Top 11 Secrets Husbands Keep From Their Wives

All of us have our own little secrets we wouldn’t want to share with our guys. Guess what, the same goes for guys too. They have their own share of stuff they wouldn’t want to tell anyone, let alone wives.

If men were to bare their secrets, probably they would have buried themselves deep into the Earth. Of all the people in the world, husbands are the toughest ones to crack. You never know what’s going on in their minds. They are highly impenetrable, and it’s hard to figure out their flow of thoughts.

They hoard secret treasures of several thoughts in that hard-wired brain. And if you want to know a few, here they are!

  1. Husbands check on wife’s phones and emails: Husbands mask their insecurity well. They secretly check on wifey’s call history and take a quick look at her personal emails without her knowledge to make sure that their relationship is on the right track. Well, wives might feel, in a marriage everything must be open and transparent, but having each other’s space is advisable.
  1. Couldn’t care about details: Wives will be wives – when they have to share that gossip or news they will mention every minute detail with the husband. Men couldn’t care less about it. They just want you to get to the point straight, while they would have been silently nodding their head all along.
  1. Fishing for compliments: They love compliments, it boosts their confidence and self-esteem. Ladies, that is one of the secrets to a happy marriage. So, praise your husbands more often, but make it realistic, for they would know when you are faking it.
  1. Email/Facebook passwords: Personal laptop is strictly personal. It intimidates them to leave the laptop behind without logging out, for fear of access to emails or porn sites that is lying in the favorites list. They never share their email or Facebook passwords.
  1. Ex-girlfriends: They will never ever share those details with you even when they are on a high. And it’s better kept a secret. Why bring out old skeletons!

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  1. Outsmart their wives: No matter how independent, smart, or intelligent the wife is, she will still be considered less smart than the husband. So be it, if it satisfies his male ego.
  1. Wish wife earned more: Financial stability is one of the aspects of a happy marriage. And husbands feel they are the providers for the family, but secretly hope that the wife contributes enough, if not more, money to run the household.
  1. Husbands think about other women during sex: Husbands fantasize about other women during sex. Well, they don’t mean to cheat on you, but their brain is hardwired, and it’s not natural for them to be monogamous. Go easy on him, if he comes back home and is there for you physically, emotionally, and financially.
  1. Checking out other women: While all wives think, the husband is all theirs, they have got this great art of checking out other women without the wife’s knowledge. It’s alright, give him that liberty of gaping but make sure it doesn’t go beyond it.
  1. Validation of strength: Husbands experience insecurity if you don’t appreciate or acknowledge his macho and physical strength. He will not admit that, but he wants you to appreciate him for his manliness. Even if it’s unlocking seal of your child’s cough syrup, make him feel he is the only one who can do that.
  1. Sexual fantasies: Men can’t express what they want in bed or may not know how to ask. Instead, they would want to fantasize about it safely. Even if it nice or erotic, they don’t make these secrets known. You could help them by sharing one of your fantasies, perhaps that will help them open up to you.

Try reading out or showing this article to your guy, he might just admit to a few secrets.

Most of us are uncomfortable sharing our deepest secrets even with those people who we feel close to. We might either wait for the right time to reveal the secret or carry it to our graves.

So, all you men out there, what secrets do you hoard from your wives? Do you want to vent out something here? Leave your comments below.

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