Peppermint Tea During Pregnancy: Benefits And Side Effects

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For women who are used to starting their day with a hot beverage, switching to a natural, healthier alternative such as peppermint tea during pregnancy could be a great option. Moreover, caffeine is said to have negative effects on baby development, limiting the intake of caffeinated drinks during pregnancy is best. In addition, peppermint tea is a herbal drink that could offer significant medicinal benefits to expectant mothers.

Keep reading to learn whether it is safe to drink peppermint tea during pregnancy, its potential health advantages and side effects, and how to make peppermint tea.

In This Article

Peppermint Tea During Pregnancy

Most herbal teas are a safe non-caffeinated replacement for caffeinated beverages for pregnant mothers. Caffeinated drinks increase the risk of low birth weight or miscarriageiUnexpected loss of a fetus. in the newborn baby, and hence consuming them limits during pregnancy is recommended.

Peppermint is a hybrid, a perfect blend of spearmint and watermint. It also boasts of a high proportion of menthol. Peppermint is a natural coolant and helps to soothe your stomach muscles. Pregnant women typically encounter indigestion or irritable bowel syndrome.iA disorder that affects the digestive tract, leading to diarrhea, gas, and issues with bowel movement contraction. Peppermint tea is quite an effective natural remedy used in treating such stomach disorders. Expectant mothers love the strong aromatic flavor of the peppermint tea.

Health Benefits Of Peppermint Tea While Pregnant

Peppermint tea is a soothing and refreshing beverage. Due to its high methanol content, peppermint helps improve digestion or unwanted stomach irritation. The aromatic flavor of peppermint tea helps the body and mind to relax and can promote relaxation.

Some of the effective maternal health benefits of peppermint tea include:

1. Improves Digestive Health:

Peppermint tea helps relieve symptoms of pain or irritation

Image: IStock

Peppermint tea or the oil extracted from the peppermint leaves helps treat irritable Bowel Syndrome effectively. As a pregnant woman, you may suffer from indigestion, bloating and heartburn. Peppermint tea is herbal, and it helps calm the stomach muscles and relieves symptoms of pain or irritation.

Excess gas in the stomach can lead to bloating or cramping in the body. But the peppermint tea stimulates bile flow and promotes healthy bowel movements during pregnancy. The soothing effect of peppermint tea on the stomach cells helps relieve any digestion disorders you may face, which include irritable bowel syndrome, constipation or diarrhea.

2. Cures Nausea And Vomiting:

Nausea and vomiting are common discomforts of a pregnant mother. A joint study by researchers from multiple institutes reveals that approximately 70% of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. The aromatic peppermint tea acts as an antispasmodiciA substance that lessens the severity and soothes muscle aches. and reduces the tendency of vomiting, nausea or morning sickness during pregnancy. So, if you suffer from nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, try some peppermint tea.

3. Treats Respiratory Issues:

Peppermint tea helps relieve the symptoms of cold and flu

Image: IStock

As peppermint tea serves as an antispasmodic, it helps reduce respiratory disorders. The soothing effect of the peppermint helps relax your chest and throat muscles. Peppermint tea helps eliminate excessive chest pain and relieves symptoms of cold and flu.

4. Boosts The Immune System:

Peppermint has been shown to have an antimicrobial effect (1). It may help pregnant women stay away from viral infections including cold, cough and influenza. Peppermint tea also has antioxidant and antiallergenic properties (1) that could potentially boost your immune system and help you fight infections, even if it’s due to the stress relief component discussed below!

5. Reduces Stress Levels:

Peppermint tea can help relieve excessive mental stress

Image: IStock

With the onset of pregnancy, many women feel anxious or stressed. Peppermint tea is a natural sedative that can help relieve excessive mental stress. The anti-inflammatory and soothing effect of peppermint may relax your muscles and make you feel tranquil and serene.

Just sitting down and breathing in a warm cup of tea will induce relaxation!

Side Effects Of Peppermint Tea During Pregnancy

Peppermint tea is a relaxant, a sedative, a stress buster. However, it still has some side effects, which include:

1. Precautions For Pregnant Mothers:

Drinking large amounts of peppermint tea during the first trimester may have a small link with causing menstruation, like many other herbs

. However, there is no scientific evidence to show a link of peppermint tea with miscarriage. But women with a history of miscarriages may want to abstain from consuming peppermint tea in their first trimester (5).

2. Adverse Interactions With Other:


Sometimes, peppermint tea has a negative impact when it interacts with other medications. During pregnancy, you need to consume prenatal vitamins and other medications, according to your health care provider. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before consuming any herbs, including peppermint, if you are taking medications (6).

3. Consequences Of Over Dosage:

Peppermint overdosage may cause heartburn

Image: Shutterstock

Excess is not always good whether it is food, beverage or herbs. Drinking peppermint tea all day long peppermint tea could induce negative side effects in those more sensitive. While more likely when consuming straight peppermint oil, peppermint has been noted to cause heartburn, nausea and diarrhea (2).

Melissa Dean, licensed midwife from Morgan Hill, California, says, “The oil is the active compound in peppermint tea that may cause adverse reactions during pregnancy. As such, it’s important to prioritize topical use of peppermint oils. Although small doses of peppermint tea are safe, the best recommendation is to use topical peppermint.

Is It Safe To Drink Peppermint Tea While Pregnant?

Most likely, yes. You can consume peppermint tea during pregnancy, but if you are still apprehensive and have questions like, ‘Is peppermint tea safe during pregnancy?’ Consult your doctor before consuming it, particularly if you are on specific medications, as it could interact with certain drugs and lead to potential side effects. Furthermore, excess consumption during the first trimester may cause adverse health effects.

To keep intake at a reasonable amount, measure the number of leaves before you prepare one cup of peppermint teaIdeally, every mug of tea must contain no more than one gram or one tablespoon of peppermint leaves. Use around 150-160 ml of water to boil the tea. You should not consume more than two to three servings of herbal tea every day.

protip_icon Quick fact

Inhaling the scent of mint may trigger allergic asthmaiA condition that affects the lungs and makes breathing difficult. in some women. If you have a known allergy to mint, you may want to refrain from consuming peppermint tea during pregnancy (7).

How To Make Peppermint Tea?

Boil dried peppermint leaves in water to make tea

Image: IStock

You Will Need:

  • One tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves
  • One cup of water
  • Sugar to taste

How To:

  • Boil one cup of water in a saucepan
  • Add one tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves in the boiling water
  • Slow the flame, to let the aroma get into the boiling water
  • Add sugar according to your taste
  • Strain and serve
protip_icon Quick tip
You can replace sugar with honey or jaggery to make your cup of tea healthier.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does peppermint tea help induce labor?

Peppermint tea is not found to cause any adverse effects on the mother or the fetus. No definitive evidence suggests that peppermint tea may induce labor (5).

2. Can peppermint cause miscarriage?

In the first trimester, large amounts of peppermint tea may induce menstruation (2). You can consult your nutritionist or gynecologist to determine the safe quantities of peppermint tea to include in your pregnancy nutrition and ensure safe prenatal care.

3. Does peppermint tea count as water intake?

Experts recommend that pregnant women consume around six to eight glasses or 1.6 liters of fluids daily. All drinks, including water, and hot drinks such as herbal teas and coffees, are counted in the total recommended water intake (6).

4. Which teas should I avoid during pregnancy?

It is best to avoid some herbal teas during pregnancy. Herbs such as sage, rosemary, and chamomile are not considered safe during pregnancyMoreover, the consumption of black and green tea should be moderated aswell, due to their caffeine content. It is always best to consult a healthcare provider for personalized dietary advice during pregnancy. (2).

5. Is mint good for relieving morning sickness or nausea during pregnancy?

Mint significantly reduces morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy (7).

A few mothers may prefer peppermint tea during pregnancy since it serves as a non-caffeinated beverage, which is refreshing and soothing. The tea also provides various health benefits, including calming gastrointestinal issues, such as nausea and vomiting, making it the preferred choice for many pregnant women. However, there are also a few side effects with its intake. Therefore, although mostly safe, it is advisable to consult your physician before consuming peppermint tea during pregnancy. Keep the quantity to a minimum and discontinue its intake if you experience any discomfort.

Infographic: How Does Drinking Peppermint Tea Benefit Pregnant Women?

Peppermint tea is a popular herbal beverage made from the leaves of the peppermint plant. So, look at the infographic below to explore the potential health benefits of peppermint tea for expectant mothers. Also, consider consuming the tea moderately, as overconsumption might affect pregnancy.

health benefits of peppermint tea while pregnant (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Peppermint tea is known for its refreshing and soothing qualities.
  • It relieves stress, improves digestion, boosts immunity, soothes the throat, and manages morning sickness during pregnancy.
  • However, having excessive amounts of peppermint tea may cause nausea, diarrhea, and heartburn in pregnant women.
  • It is recommended to take a doctor’s consent before drinking peppermint tea during pregnancy to avoid complications or adverse reactions with medications.

Illustration: Peppermint Tea While Pregnant: 5 Benefits & 4 Side Effects

Peppermint Tea During Pregnancy_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. A Review Of The Bioactivity And Potential Health Benefits Of Peppermint Tea (Mentha Piperita L.).
  2. Herbal teas during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  3. Peppermint
  4. Peppermint Oil
  5. Berna Terzioglu Bebitoglu; Frequently Used Herbal Teas During Pregnancy – Short Update
  6. How much water should I drink in pregnancy?
  7. Study of the Effect of Mint Oil on Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy;
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Jennifer House is a registered dietitian with 15 years of experience and currently owns a private practice First Step Nutrition in Calgary, Alberta. Whether dealing with picky eaters or starting a baby on solids, Jennifer helps parents decrease food overwhelm through online programs.

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  • Melissa Dean
    Melissa DeanMidwife Melissa Dean is a licensed midwife with 12 years of experience and the founder of Casa Natal, two birth and wellness centers in the San Francisco Bay Area. A graduate of Aviva Romm's Functional and Integrative Medicine Course and student in her Herbal Medicine for Women course, Melissa combines her knowledge of integrative medicine with her experience as a midwife to provide comprehensive care to her clients.
    Melissa Dean is a licensed midwife with 12 years of experience and the founder of Casa Natal, two birth and wellness centers in the San Francisco Bay Area. A graduate of Aviva Romm's Functional and Integrative Medicine Course and student in her Herbal Medicine for Women course, Melissa combines her knowledge of integrative medicine with her experience as a midwife to provide comprehensive care to her clients.
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Swati PatwalM.Sc. (Food & Nutrition), MBA
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