100 Unique Plant Names For Girls And Boys, With Meanings

Plants are God’s unique creation that nurtures life on earth. Besides, they have several other qualities that may inspire you to pick a plant name for your baby. Selecting plant names for girls and boys can be an inspirational move to connect them to mother nature instantly.

In addition, these unique names never get old. In fact, these names are evergreen and graceful. Scroll down for various plant names you can pick for your baby based on your instinct or how well that plant suits your baby’s personality.

In This Article

Plant Names For Girls

These are some lovely plant names for your daughter.

1. Abelia

This is a refreshing name, as Abelia means ‘breath’ in Hebrew. Also, the Abelia plant is an appreciated beauty.

2. Ada

It is a rare orchid plant that is not so common these days. The name Ada is simple, elegant, and has varied meanings. In German, it means ‘noble’ and is a popular vintage girl name. It is also the name of one of the most well-known women in science, Ada Lovelace. Couple Kristen Hawley and Ryan King named their baby daughter Ada after plenty of research. Hawley shares, “We toggled between Ada and Frances (nn Frankie and Franny) as first names for our little girl. Ada was Ryan’s choice from nearly the beginning — a homage to Ada Lovelace, who is a truly fascinating character: only legitimate child of Lord Byron, prompted by her mother to avoid the frivolity of poetry in favor of the logic of mathematics and reason. She is now credited with inventing what became computer programming, although in typical female achievements, this link wasn’t realized until long after it actually happened. She was hired to translate an engineering article from Italian, and while doing so, kept notes that included the first computer algorithm. This detail is also so wonderfully female to me: “Get the job done and also go the extra mile because why not?”…Needless to say, “Ada” certainly fit the bill as a name for a strong female (i).”

3. Agathi

It is a name of a plant that is also known as the ‘vegetable hummingbird.’ In Greek, Agathi signifies ‘goodness.’

4. Aila

A name that shouts life as it means both light and a plant. It is similar to Helga in Finnish.

5. Aloysia

It is a name that would bring kindness and courage into your daughter’s life. Aloysia is a flowering plant and also means ‘famous warrior’ in German.

6. Alpinia

It is a flowering plant indigenous to tropical regions. It is named after the famous Italian botanist, Prospero Alpini.

7. Alyssum

It is derived from the Greek name for the plant ‘alyssos,’ which means ‘curing madness’ as this plant was used for the treatment of various ailments. The name also means ‘noble’ and can also be associated with ‘beauty’ due to its alluring flowers.

8. Ameretat

It means ‘immortality.’ It is also the name of the Zoroastrian Goddess of plants.

9. Arnica

The Arnica plant grows near Siberia and Central Europe and belongs to the sunflower family.

10. Balsam

It is famously known as the ‘touch-me-not’ plant. In Arabic, Balsam means ‘balm’ as the resin from this plant sap is known to possess therapeutic properties.

11. Bay

The Bay leaves were used to make the crowns of great poets, doctors, and warriors. It also means ‘sea inlet’ in English.

12. Briar

A classic European name refers to the white heath plant found around the Mediterranean Sea.

13. Bryn

In Welsh, Bryn refers to a ‘hill,’ most likely the one with vegetation and flora.

14. Bryonia

The Bryonia is a gourd plant and bears red or black fruit. It is a name that sounds loyal and trendy at the same time.

15. Bryony

It is inspired by the Bryonia plant and is also a variant of the name Brionia.

16. Calendula

It is another name for the ‘Marigold’ plant. In Latin, Calendula means ‘little calendar’ as it would bloom on the first of every month.

17. Calla

If you want your daughter to have a summer baby name, this name is inspired by Calla lily plants, which usually grow during spring and summer.

18. Cerise

If you need an alternative name for ‘cherry,’ Cerise means the same and is of French origin.

19. Chloe

Chole, plant name for baby girls

Image: IStock

It is inspired by the name of the indoor plant Kalanchoe. It also means ‘growth’ or ‘blooming’ in Greek and is also an epithet of the Greek Goddess of agriculture, Demeter.

20. Cicely

It is the name of a garden plant and means ‘blind’ in Old English.

21. Clark

It comes from Clarkia, which is the name of a flower also known as Farewell to spring flower.

22. Clivia

It is a name of a beautiful plant with yellow to red flowers, which are commonly referred to as Natal lily.

23. Clove

Clove is one of the common gender-neutral nature names. It refers to a well-known spice renowned for its strong, aromatic fragrance that lingers for a long time.

24. Coriander

The most commonly used Asian herb would be a pretty name for your daughter.

25. Cory

It is a wonderful name inspired by the plant Corydalis, which holds therapeutic properties.

26. Daphne

It is the Greek name for the Laurel tree. According to Greek mythology, Daphne, the beautiful daughter of Peneus, was transformed into a Laurel tree to keep her safe from Apollo.

27. Durian

This is the name of a spiny fruit-producing plant. Since the fruit is unique, the name would be ideal for your daughter or son.

28. Fennel

It is derived from Latin and means ‘hay.’ This plant was a prized possession of Ancient Greeks and Romans.

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Fleur is another unique botanical name for your little one. It is a common name in French-speaking countries and is derived from the French word fleur, meaning ‘flower.’

29. Ginepro

Ginepro is the Italian name for the Juniper plant. The Juniper plant was also a symbol of Syrian goddess Ashera.

30. Ginger

It comes from the name of the ginger root, a plant with several health benefits and therapeutic properties. This name is a great choice for those looking for earthy baby names that share a connection with nature.

31. Holly

These are the evergreen shrubs that usually yield red berries. This plant is considered sacred for Christians and is also used for Christmas decorations.

32. Indigo

It comes from the indigo plant, meaning ‘Indian dye’ in Greek. This natural dye is the gem of all dyes and would be an ideal name for any child.

33. Jacinda

It is the feminine form of the Spanish name ‘Jacinto’ and refers to the hyacinth plant.

34. June

It is the diminutive form of Juniper, a well-known group of trees and shrubs.

35. Lantana

It is the name of a type of shrub that produces clusters of flowers known for their beauty.

36. Liv

It is a popular name derived from the olive plant. In Norwegian and Danish, Liv also symbolizes ‘life.’

37. Myrtle

If you want a Victorian-era-inspired name, Myrtle is a splendid choice. Its variant Mirtel is also a popular and unique name.

38. Odell

It is a name of Old English origin and means ‘woodhill.’

39. Oleander

Greek origin name meaning evergreen tree

Image: IStock

The name comes from Greek and means ‘everlasting tree’ or ‘evergreen tree.’

40. Poppie

It comes from the name of the Poppy plant, known for its beautiful red flowers.

41. Ren

A short and sweet name, Ren means ‘water lily’ in Japanese.

42. Roselle

In Latin, it is the name of Rose. It also refers to a type of hibiscus plant found in several parts of Asia.

43. Saffron

One of the most exquisite plants known to humans, and if you want a name that speaks royalty without saying it, this is the name.

44. Sage

It is a perennial evergreen shrub with a name that means ‘wise’ in Latin.

45. Sakura

It comes from the Japanese Sakurayu plant and means ‘cherry blossom.’

46. Savannah

In Spanish, this name refers to grassland with a few plants or trees. Savannahs are known for their beauty and vital role in the ecosystem.

47. Sorrel

Sorrel is a leafy herb and is also known as ‘spinach dock.’ The herb is cultivated in many parts of Asia and Europe.

48. Vina

It is a name of Spanish origin and means ‘vineyard.’ In Hebrew, the name means ‘beloved.’

49. Verbena

The stylish name has a Spanish and Latin origin, and means ‘sacred foliage.’

50. Yasmin

A beautiful name for your lovely daughter, Yasmin means ‘jasmine’ in Arabic.

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A popular bearer of this name is Yasmine Bleeth, a former American actress and model best known for her role in the Baywatch television series.

Plant Names For Boys

These plant names for boys are unique and pleasing.

51. Abebe

A unique name, Abebe comes from the Amharic language and means ‘flower.’

52. Aby

It comes from ‘Abies,’ which are popularly known as Fir plants.

53. Acer

It is the Latin word for the Maple tree.

54. Ainsley

It means a ‘meadow’ in Gaelic. The name is also used as a surname.

55. Alder

It is the name of a plant genus consisting of many plants, such as Birch trees. According to many mythologies, Alder symbolizes power and strength.

56. Alfalfa

It is the name of an important legume in many countries and is a common word in North America, making it a great plant-inspired name for your child.

57. Almond

It is a simple and sweet name for your child. The Almond plant has been mentioned six times in the Old Testament and is said to symbolize resurrection.

58. Basil

A name that speaks royalty as it means ‘king’ in Greek. Basil is a prominent ingredient in several cuisines, and the herb symbolizes good health and love.

59. Bentley

Bentley, plant name for baby boys

Image: IStock

Even though it is the name of the famous car company, Bentley means ‘bent grass’ in Old English.

60. Bean

It is a popular plant-based name due to the famous television character called Mr. Bean.

61. Busch

This name was given to the boys who would always dwell near bushes in Old English. It makes for an adventurous name for your son.

62. Biden

It comes from ‘Bidens,’ a plant commonly known as Spanish needles. The name is also used as a last name.

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American politician and 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, is a famous bearer of this name.

63. Birch

The name Birch is of Old English origin and is a symbol of ‘brightness.’ People who lived near this plant or tree were tagged ‘Birchs’ in the olden days.

64. Bramble

In Old English, Bramble meant ‘Broom plant’ and also referred to people living in the areas of thorny shrubs.

65. Bramwell

It is a cognate of Bramble and comes from Old English. The word originally referred to the Broom plant.

66. Cedar

This is a mountain plant holding a lot of spiritual significance. The name originates from the Greek word ‘kedros.’

67. Cheney

It is a French origin name and means ‘oak.’

68. Chrysanthos

This name comes from the Chrysanthemum plant. It also means ‘golden flower’ in Greek.

69. Clint

It comes from the Clintonia plants, which belong to the Lily family.

70. Chervil

It is the name of the popular French herb, which is also known as French parsley.

71. Cress

It is an edible herb known for its high growth rate. The name means ‘from the top of the hill’ in French.

72. Dill

A short and sweet name, Dill is a popular herb and spice related to coriander and parsley.

73. Dozier

It is an Old French toponymic name meaning ‘from the willow.’

74. Elm

Elm plants and trees are specifically known as shade-providers and have an Old English origin.

75. Ewan

It comes Gaelic and refers to the English yew tree. In Hebrew, it means ‘born of youth.’

76. Florin

Florin means ‘flowering’ in Romanian and French, and is related to plants and nature, in general.

77. Forrest

The name Forrest is of Old English origin and was given to those ‘living or lurking near the woods or bushes.’ It is a fitting option for those seeking plant-inspired nature baby names.

78. Foxglove

Unique plant-inspired name for baby boys

Image: IStock

The plant Foxglove produces flowers shaped as hanging bells. According to a few folklores, foxes wore these flowers while sneaking into the farms, thus giving these plants their name.

79. Herb

A simple and easy-to-spell name, Herb originates from ‘herba,’ which means ‘grass’ in Latin.

80. Ivo

It is derived from Yew, which is the name of a tree. The name Yew itself comes from the Old German word ‘Iwa.’

81. Kale

It is a popular leafy vegetable whose name comes from the Latin word ‘caulis,’ meaning ‘cabbage.’

82. Larch

It is an Old English toponymic name given to those who lived near a ‘larch tree.’

83. Leaf

The leaf is the main part of any plant. The name Leaf comes from the Old English ‘leef.’

84. Linden

It comes from the name of the popular tree, which is also referred to as Lime tree or Basswood.

85. Liko

It means ‘leaf bud’ in the Hawaiian language and the name symbolizes hope and birth.

86. Mace

This is the name of a well-known spice. The name is of English origin and means the ‘gift of God.’

87. Myron

The name refers to the ‘Myrrh plant’ in Greek. The name also means ‘plant oil’ or ‘plant perfume’ in Ancient Greek.

88. Narcissus

It is the Greek name of the ‘Daffodil,’ which is a plant known for its resplendent flowers.

89. Orrin

It is derived from the Irish name ‘Odhran,’ which means ‘green.’

90. Palmer

It is derived from the Latin word ‘palma,’ meaning ‘Palm tree.

91. Parker

It is an Old English occupational name for ‘park caretakers.’

92. Patrin

The name is said to be of Romani origin and means ‘leaf trail.’

93. Perth

It is the name of several places and comes from the Welsh word, ‘perth,’ meaning ‘thornbush thicket.’

94. Sherwood

It comes from the name of the famous Sherwood forest and means ‘bright wood’.

95. Sylvan

It is derived from the Roman forest God ‘Sylvanius’ and means ‘forest’ in Latin. For those looking for names that mean forest, Sylvan is an excellent choice.

96. Thorne

It is the Old English word for ‘thorn.’ The name is also a popular last name.

97. Thyme

It is the name of a popular herb and originates from the Greek name of the herb, ‘thymon.’

98. Timothy

It comes from ‘Timothy-grass,’ a perennial grass found in many regions of Europe.

99. Valerian

Herb-inspired baby boy name

It is a name of herb found in many regions of Asia and Europe. This plant is said to have first appeared in Ancient Rome.

100. Vernon

It comes from the Gaulish word ‘vern,’ meaning ‘Alder tree.’ The name is also used as a surname.

Discover More Names

When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

Illustration: Unique Plant Names For Girls And Boys With Meanings

plant names for girls and boys_illustration

Image: Dall·E/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can parents choose the right plant name for their child?

Every plant and flower has its unique characteristics. Some have good fragrances, some are known for their resilience, and some are valued for the fruits they offer. You can pick the plant based on its attributes that attract you.

2. Are there any famous people or characters with plant names that can serve as inspiration for parents?

Several Hollywood celebrities have given their children unique plant names that serve as an inspiration. For instance, Will and Jada Smith have named their daughter Willow after an ancient magical tree. Likewise, Blue Ivy (a climbing plant) is a rare and unusual name that Beyonce and Jay-Z chose for their daughter.

3. How can parents ensure their child’s plant name is not too “out there” or unconventional?

You can look up the name on the official Social Security website to check if it has been used and is popular. Ensure it does not have any negative connotations. Lastly, you can ask your family and friends for their opinion.

4. How can plant names be used to honor family members or loved ones?

If a deceased family member had a favorite flower or plant, you could name your child after that to honor their memory.

The name plays a big role in a person’s identity and individuality. Giving plant names to boys and girls could help them connect deeply with nature. You may choose plant names with beautiful meanings for your child. You may give unique nature names to your babies and make hem stand out frm others. This will also encourage many others to choose plant names for their babies. Plant names can evoke the springtime and new growth and spread positivity around.

Infographic: Plant-Derived Baby Names

Whether you’re a botanist, a gardening enthusiast, or just someone who appreciates nature, giving your baby a name inspired by a plant is a unique thought in itself. Check the infographic below for some beautiful plant-inspired names, and pick the best one for your little one.

plant inspired names for boys and girls (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Plant names carry meaningful and pleasant associations, helping children connect with nature.
  • Names inspired by plants evoke positivity, springtime, and growth, fostering a cheerful atmosphere.
  • Unique plant names for girls are Abelia, Ada, and Agathi, while boys can have names like Abebe, Aby, and Acer.

Looking for unique plant names for your child? Watch the video to discover the meanings behind Victorian flower and tree names for boys. Learn how to express yourself with the language of flowers and trees.

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Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

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Srija holds an MA in English Literature from the University of Calcutta and a PG Diploma in Editing and Publishing from Jadavpur University. Her interest in editing ranges across niches, including academics, human psychology, and child development.

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Angela is an honors student with a master's degree in Linguistics from The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in History from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. Her combined interest in history and the science of language has taught her the skills to understand how language and its use have changed over time.

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