6 Little Things A Husband Should Do To Appreciate His Pregnant Wife

“Today, women are fearless.”

“Today, women can manage anything and everything independently.”

“Today, women are enough for themselves.”

Reading all these sentences, you must have said ‘’Yes!” aloud. Granted, everything is correct, but a little love and support never hurt. Specially, when it comes to a woman who is going to be a mother of your child. Women have their own special powers and when it comes to motherhood, they attract some more power from the universe. The only exception: They need their partner to understand the difficulties of this phase and be with them. When most men do work up the courage to be a strong daddy, even when the child has not arrived, they earn the most special place.

What always matters is how appreciative a man is at this moment. Here are few curated instances to help the would-be fathers be appreciative of this gorgeous phase.

In This Article

1. Time To Slow Down

Time To Slow Down

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You both have seen the fast-paced life till now. It’s time to slow it down a little bit. During pregnancy, it becomes a task to move around quickly and get things done. This is the time when you the man needs to slow down giving all the needed comfort and support to his lady love. It sounds small, but trust us, she’ll swoon over this small gesture.

2. Respect Her Likings

Respect Her Likings

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Pregnancy comes with a big T&C document. A lot of likings turn into dislikes and vice-versa. Here, the partner needs to understand the changes and make sure his wife is not encountering any sorts of unpleasant experiences. Specially, the dietary choices, as this is the phase where most women start developing repugnance for particular things.

3. Be Emotionally Strong

Be Emotionally Strong

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The most important thing: Dads needs to be emotionally stronger than moms when having a baby. Moms experience both: strength and weakness during these nine months. Here, they look up to their partners, when emotionally weak. Putting all the fears and jitters away, being the strongest is the best thing a man can do.

4. Talk About Your Worries

Talk About Your Worries

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Yes, men need to be strong but that doesn’t mean they cannot talk about their worries. It’s important to talk about the issues you are facing due to pregnancy, the concerns you have about the baby’s and mom’s health, the future talks etc. Never forget, talking out your heart and asking for emotional support is a sign of strength.

5. Be Around

Be Around

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Yoga classes, doctor’s appointment, evening walks, insomnia attacks, oversleeping habits, and lot more. Be present in every situation, every phase. A partner’s physical and emotional presence is the most significant thing that can help share the pregnancy. Understand that she is emotionally vulnerable and she wants you to be there. It’s the man’s job as well to make the parenthood journey smooth and happy for everyone involved.

6. Plan Date Nights

Plan Date Nights

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Love can never go out of style! Pampering and spoiling the woman who is going to give birth to your child is the most romantic thing you can do. Plan frequent date nights, send her flowers, loving texts and make her feel special. Also, don’t be scared of mood swings, your love will make everything back to normal.

Trust us, dear would-be parents, this time is going to be the most memorable of all. You just have to keep your love intact and be there for each other. Don’t settle for anything less than amazing because this phase demands both of your time, efforts and involvement. Celebrate the togetherness and be as much appreciative as you can. Happy pregnancy!

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