Exercises That Are Safe In The 36th Week Of Pregnancy

You’ve probably heard how exercise is good for pregnant women, and why preggos should get the track suits ready. Exercise can help curb that annoying morning sickness, while keeping that excess pregnancy flab at a manageable level during the initial months of pregnancy. It toughens your body and makes labor and delivery relatively straightforward. But, is it advisable to exercise in the 36th week of your term? And, if so, which exercises are safe? Here we list some common exercises that are safe for you.

In This Article

Weight Training

No! No one is going to ask you to lift heavy weights, and prudence says that you shouldn’t anyway. But, light weight training can benefit you during pregnancy. You can safely do some hip bridges and pelvic tilts in the 36th week of gestation. You need to take many precautions, but targeted exercises for the abdomen will help prepare your body for the impending labor. Just make sure you have an exercise partner to supervise you.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “a supervised low-to-moderate intensity training program is not only safe but efficacious for pregnant women.”


It is the complete body work out. Swimming has a host of benefits and keeps many diseases at bay. It is also a fun exercise that doctors recommend for pregnant women in the last trimester. It is a zero-impact exercise and does not exert any stress on your bloated body. According to a clinical trial back in 2008, regular practice of water aerobics or swimming did not have any detrimental effects either on the mom or the child. Moreover, swimming helps keep your body temperature in check and prevents overheating.


We know what you’re thinking! How can a preggo, with her burgeoning belly, get on a bicycle and whiz around town? Well, you don’t have to. Use a stationary cycle or an exercise bike at home. When you are 36 weeks into your term, your center of gravity shifts and you cannot ride a regular bicycle without risking a fall. According to NHS UK, a pregnant woman should not risk falling, and avoid physical activities that increase the risk of a fall. Just ensure that your spouse or exercise partner is there to help you out.


Yoga is one of the safest forms of exercise for anyone looking for a low-impact option. And, when you’re pregnant, you need to look for no-impact activities that don’t endanger the while. So, yoga becomes a viable option for you. Just ensure that you don’t overstretch your body. Have someone supervise while you exercise, as your body is a bit more flexible when you’re expecting.

When To Stop Exercising During Pregnancy?

While it is safe to do low-impact exercises when you’re expecting, there are some tips you need to remember. Avoid exercising if you experience:

  • Dizziness
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Headache
  • Fluid leakage from vagina
  • Calf pain and swollen limbs
  • Muscle aches

So, there you have it. That’s all you should do to exercise in the 36th week of your term. What are your thoughts about exercise during pregnancy? Tell us below.

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