7 Things Your Crying Baby Is Trying To Tell You

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Having a baby is blissful. They are such lovable beings, who bring happiness and contentment in your lives. When they are small, their innocent cooing and gurgling put a smile on your face. On the other hand, if they cry, you feel distressed.

Babies may cry for many reasons. Since they can’t speak, they communicate their discomfort through their wailing. And not knowing the cause behind their unease may put you in a stressful situation. Sometimes you may take their cries as a tantrum or manipulation, but experts feel that it might not be the case (1).

So, why exactly do the babies feel so unsettled and what does their crying tell us? Read further to know more.

In This Article

1. It’s Not A Tantrum

It’s Not A Tantrum

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It isn’t easy for the baby to cope in their new surroundings after being in the safe cocoon of your womb. Your baby might feel miserable due to so many things. It might be gassy, hungry, tired, feeling too hot or too cold, or maybe plain insecure.

In such times, the warm touch of your skin and a loving embrace make your baby feel safe and assured.

2. You Are A Wonderful Parent

You Are A Wonderful Parent

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Despite reading a dozen parenting manuals, you could still be clueless about why your child is crying. It doesn’t mean you are a loser when it comes to good parenting. Every child is different and responds differently to situations. Keenly observing your child will enable you to understand and find out his trigger points. You are the only one who can comfort your baby in distress and this makes you no less than a hero in their eyes.

3. Your Baby Can’t Pacify Himself Or Herself

Your Baby Can’t Pacify Himself Or Herself

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Sarah Ockwell-Smith, an author and parenting expert, stresses how the ability of self-soothing is acquired as human beings grow up and learn about “emotional self-regulation” (2).

It is not an innate quality that a child is born with. So, to leave your baby crying when they want you close will only leave them overwhelmed due to stress and make them give up on any hopes of consolation and love. Studies have claimed that such parental behaviour can even cause permanent damage to the child’s brain development (3).

4. With You Around, Your Baby Feels Secure

With You Around, Your Baby Feels Secure

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It is very important to ensure that your baby is properly clothed, fed, burped, and cleaned. But it is equally important to ensure that your baby feels safe, secure, and loved. Sometimes they may cry just because they are craving for love and attention. A little more of hugs, little words of affection, and some cuddling up in bed are only a few ways of letting your crying baby know how much you love him/her.

5. They Take Positivity From You

They Take Positivity From You

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It’s of no use to lose your mind if you are unable to soothe your crying baby. Take a breather and get some help. If there is no one around, try leaving the baby at a secure place, for example, in a playpen, and go to another room. During this time you could have some water and some moments to gather your calm before you pick your baby again. When you are calm and positive, your baby picks the vibes and it helps them feel much better, even if they are crying. Being gentle with your responses can really help you and your baby feel at ease.

6. You Must Get Some Help

You Must Get Some Help

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If you have your hands full with housework and other errands, coping with a crying baby is going to add to the stress. So, do not shy away from asking for help. It can be anybody – the father, the set of grandparents, friends or even the neighbours. Get help and ease out the load to be at peace when you take care of your baby.

7. Take Good Care of Your Health

Take Good Care of Your Health

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The feeling of constant tiredness and fatigue can reflect on your health. Try to have nutritious food and regular rest breaks. Walking, reading a good book, or watching some television over a cup of coffee can make you feel rejuvenated and fresh. If you remain happy, you will be able to handle your baby much better.

Babies don’t intend to trouble you. They love you unconditionally and therefore depend on you for everything. When they feel unsettled, give them your love and affection and it will help them grow into emotionally secure beings and stay connected with you.

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