If You Know How To Do These 6 Things, You Are A Great Parent

Parenting is a very responsible job. This is because, as a parent, you are nurturing a living, breathing human being. From this point of view, every little action of your’s makes a huge difference to your baby. Be it the way you carry your baby, bond with him/her, or teach important values – it’ll all impact your child for a lifetime. And, maybe, even the future generations. But then, parenting is a huge learning curve for parents themselves. So, while you’ll learn a lot of parenting skills on the job, here are a few you can master to safely say you are a great parent. Here goes:

In This Article

1. Put Your Baby To Sleep

Put Your Baby To Sleep

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This might seem like a difficult task, but it is also very crucial. Infants and babies up to 3 months of age love the warmth of your touch. So, cuddling and cradling them in your arms is the best way to put them to sleep. Swaddling is another great way to ensure they remain asleep for longer hours. For a toddler, it is best to take advantage of their hyperactive phase and tire them out with physical activities until bedtime. And yes, do follow it up with a healthy and hearty meal.

2. Change Diapers Correctly

Change Diapers Correctly

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It may sound icky, but remember that a wet/soiled diaper means a restless baby who’ll, in turn, rob you of your sleep and rest. And learning how to do it isn’t rocket science either. Here’s how:

  • Peel the tabs off from the sides. Use the front area of the soiled diaper in a front-to-back motion to clean your baby.
  • Use the wet wipes to gently wipe away any remaining dirt or pee.
  • Raise the baby’s legs up by holding both the ankles together with one hand.
  • Place the clean diaper under the baby using the other hand. Apply a generous amount of diaper rash cream and dust some talc on the sides.
  • Lower the legs, put the front portion up, and fasten the tabs on the sides…. and you’re done!

3. Soothe A Crying Baby

 Soothe A Crying Baby

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A constantly wailing baby is any parents’ worst nightmare. Babies cry differently for different reasons – hunger, loneliness, sickness or sleepiness. You’ll need to pay attention and learn the cues that your little one is trying to give you. Once you get them, be prompt in addressing the issue. Sometimes a loving hug, a soft kiss, caressing on the back or head is enough to soothe your little munchkin.

4. Be Patient With Their Questions

Making Your Child Eat

Image: Shutterstock

Once your baby becomes a toddler, you’ll be hammered with incessant questions, some of which might sound outright inane. However, toddlers do not ask questions to irritate you, as you’d like to believe. Instead, it is their curious mind that is constantly learning and evolving which makes them question every action of yours. Be patient and answer their questions logically for this helps them shape their perception of the world around them.

5. Making Your Child Eat

Be Patient With Their Questions

Image: Shutterstock

Another difficult task for parents is making their child eat. Kids are generally fussy eaters once they start recognizing tastes and often incline toward junk food. Find out why your kid loves particular junk food and incorporate the taste or ‘look’ of it in your regular food. Try making colorful food items without compromising on the nutritional aspects of it. Kids frequently emulate grown-ups. So, have your meals along with your kids and practice healthy eating habits to influence them.

6. Disciplining Your Child

Disciplining Your Child

Image: Shutterstock

The biggest mistake most parents do while disciplining their children is hitting them. This only means that you are incapable of effectively communicating with your child. Whenever your child is on a misbehaving spree, try to make him/her understand why a certain behavior is unacceptable and what it’ll cost. Children need to know that bad behavior will always come with consequences such as no outdoor playtime, cancellation of a planned dessert date, or a time-out in an empty room. Whatever it may be, make sure that you are consistent in your ways. It’s also important that both you and your partner are on the same page. Do not bend the rules in each other’s absence.

Bringing up a child is not an easy thing. However, persistence and consistency is the key. And, of course, a healthy dose of love and care!

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