101 English Grammar Quiz Questions And Answers For Kids

Having command over English can help your child in studies and increase their prospects. English grammar quiz for kids is a useful way to teach your children the basics of English and get them interested in the language. Millennials are drawn to the modern lingo and have little knowledge about the grammar and usage of words. Hence, a grammar quiz tests their aptitude and improves their language skills and knowledge. In this post, we bring you some English grammar quiz questions with answers covering all aspects of the language. These questions will also make the learning engaging and entertaining for your child.

Grammar can sometimes be seen as a boring subject by many students, and making it fun is the only way to learn. Deni Mazzei, a content creator, shares her experience while teaching seventh-grade students. She explains, “As a former grammar teacher myself, I know how hard it is to engage students in the subject. It sometimes seemed as though they’d made up their minds to hate it before I even had the chance to teach them!”

She continues, “I taught 7th-grade grammar for six years, and traditional grammar instruction — textbook definitions of the parts of speech, examples, usage in the sentence — did not work for my class at all. With everything so abstract, the kids couldn’t connect to the material. We became frustrated. The kids dreaded coming into class, and I began to dread teaching them… Searching for a way to connect, I tried having the kids write stories from the first-person perspective from the parts of speech. In order to do that, they had to think about the language in a different way… The result was astonishing: the kids not only started looking forward to class, but they also retained the information much more than they had before (i).”

In This Article

Understanding English Grammar

Grammar consists of eight parts of speech — nouns, determiners, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. It consists of structural rules and arrangement of words and phrases, governing the sentence structure and its formation.

It is a misconception that grammar is about rigidity or set principles. In fact, no language can have set principles, as languages and grammar keep evolving. It is not the same as it was a hundred years ago.

However much it changes, grammar is the foundation of a language development. Thus, having sufficient knowledge of grammar is important to express and communicate efficiently.

English Grammar Quiz

Here is a challenging quiz on English grammar, with answers. Make your children answer these simple questions. Are they ready?

Types of nouns

Image: Dall.E/MJ Design Team

Questions On Noun

A noun is a word used to identify the name of a person, place, animal or thing.

Example: Adele is an award-winning artist.

Here, the noun is Adele, which is the name of a person.

Identify the noun in the following sentences:

1. I live in Amsterdam.

1. In
2. Live
3. Amsterdam
4. I

Answer: Amsterdam

2. I visited the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

1. The
2. Paris
3. Eiffel Tower and Paris
4. Eiffel Tower

Answer: Eiffel Tower and Paris

3. Bhutan is a beautiful country.

1. A
2. Country
3. Beautiful
4. Bhutan

Answer: Bhutan

4. Summer is very hot.

1. Summer
2. Very
3. Hot
4. Is

Answer: Summer

5. The moon looks so beautiful.

1. Looks
2. Moon
3. The
4. Beautiful

Answer: Moon

6. The doctor is an expert in his field.

1. His
2. Expert
3. Field
4. Doctor

Answer: Doctor

7. The mailman Mr. Joe was carrying postcards.

1. Mailman
2. Mr.Joe
3. Postcards
4. Mailman, Mr. Joe and postcards

Answer: Mailman, Mr. Joe and postcards

8. Are these mangoes tasty?

1. Tasty
2. Are
3. These
4. Mangoes

Answer: Mangoes

9. Hello Sophie! Will you play football with us as the climate is beautiful and the team is one player short?

1. Football
2. Sophie, football, climate, team, player
3. Team
4. Climate

Answer: Sophie, football, climate, team, player

10. Mike’s birthday party at the Sheraton was a success.

1. Sheraton
2. Mike
3. Mike, party, Sheraton
4. Party

Answer: Mike, party, Sheraton

Questions On Pronoun

A pronoun is a word used in the place of a noun in any sentence. These are used to avoid the repetitive usage of a noun in a sentence.

Example: Roger runs very fast. And Roger has won several competitions.

Roger runs very fast. And he has won several competitions.

Identify the pronoun in the following sentences:

11. They were having dinner.

1. Dinner
2. They
3. Were
4. Having

Answer: They

12. I want to sleep.

1. To
2. Sleep
3. I
4. Want

Answer: I

13. Is that my laptop?

1. My
2. Laptop
3. Is
4. That

Answer: My

14. Everyone is sleeping in the dorm room.

1. Sleeping
2. Dorm
3. Room
4. Everyone

Answer: Everyone

15. We were playing scrabble.

1. Playing
2. Scrabble
3. We
4. Were

Answer: We

16. Look at Ellen, she is a beautiful artist.

1. Beautiful
2. She
3. Ellen
4. Artist

Answer: She

17. He is good at cricket.

1. At
2. Good
3. Cricket
4. He

Answer: He

18. This house is mine.

1. This
2. House
3. Mine
4. Is

Answer: Mine

19. Would you like to have coffee?

1. Coffee
2. Have
3. You
4. Would

Answer: You

20. Did you hear that?

1. That
2. Did
3. You
4. Hear

Answer: That

protip_icon Trivia
“Pronunciation” is the most commonly mispronounced and misspelled word in the English language.

Questions On Verb

Examples of verbs

Image: IStock

The verb describes an action, occurrence or happening of an act.

Example: Adam is singing.

Here, singing is the verb, which denotes an act of doing something.

Identify the verb in the following sentences:

21. The monkey sat by the door.

1. Monkey
2. By
3. Door
4. Sat

Answer: Sat

22. Jack left in a hurry.

1. A
2. Hurry
3. Jack
4. Left

Answer: Left

23. Michelle hurt her elbow while playing.

1. Hurt
2. Elbow
3. Michelle
4. Hurt, playing

Answer: Hurt, playing

24. Please open the door.

1. Open
2. The
3. Please
4. Door

Answer: Open

25. She bought a new car and started taking her driving lessons.

1. Started
2. New
3. Taking
4. Bought, started, taking

Answer: Bought, started, taking

26. Joe accepted the job offer.

1. The
2. Job
3. Accepted
4. Joe

Answer: Accepted

27. Kelly enjoys hip-hop music.

1. Kelly
2. Hip-hop
3. Music
4. Enjoys

Answer: Enjoys

28. We went to the grocery store and bought so many items that carrying them home became difficult.

1. Went
2. Bought
3. Carrying
4. All three

Answer: All three

29. The accountant is calculating the expenditure for the month of February.

1. Accountant
2. Calculating
3. Month
4. Expenditure

Answer: Calculating

30. Johnson earns a lot of money but he spends it too.

1. Earns
2. Spends
3. Earns and spends
4. Johnson

Answer: Earns

Questions On Adverb

An adverb is a word that revises a verb, adjective, clause, phrase, preposition, or a sentence.

Example: She is usually late to the class.

Here, the adverb is usually, which is modifying the verb in the sentence.

Identify the Adverb in the following sentences:

31. Marcus always arrives early.

1. Arrives
2. Always
3. Early
4. Marcus

Answer: Always

32. Their pets go everywhere together.

1. Their
2. Go
3. Together
4. Everywhere

Answer: Everywhere

33. The little kid ran excitedly.

1. The
2. Little
3. Ran
4. Excitedly

Answer: Excitedly

34. They ran quickly to catch the bus.

1. Catch
2. Ran
3. Quickly
4. Bus

Answer: Quickly

35. The students had worked very hard.

1. Students
2. Worked
3. Very
4. Hard

Answer: Hard

36. The musical concert ended abruptly.

1. Concert
2. Ended
3. Abruptly
4. Musical

Answer: Abruptly

37. Brisk walking is a healthy exercise.

1. Brisk
2. Healthy
3. A
4. Walking

Answer: Brisk

38. The show is starting now.

1. Starting
2. The
3. Show
4. Now

Answer: Now

39. The dog looked at his owner curiously.

1. Dog
2. Looked
3. At
4. Curiously

Answer: Curiously

40. The soccer team almost quit.

1. Soccer
2. Team
3. Quit
4. Almost

Answer: Almost

Questions on Adjective

Adjective and comparative

Image: IStock

Adjectives are words used to modify a noun or phrase in a sentence.

Example: The mountaintops are covered in sparkling snow.

Here, sparkling modifies the meaning of the word snow.

Identify the adjective in the following sentences:

41. Ria lives in a beautiful house.

1. Ria
2. House
3. Beautiful
4. Lives

Answer: Beautiful

42. This store has a nice collection of shoes.

1. Store
2. Collection
3. Nice
4. Shoes

Answer: Nice

43. Linda McKenzie has five children.

1. Linda
2. Has
3. Children
4. Five

Answer: Five

44. There were 80 chairs in the auditorium.

1. Were
2. Auditorium
3. 80
4. Chairs

Answer: 80

45. A colorful butterfly was sitting in the garden.

1. Garden
2. Colorful
3. Sitting
4. Butterfly

Answer: Colorful

46. Only a few mangoes are remaining in the basket.

1. Basket
2. A few
3. Mangoes
4. Remaining

Answer: A few

47. This hot and humid weather is exhausting.

1. Hot
2. Humid
3. Hot and humid
4. Exhausting

Answer: Hot and humid

48. Sophie is a part-time worker at the salon.

1. Sophie
2. Part-time
3. Worker
4. Salon

Answer: Part-time

49. Meera lost her brown bag.

1. Meera
2. Brown
3. Bag
4. Lost

Answer: Brown

50. Paul tries to help homeless people.

1. Tries
2. Help
3. Paul
4. Homeless

Answer: Homeless

protip_icon Did you know?
67 sovereign nations and 27 non-sovereign nations have adopted English as their official language.

Questions on Simple Tenses

Different tenses

Image: Shutterstock

Tenses are mainly of three types: Present, past, and future.

  • The present tense expresses an action which is happening.

Example: She is writing.

  • The past tense is used to express an action which has occurred or happened already.

Example: She wrote.

  • The future tense is used to describe an action which will occur or happen in the future.

Example: She will write.

Identify present, past or future tense from the following sentences:

51. He plays basketball every day.

1. Present
2. Past
3. Future

Answer: Present

52. Meera will go to a concert.

1. Present
2. Past
3. Future

Answer: Future

53. It rained heavily.

1. Present
2. Past
3. Future

Answer: Past

54. The baby is crying.

1. Past
2. Present
3. Future

Answer: Present

55. Dogs were barking a lot.

1. Past
2. Future
3. Present

Answer: Past

56. The car was parked in the wrong lane.

1. Past
2. Present
3. Future

Answer: Past

57. Kenny will visit her ailing grandfather after returning from work.

1. Future
2. Past
3. Present

Answer: Future

Fill in the blanks.

58. The students are __________ their notes.

1. Wrote
2. Written
3. Writing
4. Write

Answer: Writing

59. The doctor _____ out for ten minutes.

1. Go
2. Going
3. Gone
4. Went

Answer: Went

60. The new restaurant ______ last week.

1. Open
2. Opened
3. Opening
4. Start

Answer: Opened

Questions on Punctuation

Punctuation marks such as comma, exclamation marks, question marks, semicolon, etc., are used in a sentence to clarify the meaning of the phrase or sentence.

61. Identify the correct sentence.

1. My ATM pin number has three 8s.
2. My ATM pin number has three 8’s
3. My ATM pin number has three 8s’
4. My ATM pin number has three 8s

Answer: 1

62. Identify the correct sentence.

1. The weather is wet, and windy and unpredictable.
2. The weather is wet, windy and unpredictable.
3. The weather is wet, windy, unpredictable.
4. The weather is wet windy, unpredictable.

Answer: 2

63. Identify the correct sentence.

1. Waiting for the storm to stop, I was anxiously looking out of the window.
2. Waiting, for the storm to stop; I was anxiously looking out of the window.
3. Waiting for the storm to stop I was anxiously looking out of the window
4. Waiting for the storm to stop I was anxiously looking out of the window.

Answer: 1

64. Identify the correct sentence.

1. The table was set-knives forks candlesticks were all in their place.
2. The table was set knives, forks candlesticks were all in their place.
3. The table was set-knives, forks, candlesticks, were all in their place.
4. The table was set – knives, forks, candlesticks — were all in their place.

Answer: 4

65. Identify the correct sentence.

1. What is the name of your father’s uncle
2. What is the name of your father’s uncle?
3. What is the name of your fathers uncle?
4. What is the name of your, fathers’ uncle

Answer: 2

66. Identify the correct sentence.

1. Dont worry, every little thing is going to be alright.
2. Don’t worry every little thing is going to be alright
3. Don’t worry. Every little thing is going to be alright.
4. Dont worry, every little thing is gonna be alright

Answer: 3

67. Correct the statement with a suitable punctuation mark.

When will you return from your dance rehearsal

1. Question mark (?)
2. Exclamation mark (!)
3. Fullstop (.)
4. Comma (,)

Answer: 1

68. Correct the statement with a suitable punctuation mark.

Rosana is a self taught baker.

1. Hyphen (-)
2. Question mark (?)
3. Comma (,)
4. Semi colon (;)

Answer: 1

69. Correct the statement with a suitable punctuation mark.

Jim lives in America his sister lives in Budapest.

1. Hyphen (-)
2. Question mark (?)
3. Comma (,)
4. Semicolon (;)

Answer: 1

70. Correct the statement with a suitable punctuation mark.

I found Hensleys bag on the table.

1. Hyphen (-)
2. Question mark (?)
3. Apostrophe (‘)
4. Semicolon (;)

Answer: 3

Questions on Preposition

Examples of prepositions

Image: Shutterstock

A preposition is a word used to connect nouns, pronouns, or phrases to the other words in the sentence.

Example: The cat is resting on the table.

Here, on is the preposition.

Identify the preposition in the following sentences:

71. I will see you on Saturday.

1. Will
2. See
3. On
4. You

Answer: On

72. The class will start at 9:30am.

1. The
2. Start
3. Will
4. At

Answer: At

73. There is a bee in the room.

1. Is
2. A
3. The
4. In

Answer: In

74. She comes from Australia.

1. She
2. Comes
3. From
4. Australia

Answer: From

75. The dog sat by the poolside.

1. Dog
2. Sat
3. By
4. The

Answer: By

76. What are you looking at?

1. At
2. You
3. What
4. Are

Answer: At

77. The kids are sitting around the block.

1. Are
2. The
3. Block
4. Around

Answer: Around

78. Can he be relied upon?

1. Can
2. Upon
3. Be
4. Relied

Answer: Upon

79. Sherry threw the ball over the kitchen counter.

1. The
2. Over
3. Threw
4. Counter

Answer: Over

80. This letter was written by Sarah.

1. Was
2. Written
3. This
4. By

Answer: By

Questions on Vocabulary

Identify the synonym from the options given below:

81. Listen

1. Hear
2. Quiet
3. Play
4. Whisper

Answer: Hear

82. Relax

1. Sleep
2. Sit
3. Rest
4. Lie down

Answer: Rest

83. Tiny

1. Small
2. Few
3. Calm
4. Lot

Answer: Small

84. Positive

1. Optimistic
2. Negative
3. Addition
4. Neutral

Answer: Optimistic

85. Delicate

1. Fragile
2. Strong
3. Firm
4. Indolent

Answer: Fragile

86. Nice

1. Pleasant
2. Fortunate
3. Impartial
4. Cool

Answer: Pleasant

87. Fast

1. Quick
2. Slow
3. Steady
4. Consistent

Answer: Quick

Identify the antonym from the options given below:

88. Polite

1. Rude
2. Crazy
3. Irritable
4. Angry

Answer: Rude

89. Defend

1. Play
2. Attack
3. Walk
4. Jump

Answer: Attack

90. Gloomy

1. Dull
2. Cool
3. Chilling
4. Cheerful

Answer: Cheerful

91. Comic

1. Tragic
2. Scenic
3. Laugh
4. Loud

Answer: Tragic

92. Noisy

1. Peaceful
2. Quiet
3. Still
4. Flowy

Answer: Quiet

93. Timid

1. Bold
2. Violent
3. Fake
4. Vulnerable

Answer: Bold

94. Wealth

1. Rich
2. Poor
3. Homeless
4. Luxury

Answer: Poor

Choose the right spelling

95. It is _______.

1. Wndrful
2. Wonderfool
3. Wunderful
4. Wonderful

Answer: Wonderful]

96. I have a _______.

1. Tooth Ache
2. Toothace
3. Tuthach
4. Toothache

Answer: Toothache

97. The train _______ on time.

1. Arrivid
2. Arived
3. Arrived
4. Arrevied

Answer: Arrived

98. _________ spend most of their time on research.

1. Scientists
2. Scintist
3. Scintests
4. Scienntists

Answer: Scientists

99. He _________ to eat.

1. Continus
2. Continuing
3. Continued
4. Continue

Answer: Continued

100. Are you ________?

1. Surprise
2. Surprising
3. Surprisingly
4. Surprised

Answer: Surprised

101. Businesses are having a tough time in the current market ________.

1. Scene
2. Cenario
3. Scenario
4. Scenery

Answer: Scenario

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the 12 basic grammar rules in the English language?

The 12 basic rules of English grammar are as follows:

  • Capitalization of the first word of every sentence must be followed.
  • There should be subject-verb agreement in every sentence meaning that the subject and verb forms of the word should be interrelated
  • Every sentence should either end with a question mark, full stop, or exclamation mark
  • The presence of subject, verb, and object in the sentence in the correct word order is mandatory.
  • An adjective always precedes the noun
  • The proper adjective should begin with a capital letter
  • ‘A’ is used with words that start with a consonant, and ‘an’ is used with words start with a vowel
  • The use of active voice is preferred more than passive voice
  • The subject and verb in the sentence must agree in number with each other
  • Collective nouns are either treated as singular or plural
  • Indefinite articles are used for countable nouns
  • Use direct objects to give information to the reader

2. Who is the father of English grammar?

Lindley Murray is best known as the ‘Father of English Grammar.’ He was an American lawyer, writer, and grammarian famous for his grammar books widely used in schools across the US.

3. Is an English grammar quiz for kids suitable for all age groups?

An English grammar quiz explicitly designed for children may not cater to the needs and interests of individuals from different age groups. Since the questions target children’s language skills and cognitive development, they might not be as appropriate or beneficial for older individuals.

This basic English grammar quiz will get your child closer to the beauty of language, grammar tips, and language learning. Reading books, listening to the radio, watching informative shows on the television, and communicating with others are learning tools that will help improve knowledge of a language. Fun, educational, and interactive grammar activities like this grammar quiz will keep your child engaged and nurture their love for the language. Challenge your child’s grammar concepts with grammar exercises and grammar worksheets.

Key Pointers

  • English quizzes are a fun and exciting way to introduce the fundamentals of the English language to children.
  • Grammar quizzes can help to analyze the child’s proficiency in the language.
  • From questions about nouns and pronouns to verbs and adjectives, you can introduce all eight parts of speech through quizzes.
  • You can also include questions on vocabulary to improve their speaking skills.
  • Ensure to include quiz questions appropriate for their age and cognitive ability.

Test your English grammar knowledge with this fun quiz! Answer 90+ questions and see how well you know English grammar. Challenge yourself and improve your English grammar skills!

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Elisabeth Daly is a state-certified high school English teacher. Over her two decade career, she has taught students in grades 9-12 at both public and private high schools, and worked as an adjunct professor at her local community college.

Read full bio of Elisabeth Daly
Harshita Makvana
Harshita MakvanaB.Com, PG Dip
Harshita is a graduate in commerce and holds a PG Diploma in Patent and Copyrights Law from NALSAR University. She has also pursued CA and has more than three years of internship experience in auditing. Her love for travelling has taken her to various parts of the world, and writing the travelogues was what brought out her love for content writing.

Read full bio of Harshita Makvana
Deepa Thomas
Deepa ThomasMA (English)
Deepa Rachel Thomas holds a master’s degree in English from the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. She has done a certification course in Child Development and worked as a mentor for young children at an NGO that focuses on helping children develop their language and soft skills.

Read full bio of Deepa Thomas