tiniest details of their habits. You can also add about things currently happening and offer words of encouragement to keep them strong. You may even add a small poem to convey how much you adore them and cherish your union.

5. How long should a wedding anniversary letter be?

There is no specific length that a wedding anniversary letter should be. It depends on you and the feelings and emotions that you want to convey.

6. Should I include a gift with my wedding anniversary letter?

Yes, along with the anniversary letter, you may include gifts at your discretion. They can be as simple as a greeting card, flowers, and chocolates to something expensive. You may also go ahead and consider these unique wedding anniversary ideas and make the day memorable.

7. What are some creative ideas for delivering my anniversary letter?

You can surprise your spouse by having the letter delivered to them in your absence, along with their favorite flowers or a carefully chosen gift. You may also read it out to them during your anniversary dinner. To make it more fun, you may also hide it in a place where they go often—for instance, in a bookcase.

Giving a gift to your partner on your wedding anniversary is in itself a romantic gesture. But giving a handmade letter along with the gift would make the gesture more special. As mentioned earlier, there is no specific template to write the perfect wedding anniversary letter. Just keep it genuine and write it from your heart. Adding a few favorite memories, romantic quotes, and wedding anniversary poems can make it more endearing. Try to let your thoughts flow onto the paper. And if you feel stuck, our letters in this post may prove helpful.

Infographic: Tips To Write A Romantic Wedding Anniversary Letter

Giving your significant other a handwritten letter on your anniversary is an excellent way of conveying your adoration to them. So, to help you with the letter, we present inputs on writing a romantic letter for your spouse to make them fall for you all over again. Read on!

pen a heartwarming anniversary letter to your spouse (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Wedding anniversary letters help you recall fond memories and leave a lasting impression on the reader.
  • These letters function as keepsakes, and couples can use them to reflect on the milestones they have completed.
  • Writing wedding anniversary letters is a joyful process as you reflect on how your relationship has progressed over the years.

Illustration: Romantic Wedding Anniversary Letters For Him And Her

Wedding Anniversary Letters_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

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Andrea Riley CTHF, CLC, CMS
Andrea Riley is a TV talk show host, blogger, podcaster, author, certified life coach, certified trauma healing facilitator, licensed relationship instructor, certified biblical counselor, licensed minister, and keynote speaker.

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sanjana laguduBPharm, MBA
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Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

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