25+ Signs He Cares About You (More Than You Think)

Every woman has faced a situation of being unsure about whether the man she has been seeing likes her or not. So, what are the signs he cares about you? And it is not only for the ones who are dating. Even married women might face similar situations once in a while. So, if you are in such a dilemma, this post is for you. Seeing the signs of care is important to understanding the emotional bond in a relationship. Men often show their feelings through actions, not just words, and the thoughtful gestures can tell you a lot about the deep connection they have with you. Read on as we have put together a list of signs that indicate a man loves a woman and wants her in his life.

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25+ Signs That Show He Cares About You

Below is a list of the things to look for in your partner to know how serious he is about the relationship. However, exercise a little caution while looking out for those signs — do not blindly look for them. It’s just a route map to find your soul mate, and you need to find out the actual route with your own experience.

1. He listens to you patiently 

He listens to you because he cares about your feelings

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Most of us like to express and find it difficult to hide our emotions before our loved ones. When you express your feelings for him — whether they are silly, serious, emotional, humorous, or utter nonsense — if he cares for you, he would definitely be attentive and listen to you patiently. For instance, you may be talking about your day at work, and even though he doesn’t know anyone, he listens sincerely. He may not be a very good listener to everyone in his life, but if he is all ears for you, it is a great sign.

2. He prioritizes your happiness

Until someone enters your life, it’s okay to be self-centered and selfish as nobody knows what exactly you need more than yourself. But once you have a partner, it makes sense to be more thoughtful and to do what makes them happy, even if it goes against your interest at times. Finding happiness in a partner’s joy is what makes a relationship more beautiful and valuable.

So, if he puts you and your happiness above his and finds pleasure in doing that, he cares for you. For instance, he might want to stay at home during the weekend, but if you wish to go out, he goes out with you. More importantly, if he has a self-centered personality but wants to be more considerate and change to accommodate you in his life, he has scored full brownie points.

3. He gives you an explanation

Mistakes happen—not just in a relationship, but also in all walks of life. Your partner might also be guilty at times, but how he conveys it to you and how he tries to make you feel good is important.

If he cares for you, he will try to explain what he has done and what went wrong. For example, he may have promised to call you, but if he missed, he gives an explanation about something that came up. If you feel the reason is valid, you can forgive him. Making an effort to let you know everything about it is one of the best qualities you can appreciate about him. In such cases, try to be responsive and sympathetic if need be.

4.  He surprises you on special days

If you like surprises, like most of us do, your partner would certainly try to amaze you with one. Whether it is your special day or a moment of achievement or even for no reason, if he knows that you love to be surprised, he would certainly plan a few to show you how supportive he can be. He may suddenly bring home a bunch of flowers or take you to a posh restaurant on the weekend to celebrate your promotion.

That said, if you haven’t received any such surprises, don’t conclude that he doesn’t care. Only some men are proactive about planning surprises, while others find it boring. So, they may be planning for other options to care for you. Based on the type of guy you’re dating, you can check for this sign.

5. He is a little possessive 

A little jealousy or possessiveness from your closed ones is endearing, and it stands true for your guy too.

He may feel like he is your protector, and you might find him a little out of place when you’re with other guys or your close ones. There is nothing wrong with that, and in fact, it is a sign that he may be serious about you. Even we feel a little envious when our partner acts close to another woman, don’t we?

6. He prefers to spend time with you 

He finds time to be with you

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No matter how busy he is, if he is devoted to making time to talk to you, meet you, or just greet you, you can count on him. It doesn’t mean he should call you every hour to stalk you. If he puts in the effort to meet you so that both of you can have some good private time together, it means he enjoys your company. For instance, he calls even after a hectic day, just to tell you he is thinking of you. These are signs of a keeper.

7. He is genuinely happy for you 

A true partner is someone who is happy when you’re happy and sad when you’re not. He would be there for you in your ups and downs. It’s not easy to be appreciative of someone else’s achievement or be compassionate to them in bad times. You can feel it only when they are really close to your heart. So, if you find your significant other is genuinely happy in your best times and is always there for you when you’re down, he definitely cares for you and your happiness. For example, if you have just gotten a promotion or a raise at work and you share it with him, he is genuinely happy for you. He may even plan a party later to celebrate your success.

8. He’s your go-to person when you’re upset 

Happiness is something we tend to share with anyone. But when it comes to sad things, we become choosy — we share them only with our closed ones. If your partner is the first person that comes to your mind when you have to pour your heart out, you can always count on him. He will not only listen to you but also provide encouraging words to try to convince you that it’s okay to feel that way, and assure you that he always has your back.

9. He is curious about your interests and hobbies

Doing something both of you like helps strengthen your bond. But knowing each other’s interests and hobbies and doing things the other person enjoys make it a perfect relationship. If he really cares for you, he will make a genuine effort to know your likes and dislikes and act accordingly. He may even take up your hobby as a way to spend more time with you. For instance, if you love knitting, he may start taking an active interest in it and come up with new patterns and ideas.

10. He makes you feel important 

You might be his queen when you both are in your private space, but how he treats you around people can say a lot about his personality. If he is naturally shy, he may not engage much in PDA (public display of affection) or be very affectionate. What counts is the kind of care and importance he gives to you when you both are outside. If he cares for you, he will always make you feel comfortable when you are around his family or friends. For instance, at parties, even though you may be separated, he will look at you regularly and gauge the situation.

Tomi, a wife and aspiring writer, appreciates the lengths her husband goes to make her happy. She says, “I have learnt to appreciate what he does…Like the fact that he wants me to be happy, often at great expense to himself. The fact that he remembers what my favorite chocolate is and randomly surprises me with it (i).”

11. He is comfortable with your friends and family 

He gets along with your friends

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If he never hesitates to meet or know your family and friends, take it as a sign that he is serious about your relationship. In fact, he will be eager to meet and greet your circle. Arrange a family meeting and see how he reacts. Also, check if most of your friends and family feel comfortable around him.

12. He likes you for who you are 

Beauty plays an important role in a relationship. However, it’s just in the initial days. Though you get attracted to someone for their beauty, once you know the person and like the way they are, physical appearance takes a back seat. That said, there are people for whom both inner and outer beauty matters. Depending on the kind of partner you have, know his preferences towards you. If he is less bothered about your outward beauty and appreciates you for your values and character, he does care for you. If he supports you even when you have mood swings, he genuinely cares about you.

13. He compliments you 

This is different from the regular flattery that some men use. You know what you are. When he compliments you for your qualities, you know how genuine the compliments are. And when you get such appreciation from someone close to your heart, it would definitely make your day. And besides compliments, the one who cares for you identifies your hidden strengths and encourages you to leverage them. Even if he does not give compliments regularly, he will go out of the way to make you feel good about yourself.

protip_icon Did you know?
It is a fake compliment if someone is so overly flattering and not specific. Real compliments are detailed and go beyond surface value.

14. He never hesitates to apologize 

Excessive or narcissistic ego can ruin any relationship and make a situation worse, especially when you both are having a fight.

If he cares about your relationship, he will try to be amiable and calm down the situation instead of making it worse. If the mistake is from his end, he will never hesitate to apologize.

15. He makes an effort to protect you 

Protecting you does not mean he acts like your bodyguard 24/7. If he cares for you, he will make an effort to make sure you’re physically safe even when he is not around you. Whenever you’re making some risky decisions, he will try to warn you or want to be part of them to ensure you do not run into trouble. Besides personal safety, the one who cares for his woman will always try to defend her name when she’s not around, as her reputation matters to him.

16. You’re comfortable with his body language 

You cannot judge a person by merely talking to him. Sometimes, what they say may not exactly be what they mean. Another thing that can help you know the real face of a man is his body language. If you look into his eyes and carefully observe his moves, you would definitely know whether or not they are appropriate. Most importantly, you should be comfortable with his body language and the way he looks at you. A man who cares about you will envelop you in himself and make you feel whole.

17. He involves you in decision-making 

Your opinion matters to him

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Couples in a serious relationship tend to make each other part of their decisions. When there are some major decisions to be made in his personal or professional life, he would make you part of it if he cares for you. For instance, if he gets a job that takes him out of the current place, he will discuss it with you before deciding on further steps. This shows that he values your opinion and wants you to be involved in all his plans. It is also a sign that he is serious about your relationship and wants to take things forward.

18. He talks about your future 

The man who cares for you would at least talk about your future. You may not expect this always, but somewhere at some point, there would be a discussion about the future where you picture leading a happy life together. If there has been no such instance, try to initiate it from your end and see how he reacts. If his response is positive, it is a telltale sign he cares for you and appreciates your presence in his life.

19. He trusts you 

Without trust, there is no love. Trust is the soul of any relationship. You first trust a person and then fall in love; it’s not the other way around. Hence, trust plays a key role in any relationship. If he cares for you, he will definitely trust you. But how do you know whether or not he trusts you when he doesn’t say it to you? You could watch out for some simple acts of his, such as sharing his life secrets with you, never checking your phone secretly, not restricting you from hanging out with your friends of the opposite sex, and being faithful to you in all aspects of your relationship.

20. He respects your personal space 

Caring is not about suffocating the other person by constantly checking on them. Instead, it’s about allowing them to have their personal space while making sure they’re doing well. If he cares for you, he will never mind letting you have your own time, and plan things depending on your preferences. He will also encourage you to pursue your interests and hobbies.

protip_icon Did you know?
Having space in a relationship is an opportunity for you to grow as an individual and puts you in a better disposition to handle your relationship maturely.

21. He introduces you to his family and friends 

If he is really serious about you, he will make an effort to introduce you to his family. It is a sign that you have a special place in his life. But don’t expect this gesture right away. Some people might take some time to open up about their family. Based on his personality, you would know when to expect what. Moreover, he will tell you what to expect before you meet his family so that you know how to behave.

22. He doesn’t take you for granted 

There is a fine line between being gentle and being lenient. The one who cares for you will never take the space and intimacy you have given them for granted. He will value them and cherish them so that you feel comfortable being with him. He will also inform you about important matters and do things with your consent. Just because you’re close to him, he will not take things in his own hands and do them as per his wish.

A devoted husband or boyfriend perseveres through the relationship. According to Jamielyn, a passionate Christian and wife, a couple must stick together in every good and bad thing. She expresses, “I know life and love isn’t perfect and we have plenty of our own struggles, but you don’t give up and you don’t walk away (ii).”

23. He never lies to you 

One of the best ways of ensuring happiness in a relationship is to be honest with each other. No matter how simple the issue is, telling a small lie could entirely ruin the trust. If he cares about you, he would be honest with you about anything and everything. Even when he does something without your knowledge for some reason, he would reveal it to you in due course.

24. He is still attracted to you 

He finds you attractive and creates special moments with you

Image: IStock

This might ring true for those who have been together for quite some time. After those initial months or years of excitement are gone, if he has not stopped adoring you, is still your ardent supporter and number one admirer, compliments you whenever you deck up for a special occasion, helps you shop for things that make you even more attractive, finds you attractive, and is eager for that intimate moment, you can be sure that he is meant for you. If you have been together for some years and yet his eyes light up every time you walk into a room, you know he is the one for you.

25. He is ready to grow old with you 

A relationship is not merely about living together, but more about growing together for the longest time. Once that honeymoon phase (early phase of a relationship) fades away, ask yourself if he is still excited to be with you, like the way he was when you first met. If you feel it rings true, you can be certain that he will be there for you for the rest of your life. You may talk with him about future goals to get a better understanding.

26. Communication is on point

How will you know whether he cares for you? A significant indicator of his care is his openness and honesty about his feelings and intentions. Effective communication is the primary means to understand each other, address concerns, and articulate emotions. When your partner is eager to communicate, it signifies a desire to establish a strong connection with you. If you feel you can tell him anything without judgment, you know he is meant for you.

27. He doesn’t mind making sacrifices

If you’ve been pondering his feelings for you, have an eye whether he is willing to sacrifice to be with you. If he chooses to skip other favored activities just for your sake, it becomes clear where his priorities lie. For instance, he may give up on a hiking trip just to stay in with you. In essence, he expresses his genuine concern for you by prioritizing you and making sacrifices.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to test him to see if he cares?

You could try a few ways. For instance, engage in a not-so-serious argument with your guy and stop talking to him for a while. If he keeps aside his ego and texts you or calls you to see if you are okay, it means he cares about you. A person who cares about you can’t stay mad at you for long.

2. Why does he care about me so much?

He could be caring about you so much maybe because he genuinely likes you. Either he could be sure about his feelings and wants to work out something special with you or he wants to protect you and see you smiling. However, if you are uncomfortable with his approach, you can let him know how you feel.

3. What are some nonverbal signs that a man cares about a woman?

Being protective, putting efforts in the relationship, showing interest in your family, friends and hobbies and also being protective of you are some signs he loves you without saying it.

4. How can you differentiate between genuine concern and possessiveness or control?

Genuine concern comes from love and is mostly because the other person values and cares about you whereas possessiveness could be due to either insecurity or jealousy and is almost never genuine.

5. What are some signs of genuine love that men show?

Some signs of genuine love that men show include showing consistent care and concern for your well-being, talking openly with you, supporting you during hard times, and cheering you on when things go well. They also respect your feelings and put effort into making the relationship work.

Each man may express his feelings differently. While some may be vocal about how they feel about you, others may express their feelings through actions. For example, he may express his care by respecting your choices, staying by your side during hard times, or taking an interest in your hobbies. So, the next time you suspect he is not interested in you, read between the lines to find his love language. Further, use our list of signs he cares about you to understand his feelings better. However, if you’re still unsure about his feelings, try to initiate a conversation and express your worries to him.

Infographic: How To Show Your Appreciation For His Love And Care

Men are often blamed for not being sensitive. But the above signs prove it wrong. They simply have their own way of showing their love and care. So if your boyfriend or husband also does these little gestures and random cute behaviors, show him how much you appreciate them and love them by following these tips.

ways to show your gratitude to your partner (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Are you wondering if your man really cares about you? This video will help you tell if he does or not!

Key Pointers

  • The desire to know whether your partner likes you and cares about you is universal.
  • Prioritizing you and your happiness, wanting to spend time with you, and making you feel important are a few signs indicating his interest in you.
  • Observe more such signs to understand the difference between friendship and something more.

Illustration: Signs He Cares About You (More Than You Think)

signs he cares about you_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Personal Experience: Source

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Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena
Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-GoyenaPhD (Counseling Psychology)
Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena is a board licensed therapist in the USA and Puerto Rico with a specialty in couples, families, and relationships. Dr. Carlos possesses a PhD in Counseling Psychology granted at the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico.

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