20 Fun And Simple Outdoor Activities For Babies

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Babies are powerhouses of energy. Most parents wonder how to channelize the energies of their little ones. You may plan some outdoor activities for babies or take them on walks in nature. These short outings could help babies spend their energies so they do not become cranky and irritable.

You may step out with your baby in pleasant weather and fit in some simple activities in your schedule to have good times together. Reading this post could help you figure out some outdoor activities and ideas for babies. Including them in your child’s day-to-day routine may be a great way to allow exposure to nature. You may also educate them about the significance of the conservation of nature.

In This Article

20 Baby Outdoor Play Activities

1. Take a walk

Taking a walk, outdoor activities for babies

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Buckle up your baby in their pram and walk around your block. The simple activity is stimulating for the parent and the baby. You can walk for 30 to 40 minutes or according to your stamina. The fresh air can be energizing, and your baby can indulge in bird-watching and explore the surroundings with trees, vehicles, and people. A great way to make this walk educational is to talk to your baby and tell them what they see as you walk.

2. Eat outside

Eating outside, outdoor activities for babies

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Plan a picnic and carry food in your basket to eat outside. It can be something new for your little ones. As you unpack the basket and lay various food items, let them play in the open while tasting the food.

3. Give tummy time

Giving tummy time, outdoor activities for babies

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Tummy time is one of the most important things to do with a newborn baby. It helps in digestion and encourages babies to roll over and move their hands and legs. Turn your baby over and on to their tummy for 10 to 20 minutes each day with five-minute intervals. Leave bright-colored toys nearby so they can try reaching out for them for fun and enjoyment. You could lie down beside your baby to give them company and make their tummy time more fun.

4. Give them a nap time

Giving them a nap time, outdoor activities for babies

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Babies are notorious. They play all day, get tired, and like to nap. An infant can sleep up to 14 to 16 hours a day. Take them out strolling when they are napping and let them sleep outdoors, breathing in the fresh air. Do not take them to busy areas as they could get stimulated and skip their nap. A stroll in the park can be a good idea as it can make your baby get accustomed to the natural sounds of the wind flowing, the birds singing, or water flowing while they sleep.

protip_icon Quick tip
The best time to take a baby outdoors is after they wake from a nap. An outdoor session will tire them out, and they will be ready to nap when you return.

5. Let them engage in water play

Letting them engage in water play, outdoor activities for babies

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If your child loves water, you can include some outdoor water play activities in their schedule. Get a plastic bathtub or an inflatable one, fill it with water enough for your child’s feet to be submerged. Throw in a couple of rubber duckies in it. You can do this activity only after your child can sit up by themselves. Keep an eye on them at all times and never leave them alone while they are in the water.

6. Visit a playground

Visiting a playground, outdoor activities for babies

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Your infant might be too young to play at the playground, but this could still be one of the best cognitive activities for infants. This activity lets babies watch others running around and playing. They might enjoy watching the sights, listening to different sounds, and waving at the children in the playground. Do not forget that they are always learning. Even as they watch, they are learning different nuances of games and developing their vocabulary.

7. Take a nature hike

Taking a nature hike, outdoor activities for babies

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A child can have no better teacher than nature. Plan a nature hike with your baby and if they can walk, let them pick up flowers and dried leaves, crunch them, or explore the texture of mud and grass. Engage him in mud-pie making and other activities as it allows your baby to feel different textures and smells while enjoying the natural sights around them. Make the nature hike by looking for dandelions and blowing dandelion seeds on their face, and set them free chasing butterflies.

8. Go to a busy place

Going to a busy place, outdoor activities for babies

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Take your little one to a busy place. A bus station, a post office, or a railway station can be good choices. Your baby can watch the people come and catch the vibe.

9. Play with a ball

Playing with a ball, outdoor activities for babies

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Playing with balls could be one of the best gross motor activities for infants who have started sitting up. For this activity, you can take some balls to your backyard or a nearby park. Roll the ball back and forth with your baby. Watch them laughing and enjoying themselves. You can also pack a picnic basket and take an afternoon off.

10. Feel the grass

Feeling the grass, outdoor activities for babies

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Introducing your baby to the grass can be a fun activity. Some babies like the feel of grass, while others might not. Let your baby feel the grass with their hands instead of their feet. Once they are comfortable, let them start exploring by touching, walking, and sitting on it.

11. Read a book

Reading a book, outdoor activities for babies

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Babies like to hear your voice as you talk and read to them. You might be regularly reading to them at home, but when you sit under a tree and read them their favorite books, they may enjoy it even more. Reading books outdoors is a great way to help your child build associations. If there is an animal or tree in the book, you can point them out to your baby, and they would remember it.

12. Make music

Making music, outdoor activities for babies

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When they realize they can make different noises, they will try to make funny sounds from their throats and start clapping their hands when they are happy. You can give them toy instruments and let them create music. If you don’t have any musical toys, hand over your pots and pans, and a spoon, and watch them bang around, making music.

13. Take a trip to the beach

Taking a trip to the beach, outdoor activities for babies

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The beach gives your baby a variety of sensory experiences. There are different textures to be explored and different sights to be seen. You can hold them in the water and let them explore the sand while they watch you build a sandcastle. When tired, they can sit and watch the people around them. A visit to the beach can be an entertaining activity for a baby.

14. Make bubbles

Making bubbles, outdoor activities for babies

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Babies love watching and playing with bubbles. So take them outdoors and play with them by blowing bubbles. Encourage your baby to pop those bubbles that float close to them. Bubbles can keep your baby entertained for a long time while they touch the bubbles and see the rainbow hues.

15. Mow the lawn

Mowing the lawn, outdoor activities for babies

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If you have a lawn that needs to be mowed, let your baby help you. Strap them up in the baby carrier and carry them with you as you mow the lawn. Make sure your little one has protective eye gear to protect their eyes from flying blades of grass or dirt. When your baby starts walking, you can get them a mini-mower. The sight, sound, and smell of mowing a lawn can make a fulfilling experience for your baby.

16. Dance

Dancing and outdoor activities for babies

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Children are drawn to music from a young age. You can see three-month-old babies shaking their arms and legs and grooving to the music. Take your child for a walk, settle in a park or your balcony, and play the music you can dance to. Wear your child and let them bounce with you. By the end of the session, you will find your baby delighted.

protip_icon Do remember
If you notice your child irritable outdoors or see other symptoms like reddening of the face, bring them home immediately and seek remedies.

17. Swing

Swinging and outdoor activities for babies

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When your baby can sit up and has control over the head and neck, you can explore the world a bit further. Make them sit on a playground swing. Push the swing gently and keep the chain in your hand at all times. Watch as your baby digests the new soaring sensation and begins to enjoy it with laughs and raucous screams.

18. Practice walking

Practicing walking and outdoor activities for babies

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If your baby is attempting to stand up, it is time for you to encourage them to take their first steps. In the first few weeks after your baby starts to walk, they will be unsure of their steps and often lose their balance. Take them outside to a grassy area to help them practice walking. Making them walk outdoors reduces the risk of sharp corners and hard surfaces, thus reducing the chances of getting hurt.

You can hold their hands in the beginning and encourage them as they try to walk. Gradually, let them practice on their own. When you are outdoors, babies might get distracted by other sights, sounds, or objects. Do not push them. Instead, let them enjoy and take their time. As they get confident on their feet, you can take them on short walks to your driveway or the sidewalk. Once they begin walking, climbing is the activity they will like to try!

19. Make them look at the trees

Making them look at trees, outdoor activities for babies

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Babies like to see colorful things. On a fine morning or afternoon, take your child for a walk to a nearby park to show them the trees there. Your baby would love to see the treetops swaying in the wind and hold the fallen leaves in their hands.

Observing nature can be a good experience for your baby. Two moms and friends, Carrie and Rubi, who take their little ones on nature walks together, share the same opinion. Talking about how her friend Rubi’s daughter enjoys nature, Carrie says, “Rubi provides items from nature for her daughter to play with when outdoors. Her daughter explores various items such as grass, sticks, and moss. F (Rubi’s daughter) is developing her pincer grip by picking up small pieces of moss. I am enthralled with the sensorial experiences F is receiving as she touches the various textures and, of course, as babies do, puts the items in her mouth. Rubi has also provided a bucket of rocks for F to place them in and out of (i).”

20. Fly a kite

Flying a kite, outdoor activities for babies

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Though your baby might not be able to fly a kite, they would love to see those colorful kites soaring in the sky. You can make this a couple or a family activity so that your child sees and learns how you interact with each other when flying kites.

protip_icon Quick tip
Though infants and babies cannot see very well, they can see block colors. Moreover, they can hear your voice and smell you. Keep talking while you perform an outdoor activity so that they enjoy it as much as you do.

Benefits Of Outdoor Activities For Babies

Outdoor activities are beneficial to babies in several ways.

  • They get exposed to different seasons and different natural elements, such as wind, rain, and sunlight.
  • Their imagination is boosted as they make imaginary tunnels while crawling and toddling through tree trunks or a lake while splashing in the water.
  • They get exposed to different sounds, sights, and smells and get accustomed to them. They would also love observing animals, plants, and people.
  • Their memory is boosted as your baby remembers the nooks and corners of a particular place and navigates there unerringly.
  • When they fall and get hurt, they learn from their experiences and are careful the next time.
  • The chances of children getting myopia are reduced when they spend time outdoors (1).
  • Outdoor play is directly related to brain development in children (2).

Tips To Take Your Baby Out Safely In Extreme Temperatures

Hot weather:

  • Plan outdoor activities before 10 am and after 4 pm. It is not advised in the afternoon due to scorching heat.
  • If you need to be out during the afternoon, look for a shady place or carry an umbrella or a hat.
  • If you are using a stroller, consider buying one with a canopy for sun protection.
  • Avoid overdressing the baby. As a rule, babies must have only one extra layer of clothing than what you are wearing.
  • Carry a light blanket to drape over the legs if the heat is too much, but use it sparingly.
  • Use lightweight materials for dressing or swaddling the baby. You can make them wear short-sleeved dresses if you are going to be in the shade.
  • Always apply a baby sunscreen lotion with an SPF of at least 30, especially over sensitive areas like the face, arms, and legs.
  • Keep checking for signs of overheating. The warning signs are feeling warm to the touch, extreme thirst, sweating, sudden fatigue, or lack of energy.
  • If your child is less than six months old, carry a formula bottle or be ready to breastfeed to prevent dehydration.
  • Never leave your baby in the car, even for a short trip to the grocery store.

Cold weather:

  • If the temperature is below -15 degrees F or wind chills, avoid taking the baby outside.
  • Step out in the afternoons when the temperature is the highest.
  • Do not spend more than 20 minutes out in the cold.
  • Keep the house’s interior warm so that they can be warm as soon as they step in.
  • Dress the child in layers of warm clothing. Babies should be covered with coats, hats, gloves, thick pants, boots, and mufflers.
  • Use a soft, thin material for the layer closest to the child’s skin. It will help absorb sweat.
  • Keep your baby dry at all times.
  • The winter sun can be harsh, too. Use a canopied stroller for walks.
  • Do not walk too far off from your home. You must be able to get back immediately in an emergency.
  • Even in freezing temperatures, babies can overheat. Remove layers as soon as you get home.
  • Remove winter coats before strapping your baby in a car seat.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When can babies play outside?

When the weather is fine, you can take your baby out as frequently as you can. In extreme temperatures, however, choose a time when the temperature is bearable. For babies older than three months, you can take them out daily.

2. Do babies need fresh air every day?

After a walk or playing in the fresh air, babies feel refreshed and are more active. The wind and the motion can help them sleep well during the day and at night. Take your child out as much as you can.

Your baby might be little, but they grow fast. Outdoor play is beneficial for your baby’s development, and most outdoor activities for babies are designed to keep them comfortable and not tire them. Such activities are equally useful in stimulating their physical and mental growth.

3. Should I take my baby out every day?

It is generally recommended to take your baby outside every day, weather permitting, as exposure to fresh air and natural light can benefit their overall health and development. Being outside is not only enjoyable for infants and toddlers, but it is also essential for their cognitive development. If mom and baby are both healthy and you take a few precautions, spending time outdoors may be beneficial. Babies need to be closely observed at all times when they are outside (3).

4. How do I introduce my baby to the outside world?

Introducing your baby to the outside world can be a fun and exciting experience for you and your baby. However, always keep your baby’s first outing short and sweet. Start by taking short walks or spending brief periods outside, gradually increasing the length as your baby gets used to being outdoors.

Outdoor activities for babies offer fun learning experiences in an open environment. Playing outdoors boosts your little one’s immunity and helps in their overall development. When babies hear, see, and feel different things, they feel motivated to explore their surroundings. Their exploration enriches their understanding of the world around them. Above all, it lets babies have fun which keeps them happy and healthy. Also, keep all the necessary safety measures in mind and have an outdoor playdate with your little munchkin.

Infographic: Tips To Take Your Baby Out Safely In Extreme Temperatures

The outdoors are always interesting for babies and toddlers, as there are many things they can learn and see. However, when taking your baby outside, there are certain points that you need to keep in mind to ensure their safety and well-being. In the following infographic, we have a few essential points that you can refer to.

when taking your points to remember baby outdoors (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Taking your baby outdoors helps them to get accustomed to the environment.
  • Your baby can explore the surroundings during a walk or a visit to the playground.
  • Water play, a beach visit, or touching the grass can be some of the several outdoor activities to boost your child’s development.
  • Make sure you dress your child according to the weather outside and use canopied strollers for their safety.

Illustration: Fun And Simple Outdoor Activities For Babies

Outdoor activities for babies_illustration

Image: Dalle E/MomJunction Design Team

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.

1. L. Semimara; Outdoor Activity and Myopia Progression in Children; American Academy of Ophthalmology (2018)
2. C. McCarthy; 6 Reasons Children Need To Play Outside; Harvard Health Publishing
3. The Importance of Taking Infants and Toddlers Outdoors;


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