52 Unique Musical Baby Names With Meanings

Music is a universal language that connects everyone. So, if music is a huge part of your life, here is our list of musical baby names to help you choose a beautiful name for your child. This list includes names inspired by famous musicians of all ages whose music is loved by all. So, you can choose your favorite artist’s name for your child to give it a special touch. By naming your children after them, you not only get to relive those beautiful times brought by the artist’s talent, but you may also incline your child towards pursuing music. Moreover, you can also choose from musical terms that work well as names. So, read on to find some unique and fun options.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Naming a child after a favorite musician expresses love and admiration for their work, inspiring the child to pursue music.
  • Musical names can also honor loved ones associated with their favorite musicians or albums.
  • Popular musical baby names include Michael, Elvis, Drake, Piper, and Raga.

Music-Inspired Baby Names For Boys

1. Elvis

Amongst all the names on this list, Elvis is one of the hippest musical baby names. It’s the name of one of the most iconic and famous music stars of all time. But the name predates Elvis Presley. In fact, it existed way before Elvis Presley stepped on the stage with his suede shoes and his iconic jackets. Since the first half of the 20th century, the name showed a consistent, yet sporadic usage. The year 1957 marked the biggest jump for the name Elvis. The origin of the name is not well known, but it’s more likely to be a variation of the Old Norse name Alvis, which means ‘all wise.’

2. Michael

Michael Jackson is the most famous bearer of this name. The name Michael comes from the Hebrew word Mikha’el, which translates to ‘Who is like God’. As a name, Michael is timeless and never sounds old-fashioned. In fact, his music transcends the general trend. Considered both a musical name and a religious one, Michael is one of the most inspirational names for babies on this list. From 1961 to 1998, Michael remained the most popular name in the US (1). Remember that the name enjoyed such immense popularity even before Michael Jackson entered the scene. So you can never go wrong with a name like Michael. And it’s here to stay and for long.

3. Jackson

While Michael is no doubt a cool name, Jackson is cooler. Despite its obvious trendiness and popularity and still does not sound overused. The popularity of Jackson as a name surged in the early 2000s and has maintained a place in the top baby boy name charts in America for the last two decades (1). Derived from an English surname, Jackson means ‘son of Jack.’

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The English name Jack is a medieval diminutive of John. Hence, the name Jackson also means ‘son of John.’

4. Fernando

Fernando De Lucia is one of the most successful opera singers of his time (2). He was admired as a prominent exponent of verismo parts. This three-syllable name just dances off the tongue. It is the Spanish and Portuguese version of the Germanic name Ferdinand meaning ‘adventurous.’ It sounds like it belongs to the adventure-seeking boy full of courage and romance. So you better keep an eye on your son.

5. Drake

Drake is the middle name of the famous rapper Aubrey Graham. This Canadian rapper, songwriter, singer, and actor garnered recognition for his role as Jimmy Brooks and then as a rapper. Drake is an Anglo-Saxon surname that developed from a nickname. The name Drake is inspired by the Old Norse surname Draki meaning ‘dragon.’ The name’s popularity started growing in the mid-1980s. As a one-syllable name, Drake is a smart, confident and intelligent moniker for a child. And, it’s quite easy to spell and pronounce.

6. Beckett

Singer William Beckett is the main reason for the rise of this name. This punk star was best known for his work with the Chicago-based band ‘The Academy Is.’ Beckett has an upbeat, and snappy quality to it, and the name is popular with celebs too. Natalie Maines and Melissa Etheridge, the two American singers, used it for their sons. Beckett is an Old English name meaning ‘bee hive.’

7. Amadeus

Amadeus would forever be connected to one of the greatest musicians of all time, Mozart. It would make an interesting pick for classical music-loving parents, but only as a middle name. And it’s barely used too, so it will make a different pick for your child. The name comes from the Latin word ‘amare’ meaning ‘love of God’’. German tennis ace Boris Becker also chose Amadeus as a first name for his fourth son.

8. Lennon

John Lennon was one of the most celebrated songwriters of all time. As a member of The Beatles, John Lennon rose to immense fame, and notoriety. Lennon was barely used as a given name but was an immensely popular name in the late 20th century. People used Lennon to pay homage to the former Beatles band members in the same way as they did to Elvis (Presley) and Michael (Jackson). Lennon is an Irish name meaning ‘lover.’ 

9. Maxwell

Gerald Maxwell Rivera, better known by his stage name Maxwell, is an American actor, singer, and songwriter. He is accredited with shaping the ‘neo-soul movement’. Maxwell, and its shortened form, Max, are making a triumphant return to the baby name charts. The name has been in use for over a century but suffered a slight setback in the early 1900s, before coming back with a vengeance after the 1990s (1). Derived from a Scottish surname, Maxwell means ‘Mack’s stream.’

10. Bob

Bob, a popular musical baby name

Bob is a great name for true blue and diehard fans of Bob Marley. Bob Marley was a Jamaican songwriter, reggae singer, and musician who achieved international acclaim and fame. He forged a distinct vocal and songwriting style that resonated with the audience worldwide. The name Bob was popular in the 1930s (1), so much so that people were surprised to see a casual nickname reach such great heights.

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Bob originates from the Germanic name Robert. It means ‘bright’ and ‘fame.’

11. Hendrix

Pay homage to one of the biggest singers of all time by using his surname as your son’s first name. Hendrix is a surname originating from Henry. The surname is more German than Dutch and means ‘home ruler.’ And the X ending is adding to the cool factor.

12. Alejandro

Alejandro Fernandez was a renowned Mexican singer. Fondly called “El Portillo” by the media, Alejandro specialized in traditional Mexican music like ranchera and mariachi. Alejandro brings a poetic, and soft sound to the age-old Greek classic Alexander. This Spanish version of Alexander means ‘defender of mankind.’

13. Lars

Lars Ulrich is a Danish drummer and the founding member of the metal band Metallica. His influence in the music world, especially in rock and metal, has strongly linked Lars to the world of music. The name is of Latin origin, inspired by the name Laurentius, which means ‘from Laurentum’ or ‘crowned with laurel.’

14. Cooper

Alice Cooper had a career spanning for over five decades and is credited with shaping the sound of ‘rock and roll’. Cooper is a non-traditional masculine name with a rebellious zest and impish quality. It’s one of those last names that can be used as a forename as well. You can even shorten it to ‘coop.’ It is inspired by a Middle English term meaning ‘barrel maker.’

15. Harrison

If you love aesthetic names, then Harrison should be on your list. George Harrison was the lead guitarist of the Beatles. The use of Harrison has been rising steadily along with the other Hispanic and Latin names. It’s one of those names that sounds good for both a crawling baby or a university goer. This English name means ‘son of Harry.’

16. Keith

Who wouldn’t want to name their offspring after the founding members of the Rolling Stones? There are no two ways about it that the name Keith is uber cool. And it’s well liked too! Having Gaelic roots, the name means ‘wood’ or ‘from the battleground.’

17. Piper

Piper is an occupational surname referring to ‘someone who plays the pipes’ in English. The surname developed in the Middle Ages, right after the Norman conquest. Historically, a piper was an occupational name referring to a musician who played a wind instrument, such as a flute, bagpipes, or other pipes.

18. Calypso

Calypso is an ultra-cool and mysterious name for baby boys. It’s actually a genre of West Indian music, which the Africans developed as a means of communication. It incorporates Italian, French and Spanish musical styles. The name is of Greek origin and means ‘to cover’ or ‘to conceal.’ The spelling variations of this inherently beautiful name include Calipso, Callypso and Kalypso.

19. Lyric

Lyric is an English name of Greek origin. It means ‘songlike’ or ‘lyrical.’ This unisex name would make a more masculine spelling option. If you wish to use it for your baby girl, go with the original spelling or change it to Lyrica.

20. Raga

Raga, a melodious name for boys

Raga is an unusual and lovely Sanskrit musical term meaning ‘melody (3).’ Unfortunately, the name is prone to mispronunciation in the West. Readers need to know that both the A’s in should be pronounced softly. You can even spell the name as Raaga to avoid the Rag-related blunders.

21. Reed

A reed is a thin and small material that vibrates against the mouthpiece of a musical instrument. The name Reed sounds distinctive without being too dainty. It’s also a popular surname of Irish and English descent. It is derived from the Old English term read referring to the ‘color red.’ Some even chose Reed as a first name to keep a classical name in the family.

22. Banjo

When Rachel Griffiths, the famous actress, selected this name for her son, there were many raised brows. Some ridiculed her choice while others thought it was a bizarre invention. But we feel that this bright and happy name feels distinctive. The name is linked to various origins. One of its connections link it to the Yoruba sentential names with -bánjọ meaning ‘suits me.’

23. Bell

Yes, even Bell can be a possible first name. It is simple and sounds extremely pleasant to the ears. Bell was also the Scottish and English occupational name for the ‘ringer of bells.’

24. Brio

Brio is another musical term with loads of energy and verve. In the language of music, Brio is a composer’s instruction, meaning ‘active,’ ‘spirited,’ ‘alive,’ or ‘vigorous.’ There are no variations or nicknames in this name, so it stands alone and confident.

Music-Inspired Baby Names For Girls

25. Cello

Cello finds its origin in an Italian word meaning ‘little big viola (4).’ It is a rare and unconventional name reflecting the deep love for music. It possesses a feminine charm that is ideal for parents who want a name that’s both strong and poetic. It is best suited for a family connected to classical music, culture, or Italian heritage.

26. Fife

Fife will make a great middle name for music lovers with Scottish roots. Fife is a small, high-pitched flute-like instrument that was originally used in military and folk music. It symbolizes energy, vibrancy, and cheerfulness, making it a good choice for a lively and spirited little girl (5)

27. Aliyah

Aliyah Haughton is one of the best-known singers of our time. Her rise in the music world was meteoric, which in a way, makes her name fitting. Her first two albums combined sold over seven million copies. She single-handedly influenced the use of the name Aliyah.. The name has multiple origins. Its Arabic roots link it to the masculine name Ali, which means ‘exalted’ or ‘magnificent.’

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The name Aliyah is of Hebrew origin and means ‘to go up.’

28. Clementine

“Oh, My Darling” Clementine is such an adorable baby name. As most of you must have guessed by now, the name Clementine is inspired by the classic American folk song. It has a history of practice in the United States, with every 200 baby Clementines born every year. Unfortunately, it could never get a higher ranking, despite the fact that several high-profile celebs have picked this delightful name for their daughters. Inspired by a Late Latin name, Clementine means ‘gentle’ or ‘merciful.’ Clemmy or Clem would make great nicknames.

Marilyn, a mother of nine from Utah, unanimously agreed with her husband to name her youngest daughter Clementine. She writes, “I couldn’t quiet the chorus of ‘Clementine! Clementine! Clementine!’ in my head… I’d been quite looking forward, if the baby were a girl this time, to a good long consultation with Sam about the relative merits of all our favorites (names), perhaps involving a spreadsheet—but now the time was here and all I could think was how absolutely perfect, how magnificent and astonishing and refreshing, the name CLEMENTINE was. I got delighted butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it! I could hardly wait for Sam to wake up so I could ask him what he thought.

Ironically, it seemed both husband and wife had the same idea. Marilyn adds, “Sam brought it up first: ‘I know there were a bunch of other contenders. But I just can’t stop thinking about Clementine!’ We tossed around some other ideas just to say we’d done it, but it was purely perfunctory (i).”

29. Rihanna

Rihanna, a rocking musical baby name

Does this name even need any introduction? Rihanna is the name of the American singing sensation. Its peak popularity occurred in 2008 (1). While it is not an uber popular name, its rapid ascension of the chart is noticeable. Having Arabic roots, the name means ‘basil.’

30. Mariah

Mariah is the fancy spelling of the name Maria, which is further derived from the New Testament name Miriam. The name is believed to have multiple roots. Through its Greek connection, the name derives the meaning of ‘rebelliousness.’ The name had a resurgence in the early 1990s (1), clearly because of pop singer Mariah Carey. Fans all around the world showed their appreciation for her astounding voice by naming their daughters Mariah. And we think it’s a much better variant of Maria or Mary.

31. Miley

The name itself is an American invention, inspired by the singing sensation Miley Ray Cyrus. It started appearing on the baby naming charts in the year 2007 (1), a year after the release of Hannah Montana. It’s said that Miley was a nickname given to the pop star by her parents because she was very smiley. It is also considered a female form of the Latin male name Miles, which means ‘soldier.’

32. Adele

The return of this name to the baby naming charts is owed entirely to the British singer and songwriter Adele. Regardless of its association with the Grammy winner, Adele is a gorgeous name. It has an understated beauty and is sure to make a wonderful choice for a baby girl. Having Old German roots, the name means ‘noble.’

33. Beyoncé

The name Beyoncé is an example of how pop-culture trends are influencing the usage of naming styles. Around 2000 parents over the past 15 years have named their daughters after the Queen Bee. So what was once considered passé is now a red-hot name. The meaning of this Louisiana Creole name is not popularly known.

34. Prudence

The name Prudence features in the Beatles highly popular track, “Dear Prudence”. The name has Latin roots and means ‘wise’ or ‘good judgment.’ The famous song was inspired by Mia Farrow’s sister who goes by the same name. The song asks Prudence to come out of her room, meet and greet the day. As a name, Prudence is the least famous of all the virtue names, and unique. But if you ask our opinion, we’d say it’s prudent in our view.

35. Janet

Janet Jackson is a renowned American songwriter, singer, actor, and dancer. In 1980, the name ranked at #172, but its popularity declined with each passing year (1). By the year 2012, it vanished from the popularity charts. It’s clear that few parents are going to this name these days. So it’s improbable that your child will bump into another Janet in school. The name finds its inspiration in the Hebrew Yohanan meaning ‘Yahweh is gracious.’

36. Madonna

Madonna Louise Ciccone is another immensely famous American actress, singer, and songwriter. She has influenced not just music but also fashion, dance, and pop culture, making the name deeply connected to art and music. The name Madonna is an epithet for the Virgin Mary. It means ‘my lady’ in Italian.

37. Taylor

Taylor Swift is the Madonna of our generation. She has sung some of the most beautiful tracks in recent years and is one of the proud recipients of the Grammy Award. The name Taylor was not used for girls until the 1980s but is one of the most coveted baby girl names today. And we must say, its ascent to the top of the charts was lightning-fast. Derived from a Latin term, the name Taylor refers to ‘someone who cut cloth.’

38. Veronica

Having Greek origins, the name Veronica means ‘she who brings victory.’ Veronica Mehta is an Indian R&B singer based in the United Kingdom. She sings in Hindi, English, Urdu, and Punjabi. Despite being slightly old-fashioned, the name has shown an impressive tenacity and fortitude on the baby name charts. Roni or Ronnie would make cute nicknames.

39. Fiona

Fiona, inspired by an American singer

Relive your teen years by paying homage to Fiona Apple; American singer, pianist, record producer, and of course, Grammy award winner. Fiona is one of the long-neglected, beautiful names from Ireland. It comes from the Old Irish name Finn meaning ‘white’ or ’blessed.’ It’s a feminine version of ‘fionn’.

40. Gwen

Gwen is one of those names that any girl will be proud to share a name with. Gwen Stefani is the co-founder and lead vocalist of the band ‘No Doubt’. The name Gwen originated as a short form of Gwendolyn, but now it stands on its own. The Welsh name means ‘white.’

41. Lita

Lita was the guitarist of the all-girl band “The Runaways”. She is one member who rocks as much as her name. The name Lita has a retro flair to it and is unique enough to make your daughter stand out from the crowd. Inspired by a Norwegian word, the name means ‘small’ or ‘little.’

42. Aria

Aria is an elaborate melody used as an accompaniment in oratorio and operas. It means ‘air’ or ‘melody’ in Italian and ‘lion’ in Hebrew. This exotic sounding name also increased in popularity because of a character in ‘Pretty Little Liars’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ series.

43. Calliope

Calliope is one of the nine canonical Muses and the daughter of Greek God, Zeus. A calliope is also a keyboard instrument that resembles an organ. As a name, it has a finger-snapping rhythm and a sharp sound to it. Deeply rooted in music, the Greek name means ‘beautiful-voiced.’

44. Cadence

Cadence, meaning ‘rhythm’ or ‘flow’ in English is a newly popular girl’s name. The name sounds like a trendy variation of the masculine name Caden. We have fallen for this name already! There are plenty of spelling variations of this name as well like Kaydence, Kadence, and Cadence.

45. Viola

We adore this name. Viola is a stringed instrument that is slightly larger than a violin. As a Italian name, Viola means ‘violet.’ It made a notable appearance in Shakespeare’s play “Twelfth Night”. You can even shorten this exotic and refined name to Vi or V.

46. Lyra

Lyra is a musical instrument that is similar to the harp. Having Greek and Latin origins, the name means ‘lyre’ or ‘lyrical.’ The name has a sharp and intense sound, making it an appealing choice for many parents. Another reason why parents adore this name is its connection to the small constellation visible in the northern sky. This constellation represents the lyre, a stringed musical instrument and is home to Vega, one of the brightest stars in the night sky (6).

47. Carol

Carol, a musical baby name

The English name Carol refers to a ‘hymn or song’ and is mostly associated with Christmas. As a standalone name, Carol has been in use for several decades. Carol is also a short form of Caroline or Carolina. So you can consider it as a nickname for your daughter’s name too!

48. Euphony

Euphony is a sweet and pleasing sound. We have to see if Euphony persists in popularity in the coming years, but right now, no one can shy away from its greatness.

49. Melody

Parents looking through numerous musical baby names to find the perfect fit for their little wonder should consider Melody. It is a perfect choice for music-loving parents who are about to produce their most fantastic song. It was at its high in the 1940s and then again in the 1960s. And now, Melody is back with a bang. In 2013, its rank was #172. A decade later it stood at rank #103 in 2023 proving the growing appeal of this name (1). Melody meaning, ‘sequence of musical notes’ or ‘song’ is also variously spelled as Melodie, Melodey, and Melodi. Mel is its go-to nickname.

50. Grace

Grace is another music-inspired name to consider for your child. In music, a ‘grace note’ refers to a short, ornamental note added to a melody to enhance its beauty and expressiveness. As a given name it has Latin roots and means ‘goodness’ and ‘generosity.’ The name has a lovely or rather graceful sound to it. You can also use it as a middle name. It will sound equally beautiful.

51. Harmony

Harmonies are musical notes sounded at the same time to produce some pleasant chords. The term is also used as a term for ‘unity’ in English and connotes peaceful co-existence. Harmony is now in fashion for both baby boys and girls alike.

52. Madrigal

Madrigal is a beautiful and highly distinctive name for a girl from a musical family. You must have heard this name in the television show Breaking Bad as well. It finds its roots in the Late Latin word ‘matricale,’ which means ‘womb’ or ‘river bed.’ It’s also a distinctive choice for parents who are looking for a less conventional name.

Discover More Names

When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do some parents name their children after a specific musician or composer?

Naming a child after a favorite musician is the parent’s way of showing love and admiration for that particular musician and their work. Also, they may want their child to inherit the qualities of that musician through the name.

2. How can a musical name honor a loved one who has passed away?

You can honor a loved one by naming your child after their favorite musician or a music album (if named after a person) they loved the most.

3. How can a musical baby name reflect cultural heritage or background?

Every country has its popular and celebrated musicians. Naming your child after a musician belonging to your country or culture reflects your background.

Music is a common source of entertainment and inspiration for many. If you are a music enthusiast, this list of musical baby names is the one that you need to keep handy. We have selected these elegant baby names inspired by famous musicians, popular songs, and other popular pieces of music. Choosing a musical name for your little one will also help them have an inclination toward music and develop an eagerness to know more about it. So, scroll through the list and choose the name that resonates with you the most.

Infographic: Names Inspired By Grammy Award Winners

If you’re fond of musician names, what can be better than naming your little one after winners of the Grammy Award – the most coveted award in the music industry? So, plunge into this infographic as we bring you a Grammy Award winners list. Pick the name of your favorite musician for your bundle of joy.

grammy names for boys and girls (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Most Popular And Unique Musical Baby Names With Meanings

Musical Baby Names_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

A musical baby will appeal to a musical enthusiast. Check out this video to learn about the trend of giving babies musical names! Discover the most popular names and their meanings.

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MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Popularity of name Melody.
  2. Fernando De Lucia.
  3. Raga, Rāga, Ragā, Rāgā: 58 definitions.
  4. How the Cello got its Name.
  5. Fife and Drum: Instruments of the Revolution.
  6. Lyra, the Lyre.

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Fitz Houston
Fitz HoustonMusician
Fitz Houston is a musician, actor, poet, and director who has written over 100 songs, 200 poems, and several screenplays, plays, and short stories. He released eight CDs to date with jazz with scriptures, jazz under prayers, and jazz instrumentals with ministry titles.

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Arshi Ahmed
Arshi AhmedMA (English)
Arshi Ahmed did her graduation from Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata, and post graduation in English from Lovely Professional University. With nearly four years of experience, she specializes in writing baby names articles as she loves to help new parents find a name for their child.

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Srija holds an MA in English Literature from the University of Calcutta and a PG Diploma in Editing and Publishing from Jadavpur University. Her interest in editing ranges across niches, including academics, human psychology, and child development.

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Praven is an English literature expert. He did his bachelors in English from Delhi University and masters in English from Manipur University. Besides, he holds a certificate in multimedia design and content creation from NIELIT Imphal and presented papers at various national and international conferences.

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