200+ Cute And Long Paragraphs For Him To Say “I Love You”

It’s hard to define pure love. Your heart may be overflowing with deep feelings of endearment and fondness for your man, but you’re having trouble putting them into words. Writing love paragraphs for him to express your thoughts for him may help you get closer to him. Also, it gives you a channel to let your sentiments flow and express your feelings. But if you’re having trouble writing beautiful poems or ‘I love you’ paragraphs for him, we got you covered. We’ve curated a compilation of creative, romantic, and comical passages brimming with tenderness and reverence to help you write down your thoughts and convey your emotions of love and romance for your man. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply want to remind him of your love, these paragraphs are crafted to touch his heart and express your deepest feelings.

In This Article

Romantic Paragraphs For Him

Share your most heartfelt emotions and inspire him with these romantic paragraphs that beautifully convey the essence of your love. We are sure some romantic paragraphs can touch his soul and melt his heart and make him love you more. Here are a few of them.

  1. “If only I were a clever woman, I could describe to you my gorgeous bird, how you unite in yourself the beauties of form, plumage, and song! I would tell you that you are the greatest marvel of all ages, and I should only be speaking the simple truth…You are not only the solar spectrum with the seven luminous colors, but the sun himself, that illumines, warms, and revivifies! This is what you are, and I am the lowly woman that adores you.” — Juliette Drouet
  2. “Darling – I love these velvet nights. I’ve never been able to decide … whether I love you most in the eternal classic half-lights where it blends with day or in the full religious fan-fare of mid-night or perhaps in the lux of noon. Anyway, I love you most and you ’phoned me just because you phoned me tonight – I walked on those telephone wires for two hours after holding your love like a parasol to balance me.”   —  Zelda Fitzgerald
  3. “I have for the first time found what I can truly love—I have found you. You are my sympathy—my better self—my good angel; I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you are good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my center and spring of life, wraps my existence about you—and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.”  — Charlotte Brontë
  4. “Nothing compares to your hands, nothing like the green-gold of your eyes. My body is filled with you for days and days. You are the mirror of the night. The violent flash of lightning. The dampness of the earth. The hollow of your armpits is my shelter. My fingers touch your blood. All my joy is to feel life spring from your flower-fountain that mine keeps filling all the paths of my nerves which are yours.”    — Frida Kahlo
  5. “Dearest My Love – The sky closed over the lake like a gray oyster shell and pink pearls of clouds lay in the crease where the water met the Juras—still in the black iridescence and I wanted you to be there in the boat with me so I could watch the funny soft way you do things, so sweet, the way you move, like the tickling of a kitten’s whiskers on my neck.”— Zelda Fitzgerald
  6. “My love is getting thicker and deeper than everything in the world. You make me feel so beautiful that I cannot imagine and express. I see care, love, affection, and everything for me in your eyes. You mean everything to me.”
  7. “No relationship is perfect, ever. There are always some ways you have to bend, to compromise, to give something up in order to gain something greater… The love we have for each other is bigger than these small differences. And that’s the key. It’s like a big pie chart, and the love in a relationship has to be the biggest piece. Love can make up for a lot.”  — Sarah Dessen
  8. “I don’t like to make promises. I say things only when I mean. You can trust me for what I say, my love. I don’t want to promise you, but let me tell you something. You are the person who makes my soul peaceful. You are the person where my happiness lies. I want you in the morning, and I want you at night. That’s how simple and beautiful my love is for you.”
  9. “When you enter my room, that’s the best gift for me. You are my strength. Your smile gives me pleasure. When I see you, I feel comfortable, just as I am at home. That’s how my love for you is.”
  10. “Whenever we are together, I want the moment to stop. I wish those moments stay forever. All I want is to be with you, relax with you, and touch you. When you are at my side, my world is complete.  I will hold on with you today and forever.”
  11. “You entered my life as a stranger. I did not know falling in love was the best thing in my life. You let me know what pure love is and how beautiful the feeling is. When I am with you, everything seems to be heavenly. Thank you for choosing me, love.”
  12. “Your warm cuddles make me cheerful. You nurtured me with affection, and that makes me look beautiful. When you are with me, I do not have to worry about anything. That’s because you are my Hero, and my Superman.”
  13. “Perfection is you for me. I thank God for making you a perfect partner. You are the light of the darkness. You are the colors of my painting. Imagining my life without you is nothing but a black hole. I just want you to know that I cannot live without you, until my last breath.”
I cannot live without you, until my last breath.

Image: IStock

  1. “You have touched me more profoundly than I thought even you could have touched me — my heart was full when you came here today. Henceforward I am yours for everything….”- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  2. “It is not in my power to tell thee how I have been affected by this dearest of all letters — it was so unexpected — so new a thing to see the breathing of thy inmost heart upon paper that I was quite overpowered, and now that I sit down to answer thee in the loneliness and depth of that love which unites us and which cannot be felt but by ourselves.”— Mary Wordsworth
  3. “Love arrives and in its train comes ecstasies, old memories of pleasure, ancient histories of pain. Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls. We are weaned from our timidity. In the flush of love’s light we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free.” – “Touched by an Angel,” Maya Angelou
  4. “Thank you for showering immense love on me, pampering me to the core, and giving me your entire affection. I want us to share more laughs and more romantic days. You are the sunshine to my dark clouds. You are my world.”
  5. “Should I draw the picture of my heart, it would be what I hope you would still love though it contained nothing new. The early possession you obtained there, and the absolute power you have obtained over it, leaves not the smallest space unoccupied.” – Abigail Adams
  6. “Our love is special, it completes my life. It is just like winning a lottery with you. You are a magician who made my life better. All you have to do is be by my side, love me, and care for me. You make my dreams come true, you are the man of my life.”
  7. “My love for you is like a mountain, something higher than Everest. Your love is enough to win my heart, and you at my side is enough to make my world. I do not know how but you have become the drug of my life. Nothing can take me away from you, my dear.”
  8. “Ever since we met, my life has been a fairy tale. If you feel the way I do, let’s hold hands and carve together a future full of mutual love and happiness. I know life will not always be a walk in the park, but with you, I can face everything that may come. So take me in your embrace, my love. In your arms, I have found a sanctuary where each heartbeat of mine echoes our promises, hopes, and aspirations.”
  9. “You are more exquisite than the sun setting on the beach’s horizon. You are more captivating than a scenic view of the mountain. You are brighter than a shining star in the night sky. You are more soothing than a melodious song. That’s how I can describe your love to me, dear husband.”
  10. “Hey, husband, you give me butterflies even now after so many years of marriage. You make me feel light even when you hold me tight. You tickle me with your naughty words and make me laugh. Thank you for being with me, my wonder man. I love you!”
  11. Coffee is not what I like about the mornings. Instead, it is being your girlfriend that fills my days with happiness. Every time I see you, I realize how lucky I am to have you. I want to tell you how much I adore you every day after getting up in the morning and before sleeping at night.
  12. “Our love story is more special than any story I read. You made me understand what trust is, passion is, and affection is. I would like to be your princess in every birth and share our story with everyone around me. I promise to be with you forever and face every hardship that comes our way. And, we shall live happily ever after.”
  13. “In a life filled with flowers, jewelry, and rubies, I only admire and treasure you. You are my dearest faithful and true husband. You are the special gift of my life that I would cherish forever. I promise to love you with all my heart and with zero limits.”
  14. “Dear beloved husband, I want you to support you whenever you need me the most. Marrying you was my dream come true. You make me feel warm and special whenever you are with me. I am happy to be your wife and would like to be your better half in every life I get on the planet.”
  15. “Just like the apple tree’s blossom, you mesmerize me every time. I feel pleased to announce you as my husband. You are the lucky charm that I want to hold all my life. I love you, my baby, and I don’t want to miss any part of you.”
  16. “Love is not formed completely. It is a seed that grows with time. I am sure you will keep the candle of our love burning even during the darkest hours. You are the Prince Charming of my life.”
  17. “I started believing in magic from the moment I saw you. I think you cast a spell on me and made me yours. Whether it is true or not, I loved what you did. I am glad to be a part of your magic world. And I will be with you all my life.”
  18. “You keep me alive as you are my heartbeat. You are the soulful rhythm of my life who makes me feel energetic. You make me feel complete and bring the best out of me, my dear husband. Thank you for everything.”
  19. Knowing that you are here with me every step of the way as we travel together through life makes my heart grow fonder for you. Our relationship grows stronger and deeper with each passing day because of our shared experiences. I am not sure how to put my feelings for you in words, for I love you deeply.
  20. I thank my stars for bringing you into my life, for I have found my better half in you. You are the yin to my yang, the seasoning to my pizza, and the peanut butter to my jelly. In short, you complete me in every way, my sweetheart, and I just can’t live without you.
  21. The concept of soulmates never intrigued me until I met you for the first time. You are my haven, sanctuary, personal diary, home, and everything wrapped in one. Every moment we spend together is a cherished memory, and I am thankful for all of them.
  22. I consider myself extremely lucky to feel your love every day. You make me blush and smile. You never let my worries take over the best of me. Your love is endless, and to be able to experience it makes me feel like the luckiest person alive.
  23. The relationship I share with you is full of exhilarating, unpredictable, and thrilling moments. Like a roller coaster ride, our relationship has ups and downs, but I know and believe those challenging moments will strengthen our love and bring us closer. You give me the courage to face my worries head-on, and I know I can conquer the world with you by my side.
  24. There is a deep void in my heart when we are apart. My emotions become shallow, and my heart does not feel the things that it feels when you are around. I miss you, my love. You are like the rainbow that lights up and colors my whole world by just being there.
  25. You have made me a better person and inspire me to give my best in everything I do. You color my world in all the pretty shades and make me happiest. I want you to know that I adore you with all my heart today and forever.
  26. You are the epitome of perfection. After all this time with you, you occupy a significant portion of my heart. Know that I adore you the most, and we are never getting separated, no matter what.
  27. You make my days better just by being a part of them. Your smile makes me forget all the stress, and your touch calms my soul. Sweetheart, I feel delighted and blessed to have you in my life, and I would not give it up for anything else.
  28. Every moment I spend with you feels like a dream come true. You are the living embodiment of the qualities I always wanted in my partner. Your looks make my heart skip a beat, your touch sends chills down my spine, and your smile just makes any day better. I will always love you, come rain or shine.
  29. My love for you knows no bounds of space and time. My love is always there for you, regardless of distance or circumstance. I cannot explain how my soul was drawn to yours. It was like my heart knew that you were the one made for me. I promise my eternal love for you, now and forever.
  30. My heart and I both know what we want, and that is you. We adore you and long for your presence whenever you are not around. You are the cutest and the most lovable thing that has ever happened to me, and my heart knows what love is because of you. I would not trade any moments I share with you for anything else in the world.
  31. I never knew someone could make me feel the way you do. My life has changed ever since you have touched my soul. My feelings for you strengthen daily, and I can’t stop falling in love with you deeper and deeper.
  32. “Happiness is within you….so unlock the chains from your heart and let yourself grow—like the sweet flower you are…I know the answer—Just spread your wings and set yourself free. Love to you forever.” – Jimi Hendrix
  33. Every time I pray, I can’t help but praise God for blessing my life with you. You are an exemplary man who loves unconditionally. Love you, my sweetheart. You are the most special person in my life today and forever.
  34. You are my everything. I am not afraid to admit I’ve fallen passionately in love with you. We made it through despite everything and are still going strong. Without you by my side, I simply cannot imagine my life. I can’t even begin to describe how much I love you, my prince charming!
  35. I do not know if I can ever pour my heart out to you. But I want you to know that you are my heartbeat. Every small thing you do moves me, and I am grateful to have one of the most amazing people in my life. You impress me profoundly.
  36. I never imagined that I would meet such a lovely man in my lifetime. You have a pure heart in addition to being attractive. And that only deepens my love for you. Everyone compliments me on how fortunate I am to have you, and I agree, they are all correct.
  37. Every morning when I wake up, I wonder how on earth I ended up with you. Words simply cannot express how wildly and passionately I love you. I hope we always stay together and sail through life with each other’s love and support.
  38. I have loved you my entire life. My inner self has always felt as though I was meant for something. I knew I intended to adore you as soon as I met you. You are the reason I am here today. I’ve always loved you, and my affection for you simply deepens with time.
  39. Dear love, you are the one who makes my world shine. Your affection and care make me forget all my worries. I can’t stop thinking about you and our time together, as I adore you for who you are and how you make me feel every second of the day.
  40. I often wonder what I did to earn your support. Just a handful of people are fortunate enough to have found their soulmate, and I feel honored to be one of them. I can’t imagine living without you, my love. So be with me always, no matter what.
  41. Whatever I knew about love came to life the moment I saw you. Your smile, gentleness, and chivalry can melt the toughest hearts easily. I am unsure if I have told you enough about how effortlessly you make me love you and feel blessed for each moment we spent together.
  42. We will continue to achieve excellence as a team. Even if we are imperfect, we are always there for one another. I’ve got your back, just as I’m sure you have mine. God sent you to me as a precious gift, and I intend to treasure you always.
  43. Whatever you feel, I can feel it too. Simply put, we are two bodies but one soul and heart. So, I want to be by your side and ensure our divine connection grows deeper and stronger each day.

‘I Love You’ Paragraphs For Him

I love you,

in itself is a powerful phrase. It says it all. It encapsulates within it all the feelings you have for him, leaving him enamored. But, there are many other feelings that you may want to convey to your better half or your dream man. Read on for some ‘I love you’ inspirations that are sure to fill him with love, comfort and rapture.

  1. “I don’t know how to tell you just how much I miss you. I love you till my heart could burst. All I love, all I want, all I need is you—forever. I want to be just where you are and be just what you want me to be. I know it’s lousy of me to be so late so often, and I promise to try a million times harder, I promise.”     — Marilyn Monroe
  2. “There’s no beginning and end of my love for you. My love rolls in a cycle for you. It just flows like an ocean. It is vast and there are no bounds. The moment I see you, everything stops for me. Joy and peace arrive in my life when I embrace you. I love you.”
  3. “Let me tell you a million and zillion times that I love you. You are exceptional, and your love is nothing that I have seen before. I love you, dear husband. You are my strong pillar, you are my heartbeat, and you are my everything. Love you till the infinity.”
  4. “This path we are on is unpredictable, mysterious, profoundly challenging, and, yes, even fulfilling. It is a path we chose to embark on together and for all the brambles and obstructions that have come our way of late, I have no regrets. In fact, all of our difficulties have shown me how deeply I love you and how grateful I am that we can follow this path together. Our future will be bright, my darling one, because we have each other and our young ‘uns. With all my heart and soul I love you.” — Dana Reeve
  5. “When I think of you, my love for you becomes stronger. I feel proud to have you in my life. I wish that we are together until our last breath. I love you now, I will love you tomorrow, and I will love you forever. You are my superhero.”
  6. “It was our choice to become friends, but falling in love was my decision. It is one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I cherish every second of my life when you are with me. I am the luckiest girl to have a partner like you. I love you.”
  7. “I love you unconditionally. You are not my better half, but you are my comforter, my confidant, and my best friend. My life becomes perfect when you are with me. You are the love of my life and the desire of my dreams.”
  8. “No love song can express my love for you. No love poems can describe my adoration for you. You have filled a huge space in my life. I think of you every day and night. I respect you, I love you, and I care for you. I love you, my prince.”
  9. “I realized what love is when you came into my life. Now, I do not want to see anything. I feel as if I am a fortunate womanto be in your arms. I love you till I breathe. I love you till the sun stops coming out. I love you like there is no end to life.”
  10. “You are the motivation of my life, and you have become the irreplaceable element of my world. I am happy and content only when you are in front of me. Thank you for the enduring love you have for me. I am sure you are the king of my kingdom.”
  11. “I didn’t know what sadness is once you came into my world. My life is filled with hopes and positivity now. I never knew your presence would be so impactful in my life. I am so lucky to be your wife. Thank you for choosing me. I love you, my dearest husband.”
  12. “I will always be there at your side, come what may. I will be with you not only in good times to celebrate but also during the bad times. Whether you are angry, sad, or stressed out, I will help you come out of the bad zone. I will help you in any way possible to cheer you up. And surely, you will be glad later. I love you, my life.
  13. “I doubted what true love is until I met you. You taught me what it is like to fall in love. You helped me cruise, and you reflect the thoughts of my heart I cannot express more than this. I would only say, “I love you”.”
  14. “You are the wine that wins my heart, you are the star that brightens in the sky. I would love to dive into your overflowing affection so much that I would not want to come out of it. I want your company in my life, be with me, my love.I adore you.”
  15. “I cannot measure true love. But I can feel it when you love me. I feel it when you cuddle me. I feel it in my blood and sweat. Your efforts make our relationship deeper and stronger. All I want is to stay with you for my entire life. My love for you will never die, in fact, it will be growing every day.”
  16. “You are the beautiful song of my heart. I feel I am the luckiest woman to feel your love and affection. I cannot fathom my world without you. You are the start and the end of my life. I want you to know that I love you more than the moon, sun, and the star.”
  17. “I might have made a lot of mistakes in my life, and I am regretful. But one of the best decisions of my life is to choose you. You bring joy, happiness, and peace in my life. You are the pure and precious soul that completes my world. My every heartbeat says, I love you.”
  18. “Everything you do for me makes me love you even more. The way you convince me, you call me, pamper me, and make love to me. Thus, I never hesitate to say, you are the man of my fantasies. You are the precious stone of my life that I love so much that I can’t spare a second without you.”
  19. “Through this message, I want to thank you. Thank you for accepting me, and give me your undivided love and. Thank you for spending every second and minute of your life with me. Thank you for being my sunshine, and thank you for being the fresh breath of air. I love you, darling,”
  20. “I want to repay everything you did for me, but I cannot as it is infinite. You have changed the way I looked at life, and I don’t know how you became a part of it. You have come to me as an angel. My dear, I love you. Thank you for loving me, you are the handsome man of my life.”
  21. You are the constant source of joy in my life. Your love fills my heart, and your smile always brightens my day. I love you more than anything else and always thank the Almighty for bringing you into my life. I love you. You are my dream come true.
  22. “You make my heart flutter with happiness and joy. No one understands me better than you do. You make me feel like the luckiest girl alive with your love and presence. I love you to the moon and back.”
  23. You are not only my soulmate but my best friend. We have shared many happy and sad moments, but each has only strengthened our relationship and brought us closer. I am forever grateful for having you as a part of my life, and I will always love you.
  24. Whenever I am with you, I am the best version of myself. You make me feel like I can do anything and achieve all my goals. You motivate me to give my best every day, and I am ever so appreciative of the love and support I receive from you.
  25. You are the king of my heart, the sunlight in my gloomy days, and the brightest star in my night sky. You complete me in every single way possible, and I cannot help but appreciate all the things you do for me all the time.
  26. Sweetheart, your presence in my life is no less than a blessing. Your touch gives me the chills, and your smile brightens even my worst days. I will always be delighted you are in my life.
  27. You are the moonlight that shines on my nights and the sunshine that makes my days beautiful, my sweetheart. Your love makes me joyful and at peace. Without you, I couldn’t have led a happy life.
  28. “The time I spend with you feels like a story out of a novel. Your voice calms my spirit, and your touch sends chills down my spine. On a rainy day, all I want is one of your kisses. Your hugs give me the strength I need, and your smile makes my day. You are the one person who can fully complete me.”
  29. It is incredible how you completely captivated me when we first met. You supported me in expressing my affection for you. With you in it, my world is more lovely, which I consider perfect. I cherish, adore, and value you.
  30. Please understand, my life without you is incomplete. You have consistently shown me how an imperfectly perfect man can change your life. I appreciate you being my life’s love, best friend, and partner.
  31. “Every moment I spend with you, my sweetheart, feels like a dream come true. With only a smile, you can make my heart skip a beat, and your touch can make my spine tingle. Without you in my life, I simply cannot envision it. Come sun or rain, I love you.”
  32. I am so grateful to have you by my side, my dear. I appreciate every second we spend together because you give me a sense of life and wholeness. My love for you grows every day, and I promise to always be there for you.
  33. You should know that you are what makes me happy. You are my dearest friend, pillar of strength, and confidante. I will always be there for you through good times and bad because I love you more than anything in this whole world.
  34. “You should know that you are what makes me happy. You are my dearest friend, my pillar of strength, and my confidante. I will always be there for you through good times and bad because I love you more than anything in the world.”
  35. Oh, my dear, you should know you are my true love. I look forward to sharing every moment of my life with you, as I can not picture my existence without you. You make me feel valued and loved, and I appreciate that you are in my life. To the moon and back, I adore you.
  36. Love, I could spend hours writing about how much you mean to me, yet no amount of words could ever really express how profoundly I feel about you. You are my soulmate, closest friend, and constant companion. To me, you are everything. I am so grateful you have stood by my side through thick and thin. You have my unending love.
  37. Hey, sweetheart. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you how much I cherish you. You are the most amazing person I know, and I am so lucky to have you as my partner. You make my heart skip a beat every time I see you, and being with you makes every minute of my life special. I promise to love you passionately, madly, and unconditionally forever because you brighten everything around you.
  38. My thoughts wander to you during the stillness of the night. From our smallest interactions to biggest experiences, I catch myself replaying our past together. Your boundless energy and contagious laughter brighten every day. I consider myself fortunate to have you as my life partner, and I look forward to having many more wonderful moments with you.
  39. “I am reminded of the warmth you bring to my life while I lie here, covered in the warmth of my blanket. I feel full and at peace in the world because of your affection. I wish you were here to cuddle with me tonight because I miss you so much. I cherish every second we spend together and love you more than you can ever know.”
  40. It seems like an eternity when I’m away from you. To tell you how much I’ve missed you, I can’t wait to see you when I get home. You give me a sense of purpose I didn’t know was possible. I tingle with anticipation just at the imagination of your hands caressing my body.
  41. Even when we’re apart, I adore knowing you’re thinking of me. Even though you are thousands of miles away from me, your love still seems very close. I carry you everywhere I go, and I look forward to the day we are reunited. Until then, please know that I treasure your love and long to hold you in my arms.
  42. “You represent my destiny and the one I was intended to be with. The one I run to, the air I breathe, and my lucky charm. I can’t help but admit that you are both my greatest need and want. I have never met anyone as amazing as you, and I appreciate you every day of my life.”
  43. Darling, do you know your humor, smile, and steadfast love brighten my life? Do you know how your gentle touch makes me forget all the worries and drown in the bliss it ignites in my heart? Today, I simply wanted to thank you for improving my days and the quality of my life. I completely adore you.
  44. “I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me and how grateful I am to have you in my life. You are all different shades of outstanding. You encourage me, love me without condition, and give me support. I sincerely hope you are as happy today as you make me every day.”
  45. “Hey, handsome. I cannot wait to start the new day with you. Everything is made better by your presence, and I simply adore you. You brighten my life, and I feel very fortunate to have you. Have a wonderful day. I love you!”
How grateful I am that we can follow this path together.

Image: IStock

Cute Paragraphs For Him

Sending a sweet message or a letter to your partner or husband will make his day and leave him longing for your presence.

We have a few cute paragraphs for you to take a cue. You may use the same or tweak them to bring a smile on his face.

  1. “I derive happiness and joy from you. You erase all my worries and add positivity to my life. God made you a pure soul, and I thank him for bringing you in my love. I am shy, but let me tell you, I fall in love with you every moment I see you.”
  2. “You are the dessert to my meal, you are the sprinklers to my ice cream, and you are fudge to my brownie. Yes, that’s how you bring sweetness to my life. I love you, now and forever.”
  3. “You have filled the empty areas of my life. I make more sense when you hold my hands. I love you unconditionally and will do so for the rest of my life as I cherish you. Nobody in the world can take your place. I love you, my baby.”
  4. “You are the sunshine to my mornings that linger on my heart all day. You bring a smile on my face and fill me with happiness. Thanks for being the best part of my life. Thanks for loving me so much that nobody else can.”
  5. “The best decision I’ve ever made is to give you my heart. You make me feel alive, adored, and respected. You make me feel like I matter the most in the world. You are my soulmate, my partner-in-crime, and my forever home. I truly feel blessed for the love you shower upon me each day.”
  6. “I have, for the first time, found what I can truly love—I have found you. You are my sympathy—my better self—my good angel; I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you are good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my center and spring of life, wraps my existence about you—and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.” — Charlotte Brontë
  7. “Without hearing your voice, my day is void and incomplete. When I hear your voice, my soul starts to melt and that makes my day. You are all that I have in my life, you fill my mornings and my nights. I love you, dear handsome husband.”
  8. “When I lost love, I thought I would never love anyone again. But once I met you, you have rekindled the lost love strings in my heart. Your sweet words melt my heart every time and fill me with the utmost joy. You are the meaning of pure love to me. And I mean it.”
  9. “The moment I found you, I knew God had blessed me with fortune. You woo me with your naughty acts and inspire you with your noble thoughts. You are the person who makes my life complete. I adore you and cherish you as you are my king, today, and always.”
  10. “When everyone is cold to me, your affection makes me feel warm. When everything is hot, your romantic words melt me. You are the ground to my shaky thoughts, and you are the freshness to my depressed soul. You are the most beloved moderator of my love.”
  11. “When everyone is cold to me, your affection makes me feel warm. When everything is hot, your romantic words melt me. You are the ground to my shaky thoughts and you are the freshness to my depressed soul. You are the most beloved moderator of my love.”
  12. “You are the charming person of my love. You give me the sweetest devotion and affection that I look for. I want you in my life, today and tomorrow. You are everything and I want to be your everything.”
  13. “You are a unique person. You have brought a great impact in my life that leaves me in disbelief. You are not only caring but also intelligent and handsome. I am a lucky wife to have an adorable husband like you. I feel the richest better half on the planet as I have you.”
  14. “Your smile brightens my world. Your presence makes my heart rhythm. You are the most attractive man I have ever come across. Let me tell you, I am not going to leave you for a second, as you are mine. For now. And, forever.”
  15. “You have the most striking features that make you stand out from the rest in the crowd. It gives me pleasure to call you my partner. I don’t believe why God has showered me so much good luck by giving my hands in yours. I love you to the infinity and beyond.”
  16. “Baby, I met a lot of men. But nobody is like you. You are a distinctive soul in many ways. You are charming, you are gentle, you are soft, and I must say, I know what a gentleman is after knowing you. You make me feel like a princess. And so, you are the price of my life.”
  17. “In every relationship, imperfection is inevitable. It requires compromising and sometimes sacrificing to embrace something greater. The love shared outweighs these minor discrepancies. Love has the power to reconcile many differences.”
  18. “I do know some things. I know I love you. I know you love me. You are not just my love. You are not just my love. You are the air I breathe and I cannot live without you. You have touched me more profoundly than I thought even you could have touched me — my heart was full when you came here today. Henceforward I am yours for everything….”
  19. “I do not want the stars, moon, and sun. Neither do I want diamond or gold. All I want is you, holding my hands, loving me, and sitting beside me. You are the world and the universe to me. I love you, dear husband.”
  20. “Every couple goes through highs and lows. But we experienced a lot of them. But, it’s you who made us sail the right way, and that’s why we are together. Your love and affection keeps me going through the toughest times. Thank you for being with me and making our relationship stronger every day.”
  21. “Our future is uncertain and it scares me sometimes. But, I feel blessed to have you with me. I know I am in good hands, come what may. I am thankful to God to send you to be a part of my journey. You filled it with so much happiness and laughter. I can’t expect a better partner in my life than you.”
  22. “To my love, you are the gem of a person that I have in my life. My love for you increases with every passing moment. I cannot express how much I love you, dear. I exist because of your presence. Every bit of my soul loves you, sweetheart.”
  23. “I cherish you the most. You are precious to me, just like a gem. You are the best man of my life, and I cannot imagine a single moment without you. I miss you every second when you are away. You are my world.”
I make more sense when you hold my hands.

Image: IStock

  1. “You have been an amazing partner. We do fight, but I would never stop loving you. You are the man of my life, you are compassionate, funny, sweet, and kind. You make me feel special. You are my best friends, and you will be my best friend forever, even after we marry.”
  2. “Nothing can make me stop thinking about you. Nothing can make me stop loving you. I am completely yours and will be yours forever. In the rain and storm, I would not leave your side ever. All I want to do is, be with you all day and night. I love you, dear husband.”
  3. “Hey love, are you wondering how much I love you? Do not. Because You cannot measure my love for you. It is vast like a sky, deep like an ocean, and pure as a child’s soul. I never knew I would be so deeply in love with you. Thanks for the warmth and affection that you always give me.”
  4. “My love story started with a simple name. It was your name, which took over my soul and became my destiny. I accept attaching my name with yours and move ahead in life. Because, I love you and I cannot live without you.”
  5. “If someone says love is a crime, I am ready to call myself a criminal. I would love to be jailed in your heart. You have changed my world by bringing in so much positivity. Spending a day with you makes me crave spending more days, weeks, and forever with you.”
  6. “Whenever I meet a new person, I fall in love more with you. You are the rock for me. I know I can count on you any day. Your words have not only melted my heart but also have inspired me. You make me smile when you are around, and you make me cry when you are far away. Love you, baby.”
  7. “If love is extreme cold, I don’t mind catching it. If love is too hot like fire, I don’t mind burning in it. That’s because my love is for you, and I can do anything for you. You make me happy, and that is all I want.”
  8. “I want to be the wind if you are the sky. I want to be the shine if you are the moon. I want to be the light if you are the sun. Oh boy, I cannot tell you how much you mean to me. I would love to stay with you even after the world ends.”
  9. When we first held hands, I had no idea our love would develop into what it is now. Having you in my life makes me happier. Your presence in my life makes me fall in love with myself. Every day, I am reminded how fortunate I am to have discovered the love of my life because you complete me in every way possible.
  10. More than words can express, I adore you and could never bear to lose you. You are everything to me. My last thought before going to sleep is of you, and my first thought after waking up is of you. You’re the most incredible man I’ve ever met; you’re priceless, and I love you.
  11. “I adore you a lot. You are my everything. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are very incredible. You go above and beyond to take care of me. There isn’t a better boyfriend I could ask for. Babe, I adore you with all of my heart and soul. You will always be my Pooh Bear, and no one can make me change my mind.”
  12. Without your good night wishes, I am unable to sleep. I can’t express in words that you have found a special place in my heart. I love you is not enough to express how I feel about you. Goodnight, my love.
  13. I am going to bed with my heart full of your adorable image… I cannot wait to give you proof of my ardent love… How happy I would be if I could assist you with your undressing, the little firm white breast, the adorable face, the hair tied up in a scarf a la creole. You know that I will never forget the little visits, you know, the little black forest… I kiss it a thousand times and wait impatiently for the moment I will be in it. – Napoleon Bonaparte
  14. There is no turning back if you love me as much as I love you. Let’s love one another until our last breath. You hold a special place in my heart, and I believe choosing to be with you is one of the best decisions of my life.
  15. It feels like a dream come true when I’m with you. You are my guardian angel, and I cherish you. I have no words to express my love for you. To me, you are everything. Please never leave my side. I can’t imagine loving anyone else as much as I love you. I can’t picture my existence without you; you are everything I want to be around.
  16. Dear, you are the one who loved me without any conditions and ensured I always kept smiling. You made me realize my potential and helped me overcome my fears. I will always love you for who you are as you are.
  17. You motivate me to improve, pursue my dreams, and live fully. I occasionally cry because I feel I haven’t done anything to earn your love. You are gracious, and your soul is beautiful. Believe me when I say that you mean the world to me; it’s true. You provide me joy.”
  18. Dear soulmate, your affection and care made me value everything myself more. Irrespective of how hard I try, you always see the tears hidden behind my smile. The sea is always gleaming, the sky is bluer, and the trees are a lovely green when you are near me.
  19. “I can genuinely say to you, baby, that you have captured my heart and are my entire world. Damn, we’re still together after everything we’ve been through. It’s just so incredible. Without you, I’m not sure how I would live. You’ve impacted my life. Just by smiling at me, you make me happy. I am confident that I am thrilled to be with you.”
  20. You are always by my side to help me get back up when I’m down. I simply cannot express how much I love you. So that you know, I’d never want to see you leave. There will only ever be you and me. I cherish you.
  21. Sometimes all I want to do when I think of you is shout and tell the world how I feel about you. I adore you because of the positivity that adds shine to my life. You might be the most eccentric, hilarious, and loving person I’ve ever met, and I’ve no hesitation to say that I’m obsessed with you!
  22. You constantly encourage me to give my best. You are the only man in my life who has ever encouraged me, and as a result, today, I achieved my goal. I pray that the love between us never runs out. Dear, you are the wind under my wings that helps me fly higher and higher.
  23. I want to express my gratitude for your unwavering and undivided devotion. I appreciate all the laughs and good times we shared throughout good times and bad. I keep thinking about you all the time! You are the brightest star in my galaxy, and I adore you.
  24. When I see you smile, my whole world swirls and spins. Your gentle touch reminds me of my femininity. You showed me what a companion is. I wish I could travel through life with you, holding each other with love, respect, and unfading loyalty.
  25. Every day I wake up, I thank God for sending you into my life. You truly are a gift, and I want to enjoy every day — the good, the bad, and the ugly — of the rest of my life with you.
  26. Dear love, you are incredibly important to me. I want the entire world to see how much I adore you. You have fulfilled all my dreams, and I wish to spread my joy to everyone! Enjoy your day, honey!
  27. Since it’s raining today, I miss you more than usual. The rain reminds me of our first kiss. It reminds me of the beautiful times we have spent walking hand in hand under the umbrella. I long for your presence every minute of this day and wish to create more memories of togetherness.
  28. The easiest thing I’ve ever had to do in my entire life is be with you. Nothing has ever seemed more natural, and I am confident that our love will continue to grow and develop throughout the rest of our lives.
  29. “I always smile when you say something sweet to me. You still give me butterflies, leave me stunned, and make me want to listen to love songs. I’m not sure how I managed to be so fortunate to have someone as great as you. You are the ideal boyfriend a person could have. I am fortunate. To all eternity and beyond, I love you.”
  30. “Your love knows no bounds. God has fulfilled my yearning for someone who will love me deeply, as I had dreamed. You have been sent to me by God. You gave me life lessons and explained to me the value of love. You have always given me moral lessons that have improved my life.”
  31. “I genuinely love you. I admire your beautiful soul. You constantly wish me a good morning. These wishes, I am sure, are packed with your affection. I think about you constantly. To me, you are an addiction. I can’t live without talking to you. You are the foundation and the goal of my love. You have been loyal to me. I appreciate you saving my life.”
  32. “To say that I love you would be an understatement because these words do not capture my feelings for you. Without you, I have no idea how miserable I would be. Just by existing in my life, you make it all worthwhile. Thank you for everything, my love. I love you!”
  33. I used to imagine meeting my prince charming, moving into a castle, and having lovely children. Even though I don’t own a castle, you are undoubtedly my prince charming. I appreciate that you have always treated me like a princess and that you accept me as I am.
  34. Everyone hopes to find a life partner who understands her emotions and stays beside her. You being in my life makes me the luckiest girl in the world. You never failed to make me smile.
  35. I have developed a strong attachment with you. I cannot imagine that someone can unconditionally adore me this much. Spending time with you makes me forget all the woes, and that’s why I love truly, madly, and deeply!
  36. You now hold a special place in my heart. I tell you everything, and you always listen to me. I’m dependent on you. I don’t start my day till I talk to you. You serve as my morning wake-up call, and after speaking with you, I feel refreshed. Thank you for being sunshine, my love!
  37. I want to hurry home to you because it is raining outside. Do you recall the day we were cut off from the world and just sat by the window and watched the rain fall? We should be able to cuddle up and fall asleep together because it would feel wonderful and is all I want to do now.
  38. I appreciate you hugging me so freely and believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. Thank you for your sincere attempts to understand, love, and care for me and for your sincere apologies following both minor and major arguments. I appreciate you forever, sweetheart.
  39. “I understand that I can be difficult to deal with sometimes and that sometimes my attitude gets the best of me and we argue, but please understand that without you, I wouldn’t have a reason to be happy. I appreciate you constantly putting up with my imperfections.”
  40. You are fantastic. So wear that charming smile on your face and take over the world. I believe in you and want to see you reach new heights every day. My love, you do not still know how precious you are to me now and forever.
  41. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You fulfill every requirement I have for a man. Being married to a lovely man like you makes me happy every day. I want you to know how much I cherish you for who you are.
  42. Loving you is like putting on my favorite pair of jeans. Irrespective of how many years pass, I just can’t get over you. I adore you and won’t let go of you. Enjoy your day, my prince, and always remember I love you too!
  43. I have so much now that you’re in my life. I sense a larger world. My heart is overflowing. Our love has expanded my universe, I believe. Happy to be here with you.
  44. You know that you have completely changed every aspect of my life. You intervened when things weren’t going my way, improved things for me, and unconditionally and significantly altered me. I adore you so deeply that I would do anything to protect you and us at all costs.
  45. You are the most attractive person I know, inside and out, and I realize it more and more each day. I adore everything about us, including you. You treat me in a way that no one else has. I’ve never been happier than I am now. Thank you!
  46. In my life, there are times when I feel lost. It’s difficult to describe, but I feel virtually free of whatever used to hold me down, like a kite carried away by the wind. It seems you are bringing me back to myself when I see you when I get home, and you ask me how my day was or start talking about your day and what happened to you. I’m starting to feel comfortable in my skin again.
  47. For the rest of my life, I want to love you, annoy you, make meals for you, dance in the kitchen with you, and quarrel with you. I never ask for anything in return but for you to hold my hand always. I cherish you.
  48. I want you to know that I cherish you, my darling. I have had countless fantasies involving us. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and no one else. I promise to stand by your side not just today but always!
  49. I’ve seen many love stories on screen, including P.S. I Love You, Me Before You, The Notebook, Love Actually, and all the Twilight series. However, the love portrayed in them is not the same as the one we have. Our love is ten times stronger than what they have.
  50. I simply wanted to express my gratitude for sharing a bit of your heart with me. There is nothing greater in this entire world that I could ask for. You are truly amazing in every way, and my love for you knows no bounds.
  51. Every morning, I check my phone to see if you have sent a romantic text to me. You are the beginning and the end of all my days. And there is only one thing that exists between them: LOVE.
  52. Coffee isn’t the best part of waking up. Instead, it’s the chance to see and touch you again. Darling, being with you evokes several beautiful feelings in my heart that I can’t express in plain words. So, I just want to say I love you immensely!
  53. When you tightly wrap me in your arms, my heart glows brightest. I sense love and safety. You are a haven for me. I’m unsure what I did to get you, but I’ll never let you go.
  54. I hope you realize how much I adore you. I appreciate your affection and everything you do for me. You have my undying love, my hero. I love you till eternity.
  55. I wish you were here today. A few hours ago, I was craving your company after looking at our pictures. I adore you and the person you turn me into when we are together. Every day, I become better thanks to you.
You are precious to me.

Image: Shutterstock

Funny Paragraphs For Him

If you and your partner have a sharp sense of humor, then a funny paragraph for him would delight him more than a serious note. You can convey your thoughts, have a good laugh together and appreciate each other’s sense of humor. We have a few examples for you.

  1. “Dear handsome, this piece of note is to inform you that I am madly in love with you. I present myself as an aspiring girlfriend and lover. We shall see each other for a couple of months as a probation period. After our successful completion, there will be an appraisal and promotion to spouses. I hope you agree with it.”
  2. “My beloved husband. I know we don’t believe in writing love letters, but I think this one is necessary. You might have forgotten that you have a doting wife whom you are overlooking for a few weeks. Yours frankly, wife.”
  3. “I am having sleepless nights thinking about you. It wouldn’t be nice if my son and your daughter go through the same for each other. The best solution is to make them siblings.”
  4. “Being a mathematics teacher, I have created a new formula. That is “me plus you” equals “true love.” You can multiply it to find more simple answers too.”
  5. “If you and I were Romeo and Juliet, there would have been a different ending. Instead of dying for love, we would live for love. Isn’t that better and inspiring for the new generation.”
  6. “Hey gentleman. Let me introduce myself to you. I am currently unemployed. I have a certificate of kissing, a diploma in cuddling, and have won many trophies in caring. Would you mind giving me a job in your heart?”
  7. “I am ready to be a thief if you allow me to steal your heart. I am ready to be a victim if you can kill me with your love. Well, I am a potential disguiser, who can be anyone just to have you in my life.”
  8. “Do you know how much I love you? Well, I love you like I love the last slice of the pizza, like the fixed deposit in my account, like the frosting of the cake, and like the cheese of the burger. I would not spare a chance to miss you, my dear.”
  9. “You are the full stop of my sentence, the dessert of my meal, the night of my day, and the conclusion of my essay. I mean to say, you make me feel complete. I love you, baby.”
  10. “Hey honey, do you know I love you with my tummy and not with my heart? Well, that’s because my tummy is bigger than my heart.”
  11. “I love being married. It is so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”— Rita Rudner
  12. “I was suffering from weakness last night. The doctor checked the X-ray and got worried. He told me my heart is missing. Well, that’s because I gave it to you, my dear.”
  13. “Hey husband, our marriage has proved two things right. One is that God is a genius, and second, he has a great sense of humor. Our wedding ring has become nothing less than a circus ring. Still, I admire our relationship. Don’t you?”
  14. “Just when I thought I could not find true love, I saw you. You walked into the room just like Captain Jack Sparrow, and that’s when I decided I wanted to be your beloved Black Pearl. So, let’s embark on a quest filled with endless fights and abundant love. What do you say?”
  15. “I loved you when you were thin and pale. I love you when you are grumpy and boring. I would love you when you become wrinkly and grey. Because I know you are perfect in your imperfections for me.”
I know you are perfect in your imperfections for me.

Image: IStock

  1. “I remember the time when we used to always say those three magical words I love you. I want to relive those moments with a slight twist. I want us to have a candle-lit dinner and then I would say Pay the bill.”
  2. “You are like a woodpecker in my life, poking me all day and night. I wish you would become an owl soon, and just stare at me all day and night. I love you now, and will love you in any form.”
  3. “You know what dear, I love myself more than I love you. That’s because people who love thyself are true and straightforward. Yeah, so I love myself. I hope you are proud of having such an honest partner.”
  4. “Dear husband, you are the luckiest person on the plant to have such an intelligent wife like me. Oh not to forget, she is beautiful too. Of course, she’s witty. So, get up and let her know the same.”
  5. “My parents wanted me to stay away from crimes. But, you made me steal your heart. Not once, but so many times. But, I am glad to have stolen such a worthy thing in my life.”
  6. “Hey dear, my knees are hurting badly. Well, I fall for you everyday. Nevermind, I wouldn’t mind falling all over again without wearing knee pads.”
  7. My dear, how I feel for you is like Wi-Fi; it is everywhere and necessary for life. Without you, life would be like a smartphone with just a collection of useless apps. So let’s promise we will never put each other in airplane mode, no matter what.
  8. Darling, I admire you a lot more than a cat loves to take a nap. My favorite cushion, you make me feel like I could take endless naps. I thus hope you’re prepared for a lifetime of cuddles and purr-fect moments together.
  9. You already know that I adore you and can’t help but fall for your charm. I am here to gather all the love you can provide, just like a squirrel hoards its nuts. Together, let’s be crazy forever and hop into each other’s hearts.
  10. Hey there, handsome. I hope you know that you and I are like burgers and fries, complementing each other with the best of our flavors. So, let’s be with each other till eternity, leaving everyone around us in awe of our irresistible combo.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I send a love paragraph to my partner?

You may send a love paragraph to your partner as often as you wish to, but make sure it is sincere and filled with warmth and affection.

2. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when writing a love paragraph for my boyfriend?

As you write a love paragraph, watch out for repeating the same phrases over and over again. The message should be appealing without coming across as clingy or needy.

3. How can I make my love paragraph for him stand out and be different from other generic love messages?

To make your love paragraph unique make sure it is meaningful, genuine, and would add value to how your partner feels about you. You may also add some inside jokes or sweet memories to make it more personal and special.

4. What are some unique ways to personalize love paragraphs for him?

To make love paragraphs more personal, try including shared memories, inside jokes, or qualities you appreciate about him. Customizing your message to fit your special relationship will make it even more heartfelt and unforgettable.

If your boyfriend’s or husband’s special day is approaching, you must appropriately choose a love paragraph for him. Keep in mind that the paragraph should be the closest to describing your relationship with him and have the ability to put a smile on his face. Get inspired by these well-written and heartfelt paragraphs and draft your own to express your love and gratitude towards him. You may use the paragraph you relate to and send it across for the best response from your beloved. You could also use these paragraphs as inspiration to draft love messages for boyfriend or write love letters for boyfriend.

Infographic: Guide To Writing A Personalized Romantic Paragraph

It’s the simple gestures that make the biggest impact. While gifts may be significant to express love, a handwritten letter conveying your deepest feelings for your partner can be the most romantic gift. So we will help you intimately write one to make it personal and relatable to your relationship.

tips on writing a romantic paragraph (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Romantic paragraphs are a creative and interesting way to put your feelings into words and express them with love, humor, and affection.
  • Funny paragraphs are great for times when you want to convey your emotions in a charming way that also lightens the mood.
  • Famous quotes such as the ones by Abigail Adams and Juliette Drouet accurately describe the beauty of love and admiration for each other.
  • These paragraphs can be paired with gifts to surprise your partner and make any day special.

Illustration: Cute And Long Paragraphs For Him To Say I Love You

Love Paragraphs for him_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Romantic love quotes to make your special someone feel loved and appreciated. Perfect for late evenings and special occasions. Send him these quotes to show your love and appreciation.

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Dr. Dorothee Ischler
Dr. Dorothee IschlerDMFT, LMFT, LP
Dr. Dorothee Ischler is a clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist with over three decades of experience. She is a seasoned professional in mental health and relationship coaching, who adopts a holistic approach to intertwine mind, body, and soul.

Read full bio of Dr. Dorothee Ischler
Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

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Siddharth Kesiraju
Siddharth KesirajuMA, Certification in Relationship Coaching
Siddharth holds a certification in Relationship Coaching and a masters degree in communication and journalism from the University of Hyderabad. He has around seven years of experience in various fields of writing and editing.

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