40+ Beautiful Love Poems For Husband

Husbands will do anything and everything to make sure that their wives have a smile on their faces. And to help you reciprocate this love and care from him, we bring you a list of love poems for husband. You are really lucky if your husband cannot see a single teardrop in your eye and always tries to keep you happy and satisfied. So, thank him for being the reason for your smile and let him know how blessed you feel to have him in your life. Make him feel admired and value his presence in your life. Let him know you are smitten by him and delighted to have him by your side. So, read on for a list of beautiful poems that you can share with your husband to express your fondness and affection.

In This Article

40+ Romantic Poems For Husband

Planning to show your adoration for your husband through a greeting card with a loving message? Amp up the romance a little by adding a few beautiful lines for a touch of tenderness and devotion from the poems we share with you next. Whether you write them down or read them out loud, we’re sure these romantic poems for husband will melt his heart and make him feel truly cherished.

1. I will wait for you forever

“The days are cold, the nights are long,
but my love for you stays strong.

I hold you in my heart
and have you on my mind.

I’ll wait for you; however long,
my love for you is blind.

You are my lover and my friend,
you are my everything.

I shall remain here waiting,
even if for eternity.”

– Diana J. Briones

2. Love’s philosophy

“The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of heaven mix forever
With a sweet emotion;

Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle.
Why not I with thine?—

See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;

And the sunlight clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea:
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?”

– Percy Bysshe Shelley

3. Wish I could find the words

“Just wish I could find the words
That would make the meaning clear
About why I just love you so
And why I want you here

Why I need you here with me
So I can shower you with love
Why it is so clear to see
You are an angel from above

An angel sent from heavens high
To bring the lord’s own prayer
That you and I on blue skies fly
Share a love that is true and rare

A love that is so truly pure
That it completely fills my heart
A love that will forever endure
And that we shall never part

A love that will last you see
Until the end of time
A love which joins us – you and me
And forever will our hearts entwine.”

– Nigel P Stringfellow

4. Echo

“I think I was searching for treasures or stones
in the clearest of pools
when your face…
when your face,
like the moon in a well
where I might wish…
might well wish
for the iced fire of your kiss;
only on water my lips,
where your face…
where your face was reflected, lovely,
not really there when I turned
to look behind at the emptying air…
the emptying air.”

— Carol Ann Duffy

5. How do I love thee? (Sonnet 43)

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.”

– Elizabeth Barrett Browning

6. You are my everything

“It makes me happy just being by your side.
All these feelings I just can’t hide.
You’ll always be in my heart.
Can’t bear the pain when we are apart.
Nobody is as special as you are to me.
I hope you are beginning to see
Just how much I care for you,
And all my feelings will always be true.
I can’t describe how much I care,
But when you need me, I’ll be there
To wipe those tears when you are sad,
To make you happy when you are mad.
All these things I can really do.
Just remember I’m thinking of you!”

– Jetem Westbrook

7. The good-morrow

“I wonder, by my troth, what thou and I
Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then?
But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?
Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers’ den?
’Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be.
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desired, and got, ’twas but a dream of thee.
And now good-morrow to our waking souls,
Which watch not one another out of fear;
For love, all love of other sights controls,
And makes one little room an everywhere.
Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone,
Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown,
Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one.
My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,
And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;
Where can we find two better hemispheres,
Without sharp north, without declining west?
Whatever dies, was not mixed equally;
If our two loves be one, or, thou and I
Love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die.”

– John Donne, poetryfoundation.org

8. To my loving and caring husband

Poems on love for caring husbands

Image: IStock

“If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee.
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay;
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let’s so persevere,
That when we live no more, we may live ever.”

– Anne Bradstreet

protip_icon Quick tip
You do not have to use the poems as is, you can try to add some of your lines to make it relatable for your husband.

9. One hundred love sonnets: XVII

“I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,
or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as one loves certain obscure things,
secretly, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carries
the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself,
and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose
from the earth lives dimly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you directly without problems or pride:
I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love,
except in this form in which I am not nor are you,
so close that your hand upon my chest is mine,
so close that your eyes close with my dreams.”

– Pablo Neruda, poetryfoundation.org

10. My amazing man

“Sharing my intimacy and fears
My happiness and my tears
Sharing gossip and fun
And all the things that I have done
Sharing my troubles and delights
Even after all our fights
Sharing thoughts about my roadblocks
Over our lengthy talks
Leaves me without a single worry
Only because I have a wonderful hubby
Your unwavering support and adulation
Makes me feel blessed with heartfelt admiration
I love you.”

11. I Love You

“I love your lips when they’re wet with wine
And red with a wild desire;
I love your eyes when the lovelight lies
Lit with a passionate fire.
I love your arms when the warm white flesh
Touches mine in a fond embrace;
I love your hair when the strands enmesh
Your kisses against my face.

Not for me the cold, calm kiss
Of a virgin’s bloodless love;
Not for me the saint’s white bliss,
Nor the heart of a spotless dove.
But give me the love that so freely gives
And laughs at the whole world’s blame,
With your body so young and warm in my arms,
It sets my poor heart aflame.
So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,
Still fragrant with ruby wine,
And say with a fervor born of the South
That your body and soul are mine.
Clasp me close in your warm young arms,
While the pale stars shine above,
And we’ll live our whole young lives away
In the joys of a living love.”

– Ella Wheeler Wilcox, poetryfoundation.org

12. Meeting at night

“The grey sea and the long black land;
And the yellow half-moon large and low;
And the startled little waves that leap
In fiery ringlets from their sleep,
As I gain the cove with pushing prow,
And quench its speed i’ the slushy sand.
Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;
Three fields to cross till a farm appears;
A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch
And blue spurt of a lighted match,
And a voice less loud, thro’ its joys and fears,
Than the two hearts beating each to each!”

– Robert Browning

13. Dear Husband

Until we met, I was not sure of true love.
For me, love was a fantasy, a fairy tale found only in books.
But ever since I saw you, I knew you were meant for me.
You may not be the perfect partner, who is?
But you certainly are the one who completes me in numerous ways.

— Swati Patwal

14. For my husband

“Loving you has no end and no beginning
Loving you is everything
It is infinite in time
And limitless in magnitude
Beyond even my own comprehension

Your love brings me home
Enfolds me and warms me
In its eternal embrace
Endless and palpable
Beyond all life’s storms

A connection like no other
Twenty years long
But timeless in our hearts
Deep and true
Till’ death us do part.”

– Susan Louglin

15. Love’s vicissitudes

“As Love and Hope together
Walk by me for a while,
Link-armed the ways they travel
For many a pleasant mile –
Link-armed and dumb they travel,
They sing not, but they smile.
Hope leaving, love commences
To practise on the lute;
And as he sings and travels
With lingering, laggard foot,
Despair plays obligato
The sentimental flute.
Until in singing garments
Comes royally, at call –
Comes limber-hipped Indiff’rence
Free stepping, straight and tall –
Comes singing and lamenting,
The sweetest pipe of all.”

– Robert Louis Stevenson

16. The love of my life

“You’re my best friend and my loverI know this to be true
For I wake every morning
Thinking solely of you
Your tender touch and gentle kiss
A feeling no words can describe
Something I am yearning for
When you’re at my side
A beauty that radiates
From both inside and out
A heaven-sent gift
No question about
A passion that penetrates
As deep as a knife
I’m happy I found you
The love of my life.”

17. Love’s language

“How does Love speak?
In the faint flush upon the tell-tale cheek,
And in the pallor that succeeds it; by
The quivering lid of an averted eye–
The smile that proves the parent to a sigh–
Thus does Love speak.
How does Love speak?
By the uneven heart-throbs, and the freak
Of bounding pulses that stand still and ache,
While new emotions, like strange barques, make
Along vein-channels their disturbing course;
Still as the dawn, and with the dawn’s swift force–
Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?
In the avoidance of that which we seek–
The sudden silence and reserve when near–
The eye that glistens with an unshed tear–
The joy that seems the counterpart of fear,
As the alarme’d heart leaps in the breast,
And knows, and names, and greets its god-like guest–
Thus doth Love speak.”

– Ella Wheeler Wilcox, ellawheelerwilcox.org

If these poems are too lengthy to fit into a greeting card, check out the shorter, sweeter verses we list next.

Short Love Poems For Husband

Love poems for husbands

Image: IStock

A poem is a treasure trove of feelings and emotions. But you don’t always need a lot of words to express your love for your husband. Here, we give you a few short poems to write on anniversary cards, or on a piece of paper to slip into your man’s pocket, as a way of revering your beloved.

18. The new beginning

“Like the warmth of the morning sun,
So do thoughts of you embrace me,
Revealing how alive I am

A glorious light of the new day,
so is your presence in my life,
relieving it of its shadows,
and marking the start of a new beginning.”

– Kolapo Olufunk

19. A glimpse

“A glimpse through an interstice caught,
Of a crowd of workmen and drivers in a bar-room around the stove late of a winter night, and I unremark’d seated in a corner,

Of a youth who loves me and whom I love, silently approaching and seating himself near, that he may hold me by the hand,

A long while amid the noises of coming and going, of drinking and oath and smutty jest,
There we two, content, happy in being together, speaking little, perhaps not a word.”

– Walt Whitman, poetryfoundation.org

20. My favorite part of the day

“My favorite part of the day
Is when you hold me in your arms
When you kiss and caress me
And woo me with your charms
My favorite moment of the day
Is when you come home to me
How would I live my life without you
I worship the love that we share
It’s what sets my heart free
I love you.

21. Wild nights – wild nights!

Wild nights – Wild nights!
Were I with thee
Wild nights should be
Our luxury!
Futile – the winds –
To a Heart in port –
Done with the Compass –
Done with the Chart!
Rowing in Eden –
Ah – the Sea!
Might I but moor – tonight –
In thee!

Emily Dickinson, poetryfoundation.org

22. Our love

“I hope our love lasts forever
I’m happy to say my dreams came true
Because I’m blessed to be loved by you
I hate when we fuss and fight
Because in the end neither was right
You’re the love of my life; you’re my best friend
And I never want this love to end
I hope to always be together
I vow to love now and forever.”

23. The best

“When I awake each day,
and beside me, you lay
I smile and thank God above,
for giving me you to love.A husband like you,
I once only dreamed.
I love you so much,
I could scream.
Screams of happiness and joy,
For a marriage that is beyond,
Expectations truly exceeded,
Only with love, I can respond.
You are a wonderful husband,
So thoughtful and kind,
Your love is never in question.
A man like you I thought I would never find.
Love you today and tomorrow too
My husband, you are awesome
And handsome too!
With you, the best is yet to come!”

– Catherine Pulsifer

24. On our anniversary

“My feelings and love for you
Aren’t just limited to
Getting all romantic and mushy
Only on our wedding anniversary
From kisses and hugs
To playful nudges and tugs
Even on an ordinary day
There’s a lot I want to say
I love you.”

25. Love’s secret

Never seek to tell thy love,
Love that never told can be;
For the gentle wind doth move
Silently, invisibly.

– William Blake

26. Apple of my eye

My dear husband, you make my life complete

Image: IStock

“The apple of my eye
The gem of my heart
Nothing in the world
Can ever keep us apart
The feather in my cap
The reason for my heartbeat
My dear husband
You make my life complete
I love you.”

27. I loved you first: but afterwards your love

“I loved you first: but afterwards your love
Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song
As drowned the friendly cooings of my dove.
Which owes the other most? my love was long,
And yours one moment seemed to wax more strong;
I loved and guessed at you, you construed me
And loved me for what might or might not be –
Nay, weights and measures do us both a wrong.”

– Christina Rossetti, poetryfoundation.org

28. If only you knew

“In the darkness of the night, there is only me and you,
We are woven together in our very own cocoon.

I feel your heartbeat against my chest,
I hold you tight as we both rest.

I start to drift off to sleep,
And think of how I turned complete.

I am only complete when you are near,
To lose you someday is my biggest fear.

It takes two halves to make a whole,
My heart and yours, we make one soul.”

– Rahik Thamir

protip_icon Quick tip
Avoid writing a long poem lest you want your husband to doze off. Instead, pick a short poem he would like to read and appreciate your effort.

29. That love is all there is

“That Love is all there is,
Is all we know of Love;
It is enough, the freight should be
Proportioned to the groove.”

– Emily Dickinson

30. Close your eyes

“Close your eyes and think of me
Close your eyes and try to see
Our hearts together and what could be
Our love forever as destiny.”

– Elizabeth Smith

31. I carry your heart with me (I carry it in)

“I carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling) I fear
no fate (for you are my fate,my sweet) I want
no world (for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever the sun will always sing is you.”

– E.E. Cummings

Showing love is not enough? Want to tell your husband how grateful you are to have him in your life? Try the poems from the next section.

Thank You Poems For Husband

When words or quotes are just not enough to thank your husband, express your gratitude and love with these poems.

32. The taste of love

“You gave me all in life I see as good
Made me dream of things I never thought I could
My pillar of strength deep in my soul
The one who made my life whole
Indescribable beauty inside and out
The love you reflect casts shade on my every doubt
The look in your eyes can make my heart skip
Ever since I meet you I’ve enjoyed this trip
So to you my love, I thank you so
& I pray the end of my love you never know”

– Sean O’Brien

33. My covering

“I know what it feels like to almost lose hope,
But having you in my life strengthens my rope
Thank you for being a compassionate guide,
Assisting in my footsteps
And believing in what God has provided.
You are more than a friend, husband, or lover.
You are my protector, my provider.
You are my cover!
Because of you,
I know what it feels like to be loved.”

– Wanda J. Mobley

34. Warmth of your hands

“Troubles don’t bother me
Worries have never been scary
Stress doesn’t bug me one bit
Anxiety doesn’t make me weary
Being in the warmth of your arms
Looking at your handsome face
Is all I need to experience
Pure bliss and solace
Thank you.”

35. A million thank yous

“I would write a million thank yous
If I thought anyone would say
Just how much I am grateful
For what you did today
I will not write a million thank yous
Because that would take too much time
But just know I am truly thankful
For what you did for me and mine.”

– Unknown

36.Thanks for my husband

“I’m here to say thanks for being you,
I never want you to be another.
As the man, I married had all the same faults,
If I was unhappy I’d have married some other.
So with this, I must say I love all of you,
All the good and even the bad.
I don’t care what happens as long as we’re laughing,
Together means we’re never sad.”

– Julie Hebert

37. Thank you for everything

I appreciate you being my husband

Image: IStock

“Thanks is not enough to balance out what you have done for me.
I appreciate you being my husband. You are the best.
Your love is simply everything for me; it’s all I need. Thank you so much.
Without you, my life would have been extremely boring and nasty. Thank you for coming into my life.
There are lots of things that you have done for me. I can not count all these but, I can simply explain them in two words. THANK YOU.
For everything.’

38. Thank you, my love

“From the day that I first met you,
To the day we said “I do,”
I always knew I wanted
To share my life with you.
Now that we are together
It is like nothing can go wrong.
Each day could last forever
And it still would not be too long.
But still, I want to take a moment
To pause and to be grateful,
Not just for everything you are
Which is to say – just wonderful –
But also, for the things you do
That make my life pure bliss.
So, thank you to my darling husband–
Now let me thank you with a kiss.”

– Unknown

39. Thank God for you

“How blessed I am to have a man like you
Your love is felt in all you do.
I love you more than you know
I hope you feel it and it shows.
Each day I awake I love to see
Your smilin’ face looking at me
Our days together are full of happiness
Oh, how God has blessed.
Each night before I go to sleep
I thank God for you and ask him to keep
You safe and well
I give thanks to God that life is so swell.”

– Catherine Pulsifer

40. Love praise

Thank you for how you demonstrate you love me;
I sincerely appreciate it, and it’s always right on time.
Your actions inspire my love and creativity
to encourage, strengthen, and stimulate your mind.
You work long and hard when needed, and you handle it quite well,
you are a survivor who has improved through each struggle and test.
Out of all the people who I have encountered in my life
you are by far the one I like and love the best.
You are a handsome sexy man, who is straightforward;
you are genuine and kind to everyone you meet.
Your beautiful, sweet spirit reaches deep down to your core
and radiates from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet.
All the reasons why I love you are too numerous for this mere poem;
but I can tell you that I’ve loved you from the start.
After many years, our passion still burns hotter than the sun
since that first day when you caused the melting of my heart.”

41. Waves on the sand

“Every day, my love, you leave sand upon my beach;
You add immeasurably to my life with everything you do.
And every once in a while, as if that were not enough,
You leave a little sand dollar in my life,
One of the many small beautiful things
That makes me smile just to know they come from you.”

– Unknown

42. Together

“A wonderful husband you are
You are the best by far
I love how thoughtful you are each day
Making life better in every way.
Kindness you have always shown
You always help, never moan
Your caring ways are appreciated so
And your love always shows.
I thank God for putting you in my life
Together we have faced our share of strive
But always you are there for me
Loving, and caring, you make me so happy.
Together we journey life’s windy road
Together we carry each other’s load
Together we will always be glad
That each other we do have.”

– Catherine Pulsifer

43. Thank you God

“You are my strength. Thank you for being by my side every time I needed you.
I always thank God for blessing me with such a loving and caring husband. I thank you for giving me the honor of being your wife.
I feel most comfortable when you are near me. You are my hidden strength. I love you more than my life.
Thank you for making my life so beautiful.
After coming into my life, you have given me all the happiness in the world. You mean everything to me. I love you so much. Thank you, baby, for all the love you gave me.
I am the luckiest wife on the earth because I have a husband like you. We are a perfect couple because you are so good. I thank God for giving me a husband like you.”

44. My perfect husband

Thanks for being my best friend

Image: IStock

Thanks for being my best friend
When I needed just an ear
Thanks for supporting me
When I just needed someone near
Thanks for being my advocate
When I needed someone’s belief
Thanks for being my healing balm
When I needed some relief
Thanks for being my everything
When I need just a little more
As a husband you deserve
A perfect ten on ten score”

Note: The poems in this collection are not original works of MomJunction but have been sourced from various authors. No claim of ownership is being made by us. Credit has been given wherever the details were available. If you are the original author of any poem and wish to have it credited or removed, please contact us. We value the creative rights of authors and will address your request promptly.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of love poems for husbands?

A love poem for a husband is a way to express your feelings and emotions for him. Also, it’s a beautiful way to acknowledge their efforts, let them know how important they are to you, and help them feel cherished and valued.

2. How can love poems for husbands help to strengthen a marriage?

A marriage cannot be strengthened by love poems alone. Both partners must put forth efforts, which include communicating with one another, showing respect, spending quality time together, appreciating one another’s actions, and supporting each other.

3. How do I write a love poem for my husband?

Writing a love poem for your husband is a lovely and meaningful gesture. Spend some time thinking about your husband’s affection for you and the distinctive aspects of your partnership. Consider the experiences, attributes, and memories that you value and cherish. Enjoy producing something lovely for your better half by being authentic and letting your words flow from the heart.

4. What are some traditional love poems for my husband?

Some traditional love poems that can be dedicated to your husband are “A Red, Red Rose” by Robert Burns, and “Sonnet 116: Let me not to the marriage of true minds” by William Shakespeare. Many short love poems, such as Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s ‘How Do I Love Thee?’ (Sonnet 43), also fall into this category.

5. What are some common themes in love poems for husbands?

Love poems for husbands often explore themes that celebrate the bond, affection, and admiration shared between partners. Some common themes in love poems include unconditional love, appreciation and respect, true companionship, intimacy, passionate love, nostalgia, and enduring vows of commitment.

Sharing love poems for your husband with all your heart is a great way to express your deepest emotions. Be it your own words or someone else’s, select the poem that suits your husband’s personality and preferences and accurately describes your relationship. Poetry by itself is a love language, so go ahead and pick a poem or two and tell your husband how much you adore and appreciate his presence in your life. You may also draw inspiration from these poems to pen love letters to the husband.

Key Pointers

  • Love poems for husbands are lyrical expressions to reciprocate their feelings of love and care, symbolizing the depth of gratitude and admiration.
  • A poem expressing a profound longing and an enduring love can be the right choice for you when you struggle with words to convey your emotions.
  • A few verses to celebrate the years of love you spent together can highlight your enduring connection, promising an eternal bond.
  • You can write a few words to express how his embrace calms your anxious mind and gives you resilience when in trouble.
Love Poems For Husband_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Struggling to express your deepest affection to your husband. Watch this video and get some insightful lines to craft a touching love poem.

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Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena
Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-GoyenaPhD (Counseling Psychology)
Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena is a board licensed therapist in the USA and Puerto Rico with a specialty in couples, families, and relationships. Dr. Carlos possesses a PhD in Counseling Psychology granted at the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico.

Read full bio of Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena
sanjana lagudu
sanjana laguduBPharm, MBA
Sanjana did her graduation in Pharmacy from Andhra University and post graduation in management from GITAM Institute of Management. It was during her first job, she recognized her skills in writing and began working as a freelance writer.

Read full bio of sanjana lagudu
Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

Read full bio of Shikha Thakur