3 Easy (Free!) Hacks For Figuring Out When You're Ovulating

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Once you have made the “big” decision to start your family, you will try day in and day out to achieve this goal. While you might have thought that getting pregnant will be all easy-breezy, it may not happen even after six months of constant efforts. This might get you all worried, thinking there is something wrong. However, most of the times, it is just about being more alert when it comes to your monthly cycle in order to achieve the desired result. It is vital to be aware of when you are ovulating if you wish to become pregnant soon. But, how do you figure out about your ovulation? Fortunately, there are a plenty of methods available to figure out the same. Here, we are going to discuss some of these hacks:

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1. Ovulation Calculator Websites

Ovulation Calculator Websites

Image: Shutterstock

A lot of women have been using several websites and applications to figure out when they are most likely to become pregnant. But, there is a study conducted by New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical College, which suggests how these sites can be off the radar sometimes. This survey involved 53 such calculators, including around 20 websites and 33 applications. These websites usually determine this fertility window by utilizing information such as the average length of the monthly cycle and the latest menstruation date (1).

Take the example of a woman with a standard monthly cycle of 28 days. She is most likely to ovulate on the 15th day. And, this will mostly be the last day of the fertility window, which lasts for six days. According to the study, although the websites were mostly accurate about the ovulation day, there were only four places that were able to correctly predict the fertility window (2). A probable reason for the inaccuracy is the unpredictable monthly cycles. While the cycle might last only for 28 days at most times, it can stretch up to 30 days on other months. The prediction might be more accurate if the monthly cycles were more consistent. But, unfortunately, that is rarely the case.

2. The Cervical Mucus Check

The Cervical Mucus Check

Image: Shutterstock

This might come as a surprise but you can figure out your ovulation period with the help of the cervical mucus. It is surely not a simple task and requires you to make full use of your sneaky detective skills. However, this effort is completely worth it since it is a pretty accurate method to determine when you are ovulating.

You can check with the help of a toilet paper or a tissue paper. You can also examine your underwear to check the cervical mucus. You might have to be alert throughout the monthly cycle since it is the amount along with the texture that helps determine the ovulation period. During your prime fertile stage, the amount of mucus will be comparatively more. And, the mucus will also have a clear and stretchy texture. It is during this phase that the environment is perfect for the sperms to make a safe journey towards the egg (3).

3. Other Signs Of Ovulation

Other Signs Of Ovulation

Image: Shutterstock

There are several other signs of ovulation that you can manually look for. There might be an increase in the basal body temperature or the breasts may feel tender and sore. You may feel a little bloated or observe light spotting. There are many women who also feel a slight pain or cramp in their side (4).

Just incorporate these hacks into everything that you are already doing to become pregnant. We understand that it can be really hard to wait once you have made such a huge decision. But a little more attention is all you need to achieve your goal. We, at MomJunction, wish you all the best! And, yes, we are waiting to hear some good news soon!

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