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The evolution of British surnames started with their first names being used as family names. These family names were adopted from conquests, immigrants, occupations, places, and other sources. Although most of these last names have been derived from their patronymic names, some have also originated from topographical or habitational names. An interesting point to note is that these surnames have a distinct history attached to them, with references spanning Scotland, Wales, and various other regions of the United Kingdom. Read on to know more about such unique British last names, their origin, history, meaning, and many other interesting facts.
Key Pointers
- British last names have evolved due to immigration, occupations, and locations.
- Surnames such as Anderson and Collins are patronymic, derived from the father’s name.
- Examples of occupational surnames include Cook, Butler, and Fisher.
- Brooks, Hill, and Lee are among the topographic surnames inspired by specific locations.
Popular English (British) Last Names Or Surnames
British surnames carry a rich history spanning generations and have been borne by notable figures throughout time. From noble families to patronymic, occupational, and locational surnames, here are some of the most famous British surnames:
1. Adams
It is derived from Adam, which means a ‘Man’ in Hebrew. This is one of the old English last names with origins dating back to the pre-medieval period. In the Old Testament, Adam is also referred to as ‘the earth’ from where God created the man.
American politicians and former US presidents John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams, are notable bearers of this last name.
2. Allen
Derived from ‘Alan,’ this last name was first used in the 6th Century. It means ‘Rock’. This was the name of several dukes of Brittany and many Breton settlers, who immigrated to England.
3. Anderson
Anderson refers to ‘Son of Andrew’. Andrew, which first appeared in the 14th Century in Scotland, is a Greek word that means a ‘Man’ or ‘Manly’. Anderson is known to be one of the most common surnames in Sweden.
4. Armstrong
This surname originated from the Scottish borders. It is derived from an English nickname, which means ‘Someone with strong arms’. Another Irish meaning of this name refers to ‘Son of a strong man’. As per a book on English Surnames by Charles Wareing Bardsley, Armstrong represents people from a great Border clan (1).
5. Atkinson
Atkinson is a variation of Atkin, a name derived from the many forms of nicknames given to Adam. In Hebrew, Adam refers to a ‘Man’.
6. Bailey
It is an occupational name and refers to a steward or official ‘Ballis’ or ‘Balif’. Another variation of this name can be locational, as ‘Bailey’ in Lancashire refers to ‘Berry wood’.
7. Baker
Baker is an occupational surname derived from the trade of bakery products or a person who bakes. A notable Baker famous for her singing and TV show is the English television presenter Cheryl Baker.
Here is why blogger Emilie Zoey Baker chose Baker as her surname. She says, “So why did I choose Baker? It has absolutely no family connection. There’s nothing even remotely Baker-ish… No, I chose it instinctively. I chose it out of the air. But when I thought about it more later, I realised why it had resonated with me. Why? Well around 6pm every weeknight it felt like I’d definitely made the right choice of surname. It was because of Dr Who. I’d subconsciously chosen the name Baker because when I was a kid, I wanted Tom Baker to be my dad (i).”
8. Ball
This unique surname is the shortened version of Baldwin. Another reference is from a name called ‘Balle’ which means a ‘Slope’ or a ‘Hill’ in Old Norse.
9. Barker
Barker is a spelling variant of Berker, an occupational name which refers to a ‘Tanner of leather’. The first reference of this last name goes back to the pre 7th Century by the Olde English men.
10. Barnes
This topographic name or a metonymic occupational name belongs to the Middle English period and is referred to as ‘Someone who lived by a Barn’ or ‘Worked at a barn’.
11. Bell
This surname originates from the Old French era wherein ‘Bel’ means ‘Beautiful’ or ‘Fair’.
12. Bennett
This last name belongs to the 12th Century and is derived from ‘Benedict’ or ‘Benedictus’ in Latin, which means ‘Blessed (2)’.
13. Booth
Booth is the last name most popular in Northern England and Scandinavia. It is derived from the word ‘Both,’ which was used to denote various types of shelter such as a herdsman’s dwelling on a summer pasture.
14. Bradley
This English last name is derived from the name of a place meaning ‘Broad wood’ or ‘Broad meadow’. The name also has certain references in Irish Gaelic culture.
15. Brooks
The toponymic surname refers to ‘Someone residing near a stream’.
16. Brown
Typically a nickname, Brown has an English, Scottish and Irish origin and refers to someone who has brown skin or hair.
17. Burton
Burton is a habitational surname, which is a combination of two words. Burh means ‘Fort’ and tun means ‘Enclosure’ or ‘Settlement’.
18. Butler
Historians trace the roots of the surname Butler to Theobald FitzWalter, an Anglo-Norman knight who arrived in Ireland in 1185 as part of Prince John’s retinue. He was granted the hereditary office of “boteillier,” or Chief Butler of Ireland (3). This occupational name refers to a wine steward or the chief servant of a medieval household.
19. Campbell
Popularized by the top model Naomi Campbell, this last name has Scottish Gaelic roots. It refers to someone having ‘a crooked mouth’.
20. Carter
Carter has an English, Irish, and Scottish origin and is an occupational name. It refers to ‘Someone who transports goods by a cart or wagon’.
21. Chapman

This common last name means a ‘Trader’ or ‘Merchant’ or ‘Businessman’. The English comedian Graham Arthur Chapman is a famous bearer of this last name.
22. Clarke
Clarke is an Anglo-Irish surname which refers to a ‘Clerk’. It is derived from the Latin word ‘Clericus’ and is connected with the priestly tribe of Levites (4).
23. Cole
Cole means ‘swarthy’, ‘coal-black’ or ‘charcoal’ and has Middle English origin. A famous bearer of this name is the English singer and TV personality Cheryll Cole.
24. Collins
Originated in Britain and Ireland, Collins refers to ‘son of Colin’ and the Irish variation ‘cuilein’ that means ‘darling’.
25. Cook
This is another occupational surname, which originated from the Anglo-Saxon tribes in Britain. It is used for someone who worked as a cook, seller of cooked food, or a keeper of an eatery.
26. Cooper
Bradley Cooper, the world-renowned actor, is a bearer of this last name. This occupational last name refers to ‘Maker’ or ‘Repairer’ of wooden vessels.
27. Corbyn
Corbyn is referred to as someone having ‘raven hair’. It could have derived either from Corbon in Calvados or Corbon in Orne, France. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is a famous bearer of this name.
28. Cox
Cox is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word Cooc or Cock, which means a ‘Rooster’. This occupational surname is also native to Belgian and Dutch Limburg.
29. Davidson
Originated from Scottish, northern English, and Jewish regions, Davidson refers to the ‘Son of David’. David, in Hebrew, means ‘beloved’.
30. Davies
Davies is a variation of Davis or Davie and refers to David. The association of this last name is said to be from Wales.
31. Dawson
This is a baptismal name meaning ‘the son of David’. Dawson is of Anglo-Saxon descent that spread to the Celtic countries of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
32. Dixon
Dixon is a variation of Dickson, which is a patronymic surname. First originated in Scotland, Dixon refers to ‘Son of Dick’. Alesha Dixon, an English singer and TV personality, is a famous bearer of this name.
33. Edwards
It is a variation of Edwardes and Edwardson and originated from Olde English pre 7th Century. Edwards refers to ‘Prosperity guard’.
34. Elliott
This last name has various references, and the most common usage was seen during medieval times. It is derived from Elis or Elijah, which means ‘Jehovah is my God’.
35. Evans
Having originated from the Welsh regions, this patronymic last name refers to ‘Son of Evan’. It is one of the most common surnames in the UK, and Hollywood actor Chris Evans is a famous bearer of this last name.
36. Fisher
Fisher is an occupational last name and refers to people who derived their livelihood from fishing or lived by a fishing weir. Actress Carry Fisher was a famous bearer of this last name.
37. Fletcher
Fletcher is the last name of Scottish, English and Irish origin. The occupational surname refers to ‘Arrowsmith’ or ‘Seller of Arrows’.
38. Ford
The habitational surname referred to people who lived near a ford. Another variation is the Irish surname O Fuartháin, which refers to ‘descendant of O Fuarthán’. Harrison Ford is a famous bearer of this surname.
39. Foster
Foster is derived from Fostre, Forstrian or Forster, which refers to ‘nourish’ or ‘rear’.
40. Fox
This last name belongs to the Old English pre 7th century period. The name is taken from the animal Fox and was first used in England and Ireland. Actress Emilia Fox is a noteworthy bearer of this last name.
41. Gibson
This is a surname of English and Scottish origins. Gibson is derived from Gilbert and refers to the ‘Son of Gilbert’ or ‘Son of Gib’.
42. Graham
Originated from Old English, Graham is a variant of Grahame or Graeme and refers to a ‘Grey home’.
43. Grant
Grant originated in English and Scottish regions and is derived from the Anglo-Norman words Graund or Graunt, which mean ‘Tall’ or ‘Large’.
44. Gray

Originated in Scotland, Gray is nicknamed for people having grey hair. Gray is also a habitational name and referred to someone who belonged to Graye, Calvados.
45. Green
It is derived from the word ‘Grene’ and basically a reference to the color Green. The origins of this last name date back to the 7th Century.
46. Griffiths
Originated in Wales, this last name is a patronymic name. This name probably means a ‘Strong chief’ or ‘Son of chief’. Other variations of this name are Griffin, Gruffin or Griffith.
47. Hall
Hall is a variation of Heall, Halle or Holl and is derived from a spacious part of the residence. The name originated from the Scottish, German, English, Irish, and Scandinavian regions.
48. Hamilton
Originated in Scottish and Northern Irish regions, Hamilton is a habitational surname. It refers to the village of Hamilton, Leicestershire, England.
49. Harris
Derived from Harry or Henry, this last name refers to the ‘Son of Harry’. Henry, which means ‘Home-ruler,’ originated in English, Irish, and Scottish regions.
50. Harrison
Originated from English, Irish and Scottish parts of the UK, Harrison is another common British last name and means ‘Son of Harry’.
51. Harvey
Harvey is derived from the Celtic words that refer to ‘battle’, ‘ardent’, ‘worthy’, or ‘strong’. It has English and Scottish origins.
52. Henderson
This common Scottish surname is derived from a patronymic form of Hendry or Henry. It means ‘Son of the Home-ruler’.
53. Hill
Hill is the 36th most common last name in England. Though it has an English origin, it is derived from the Greek or Latin name Hillary, which means ‘Who lives on a hill’.
54. Holmes
Holmes is a habitational or geographical last name that originated in the Northern Middle English region called Holm, meaning ‘An Island’. This last name also has an Irish reference, which means ‘Son of Thomas’. The most famous bearer of this surname is fictional super detective Sherlock Holmes.
55. Howard
Derived from a Norman name Huard or Heward, this last name has Anglo-Scandinavian origin. It means ‘High’ or ‘Chief warden’.
56. Hughes
Hughes originated in the regions of Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and France. It is a patronymic name that refers to ‘Son of Hugh’. Hugh means ‘Mind’ or ‘Spirit’.
57. Hunt
This Old English occupational last name refers to a ‘Hunter’.
58. Hunter

It is an occupational last name originated during Olde English pre 7th Century period, and refers to Hunta or Huntian, meaning ‘Hunter’.
59. Jackson
This common surname has English and Scottish origin. The patronymic name means ‘Son of Jack’.
60. James
James is a Latin form of Hebrew name Jacob and has a reference in the New Testament. It refers to a ‘Supplanter’ or ‘One who follows’. James is a common last name in South Wales.
61. Jenkins
It is derived from John, which refers to ‘God has graced me with a son’. This last name originated in Cornwall, England and is also popular in Wales.
62. Johnson
This patronymic last name of English and Scottish origins refers to ‘Son of John’. It is derived from the Latin term Johannes or Yohanan, meaning ‘Jehovah has favored’.
63. Johnston
This habitational last name originated in Scotland. It refers to ‘John’s town’ or ‘St. John’s town’.
64. Jones
It is a variant of Johnson but has Welsh origins. Jones refers to ‘Son of John’ and is a popular last name in Wales and South Central England.
65. Kelly
Kelly is an Irish last name derived from Ceallach that means ‘Bright headed’ or ‘Troublesome’.
66. Kennedy
Kennedy means ‘Someone with an ugly head’ or is derived from the Anglicized form of the term Ceanneidigh referring to the ‘Descendant of Ceanneidigh’.
67. King
In Old English, this last name referred to tribal leaders. It was also referred to someone who served in a Royal household. King has origins in the regions of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
68. Knight
The origins of Knight date back to the Anglo-Saxon culture of Britain. It is derived from the Old English word ‘Cniht’ that refers to ‘Servant’ or a ‘Common soldier’.
69. Lawrence
Lawrence has its origins in English, Italian, and French. The habitational last name refers to ‘Someone from Laurentium’ , a town near Italy.
70. Lee
Lee, derived from the Old English period, is a variant of Lea, Leah or Leigh that refers to a ‘Meadow’ or ‘Forest’.
71. Lewis
Lewis originated in England and Wales. This last name has several variants such as Lewes, Louis, or Luis. It means ‘Winner’ or ‘Victor’.
72. Lloyd
It belongs to both Old Welsh and Medieval English origins and is derived from the pre 7th Century term Llwyd meaning ‘Grey’.
73. Marshall
Derived from ‘Mareschal’, this last name is of ancient Norman origin. It has certain Germanic elements such as ‘Marah’ meaning ‘Horse’ or ‘Who tended to Horses’. Jim Marshall, known as the Lord of Loud, is a famous bearer of this surname.
74. Martin
A derivative of Mars, this last name has its origins in various countries such as France, Scotland, Germany, and Ireland. It was taken from Martis or Mars, the Roman god of fertility and war.
75. Mason
This surname originated from Italian, English, Irish or French regions. It is derived from ‘Maso’, which means ‘Someone who does stone masonry work’. Actor James Mason is a famous bearer of this last name.
76. Matthews
The patronymic surname means ‘Son of Matthew’. The reference of Mathew is given in the Bible and means ‘Gift of God’.
77. McDonald
This popular Scottish patronymic name refers to ‘Son of Donald’. Donald means ‘World ruler’.
78. Miller
Miller is the last name having Old English and Scottish origin. The occupational name refers to ‘Someone who operates or works at a mill’. Actress Sienna Miller is a famous bearer of this surname.
79. Mitchell
Mitchell is a variant of Michael that refers to a ‘Gift from God’. It has French, Irish, and English origins.
80. Moore
Moore is a topographical last name that derived from Moor. Moor refers to an ‘Area of uncultivated land’. It originated in England.
81. Morgan
Morgan has Celtic roots and belongs to ‘Britons of Wales’. The name is derived from the term ‘Morcant’ which refers to ‘Sea circle’. Television personality Piers Morgan is a noteworthy bearer of this last name.
82. Morris
A very popular last name in the British Isles, Morris is derived from Maurice or Maurus which means ‘Dark’ or ‘Swarthy’.
83. Morrison
Morrison is an Anglo Scottish last name which is also very popular in Ireland. The patronymic surname derived from Morris and refers to ‘Son of Morris’. Morris means ‘Dark’ or ‘Swarthy’.
84. Murphy
It is a variant of Murchadh, Murphey, or MacMurphy. Murphy, meaning ‘Sea warrior’, originated in Ireland.
85. Murray
Murray is a famous last name across Ireland and originated from both Scottish and Irish regions. In Scotland, it is derived from ‘Moray’, which means ‘Settlement by the sea’ and the Irish derivation is from ‘Muireb’ meaning ‘Seafarer’.
86. Owen
Owen is derived from a Welsh first name called Owain and refers to ‘Noble’ or ‘Well-born’.
87. Palmer
The surname Palmer has originated from the Old French word Palmer, derived from the Latin term ‘Palmifer’ meaning ‘Palm bearer’. The original bearer of the surname was a pilgrim who carried palm branches back from the Holy Land.
88. Parker
It is an Old English occupational last name, which refers to the ‘Keeper of the park’.
89. Payne
Payne is derived from ‘Paien’ or the Latin word ‘Paganus’ meaning ‘Rustic’ or ‘Countryman’. It is an Old English patronymic last name. Singer Liam Payne is a popular bearer of this surname.
90. Pearce
Having its roots in the Anglo-Saxon tribes as well as English, Irish, and Welsh regions, Pearce is derived from ‘Piers,’ a form of Peter, meaning ‘Rock’.
91. Pearson
Derived from Piers, Pearson is a patronymic last name meaning ‘Son of Peter’. It is common in Ireland but is said to have originated in England. Neil Pearson is a famous bearer of this last name.
92. Perry
Welsh or English in origin, Perry refers to ‘A Pear tree’. Some other reference of the name also describes Perry as ‘Stranger’ or ‘Traveler’.
93. Phillips

It belongs to the early Medieval English era. Phillips is derived from Philein, which refers to ‘A lover for horses’.
94. Powell
This last name is of Welsh origin and is the Anglicized form of the term Hywel or Howell, which means ‘Eminent’. Powell refers to ‘Son of Hywel’.
95. Price
Price is another Welsh origin name that means ‘Son of Rhys’. The word Rhys means ‘Enthusiasm’ in Welsh. Media personality Katie Price is a famous bearer of this last name.
96. Reid
Reid is an Old English term that means ‘Red’ or ‘Ruddy complexioned’.
97. Reynolds
Reynolds is derived from ‘Reginald,’ which means ‘A powerful ruler’. It belongs to English and French origins.
98. Richards
Richards was brought to Great Britain by the Normans in 1066, and the origins are said to be Germanic. It means ‘Powerful’ or ‘Brave’.
99. Richardson
This is a patronymic name which refers to ‘Son of Richard’. Miranda Richardson is a famous bearer of this surname.
100. Roberts
Robert means ‘bright’ or ‘renowned’. It is a British last name having a patronymic origin.
101. Robertson
Robertson is the last name having a patronymic origin that refers to ‘Son or Robert’. This name originated in Scotland and England.
102. Robinson
This is a patronymic last name of English origin, and refers to ‘Son of Robin’. The name Robin means ‘Fame’ or ‘Bright’.
103. Rogers
Having originated from Anglo-Saxon and Norman regions, Rogers means ‘Fame’ or ‘Renowned’.
104. Rose
Derived from the flower ‘Rose’ this last name originated from various regions of the world such as France, Ireland, England, Scotland, and Germany.
105. Ross
Ross is a habitational last name and originated from Scotland and England. It is derived from a Gaelic word which means ‘Headland’.
106. Russell
One of the most famous last names in British history, Russell was brought into the country by Normans. This patronymic name refers to ‘Son of Red’ or in French variation it refers to ‘Little Red-haired’.
107. Saunders
Saunders is derived from ‘Saunder’ or ‘Alexander’. This last name originated from the British Isles, and is actually taken from the Greek name Alexandros, which refers to ‘Defender of men’.
108. Scott
Originated during the Medieval English era, Scott refers to people who belonged to Scotland. Scott is derived from the pre 7th Century word ‘Scotti’.
109. Shaw
Shaw is a topographical last name and refers to ‘Someone who lived by a thicket or a copse’. The name originated from English and Scottish regions.
110. Simpson
Simpson is a patronymic Anglo-Scottish surname derived from the words ‘Symson,’ ‘Simme,’ or’ Simon’ and refers to ‘Son of Simon’.
111. Smith
The English surname Smith is derived from the word Smitan, which means ‘To smite’. It is an occupational surname for a blacksmith or metal worker.
112. Spencer
This last name is used in reference to a butler or steward. During the Norman Conquest of 1066, it is believed that the ancestors of the Spencer family migrated to England.
113. Stevens
Steves is a British surname but has a Greek origin. It is derived from the word Stephanos that means ‘A crown’ or ‘Wreath’. Dan Stevens is a famous bearer of this surname.
114. Stewart
This surname is a variant of ‘Steward’ and has a Scottish origin. Steward is derived from the pre 7th Century Old English word ‘Stigeweard’ that means ‘Hall guardian’ or ‘Warden’.
115. Taylor
Originating from the British Isles of French and Latin origin, Taylor is an occupational last name that refers to a tailor and means ‘To cut’. Elizabeth Taylor was a famous bearer of this surname.
116. Thomas
Thomas is a common last name of Scottish, Welsh, English, Dutch, German, French, and Danish origin. It means ‘Twin’.
117. Thompson
Originating from English and Scottish regions, this last name refers to ‘Son of Thom’, ‘Son of Thomas’ or ‘Son of Tom’. Emma Thompson is a famous bearer of this last name.
118. Thomson
Though similar to Thomas or Thompson, Thomson is a surname that originated from the Welsh and Scottish regions. It refers to ‘Son of Thomas’ or ‘Son of Thom’. The word of Thomas is derived from the Aramaic word that means ‘Twins’.
119. Turner
Turner is a surname of English and Scottish origins and refers to ‘Maker of objects from wood or metal’. Sophie Turner is a popular bearer of this surname.
120. Walker
Originating from English and German regions of Europe, this last name has many variants such as Welker, Walcher, Welcker, or Wallker. It means ‘A walker or someone who walked on a raw and damp cloth to thicken it’.
121. Walsh
This is a common Irish last name that originated from the British and Welsh community of soldiers. It refers to ‘Briton’ or ‘Foreigner’ literally meaning ‘Welshman’.
122. Ward

After the Norman conquest of 1066, this last name migrated to England. Ward is an Old English word that means ‘Guardian’ or ‘Watchman’.
123. Watson
Watson is a patronymic last name that originated from England and Scotland. It means ‘Son of Walter’. Actress Emma Watson is a famous bearer of this surname.
124. Watts
Watts belongs to Norman-French and Germanic pre 7th Century origin. Watts is a short form of Walter meaning ‘Ruler’ or ‘Warrior’ and is an Anglo-Scottish surname. Actress Naomi Watts is a popular bearer of this last name.
125. Webb
Webb is derived from Webber or Web, which means ‘To weave’. It belongs to the Olde English pre 7th Century era.
126. Webster
Webster has an Anglo-Saxon origin and is a famous last name in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and the Midlands. The occupational last name is given to a weaver.
127. West
West is a topographical last name that refers to ‘Someone who lived by the west of a settlement’. This surname originated from English and German regions.
128. White
This surname is of Irish origin and belongs to the Isle of Wight, near Hampshire, England. Thus, it is a topographical last name.
129. Wilkinson
This Anglo-Scottish last name originated in England during the Viking Invasions. Wilkinson refers to the ‘Son of Wilkin’. The name Wilkin is derived from the words will or desire.
130. Williams
This is a common Welsh last name and is derived from the Belgic term ‘Guild-helm’ that refers to ‘Harnessed with a gilded helmet’ or ‘The shield or defense of many’.
131. Williamson
It is a common English patronymic last name, which refers to the ‘Son of William’.
132. Wilson
This is an English and Scottish surname, derived from ‘Will’ a popular medieval name. Will refers to ‘desire’. A notable person having this last name is Owen Wilson.
133. Wood
A famous surname among English folks, the origin of Wood dates back to pre 7th Century Old English period. It is derived from the word ‘Wudu’ that refers to ‘A forest’ or ‘Wood’.
134. Wright
This occupational surname refers to ‘Wryhta’ or ‘Wyrhta’ which means ‘A worker’ or ‘Shaper of wood’. It originated during 700 AD in England.
135. Young
Young is an interesting surname which belongs to Anglo-Saxon pre 7th Century era. It is derived from the word ‘Geong’, which means ‘The young one’.
Types Of British Surnames
English last names have fascinating origins and histories. Some surnames are derived from physical traits, occupations, and geographic locations, while others are connected to migration and historical events, such as the Norman Conquest of 1066. Below is a guide to help you understand the different types of English surnames.
- Occupational surnames: Many British surnames can be traced to specific jobs, professions, or trades. Occupational surnames reflect the type of work a person did or their role in society. Examples include Bailey, meaning ‘steward’, Carter, meaning ‘cart puller’, and Hunt, meaning ‘hunter’.
- Habitational surnames: Habitational surnames are derived from the names of places, such as towns, villages, or geographical features, where a person or their ancestors lived. Examples include Burton, meaning ‘enclosure,’ Ford, referring to people who lived near a ford, and Holmes, meaning ‘island.’
- Toponymic or topographic surnames: Although similar to habitational surnames, toponymic last names are tied to the names of geographical places, including their topographical features such as mountains, rivers, or valleys. Examples include Brooks, which refers to someone residing near a stream, and Moore, meaning ‘an area of uncultivated land.’
- Metonymic surnames: Metonymic surnames are derived from a metonym, a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is substituted with another that is closely related. In surnames, this is often done by associating a feature, occupation, or characteristic with the original name. For example, Barnes means ‘someone who lived by the barn.’
- Patronymic or matronymic surnames: These surnames are derived from the name of a male or female ancestor, indicating descent or lineage. They are typically formed by adding a suffix to the father’s or mother’s name to signify “son of” or “daughter of.” Examples include Evans, meaning ‘son of Evan’, Henderson, meaning ‘son of the home ruler,’ and Watson, meaning ‘son of Walter.’
- Descriptive surnames: Descriptive surnames refer to a person’s physical appearance, personality, or other characteristics. Examples include Brown, which refers to someone with brown skin, Corbyn, which signifies someone with black or raven hair, and Russell, meaning ‘red-haired.’
- Religious surnames: These surnames are associated with religious practices, places of worship, specific deities, or supernatural elements. A popular example is Adams, meaning ‘man,’ which is associated with the biblical Adam.
- Anglicized surnames: Anglicized surnames are last names that are modified to conform to English spelling or pronunciation. Examples include Kennedy, derived from Ceanneidigh, meaning ‘descendant of Ceanneidigh,’ and Powell, derived from the Welsh Hywel or Howell, meaning ‘eminent.’
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the rarest surnames in the UK?
Dankworth, Villan, Fernsby, MacQuoid (Scottish), and Miracle (Welsh) are some of the rarest surnames in the UK. Though they have been there for centuries, you can hardly find anyone with these names now.
2. What are old English surnames?
Old English surnames can provide information about the ancestors and help uncover family history such as the origin of the name or the occupation of the family. Crapper, Black, Jones, Taylor, Windsor, Churchill, Fleming and Smith are some old English surnames.
3. How do British surnames compare to surnames in other countries?
British culture follows the more common naming system of using either parent’s surnames or both and thus may share similarities with most countries’ family names. Like many other surnames, British surnames also have roots in historical, linguistic, and cultural origins. One distinct characteristic may be that the United Kingdom has experienced significant immigration and cultural diversity over the centuries, leading to the adoption of surnames from various backgrounds.
Surnames help you distinguish yourself and your clan from the rest. Many of these surnames trace their roots to a specific era in the history of Great Britain. For instance, several Victorian surnames, such as Anderson and Williams, became prominent surnames in Britain during the Victorian era. We have researched multiple websites, baby name databases, and social media platforms to compile the above list of popular British and English surnames to acquaint you with the most popular ones from the region.
Infographic: British Last Names Or Surnames
When we think of Britain, we think of its royalness and unforgettable rulers. If you are searching for some regal British surnames for naming your little one or are just curious to know what these names mean, this infographic lists some popular British surnames for your perusal. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
From Smith to Roberts, discover the top 10 most popular surnames in the UK as of 2010 in this video. Watch now and find your favorite among the top 10.
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Dr Who’s Tom Baker is My Real Dadhttps://www.emiliezoeybaker.com/blog/tag/Tom+Baker
- English Surnames by Charles Wareing Bardsley
https://www.gutenberg.org/files/59959/59959-h/59959-h.htm - Origin popularity and meaning of the last name BENNETT
https://en.geneanet.org/surnames/BENNETT - The History of the Butler Family
https://butlersociety.org/history/ - Clark the name

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