Tag Archives: Breastfeeding

How Much Water To Drink When Breastfeeding

How Much Water Should You Drink While Breastfeeding

Maintaining the body’s optimum hydration levels is vital for regulating the physiological functions that promote health and well-being. Since lactating women usually produce more than 750ml of milk every day, their daily water requirement is higher (1). Thus, experts recommend that nursing mothers drink enough water when breastfeeding. Scroll down to learn more about how much […]

Is Metformin Safe During Breastfeeding?

While breastmilk for a baby provides a booster to a healthier life, in women, breastfeeding helps to prevent various illnesses, including diabetes. However, if you already have diabetes, you might be wondering if you can take antidiabetic medications like Metformin during breastfeeding. The use of maternal medication during breastfeeding should be carefully evaluated to ensure […]