Taking A Break In A Relationship: Tips And Rules To Follow

Your relationship goes through ups and downs, and sometimes it drains all your energy. In such situations, taking a break in a relationship is better than a hasty decision to break up. You get into a relationship hoping to have a fulfilling union with your partner, but managing a relationship can be exhausting at times. However, reality strikes sooner or later, and constant fights plague your relationship. When the going gets tough, it’s better to take some time out to reflect on your relationship and sort things out. Because taking a hiatus is a healthy way to contemplate and understand what is going wrong in your relationship and get it back on track. In this post, we talk about taking time off in relationships, points to remember, and rules to be followed.

In This Article

What Is A Relationship Break?

When couples can’t stay together or even talk to each other without losing it, they opt for a short separation period until they are clear about what they want. In short, they take a breather from their relationship. Taking a break is nothing but giving each other space and time they need to recharge, rethink, and gain clarity about where they stand in the relationship and what they want from it.

Although it initially aims to prevent a complete breakup, it could eventually lead there if both or one of the partners realizes they do not want to continue

The rules of ‘taking a break in a relationship’ vary from couple to couple. Based on that, there can be different types of relationship breaks.

How Long Should A Relationship Break Be?

There is no golden standard for the duration of a break in relationships. The time set could vary among couples, but it is one of the things that you must discuss and come to a consensus on. For instance, two weeks of downtime is good for you to gain clarity on what you want from the relationship.

It shouldn’t be too short like a weekend or too long that you get used to living without each other (unless that’s what you both want).

What you do and not do during this cooling-off period should also be discussed before you take a break. And you should also figure out how long you want to and can stay away from each other.

Five Ways To Take A Break From Your Relationship

If you want to take a break, talk to your partner and discuss what exactly you want to do and why. Depending on what the couple wants, a relationship reconsideration period can be one of the five types.

1. The no-contact break

It can help take a break in relationship

Image: IStock

As the name suggests, this is a complete break with no meeting, texting, calling, or interacting directly or on social media. The idea is to live like you’re single again and see how life feels like without your partner. Do you like your life without them or with them in it? That is the question you should find an answer to.

2. The monogamy break

Sometimes, a brief respite is needed to stop all the silly or trivial fights and nagging or complaining that could blow up into something big and bad for the relationship. That is when you take the monogamy break, where you stay away from each other but don’t go on dates or have one-night stands. Couples who want the relationship to work but just need some time away for reflection and reassessment of the relationship.

3. The unclear break

This is the kind of break you should probably avoid. This break does not have clear rules and leaves the partners in ambiguity about whether or not they can date other people. If you fail to have clear, set rules, you should not be complaining later about what your partner did or did not do, even if it means they met other people or had one-night stands.

4. Break before actually breaking up

Sometimes, one partner in the relationship wants to break up, but the other doesn’t. When breaking up without hurting the other person is not possible, you take a break, which transitions to a breakup. This kind of break is ideal when you want the eventual split to be easy on the other.

5. Not a real break

Taking a break may help pacifiy anger

Image: Shutterstock

In this, neither of the partners wants to break up. But they are just so angry at the moment that they want to take a break, even if they cannot stay away from each other for long. Couples taking a fake break tend to act on impulse – they may even walk out saying they need some me-time but are usually back by the end of the day or the next day.

Not deciding on the kind of ‘break’ you want from each other could lead to a confusing situation in your life. Keep reading for tips on how to deal with a break in a relationship.

protip_icon Point to consider
This break may help you clear your mind. Utilize this space to figure out what you want from this relationship. It might even help rekindle the lost romance between you two.

11 Tips For Taking A Relationship Break

A break is not to be taken lightly, especially if you care about your partner and the relationship. Here are some tips to help you make the right decisions before and during the break.

1. Ask yourself ‘why’ you need a break

Do you really need a break or do you just want to break up? If you are clear that you want to end the relationship, you may try and find a way to do it without hurting the other person, rather than take a break. If you do not want to break up, figure out how a break can help you both. Sometimes, you may need to take a break because you have too many doubts about the relationship and time away from your partner can help give you that clarity.

2. Discuss the terms

Talk about taking break with your partner

Image: Shutterstock

Before you take a break, talk about it with your partner. Discuss why you want to take the break, how long you want to stay away and set ground rules for what to do and what not to do. Setting the terms and conditions of what is okay and what is not okay during the break makes the expectations clear.

3. Focus on yourself during the break

Use the break time to think about what you want from and what you can give to the relationship. You may want to rest and spend time with friends, family or others, but try to spend some time focusing on self-care. Even if you take a solo vacation, try to introspect to know what you want in any romantic relationship – that makes getting back and working on your relationship possible.

Focusing on yourself completely and deciding what you need to do to energize yourself is crucial. Silvia Bastos, a blogger and a self-experimenter, knew when it was time for her to take a break from her relationship and focus solely on herself. She says, “Taking some time off sounded great, but I wanted something more. Therefore, I decided to combine this opportunity with traveling, quitting my job, and leaving the city where I had been living for over 2 years. Yep, that’s how much I needed change (i).”

4. Quit worrying

Worrying about what is going to happen after the break or if your partner is going to cheat on you during the break will only make it worse for you. Make this break an actual one – cut off all communication and try not to stress about it. Since it is a break agreed by both you and your partner, ensure you indulge in activities that facilitate relaxation and recuperation.

5. Avoid dating or one-night stands

Being alone after being in a serious relationship is not easy. Avoid the temptation to hook up with or go on a date with the next ‘hottie’ you meet. Even if the terms of the relationship don’t restrict dating, it is best to avoid it for better evaluation of your current relationship.

6. Be honest

Follow the rules of the break without fail. Be honest about your feelings towards your partner and what you think about the relationship. Don’t fool yourself into believing in something that is not going to happen.

7. Make the time apart count

You’re on a relationship break for a reason. So make use of the time to reflect and review your stance in the relationship. Think but don’t overdo it to an extent that you start to stress yourself about it. Ask yourself if you are happy living away from your partner or would you rather go back being together with them. Your answers should help you figure out where the relationship is heading.

8. Be optimistic

You may not have wanted a break as much as your partner did. But that doesn’t necessarily mean your partner wants to be out of it. It is easy to think negatively in such situations, but that is not going to help should your partner want to come back and work things out. So try to be optimistic and work towards the rejuvenation of your mind and your relationship.

9. Set communication boundaries

A relationship break is no good when you are constantly messaging each other and arguing about things. A break from your relationship must be done both physically and emotionally. So cut off all communication with your partner for the set period, except in the case of unavoidable circumstances. You can discuss those when you set ground rules for it.

10. Trust your partner

Avoid overthinking and trust your partner

Image: Shutterstock

Not having any communication with your partner would mean no idea about what they are doing. This can be difficult, and you may start to wonder if they are adhering to the rules of the break or if they are seeing anyone behind your back. Try not to imagine too much. Trust that your partner is doing exactly what you would do to save the relationship. But if trust is a problem, the chances of a break turning into a breakup are high.

11. Don’t expect a cure or enlightenment during a break

While the goal of a relationship break is to gain clarity about the relationship, it may not always yield the results. You may just be as confused at the end of the break as you were at the beginning. Also, the break may not have solved your previous problems. Be realistic from the start and don’t expect a cure or enlightenment to solve all your relationship problems. Otherwise, you’ll end up with disappointment.

You may have given your best during the break – done what should be and avoided what’s not ideal – but the break may not give you the desired results. It could be that a relationship break is not the ideal tool for you.

Keep reading to understand the benefits and risks of taking time off in a relationship.

Does Taking A Break From A Relationship Work?

A break can be beneficial or damaging for the relationship. It could depend on how you feel about each other and the relationship on the whole.

How a break can help

  • Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Not being with your partner for so long could make you realize that you love them more than you knew and that you want to be together with them again.
  • When you love your partner and want the relationship to work, you will be motivated to use the break properly and find answers to issues troubling you. In short, you’ll be driven to do or give up certain things that are causing trouble between the two of you. Perhaps it might just be one the best steps you take when looking for ways on how to save a relationship.

How a break can be bad

  • If the relationship is going through a downward spiral, staying away from each other could only increase the distance you already have.
  • A break could become an excuse for both the partners to avoid discussing important topics that must be resolved sooner than later.
  • While a break is good, too many of them can damage the equation beyond repair.
  • Even among couples who are willing to work out issues together, a break could plant the idea that being single is better.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can my relationship survive a break?

Yes, a relationship can survive a break. It allows you to reflect on your relationship and find ways to improve your bond. Taking a break also helps you reassess your priorities as a couple and give time for mental and emotional healing.

2. Does being on a break mean I am single?

No, a break is different from cutting all ties with your partner. Taking a break is acknowledging the strain in your relationship and allowing personal space and time to reflect and heal together.

3. Who should text first after a break?

Anyone can text first after a break. If you have had enough time to heal and reflect on how to fix your broken relationship, you can be the first person to text as long as it is after the mutual no-contact period. When you text, keep the message short and courteous and let them know the reason behind your text. Communicate like a friend so that the atmosphere is stress-free and comfortable.

4. How do I reconnect after a relationship break?

Have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Tell them what you did during the break and how much you missed them. If you mutually decide to talk about past problems, do not criticize their perspective. Take accountability for your mistakes and reconnect with an open mind. Try not to rush into making things right and gradually connect while starting afresh.

If a relationship is going downhill, many couples think about taking a break for a while. Though moving off from a relationship can work wonders for some, it can be detrimental for others. Therefore, you must analyze your situation well, communicate with your partner, and fix your issues before taking this step. Avoid ghosting your partner or breaking up with a mail or message. Instead, utilize this time to think about the crucial aspects of your relationship to make an appropriate decision.

Infographic: Dos and Don’ts Of Relationship Breaks

Taking a break from your relationship can be challenging, but it can help rekindle the romance between you and your partner. But there are some dos and don’ts to help you sail through this difficult time. Check out this infographic to learn more about pressing the pause button.

taking a break in a relationship (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • To attain clarity and prevent breakups, taking a break from a relationship with constant fighting and arguments is necessary.
  • The duration of the break should be discussed by the couple, and they can decide not to contact each other during the break.
  • Some breaks may not involve dating others or have clear rules on dating, while others do.
  • Analyze your relationship and discuss if the break is necessary and beneficial. Focus on yourselves and follow the set rules of the break.
  • Taking a break can help identify problems and find solutions if both parties want to continue the relationship, but sometimes it can be detrimental.

Illustration: Taking A Break In A Relationship: Tips And Rules To Follow

Taking A Break In A Relationship_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Navigating a relationship break can be a delicate endeavor. Discover the fundamental rules and advice to ensure its success, including how to avoid common mistakes and adopt effective techniques.

Personal Experience: Source

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