15 Important Things To Say To Your Ex Girlfriend To Win Her Back

After being in a beautiful relationship with your girlfriend, sometimes things may fall apart, and you may decide to part ways. However, you may still keep thinking about her and wonder about things to say to your ex-girlfriend to get her back.

Post a breakup, if you decide to mend your relationship with your ex, you must think about why you decided to part ways. For example, if it was loyalty or trust issues, you might rethink getting your girl back, as the process could cause you more pain and hurt.

However, if your breakup had other reasons, the thought of losing her could keep haunting you. One way to draw your ex’s attention is by texting, as it stirs a sense of mystery and curiosity in a person. Read on as we bring some magical words to say to your ex-girlfriend to get her back into your life.

In This Article

15 Things To Say To Your Ex-Girlfriend To Get Her Back

Using the right words can help you win her heart back. Here are some magical lines to revive the spirit of your romantic emotions.

1. “How have you been?”

To show you still care for her, ask her about her well-being. It’s also a great line to break the ice. As a useful communication tip, text her, and if she reciprocates, it means there is something to look forward to. Keep texting her until she gets the urge to talk to you or initiates for a reunion.

2. “I’ve grown and am willing to change.”

Did she break up with you because you were casual towards your relationship? If so, convince her about your seriousness post-breakup, and let her know how guilty you feel for ignoring her wishes.  Admit to her how much you want to guard her, and make her feel she is the most deserving partner you wish for.

Say sorry

Image: Created with Dall·E

3. “I am sorry.”

It’s a magical line. Even if she is wrong, remember that none of us is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Take responsibility for any mistakes you have made and any part you may have played in the break up. And if the bulk of the blame falls on your shoulders, be sure that your remorse is evident with sincere commitment. The thumb rule is to be sincere if you want to move the relationship forward, remember, it should be an honest apology. Transparency goes a long way in rekindling intimacy and love.

4. “I respect your feelings.”

Was she ever hurt because you flirted with her friends casually? Some girls could be possessive. Understand her likes and dislikes, and make her feel wanted. Let her know that she is on top of your priority list.

protip_icon Point to consider
Don’t resort to desperate measures to win her back. Maintain your dignity and self-respect.

5. “I would like to give you more space.”

Did the relationship go sour due to your unrealistic expectations? Too much interference into each other’s lives can be suffocating. Perhaps you have learned that it is crucial to respect each other’s space in a relationship. Promise to let her know that she’s her own boss and that you’ve realized your mistake.

6. “ I want to give you freedom of choice.”

Give freedom to her

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Give freedom to your girlfriend. Tell her that the final decision is hers and you will respect it. Being in a relationship does not mean a person has to compromise everytime and sacrifice everything. Let her assess the situation by herself. Being persistent is good, but don’t force yourself on her.

7. “I want to make things right for us.”

You may have had your shares of highs and lows. But now, when you sit back and think, you realize how meaningless and thoughtless your arguments were. Give her this feeling of validation. The assurance will give her positive vibes and motivate her to try once more as it projects your maturity.

8. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

You still hold feelings for her and can’t get over her. Let her know you miss her and think about her every day. Stop beating around the bush and be straightforward indicating your desire for togetherness.

9. “I miss you.”

Say you are missing her

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I miss you” is a small statement, but it ushers a sea of emotions. If she really wanted to hear this, you can expect an immediate reply from her.

10. “If I were in your place, I would have done the same.”

Was your relationship filled with tenderness before she called it quits? Imagine how gravely you must have hurt her. It’s never too late to mend your ways. Accept your mistakes. If you had gone overboard in the past, make her feel that it will be a new start.

11. “No one can replace you.”

Do not express it in a way that suggests you are pining for her. Say it casually and highlight her humbleness and kindness. Remind her of all the praiseworthy things she has done for you. Show your courtesy by telling her she’s the best and you have never come across a person like her.

protip_icon Quick tip
Convey how you were there for her through thick and thin and make her realize your worth. However, refrain from reminding any disturbing incidents from her life as it might backfire.

12. “I want our relationship to last.”

Did your relationship break because of your inconstancy? It’s time to change now. Explain to her that you have mended your ways and are in for the long haul with an unwavering devotion.

13. “Can we start all over again?”

Assure her that your heart still beats for her

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Assure her that your heart still beats for her. There is nothing wrong with making a new beginning. Maybe it didn’t work then, but a fresh start may be a harbinger of good times and mutual understanding. Let her feel wanted. This statement is a signal to tell her that you are a changed man now.

14. “I still love you.”

There is nothing wrong with expressing your feelings. If you love someone, let them know before it gets too late. Maybe your ex was waiting for you to say these words to reunite with you. Keep reinventing yourself to capture her attention.

15. “Do you remember……..(any happy memory)?”

Remind her of happy memories

Image: Shutterstock

Talking about those happy memories can trigger different emotions in your ex. Remind her of how you met for the first time or about your first coffee date. Reminiscing about the happy conversations can rekindle that lost compassion.

It is tough to deal with the breakup blues. You have to go through a whirlwind of emotions to revive that lost trust and continue healing your broken heart. Nevertheless, keep trying for that one last chance to defuse your relationship. However, if she has moved on or is unwilling to come back, it is better you, too, let go and move on rather than to plead for reconciliation.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I convince my ex to trust me again?

What you do to repair your relationship will vary depending on the reasons behind your breakup. The process may begin with you owning up to your mistake instead of denying or justifying it. You must apologize unconditionally for your actions to take moral responsibility. If your ex wants to vent or share their side of the story, listen with patience. Trust is difficult to rebuild once lost, so be patient and hope for the best.

2. How do I make my ex miss me?

Post breakup, you might be tempted to call or text your ex but hold yourself. There is a reason you broke up, and pestering your ex with calls or texts might worsen the situation. You cannot make someone miss you if you keep calling or texting them. Give them space and time to miss you. In the meantime, spend time with yourself and close friends, focusing on staying positive and happy. If you meet your ex, stay calm and appear positive. You may have more chances of getting your ex back if they are reminded of the person they fell for in the first place.

People usually break up for reasons that are unfixable. At times, one may have regret and second thoughts about the decision to break up and may wish to reconcile with their lady love. It might take some sincere efforts for you to beg for her forgiveness and woo your girl. If you feel it from your heart, give it all you’ve got. The above statements can help you break the ice and have the conversation started with your ex. If she feels your intentions are right, she might forgive you and even consider taking you back. However, if she doesn’t want to get back, don’t push her and move on with your life.

Infographic: Sincere Words To Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Getting your ex back can be tough, especially if the breakup was too hurtful for them. But words can be powerful, and if you pick the right ones to say, you convey your sincerity and genuine emotions and win her back. So this infographic has a few more heartfelt phrases to help you regain your relationship.

when your ex wants to be friends (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • To mend your relationship with your girlfriend, tell her you are sorry and willing to change.
  • You may say things like you respect her feelings, you understand her, and that you would have done the same.
  • Talk about your happy memories to remind her of your love.

Saying sorry and apologizing sincerely is the first step to winning your ex-girlfriend back. Watch this entire video to discover more highly effective ways to get back with your ex.

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Clifton Riley
Clifton RileyCTHF, CLC, CMS
Clifton Riley is a talk show host, podcaster, author, life coach, certified trauma healing facilitator, licensed relationship instructor, certified biblical counselor, licensed minister, and keynote speaker with 30 years of experience.

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Ratika holds a master's degree in commerce and a post-graduate diploma in communication and journalism from Mumbai University. She has 6 years of experience writing in various fields, such as finance, education, and lifestyle.

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Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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