THIS Is Just What You Need To Eat To Conceive Faster! (P.S: Thank Us Later!)

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The second you announce the “good news” to the world, everyone – from your relatives to your close friends – will have a word of advice for you. There will be a checklist of every possible thing waiting for you – be it about your eating habit, your sleeping routine, or the manner in which you stand or sit. We all know that the food you intake can make a huge difference. But it is not just restricted to when you are pregnant, it also makes an impact before you actually conceive. If you eat the right food, you may have better chances of conception.

Here, we bring you a list of foods that you can eat to increase your chances of hitting the jackpot soon:

In This Article

Super Veggies To Boost A Woman’s Fertility

1. Greens:

Leafy vegetables such as spinach or lettuce can help increase a woman’s chance of becoming pregnant. These foods are rich in iron, which is considered to have a significant impact on fertility (1).

2. Cabbage:

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While most of us are not really huge fans of cabbage, it can help you quite a bit with respect to infertility problems. Cabbage contains diindolylmethane (DIM) that is considered to be a nutritional remedy for endometriosis. One of the major reasons for infertility, it is a medical condition in which endometrial cells can move to other body parts outside the uterus (2).

3. Broccoli:

Considered to be a superfood due to its numerous benefits, broccoli is said to help women with plans to get pregnant too. It is a food immensely rich in vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, which can help boost a woman’s fertility (3).

Fruits That Make A Difference

1. Citrus Fruits:

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Try to increase the consumption of citrus fruits since it can lower the risk of endometriosis (4). Thus, including it in your diet plan can prove to be helpful.

2. Pomegranate:

Since it contains a high quantity of vitamin C and antioxidants, pomegranate can play a key role in fertility. Its juice can help protect both eggs as well as sperm cells (5).

3. Banana:

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Banana is rich in a number of nutrients, including vitamin B6. Essential for the regulation of hormones, B6 affects the reproductive health, and in turn, fertility (6).

Non-Vegetarian Items To Boost Fertility

1. Seafood:

A study done by the Harvard researchers suggested that the seafood may affect the quality of both embryo and semen. Thus, incorporating seafood into your diet can boost your intimacy drive as well as your fertility (7).

2. Eggs:

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Eggs contain Omega 3 fatty acids, which can help improve your fertility by regulating your body hormones. It increases cervical mucus that promotes ovulation, thereby improving the overall quality of the uterus (8).

Other Fertility-Booster Foods

1. Almond:

The presence of high amounts of Omega 3 in almonds can make this dry fruit quite helpful when trying for a baby. In fact, all nuts may prove to be fruitful in some way or the other.

2. Milk:

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Here, we are referring to the whole milk instead of the skimmed milk. So, if you are trying to conceive, try to skip the low-fat dairy product and go for the high-fat one instead. You can take it in the form of yogurt or curds too.

3. Flax Seeds

Another food item that is immensely rich in Omega 3, flax seeds, may also help you get pregnant soon!

When you are trying to get pregnant, it can be really hard to wait. We, at MomJunction, understand this. That is why we decide to come up with a list of foods which can help. Try to incorporate this into your daily diet and see if it makes a difference. All the best!

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