About The Super Heros

Is your child a fan of superhero flicks? Are his room walls full of posters of different superheroes? If your tot can’t get enough of superheroes, you should consider getting him some superhero coloring sheets.

They patrol the city; they fight the evil, and they keep us safe. They are the superheroes, clad in their bright costumes. The adventure of superheroes isn’t just for kids. People of all ages enjoy watching them in movies and reading their exploits in comic books. To celebrate the release of “Avengers Age Of Ultron”, we have compiled a list of the most legendary superhero coloring sheets of all time.

1. Batman:

Batman is the coolest superhero in our opinion. His origin is also of the most tragic in the comic world. As a young boy, Bruce Wayne or Batman and his parents came face to face with a mugger after leaving a film theater. After a scuffle, the robber killed both of his parents. Inheriting his fortune, Bruce dedicated the rest of his life in making his body a perfect weapon against criminals. He later became the world’s greatest detective, reaching the pinnacle of the human potential. He then picked up the mantle of Batman, the Gotham City’s Dark Knight. He has some of the most awesome weapons like the Batarangs and the Batmobile.

2. Hulk:

Dr. Bruce Banner, or Hulk, as we know him, is one of the most powerful superheroes of all time. When he is Bruce, he is the one of the most brilliant scientists specializing in gamma radiation and nuclear radiation. But there’s much more to Banner. When Banner gets mad, he transforms into the Incredible Hulk. Hulk possesses superhuman strength, regeneration abilities, and endurance. What’s more! The angrier he gets, the stronger he becomes. The Incredible Hulk repeatedly proves that he is the most powerful being in the superhero universe.

3. Flash:

Barry Allen’s life stops when he sees his mother’s murder in front of his eyes. He can’t find the real killer that drives him into becoming a forensic scientist. When a lightning bolt strikes Barry, he receives super-speed, becoming the Flash. Flash is not only the fastest man in the world. He also can act and think faster than the speed of the light. His super-reflexes, super-speed and his ability to violate the laws of physics make him one of the greatest superheroes. He can also phase through the walls and other matter. He can also acquire knowledge at an extended rate. But, unfortunately, his powers are underrated.

4. Superman:

Superman is the most powerful being on Earth. We all know what the “Man of Steel” is capable of doing. Superman is an immigrant from the planet Krypton. He possesses super speed, super strength and an ability to fly. He can see through anything except lead. The Earth’s mightiest hero has stood the test of time as one of the most powerful heroes of all time. His only weakness is Kryptonite, and a strong moral compass that makes him weak by nature. He is also vulnerable to magic. Regardless of all this, Superman is one of the most respected superheroes of all time.

5. Nova:

Nova or Richard Rider is the leader of an intergalactic police force. He got his powers from the dying Xandarian Rhomann Dey, the former head of the Nova Corps of Xander. Nova has a vast energy source that can grant him superhuman strength. He can create supersonic powers and an incredible durability. But the most impressive of all his powers is his ability to absorb the energy and use it as his power while shooting power beams. His uniform is also durable. It has weapons built into it. His predictability is his weakness. Being the officer of the law, he has restrictions on what he can do. And his enemies know all about it.

6. Thor:

Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, is the most powerful superhero of all the Avengers. He is invincible in every sense of the word. Thor takes the meaning of ‘skilled warrior’ to an entirely new level. We feel that none of the movies has done justice in how powerful he is. His incredible endurance, ungodly strength, his power to summon lightning and, of course, Mjolnir, (his hammer) give him an absolute control over space. His immune system is resistant to injury, and his bones and flesh are several times denser than those of humans. Thor also ages at a very slow rate.

7. The Silver Surfer:

The Silver Surfer is one of the noblest and most tormented superheroes in the universe. He is an astronomer from the planet Zenn-La. He became the Silver Surfer when Galactus made him his servant. It gave him an incredible power, the power to transform his body into an indestructible metallic substance. The powers of Silver Surfer include the ability to manipulate the universe’s ambient energy and navigate through the space at super speed. He can project energy in various forms for both defensive and offensive purposes. He also can see through time. The Silver Surfer can do just about everything. He uses his silver surfboard to travel across the universe.

8. Green Lantern:

Have your child imagine if the ring on his finger was not just jewelry, but the universe’s most powerful weapon. The mere thought of it will make him jump in excitement. The ring is the weapon of the Green Lantern. The Green Lantern is a very powerful protector of the universe. He can create anything he wants with his ring. He can conjure any shape he likes to fight the evils and beat up the bad guys. He just has to think about it. The ring is indeed a very powerful weapon, but without it, he would be just an ordinary man. He needs to recharge the ring. Otherwise, it can’t work.

9. Professor X:

Charles Francis Xavier or Professor X is an incredibly powerful superhuman. He is the founder of the X-Men. He had innate psychic powers that isolated him from the society. His telepathic powers are unbelievable. Professor X not only had the responsibility or training the mutants. He had to protect them as well. Unfortunately, Professor X became a paraplegic battling the Lucifer, the alien. He dies during a telepathic battle with Jean Grey.

10. Captain Atom:

Captain Atom is a badass superhero. He can harness increasing amounts of energy and use them to his advantage. Initially, he was in the U.S. Air Force, but the officials framed him for a crime that he did not even commit. The generals forced him to undergo the scientific experimentation to avoid the death sentence. The experiment bonded alien metal to his skin and sent him 18 years into the future, giving birth to Captain Atom, a superhero.

11. Captain America:

Captain America is a superhero of the Marvel Comics. In his childhood, Steve Rogers contracted polio that made his body weak and sickly. Despite his petite frame, Steve had an indomitable spirit. He even tried to fight for his country in the World War 2. After constant rejection, Rogers found a home in Project: Rebirth that turned his weak body into the soldier who possessed incredible strength. Rogers’s then became the country’s most outstanding soldier, the hero, Captain America. He became the ultimate symbol of patriotism when Americans needed a hero. Captain America was a symbol of hope for Americans during the Second World War.

12. Goku:

For decades, Superman set the standard for overpowered superheroes. But ever since the Super Saiyan became famous, Goku found its way in the most powerful superhero list. Goku is the greatest anime character of all time. He belongs to the Saiyan race, the most celebrated soldier tribe in the universe. Goku is an example of the hero that has no upper limit power whatsoever. He cannot just destroy the planet and galaxies, but the entire universe. Superman vs. Goku would be an interesting fight.

13. Sentry:

Sentry is one of the least known and most powerful superheroes of all time. Empowered by the Professor’s secret formula, Robert Reynolds became a superhuman. After the school bullies had tormented him, he sewed together a costume to make the debut as the heroic Sentry. Sentry is very strong. Sometimes, he surprises even himself with his abilities. His only weakness is his fragile mind. Once, he even wiped his existence from the memory of every human being and superhero in the universe.

14. Black Bolt:

The Black Bolt, dubbed as the King of the Inhumans, is one of the most powerful superhero is the world. He is capable of some serious manipulation. Black Bolt can use his power to increase his abilities manifolds. His greatest weapon is his thunderous voice. He can shatter Hulk’s bones with just a whisper. Just a shout from Black Bolt will destroy the entire planet. So he has to be very careful with his voice, as even the slightest whisper can cause destruction.

15. Iron Man:

Iron Man is the example of human ingenuity. He has the gift of a daring spirit and a great intellect. Stark is a billionaire who uses his wealth for producing innovative weapons. When the combatants in the Vietnam War imprison him, Stark uses his skills to build a suit loaded with weapons. The suit would keep him alive even without the assistance of the captors. His armor is worthy enough against superheroes like Thor, Hulk, and even Superman.

16. Captain Marvel:

The story of Captain Marvel or Shazam is the ultimate tale of wish fulfillment. Post the death of his parents due to a mysterious accident, Billy Batson or Captain Marvel went to an eerie chamber filled with the seven deadly enemies of man. He met Shazam there, who granted him an exclusive power. As a result, the young boy Billy took the form of an adult, Captain Marvel, every time he invoked his powers. Captain Marvel is the example about growing up and realizing that responsibility comes with adulthood.

17. The X-Men:

Even though the X-Men have a modest origin, their story carries an incredible weight. Rather than using being aliens or using weapons, the X-Men are mutants. They are born with an anomaly that gives them incredible abilities. Most of these mutants are from the far off the world. And all of them have suffered for their mutation.

18. Spiderman:

Peter Parker, or Spiderman, was one of the first superheroes that the audience could relate to. He suffered from bullying, struggled with social interaction and led an uninteresting life anchored by his aunt and uncle. Everything changed when a radioactive spider bit him while he was on a scientific trip. It altered his DNA and gave him the power to cling to the walls. He got an uncanny ‘spider sense’ that alerted him to danger. He also created a web-shooter that produced a chemical version of a spider’s web. Initially, Peter used the powers for his gain but later used his abilities to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves.

19. Nightcrawler:

Nightcrawler is the former member and the leader of Excalibur. Nightcrawler is also the member of the X-Men. He possesses the ability of teleportation and a surprising agility. And not to forget, his prehensile tail. The other mutants initially refused to accept Nightcrawler. But as time went by, Nightcrawler managed to make himself one of the significant members of the X-Men.

20. Wolverine:

Wolverine is one of the most intimidating superheroes of all time. He has a long list of powers and abilities. He ages slower than others, he can regenerate quickly, he is resistant to telepathy and most importantly, he has retractable metal claws.

Our superhero coloring sheets will get your kid in the mood for some real adventure. Do not be surprised if he demands comic books after coloring these sheets. So why wait? Print these sheets and create a superhero-coloring book for your child today. Who is his favorite superhero? Tell us your story here. Leave a comment.