How To Deal With Your Period At School? Tips & Home Remedies

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The onset of menstruation or period might be stressful for some girls as it is associated with other painful symptoms. But how to deal with your period? This post will answer you. For most girls, period management and menstrual care are essential skills to learn to alleviate the discomforts that come with menstruation, such as nausea, weakness, severe abdominal and back pain. Further, these could lead to irritability, mood swings, lack of concentration, and fatigue. Therefore, it’s crucial to educate young girls about basic menstrual health practices to help them manage their periods effectively and remove any confusion they may have.

During two to seven days of regular monthly periods, a girl’s body becomes sensitive and prone to sickness as it continuously loses blood. Thus, it is important to have a healthy diet, maintain proper period hygiene, and address menstrual discomfort during these days. Read on to know more about the common issues related to the period in teens and ways to deal with them.

In This Article

Understanding Menarche

Menarche is the first menstrual cycle. Menstruation and puberty in girls are not always things to worry about if you understand that they are all about growing up and transforming from a kid to a young lady.

Some girls face a lot of pain and discomfort and they end up associating their period with all their negative emotions. But there are also other girls who take this in their stride and treat their period as something very natural, something not to get anxious about. It’s important to increase your menstrual awareness during this phase of your life and stay prepared to deal with your period at school or anywhere outside the home.

protip_icon Quick fact
Before a period begins, the endometrial cells begin to break down and release inflammatory prostaglandinsiFats with hormone-like, necessary for biological processes such as pain, inflammation, and uterine contractions . These chemicals constrict the uterine blood vessels and contract muscles, causing painful cramps (1).

Dealing With Your First Period At School

For girls in puberty, the unpredictability of their period, especially the first one, is an important issue. But that is how the timing of a period is – unpredictable. One question that raises their anxiety levels is, “What if I get my first period in school”. Most girls are anxious on how they would deal with the situation if they get their period at school or outdoors. Staying prepared is the key. Here are a few tips to follow:

1. Do not panic

Stay calm and talk to your school nurse

Image: Shutterstock

You might be at school enjoying a snack or on the basketball court playing your best shot, and you may feel dampness indicating that your period has arrived. Don’t panic or lose your calm. You can go to your school nurse or teacher and ask for some supplies if you are unprepared. You might be nervous and may want to have your mother around. You can ask your school counselor to get you in touch with your mom.

2. Talk to your teacher

If this is the first time you have got your period, talk to someone you can rely on. Preferably, speak to your teacher in school instead of talking to your best friend as this is a new situation and it is important to receive proper menstrual education. Your teacher can provide you with information on what to expect and how to manage your period. The other alternative is to speak to the school nurse.

3. Have spare clothes

Leave some spare clothes in your school locker. This will help you to change if the dress you are wearing gets stained. However, it is quite unlikely that your first period will be heavy. If you don’t have anything in the locker, use your jacket to cover up the stain. Just tie the jacket around your waist until you can get home. You may want to take permission from your school to leave early. You also can call your mother to bring a set of clothing to school so that you can change.

4. Not necessary to share details

If you change your clothing, your friends and classmates will notice it. Stay calm. Instead, tell them that you spilled something on yourself and hence, you changed your clothes. There is no need to divulge the details and feel embarrassed.

Managing Your Period At School – What You Should Do?

Getting your period at school, whether it is your first period or the subsequent ones, can be a little embarrassing and uncomfortable, not to mention the feeling of uneasiness and the cramps it brings along. In simple words, surviving your period at school is not easy, but does that mean you miss your school? Of course, not!

Managing your heavy period at school becomes easier when you have a plan and follow a disciplined approach. In most cases, your friends and teachers won’t even know it’s your period. The most important thing is to have your supplies in place so that you are not caught unaware. It is important to understand that you should not be embarrassed but proud to get your period. This will keep you positive and keep your spirits up. As for how to manage your period, here is what you should be doing:

1. Be prepared

Always carry sanitary products like pads and liners

Image: IStock

Always have your pads, tampons, panty liners and everything else you use to get you through your heavy periods without any unpleasant surprises. Here are some tips to help you with your menstrual bleeding:

You can use the menstrual cups too. These are inserted into the vagina, and the blood and discharge are collected at its base. These cups last for about 10 hours so for school trips and other such events, this can be a good option as you may not have to change often.

If you think you will have your period today as per your cycle, put on a pad or your panty liner before you go to school. That way, you will not have to worry about any leaks or stains.

protip_icon Point to consider
Tampons can be more convenient for girls who swim or indulge in sports (2).

2. Find a good place to stash your pads

You don’t have to worry about someone seeing your sanitary supplies but if you feel embarrassed and don’t want anyone to see your menstrual products, find a good place to store them. It‘s nice to have a separate bag within your school bag for your period supplies or in your locker.

3. Pack an extra pair of underpants

An unexpected period at school would mean a leak or a stain. Practically, this might not be a problem because when your period starts, you won’t have a heavy flow immediately. The menstrual flow will gradually increase and by then you will have your period supplies in place. However, there can be times when you may have a leak. Hence, having an extra pair of underpants can be a great idea. This will make you feel more confident about yourself, and you will not look worried.

Carry a sweater or sweatshirt or have it in your emergency period bag. You can use it to tie it around your waist to hide any stains if there happens to be a major leak and your dress gets spoiled.

4. Keep some chocolate too

According to the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), approximately 80% to 90% of women experience at least one symptom commonly associated with PMS. If you have the regular premenstrual syndromei (PMS) thingy, you may want to pack something extra in your period bag to uplift your spirits. Studies indicate that a bar of chocolate can instantly make you feel happy and emotionally stable, and of course, who doesn’t love to treat themselves to some delicious, heavenly chocolate?

5. Have a pain reliever before you go to school

Period pain at school can not be manageable sometimes. If you are expecting your period today, have a pain reliever that you usually have for your menstrual cramps before leaving home. This will avoid you even the minimal discomfort. Make sure that you don’t use any medications without your doctor’s advice.

6. Know when to expect your period

Track periods, how to deal with your period

Image: IStock

During the initial months, chances are high that your period has not yet regularized. This will often create confusion over your next period. In this regard, listen to your body, and remember that irregular periods in teens are normal in the initial years. Understand the menstrual symptoms that you usually experience before the onset of your period and keep a track of these.

7. Make your DIY emergency pad

If you are running out of options and you are not sure about getting supplies when you have your surprise period, you can try making an emergency pad yourself. Use toilet paper and turn it around your hand for a good ten times. Keep this thick layer of toilet paper on your panty and take another long piece of it and wrap it around again to fasten it. You are set for at least a couple of hours.

protip_icon Quick tip
Teenage girls frequently experience period mishaps. So, if you notice a blood stain on someone else’s clothes, let them know and offer help.

Managing Your Period On School Trips

When you are going on school trips, your period may make you feel less interested and excited about being out with your classmates. But don’t let the period bother you too much. Understand that you can do just about everything when you have your period, it all calls for the right protection.

In such situations, cervical or menstrual cups are the best as you will not have to change them often nor will you have to worry about a leak or a stain. Tampons are great too as they don’t smell as much as the sanitary pads and are often more effective than the pads.

Stay hydrated, and ask for regular stop-overs if you are traveling by road with your friends. Remember that you will need to change your pad or tampon regularly to avoid any embarrassment and risk of infection and hence, it is better to make sure that you stop on your way rather than regret later.

How To Get Rid Of Period Cramps At School?

Period cramps in school can be quite annoying, especially when you have them at school. You would not want to tell others that you have your period but at the same time find it difficult to deal with the pain.

In such cases, you can have a Meftal-Spas tablet before heading to school. Some schools don’t allow their students to take this medication on campus so if your period is regular and you get cramps regularly, try taking the painkiller before going to school.

You can use the mini stick-on heating pads under your clothes for some pain relief. Walk around a little, as this helps ease abdominal cramps. Also, have a healthy diet and keep your spirits up as this will have a major impact on the cramps.

Here are some quick tips that will help you with menstrual cramps at school:

1. Lying down, if possible, is an excellent way to deal with cramps. You can take a nap in the girl’s room if you have something of that sort in your school. Most schools have a sick room for students. Make use of that.

Make use of sick room at school

Image: Shutterstock

2. Gently rub your abdomen when you go to the washroom. This will ease the pain. Massage in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction to ease the cramps.

3. Stretch a little by walking around for some time. Walking relaxes muscles and allows them to get loose. This, in turn, helps with abdominal pain and cramps.

Sometimes, menstrual cramps can be excruciatingly painful, and unbearable. This could be due to an underlying health condition such as endometriosisiThe condition identified by an abnormal growth of intrauterine tissues outside the uterus and causes irregular and painful periods or uterine fibroidsiAbnormal growths or tumors (mostly non-cancerous) in or on the uterine walls . Treating the underlying condition is important to alleviate the pain. So consult a qualified gynecologist right away if you suffer from severe menstrual cramps.

If there is no reason for the cramps, the doctor will prescribe a painkiller to help you deal with it. The good news is in most cases menstrual cramps tend to decline on their own as you age.

Home Remedies For Period-Related Issues

The menstrual problems that you may be facing can range from pain to cramps to irregular periods. Here are a few home remedies that you can try to get some relief.

1. Radish seeds

For delayed periods, one of the best home remedies is to grind radish seeds and consume the powder with buttermilk. Drink this concoction on a daily basis for effective results. Usually, cycles are irregular for the first year, so don’t worry too much.

2. Parsley

Parsley is another very useful herb that eases menstruation-related problems, particularly if you have a delayed period.

3. Gooseberry

Gooseberry, which is high in Vitamin C, is effective if you tend to bleed heavily during your period.

4. Chamomile tea

Natural remdies to deal with menstrual cramps

Image: Shutterstock

Consuming chamomile tea every morning is an effective way to get relief from menstrual cramps.

5. Hot water pack

Lie down with a hot water pack on your abdomen to ease the pain menstruation brings on. You will find the heat soothing and relaxing.

6. Workout

A low-intensity workout can be helpful in case of abdominal cramps. Yoga and meditation are also very relaxing.

protip_icon Quick fact
Moderate-intensity aerobic exercises and yoga poses, such as cobra, cow, and fish poses, may help reduce bloating (3).

7. Nutrient-rich food

Consume foods that are rich in calcium, magnesium, and zinc to deal with monthly menstrual cramps. You can even opt for a cleansing diet right before your menstruation to fortify your system. Studies indicate that this will have a positive impact on menstrual cramps.

protip_icon Quick fact
Studies suggest that dark chocolate may help reduce menstrual pain (4). Opt for dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa to achieve this benefit.

FAQs On How To Deal With Your Period At School

1. How to prevent pads from leaking while on period at school?

You can use one or a combination of the following tips to prevent your pads from leaking while you are at school.

  • Wear pads of correct thickness and length:

Remember you get pads of varying thickness and length. So coordinate your pads based on the flow. If you have a heavy flow, use a super pad, which is more absorbent and longer than a regular-sized one. On days, when the flow is lighter, wear regular pads. This will go a long way in preventing leaks.

  • Place Your Pads Correctly:

Putting your pad correctly in your underwear will prevent leaks. Do not stick the pad too far up or down. Place it snugly at the bottom but the middle of your underwear. Press it slightly so that it sticks properly to your panty.

  • Use panty liners in conjunction:

You can put a panty liner under the pad for extra protection. Place it perpendicular to your pad to get more coverage. Wear tight underwear that fits the groin region, so that the panty liner does not become loose.

  • Wear a thicker underwear:

You can reduce the chances of leaks while on your period at school by wearing a thicker panty. Of course, this is not a foolproof method, but it will be more absorbent than a normal one.

2. How to make a period bag for school?

When you enter menarche, which is another name for getting your first period, it will be irregular. The last thing you need is getting caught in school unprepared. So it helps to have a period bag handy with everything you need should you get your period in school.

Here are some of the things you should always have in your period bag for school:

  • A bag with zipper:

You need a bag which is big enough to carry your period supplies, but small enough to fit into your school bag or locker. A makeup bag is ideal for this purpose, especially because it comes with a zipper and is discreet enough to carry around in your bag.

  • Calendar:

Always keep a small calendar in your period bag to make note of the day you start your period. This will give you a rough idea about the next period if your menstrual cycle doesn’t follow the 28-day cycle. Remember, in the initial few years, you might face menstrual irregularities. So it is a good idea to note down the date so that a week before the due date, you can start using panty liners.

  • Spare underwear:

Always keep an extra panty in your period bag so that you can change in case of a leak. The underwear will also come handy if you get your period all of a sudden. If you stain your panty, don’t worry. Rinse it with cold water and soak the stain in hydrogen peroxide before washing it. It will remove the stains.

  • Bags for used items and disposables:

After changing your panty liner or sanitary pad, you need to dispose of them hygienically. Don’t try flushing them down the toilet, as they are not flushable. Place several bags in your period bag that you can use to dispose of the used panty liners, tampons, and pads. You can throw the bag in the toilet bin or carry it home and chuck it into your bin. You can get scented bags to keep odors at bay. Menstrual blood does have an odor, and you may not want anyone to get a whiff of it from your disposables.

  • Painkillers:

Menstrual cramps can be debilitating for many girls. If you experience cramps and have not learned to cope with them, you will want to carry painkillers in your period bag. Make sure your doctor gives the go-ahead to take the medication.

  • Tissues:

Always carry tissue in your period bag. They are perfect for cleaning your genital area and wiping your hands. Never use baby wipes, hand wipes or feminine wipes in your genital region, as they can result in irritation or infection.

3. How to hide my period from everyone?

Before we proceed further, it is important that you realize that even though menstrual stigma and menstrual taboos may make you feel embarrassed, a period is not something to feel ashamed of. Instead, it is a celebration of womanhood. At the same time, getting your period is something personal, and the last thing you want is declaring it to the world through leaks and stains. So when you are at school or with friends, you will want to hide it from everyone. Here is how you can do this:

  • Wear dark-colored clothing:

Dark colored pants can make stains and leaks less obvious. Opt for navy blue, dark brown or black pants (or skirts) when you get your period. If you get a stain, it will be less noticeable.

  • Sweater or jacket can be a godsend:

If you have managed to sprout a leak, a jacket or sweater can be your best friend. Just tie it around your waist until you can change your clothing at school or home.

  • Place a dark-colored towel on your bed:

If you don’t want to stain the bedding due to leaks, you can put a dark-colored towel on the bed to catch any leak or accident that occurs while you are sleep. Use an old towel that you don’t mind staining. This way the sheets on your bed will not get stained and no one at home will know you are having your period.

4. How do I tell my mom I got my period?

It can be overwhelming and frightening or exciting and thrilling when you get your first menstrual period. Regardless of how you feel, it is important you let your mother know about it. This will make it easier to get the necessary supplies, and your mom will also give you tips to deal with your period.

Just go and tell your mom about the blood stain on your panty, and she will understand. Don’t feel shy or embarrassed as she knows that you are of the age to get a period. She must be preparing in her way for it.

5. What can I do to keep my spirits high during periods at school?

They say, ‘it is all in the mind’. Most problems that we face are created in our minds, and when we develop a positive attitude, we may not find it difficult to sail through the situations.

Your period at school may be a little frustrating to deal with, but if you have a positive attitude and follow the below-mentioned measures, things will get a lot easier for you.

  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat foods that don’t make you feel bloated
  • Don’t skip your gym classes or any regular physical activity; this will help you with your menstrual cramps
  • Wear dark-colored clothes to have peace of mind about the leak or the stains
  • Maintain a healthy mindset and don’t be embarrassed about your period

6. How can I prevent the period leak in school?

Your period may be a little heavy at times, and it may cause the leak. Though it will not always happen, it is important to know how to prevent it.

  • Typically, the leak will occur when your pad or tampon gets too full and hence, cannot hold on to the blood anymore. This will happen when you are having a heavy period or if you have not changed your pad or tampon for a long time.
  • Avoid this situation by changing your pad or tampon regularly. How often you will need to change will depend on your flow and the day of your period.
  • Get the right kind of pads or tampons. If you usually have a heavy period, you should try using the extra thick and long pads. Using a double pad on the first and second days of your period will help. This will take care of the heavy flow better than a single pad.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Should I change my pad even if there is no blood?

You should change your pad every three to four hours, even if there’s no blood. This is good hygiene practice, as bacteria may build up if the same pad is used for longer durations (5).

2. What are some healthy food choices to make during my period?

It is best to consume foods rich in iron, vitamin C, vitamin K, and Omega 3, such as dark green leafy vegetables, lentils, beans, citrus fruits, berries, broccoli, bell peppers, eggs, cheese, flaxseeds, tree nuts, and fishes like salmon during your period. While fast foods and chips may offer comfort, they also cause hormonal imbalances. Nutrient-rich foods may keep you healthier and help you tackle your menstrual symptoms (6).

3. What are some effective ways to deal with period-related symptoms such as headaches, back pain, fatigue, anxiety, and nausea?

Eating healthy meals at frequent intervals, getting adequate rest, staying hydrated, and avoiding heavy workouts can help you manage most of your symptoms. Additionally, you may consider stretching exercises, massages, and hot packs for back pain. However, if you are getting increasingly anxious or experiencing intolerable pain, nausea, or fatigue, you may consider obtaining pain relief and other necessary medications from your doctor (7) (8).

4. How can I stay comfortable during my period while exercising?

You may have less energy during your periods and opt for low-intensity workouts such as stretching, walking, yoga, or pilates (6). In addition, a few general precautions, such as wearing comfortable clothes, changing the pad before and after exercising, staying hydrated, and ensuring adequate calories, may help keep you comfortable.

If you get your first period at school, stay calm and talk to your teacher. You should not feel embarrassed because it is a natural process, and every girl goes through it. After your first period, you may start following a proper routine and carry extra pads or tampons to school. To stay comfortable, change your pads when required. If you get cramps at school, talk to your teacher, stretch your muscles, or lie down for a while. Eat nutritious food and exercise regularly to stay healthy and pain-free during menstruation.

Infographic: Playing Sports During Periods – Precautions To Take

Indulging in sports and other active play may be uncomfortable during the menstrual cycle for some girls. However, menstruation is a physiological process that should not stop you from pursuing your hobbies and dreams. Check out this infographic for lifestyle modifications and other medical management tips to make your gaming experience during periods easier.

safety measures for playing sports during periods (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Some girls experience symptoms after getting their first period, such as nausea, pain, vomiting, and weakness.
  • Girls should be guided to be prepared and speak with their teacher to contact a parent if they get their first period at school.
  • Parents must guide their daughters to have spare clothes in the school locker and always carry pads or tampons.
  • If girls experience pain, they may be given a pain reliever before leaving for school.
  • Lying down or gently rubbing the abdomen can relieve cramps while on their period at school.

Illustration: How To Deal With Your Period At School? Tips & Home Remedies

How To Deal With Your Period_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Using Foods Against Menstrual Pain.
  2. Getting Your Period at School.
  3. Yoga Exercises and Menstrual Cramps.
  4. Dark Chocolate’s Effect On Menstrual Pain In Late Adolescents.’S_EFFECT_ON_MENSTRUAL_PAIN_IN_LATE_ADOLESCENTS
  5. Can I Wear the Same Pad All Day?;
  6. Nutrition and Exercise Throughout Your Menstrual Cycle.
  7. Menstrual Related Headache.
  8. I Throw Up During My Period. Is That Normal?
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Dr. Anuradha Bansal is a highly accomplished pediatrician and neonatologist with 13 years of professional experience. Presently, she is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at PIMS Jalandhar. She has done her MBBS and MD Pediatrics at GMCH, Chandigarh.

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Sagari Gongala
Sagari GongalaBSc, PG Diploma (Psychological Counseling)
Sagari was a math graduate and studied counseling psychology in postgraduate college, which she used to understand people better. Her interest in reading about people made her take up articles on kids and their behavior. She was meticulous in her research and gave information that could be of help to parents in times of need.

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Swati Patwal
Swati PatwalM.Sc. (Food & Nutrition), MBA
Swati Patwal is a clinical nutritionist, a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) and a toddler mom with more than a decade of experience in diverse fields of nutrition. She started her career as a CSR project coordinator for a healthy eating and active lifestyle project catering to school children.

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Kavita has a diverse background in finance, human resources, and teaching. She did her MBA in Finance and HR at Solapur University, and bachelor in Education at Pune University. After working for three years in the banking industry, Kavita took up teaching before moving to writing.

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