7 Useless Things Moms Have Bought While Pregnant

One of the many perks of being pregnant is the amount of shopping that an expecting mother indulges in – be it cute baby stuff or smart maternity outfits. However, before you fall for all those adverts that glamorize everything from baby poop to a mother’s vomit, pause for a while and think. Do you really need these products? Will they add any value to your motherhood or your baby? To help you sort yourself, here is a list of useless things that pregnant mothers generally buy:

In This Article

1. Morning Sickness Bags

Morning Sickness Bags

Image: Shutterstock

You are told that carrying these glossy, fancy bags around makes you look fashionable. But the truth is – NO, they don’t. After all, those are just puke bags anyways. In fact, if someone were to find you around with it, he/she would try to keep a safe distance, as a natural instinct. Not that people wouldn’t be sympathetic or helpful towards a pregnant woman with morning sickness. But letting the whole world know that you may throw up any time is simply gross. Carry a bag which is helpful and practical instead. One that contains anti-emetics (prescribed, of course), a bottle of water, and food that alleviates your condition.

2. Razor Extenders

A pregnant woman is unable to shave her legs during her last trimester, quite obviously. Which is why razor extenders have come to exist. But then, what is wrong if you have some hair here and there anyway? Agreed that they might make you uncomfortable. So try wearing some comfortable leggings or loose pants to hide them if you must. But, spending a bomb on something which you might not use ever again, or only for your next pregnancy (if it isn’t rusted already) is certainly not worth an investment.

3. Anti-Stretch Marks Cream

Anti-Stretch Marks Cream

Image: Shutterstock

This is something even I fell for. Even after following all the instructions religiously and using the best brands, I still ended up with permanent stretch marks. The reality is that stretch marks are inevitable. They will not go but will lighten up even with the use of natural oils like olive oil or vitamin E oil. So, instead of blowing your hard-earned money on these half-baked promises, spend it on something worthwhile.

4. Birth Outfit/Post Delivery Robes

Another pregnancy fashion fad. Most pregnant mothers dream of being photographed while delivering or immediately after with the baby in their arms. And, in their bid to look glamorous, they end up buying these robes. In reality, a pregnant woman bleeds a lot during delivering and soon after. And wearing such an outfit at that time will spoil it so much that it’ll only end up in a trash can. And so will the money spent on it.

5. Tiny Baby Bibs

Tiny Baby Bibs

Image: Shutterstock

Those teeny tiny bibs may seem cute and irresistible. However, remember that the very function of a bib is to keep your baby’s clothes from getting soiled. Such tiny bibs will not only make your baby feel stuffy, they’ll also not cover his/her clothes enough to prevent soiling. So, skip these. Rather, opt for those long bibs. Handsome is what handsome does!

6. Baby Towels/Bathrobes

Okay, so you too thought that baby towels and bathrobes were softer than normal towels? Wrong. While a towel does need to be soft for a baby, it also needs to absorb water quickly – qualities which even normal towels have. And a newborn baby doesn’t necessarily have to be covered in an expensive bathrobe. So, go for a normal towel that is long enough to double up as both a towel and a robe.

7. Newborn Baby Shoes

Newborn Baby Shoes

Image: Shutterstock

Another oh-so-cute product that most soon-to-be mommies fall for (including me)! The cuteness factor aside, they are a complete waste of money, unless you wish to frame them on your walls. Babies do not walk until 10 months. And even when they do, doctors generally recommend making them wear socks with little dots on them to prevent slipping. Give this a miss if you can.

There is a lot on a pregnant woman’s wish list when she steps out for shopping. However, be prudent about what is necessary and what is not, and use your hard-earned money wisely. Because having a baby also brings in a lot of other financial commitments. So, it definitely helps to save wherever you can.

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