60 Lovely Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her

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Marriage is a beautiful edifice built on love, trust, and respect for each other, and it is important to express your feelings to your partner. If you’re wondering how to show your wife you love her, you are at the right place. Read on as we present you with some interesting and effective ways to communicate your love to your wife.

It’s not always about expensive gifts, fancy cars, and lavish homes but genuine love, affection, care, and understanding between partners that keep a marriage strong. So, use the tips given here to make your wife feel loved.

In This Article

How To Make Your Wife Feel Loved And Appreciated: 60 Ways

If you have no clue about how to make your wife feel loved and appreciated, read through this post. Try these simple ways, and your wife will fall in love with you again. Also, they will melt her heart.

  • Compliment her:  One of the best ways to show love to your wife is by complimenting her. So tell her how beautiful she looks in a new outfit or praise her culinary skills whenever you get a chance.
Shower her with compliments

Image: IStock

  • Read jokes together:  Have a joke book at your bedside, read jokes to your wife, and keep her entertained.
  • Give her attention: Give her your full attention when she has something to say or when she asks for your advice on anything. It will make her feel loved and important.

An anonymous blogger emphasizes the significance of active listening and giving undivided attention to demonstrate your love for your wife. He says, “I’ve never been interested in learning about hair styling. It’s not a profession I would have ever considered for myself and truthfully, I spent most of my life ignorant of the talent that is required of a good stylist. Aubrey(wife) has done hair for over a decade, and she’s insanely good. I constantly ask her questions because I’m genuinely interested in the knowledge she possesses.
“I know it makes her feel good that I engage and actively listen when we talk about her work because it feels great when she gives me the same attention. It’s nice to feel important and recognized (i).”

protip_icon Quick fact
Paying attention to your partner communicates your interest in the relationship and bolsters the feeling of closeness.
  • Recognize her efforts: Take out your time to appreciate and adore your wife’s hard work in managing the home and her profession, raising the children, and keeping the family together.
  • Give her a shoulder rub: When she comes home after work, give your wife a shoulder rub. It will surely make her feel special.
  • Hug her: Hug her when she returns home after work, and hold her for as long as you can.
  • Take her on a date: Take your wife out for a date on the weekend. Tell her how much you care about her and love her company.
  • Nurse her: If your wife is sick, take some time off from work to nurse her and attend to her.
Take good care of your wife

Image: IStock

  • Value her opinions: If your wife has an opinion or an idea, value it. Don’t snub it as irrelevant or absurd.
  • Do not change her: Accept your wife as she is, and don’t try to change her. Value her opinions and choices instead of enforcing your likings on her.
  • Make her morning coffee: Make her coffee when she wakes up from sleep. It will make her feel special and loved.
protip_icon Point To Consider
Prepare and bring her breakfast in bed whenever she has a long and hectic day ahead. It is a great way to express your love and care for her.
  • Make a journal: Write a love note or something special to your wife every day for a year, starting on her birthday or Christmas. Present it to her as a gift at the end of the year.
  • Give her a nickname: Adorn her a nickname that makes your wife feel loved, such as cutie, darling or beautiful.
  • Start a hobby: Find a hobby that both of you enjoy, such as horseback riding, hiking, or scuba diving, and do it together. To help you stay close, do it as often as you can.
  • Protect her: Look after your wife’s needs and make sure she isn’t in any worrisome situations, physically or emotionally. In any situation, determine if she is having any issues and be quick to defend her.
  • Don’t push her to sleep with you: Keep in mind that your wife may not feel like making love at all times. So never force her to sleep with you.
  • Take love slowly: Be careful not to rush intercourse between the two of you while you are making love. Tell your wife how much you love her and make her feel it.
  • Support her dreams: Understand your wife’s dreams and goals and be her biggest supporter. Encourage her as she works to achieve her goals.
  • Go on weekend trips: Take your wife on a weekend trip and spend some good time together. Devote quality time and she will be impressed.
Take her on road trips to show your wife you love her

Image: IStock

  • Listen to her: Always listen to your wife attentively when she tells you something about work or anything. It will make her feel important and increase her affection towards you.
  • Meet her physical needs: Your wife’s physical needs may differ from yours. So, learn what she likes and how she wants it and make love to her accordingly.
  • Seek your wife’s advice: Seek advice from your wife before making important decisions. It will honor her and reaffirm that you value her opinions.
  • Forgive her: You should be quick to forgive your wife if she does something that offends you. Be sure to tell her how she made you feel in a heartfelt way, then let it go.
  • Be patient: Don’t get mad when she does something that upsets you. Be patient and don’t make a big issue out of something trivial.
  • Cuddle her: Snuggle up in the bed with your wife and cuddle her. It will make her feel loved and foster your bond.
protip_icon Did you know?
Subtle gestures like getting to first base, hugging, snuggling, and holding hands can lower stress, boost closeness, and even help fight off sickness! (1).
  • Be faithful to her: Your wife will feel loved and appreciated if you are faithful to her. So be honest and never cheat on her in any way.
  • Don’t criticize her in public: When your wife does something that you disapprove of, you may want to talk to her about it in private, but never criticize her in public.
  • Support her emotionally: Cheer your wife up if she’s feeling low. Talk to her when she is under stress and make her feel you are always there for her.
  • Buy gifts for her: If you go on a business trip or if it’s her birthday, buy something for her. It doesn’t have to be expensive gifts, you can buy her anything that would amuse her and she would love it.
Gifts, how to show your wife you love her

Image: IStock

  • Work out together:  Find time to work out together with your wife. You can go for a morning walk, run, or go to a gym together. It will keep both you and your relationship healthy.
  • Be honest: Even if it seems innocuous, never lie to your wife. One of the most important aspects of marriage is trust. Never break that trust because it is difficult to mend and regain.
  • Leave love notes: Write something romantic on a note and leave it on the refrigerator or in her handbag. It will make her feel special and loved.
  • Give her space: Give your wife her “me time” and leave her in her own world when she needs it.
  • Cook meals for her: Surprise your wife by cooking her favorite dinner. Purchase candles and flowers and have a romantic dinner at home.
  • Take her to a romantic play: Dramas can be a novel experience for both you and your wife. So take her to a show and have a good time together.
  • Buy her flowers: Flowers can be the most romantic gift you can present to your wife without shelling out a lot of money. It will definitely put a smile on your wife’s face.
  • Look into her eyes: One of the ways to express your love to your wife is by looking her in the eyes. Sneak an honest and playful glance at her once in a while and let her feel your love.
  • Admit your mistakes: If you’re wrong, own up to it. Make no excuses or act as if it weren’t a big deal.
  • Help her in daily chores: Help your wife in the daily chores. Wash the dishes after dinner and help her clean the home. It will make her feel loved and special.
  • Take a shower together: Taking a shower with your wife can increase closeness with your wife..
  • Don’t carry work stress: Take it easy on your wife if you’ve had a bad day at work. Do not yell at your wife, be grumpy, or vent your frustration and anger on her.
  • Take her on a surprise date: If you have children, arrange for someone to watch them while you surprise your wife by taking her out for a night she will never forget.
  • Dedicate a song to her: Request your local radio station to play a song for your wife. Tell them why you love her and have them repeat it back to you over the air.
  • Reenact your first date: Take her out and tell her that it would be fun to reenact everything you did on your first date.
  • Write her a love letter: Write a love letter for your wife. Receiving a love letter via email or written words is incredibly romantic.
  • Hold her hands: Make your wife feel special by holding her hands and flirting with her. Although it may seem like a small gesture, it will have a lasting impact.
  • Plant a peck on her: Plant a peck on her cheeks more often so that she reminisces about it for the rest of the day. It does not have to be long, or passionate, just soft peck on her cheek, forehead, or lip.
  • Buy her favorite candy: If your wife has a sweet tooth, buy her a box of her favorite candy and leave it in her car, under her pillow, or in her handbag. This small surprise will leave her in awe.
  • Play games together: When you are done with the engagements for the day, play some games with your wife. There are plenty of games that you can play online or offline with your wife.
  • Respect her: Showing respect to your partner is important in every relationship. So, respect your wife, and she will amply reciprocate as well.
  • Groom yourself:  Keep yourself groomed, use perfumes, and practice hygiene. It will draw your wife close to you.
  • Make her feel secure: Allow your wife to feel secure in your love and encourage her to open up to you always.
  • Encourage her to chill with friends: Make her to spend time with her friends. Accompany her and have a fun time with her people.
  • Make her laugh: Laughter has a natural calming effect. So hone your joking skills and make her laugh hard.
protip_icon Did you know?
A study found that laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn approximately 40 calories (2).
Crack jokes, how to show your wife you love her

Image: IStock

  • Shop for her: If you go out shopping, buy your wife something, too. This gesture will show her how much you love her.
  • Be her best friend: Be there for your wife at all times. Give her space and freedom to express herself.
  • Don’t restrict her: Don’t restrict your wife on anything. Also, don’t interfere in her affairs unless she asks you to.
  • Don’t compare her: Comparison can hurt anyone’s self-esteem. It’s not a good idea to compare your wife to other women.
  • Watch her favorite show together: Take out your time to watch your wife’s favorite shows with her. It will make her feel special and demonstrate that you care about her likings.
protip_icon Quick tip
You can also plan a surprise weekend getaway to spend some cozy and relaxing time together.
  • Don’t judge her: Never judge your wife on anything. Let your wife be herself and accept her as she is.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some creative ideas to surprise my wife and make her feel special?

You might plan trips and romantic picnics near lakes, attempt some exercises such as breathing and yoga, plan unexpected dinner dates at home, and surprise her with a kiss and fresh flowers, and sweet notes frequently.

2. How do I maintain the romance in my marriage and keep my wife feeling loved?

To maintain romance in your marriage, try using your wife’s love language every day, pay attention to the little things, dote her, always be kind to her, share heartfelt conversations, and put your phone away while you spend time with her.

3. How do I ensure my wife knows I love and cherish her daily?

Being expressive of how you feel about her, spending time with her, and always having conversations with undivided attention are great ways to make your wife feel valued each day.

Every wife desires her husband’s love, care, and warmth. So, if you’re wondering how to show your wife you love her, all of the methods listed above may be just what you need to make her feel loved and appreciated. You don’t always have to go big; these small but lovely gestures could be the hidden ideas for making your wife feel valued and loved. So keep these points in mind as you shower your wife with love and affection and make her day brighter.

Infographic: How To Express Your Love To Your Wife?

It is important in a marriage to express and show love and care to each other to keep the emotional connection and romance alive and keep it going for a long time. In the infographic below, we’ve provided a few lovely approaches for showing love to your wife.

sweet and romantic ideas to express your love to your wife (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Bring back the spark in your marriage by going back to being humorous and fun around your wife and complimenting her more than ever.
  • Pay more attention to the efforts she makes to make your days easier. Appreciate her for it through hugs and by taking her on a date.
  • Don’t constantly try to change her and accept her the way she is, as her opinions matter as much as yours.
how to show your wife you love her_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Learn the art of expressing love and appreciation through seven simple gestures in this heartwarming video. From small acts of kindness to heartfelt compliments, make the woman in your life feel cherished and adored today.

Personal Experience: Source


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  1. Can You Kiss and Hug Your Way to Better Health? Research Says Yes.
  2. Laughter is the Best Medicine.
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Dee Gill is a Registered Clinical Counselor and a Canadian Certified Counsellor with 30 years of clinical experience public and private practice. She has done her MA in Counseling Psychology from Adler University in Vancouver (Canada), BA from the University of Victoria (Canada), and Coaching Training from the Institute for Life Coach Training and Therapist University.

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Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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Siddharth Kesiraju
Siddharth KesirajuMA, Certification in Relationship Coaching
Siddharth holds a certification in Relationship Coaching and a masters degree in communication and journalism from the University of Hyderabad. He has around seven years of experience in various fields of writing and editing.

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Srija holds an MA in English Literature from the University of Calcutta and a PG Diploma in Editing and Publishing from Jadavpur University. Her interest in editing ranges across niches, including academics, human psychology, and child development.

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