Tag Archives: Safety

Is Alkaline Water Safe For Babies?

Is Alkaline Water Safe For Babies

Alkaline water is popular among health enthusiasts. However, you might want to know about the benefits and side effects of alkaline water for babies before giving it to your child. Alkaline water has a higher pH level than normal drinking water. It also contains more minerals and electrolytes and is comparatively pure. Although further research […]

Causes Of Baby Drooling, How It Helps & Tips To Manage


Drooling in babies is usually noticeable once their salivary glands are active functionally, around two to three months (1). Since babies lack teeth and neck muscle control, the constant saliva produced in their mouths may not be withheld or swallowed by them. Therefore, the saliva accumulates to pass through their mouths finally. However, sometimes this […]