160+ Traditional And Lovely Wedding Vows For Couples

The memories of reading wedding vows are cherished for a lifetime. During the wedding, you vow to be there for each other at all times. And to love your partner through thick and thin. This marks the beginning of a new life together, and the vows help you express your gratitude and excitement to your partner.

However, sometimes a little assistance while writing your vows can help you come up with something special and heartwarming for your partner. And we are here to help you with that. Read on for a few samples of vows and find the one that inspires you the most.

Quick fact
Marriage vows are a signal of a lifelong commitment to your partner. Remember to work hard, be patient, and stay committed to making it work.
In This Article

Wedding Vows For Her

Writing wedding vows is not easy. Here are different examples of what you can add to your wedding vows for your would-be groom.

Bible Wedding Vows

Add some verses from the Holy Bible

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To make your vows sound traditional, you can add some verses from the Holy Bible.

  1. “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” – Mark 10:9[Name], I believe that it is God’s will that has brought us together and we are destined to be life companions.
    With God’s help, I promise to always be a supportive and loving wife.
    Rain or shine, sickness or health, I will always be there for you until death do us part.
    In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pledge to thee my love and loyalty.
    May the Lord bless our union and keep us bound together with trust and respect.
    Please accept this ring as a symbol of my love for you.
    In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  1. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
    As we stand before the Almighty, I pledge my love, loyalty, and life to you my love. I promise to be truthful and trusting always. And together, let’s create a wonderful loving family.
  2. “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32
    As I take you to be my husband, I promise to love youwholeheartedly and devotedly. I promise to forgive you if you ever hurt me. I pray to our Father above to give us the strength to keep trusting and loving each other all our lives.
  3. [Name], it is our Lord’s instruction to be the one beside you for the rest of your life. And I wish to follow His words and submit to you as unto him. The Almighty created a wife to be her husband’s lover and helper. And it is my heart’s desire to be a dutiful wife and follow this scriptural teaching. With all my heart I make this pledge to you.
  4. “…and above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfectness.” – Colossians 3:14

We stand before the Almighty to be wed together in the holy union of marriage. I feel good when I am with you because I know your love for me is perfect and divine. Let us seal this bond with a kiss and start our new life together.

  1. “There is no fear in love: but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath punishment; and he that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love, because he first loved us. ” – 1 John 4:18-19

God loved us most of all. He wanted us to love. Our love for each other is greater than everything in the world. As we stand before Him today, I want to let you know that I love you very much and I pledge to be a loving wife to you all my life.

  1. “Let all that ye do be done in love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:14

As we stand before God today and profess our love, let us promise to do our utmost to keep our love alive. Our love is divine and pure. I pray to the Almighty that, as my faith in Him never falters, may my love for you be ever-present, too.

  1. Dear [Name], I offer myself to you with all my strengths and weaknesses, and I am willing to accept you with all your strengths and weaknesses, too. In front of our Lord, Jesus Christ, let us vow to be together until the end of time.
  2. To my husband, [Name]. On this day, I choose you to be my husband and walk with me through all the paths of life. God intended for a husband to be a leader, so I expect you to take on the responsibilities of the household while I follow in your footsteps.
  3. Dear husband, [Name]. As we start a new journey together, let me tell you that I accept you completely with everything I know and do not, for I know that the Lord will not do me wrong. He has granted me a great gift by sending you into my life and I am grateful to Him for this intervention.
  4. “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is made complete in us.” – 1 John 4:12

God is ever-present within us as long as we love. As we have a deep and divine love for each other, I am completely sure God lives in us. His love will guide us through trials and tribulations.

  1. “I thank my God every time I remember you.” – Philippians 1:3

As we enter this holy matrimony together, I remember each time I saw you. You fill my heart with joy and calmness. I pledge to be by your side forever until God beckons us to His home.

Short Wedding Vows

I pledge my loyalty to you, Wedding vows

Image: IStock

If you are planning to write a short wedding vow, ensure that you speak your heart to add a personal touch to it.

  1. Your honor is my honor. Your happiness is my happiness. Your grief is my grief. I pledge my loyalty to you. I promise to love and cherish you as my husband forever.
  2. You are the man I always dreamt of marrying. I can’t wait to start my ‘happily ever after’ with you. I will love you forever.
  3. I promise to comfort you when you feel low. I promise to hold you when you stumble. I promise to be the light when you are lost in darkness. I give you myself today whole and sole.
  4. You have always made me laugh even during the most difficult times. Today, as I become your wife I am signing up for a lifetime of smiles and happiness. I am the luckiest bride ever.
  5. As I exchange this ring with you, I commit my life to you and our marriage. I promise to cherish you and be a dutiful wife.
  6. I promise to always shield you from any harm and be your support system when things get tough.
  7. As I say “I do” here in front of our Holy Father, I mean to tell you that I agree to share my life with you. I agree to share your joy and happiness as well as your pain and sorrow.
  8. As I take your hand today, I entrust you with my heart and soul. I vow to always be loyal and loving to you.
  9. I pledge to love, respect, and trust you as my beloved husband for today and the rest of my life.
  10. I vow to love you for this lifetime and give my all to our marriage and family.
  11. As your wife, I will build our home on love, trust, understanding, and respect. I will care for my husband and family the way I care for myself.
As your wife, I will build our home on love

Image: IStock

  1. With my hand in yours, I never feel scared of anything. And I will hold your hand forever because I have to conquer all my fears with you by my side.
  2. I love you with a passion that words cannot convey. I look forward to a lifetime of fun and adventure with you by my side.
  3. Every day in our marriage will be filled with endless opportunities and the chance to improve ourselves. I promise to be by your side through ups and downs, joys and sorrows.
  4. I may say “I do” today. But in reality, these two little words mean “I will.” I will be a part of your life forever and I will stand by your side through thick and thin.
  5. I promise to make every day of your life exciting and full of surprises. I know our new life will be amazing and beautiful.
  6. Promise you will continue to dream with me and hold me tight. No matter what happens in life, promise me you will always be with me.
  7. Today, I dedicate myself to you and your success. I know you will be a successful man and I want to be the woman behind you, always encouraging you.
  8. Ever since I was a little girl, I have dreamed of getting married to a prince. You are that prince and this is my dream come true. You have come into my life and made it magical.
  9. In exchange for this ring, I ask you to give your heart to me. In return, I will give you all of me.

Romantic Wedding Vows

To promise to love a man for the rest of your life is one of the most romantic thoughts. As you put this thought into action, you can try writing a romantic vow for your soon-to-be husband and make your wedding ceremony memorable.

  1. Your love changed the meaning of life for me. Today, I commit to love you with all my heart and sincerity. From today, I am yours completely and will be so until my last breath.
  2. I must be God’s favorite child as He blessed me with a wonderful person like you in my life. I can’t believe I am marrying my best friend, my partner-in-crime, and my onetrue love. I couldn’t have gotten luckier.
  3. If love is about giving and taking, I promise to give you my heart and take you heart in return. I promise to give you my trust and take your loyalty in return. I promise to give you my life and take your love and only love in return.
  4. My life has not been the same since you became a part of it. And today my life is about to change permanently as I pledge myself to you. I am extremely excited to set out on this new journey of my life.
  5. No words can express my happiness right now as I commit my love to the man of my dreams. We were always connected through hearts, but today, we unite our souls in front of our near and dear ones. You give my life meaning and purpose.
  6. Life is nothing without love. Today, I take you as my husband, and we will embark on the journey of life together as partners, as equals. I know I will not want anything more from life as long as I have your love to fill my heart with warmth.
  7. I have faith in you, my love. I know for as long as you are with me, even the wrongs will be rights for us. You are my most beautiful dream come true and I couldn’t have asked for anything more in life.
  8. I remember the day you first spoke to me and I looked into your eyes and felt my heart-melting. I had never felt like this before and I knew I had found my love. Years later, I stand here with you promising to spend the rest of my life as your loving wife. And I know life is going to be so much more exciting from now onwards.
  9. I love you, [Name]. Today is the beginning of a new journey with you and I couldn’t be happier. From best friends to lovers, we have traveled a long way. Now, we are adding a milestone to our journey by becoming spouses. I know there will be tears amidst smiles, but I promise to be with you always.
  10. If someone had asked me when I was younger about who I wanted to marry, I would have described you to a tee. You are the man of my dreams. You have fulfilled all my dreams and more. I only hope we have a long life together, making each other happy.
  11. I promise to be your guide, best friend, and wife. I will love you and cherish you all my life. I do not know what the future holds, but as long as I am alive, I will be with you. Thank you for letting me be a part of your adventure. Now, let us walk on this exciting road together.
  12. Ever since we have been together, I realized you completed me in ways unknown to me. I did not realize I had been incomplete before. Even the little things – the way our fingers fit together, the way you understand me even before I say a word – are the ones I cherish the most. I am happy you agreed to share my life with me forever,
  13. Today, on the brink of our new life together, let me congratulate myself on getting such a wonderful person as my spouse. This planet has over eight billion people, yet I found you. You are my soulmate and I am so lucky you are with me.
  14. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will never forget this momentous day. I will always support you and inspire you. As long as we both live, I promise to be by your side. I love you, [Name].
  15. Your unfailing faith and loyalty made me realize what a gem I had with me. Though it is the norm for men to propose, I took the first step here because I didn’t want you to slip out of my hands. You are handsome, you are nice, and you make me happy.
  16. Today, on the brink of our new life together, let me congratulate myself on acquiring such a wonderful person as my spouse. There are over 8 billion people on this planet, yet I found you. You are my soulmate and I am so lucky you are with me.
  17. I always prayed to God to grant me a good husband. He guided me to you and brought light into my life. His wish has been fulfilled tonight and I am thankful to Him. Though there may be hardships in our life, I promise to be with you always.
  18. Ever since we met, I was amazed at our chemistry. We could read each other’s thoughts and complete each other’s sentences. You have always been an inspiration to me and have encouraged me to do better. I love you forever and always.
  19. I promise to be by your side in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth, during day and night. You were always by my side through my challenges and I wish to do the same for you throughout life. With you by my side, I know I can do anything.

Funny Wedding Vows

Charlene Xiaolan, a wife, shares her excitement of sharing humor-filled wedding vows with her husband on her big day. She says, “I started writing them a month before the wedding, but I was so caught up on the details that I couldn’t make up my mind about the final wording until thirty minutes before the ceremony on my wedding day when my bridesmaids were putting my veil on me…Our vows were heartfelt and the humor was well received. But I wish I could have been looking into my husband’s eyes more when I said to them during the ceremony (i).”

Weddings can make people emotional but if you wish to make it light, try writing a funny wedding vow that can make your partner crack up even at the altar.

  1. I promise to occasionally and convincingly capitulate to your point of argument even when I know that you know I am right.
  2. I vow to allow you to save my day by killing any creepy crawly creature around me so you can look like a Marvel superhero.
  3. I promise to keep quiet when you are driving and I know that you have taken the wrong turn.
  4. I promise to love you even when you disagree with my completely rational, logical, practical points.
  5. I promise to listen attentively each time you describe the marvels of astrophysics.
  6. You are the only person in the world with whom I would like to share the last piece of chocolate without wanting to kill.
  7. I promise to ask you how I look in my new dress only during the football commercial and not during the match.
  8. I promise to not ask you if you are sure about me looking good in an outfit.
  9. I promise to watch a documentary for every two chick-flicks you watch with me.
  10. You are the chocolate to my cake, the diamond to my ring, the sauce to my fries, and darling, you are my everything.
  11. I vow to not force you to have a Pretty Little Liars marathon with me.
  12. I promise to keep loving you even when you’re old and still watching anime.
  13. I promise to not startle you at night when you step out of the bathroom. I will not wear facemasks at night.
  14. With me, you will never have to scream at the sight of a spider, because I, your wife, am not afraid of the six legged creature. If it has two legs more, then I will have to think about it.
  15. I promise to cheer for your favorite team even if I do not know which one it is.
  16. I promise to limit my messages up to five pages each time I explain what you did wrong and why I am angry with you.
  17. I promise to be with you in sickness and in health, no matter what dangerous things I do to you.
  18. Can I now stop addressing you by your last name?
  19. I promise to get through our wedding without any ugly crying. Well, at least, not much.
  20. I love how you always finish my… sentences! Why didn’t you say “sentences” now?
  21. I promise to be the snack provider during every match. May you never run out of chips.
  22. I hope I get this right today. Dear… what is your name again?
  23. I promise I will always let you have the last slice of pizza – but the last bite is mine.
  24. I love you madly. Why don’t we get married?
  25. I promise I will listen to your jazz music at least once before dissing it.
  26. I promise never to binge-watch our favorite series without you – or pretend to be watching for the first time when we watch it together.
  27. I just want you to know that… I am totally worth it.
  28. I promise I will give you proper directions whenever you are driving.

Wedding Vows For Him

I promise to be an understanding husband

Image: IStock

Writing wedding vows can be tricky and you might not understand what to include and what to keep out of your vows. Have a look at the following samples that might help you to get started.

Bible Wedding Vows

  1. “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.” – Ephesians 5:25[Name], I promise to love you more than myself and I wi you always.
    I will follow the Almighty’s teachings and never take you for granted.
    I will obey His commands and be patient, truthful, and understanding.
    I will lead by example with loyalty and faithfulness.
    I will love you and you alone from this day forward until God calls us to Him.
    Please accept this ring as a symbol of my love for you.
    In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  2. I, [Name], take you, to be my wife, and I promise you: I will be faithful and honest to you. I will treat you with love, respect, and honor. I will care for you and help you. As I share my life with you, I promise to be an understanding husband and forgive you as our Lord forgives us. I pray to our Father above to guide us through the best and worst of what is to come, and as long as we live.
  3. [Name], we read in Genesis, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife,” and in Proverbs “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing.” Today as I pledge my life to you, it is He who has brought us here together and is looking upon us. He instructs me to be a loving husband and love you the way Christ loves the Church. Following the Almighty’s teachings, I make this pledge to you with my heart, mind, and soul.
  4. “Let the husband render unto the wife due to benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.” – 1 Corinthians 7:3-11

Today is the day when we come together in holy wedlock in the eyes of God and the presence of our loved ones. I pledge to treat you with love, respect, and benevolence. I hope you will extend the same treatment to me.

  1. “This is my commandment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you.” – John 15:12

God commanded us to love one another as He loved us. He showed His love for us by sacrificing His son. Let us be true to this divine love by being together in sickness and in health, in good and in bad.

  1. I vow to be eternally loyal and love you until the end of time. Before the eyes of our holy God and Jesus Christ, I take your hand in mine and promise to lead the way. I seal my vow of love with this ring.
  2. I, [Name], take you, [Name], as my lawfully wedded wife in the eyes of God and Jesus Christ with all my faith and honesty. Let us rise in our love to complete God’s plan for us. With Christ to guide me, I will be the spiritual leader who shows the right path. With this ring, I seal my vow of love.
  3. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” – James 1:17

God deemed my faith to be true and hence, sent you to me. You are the perfect gift that God sent to me. With my loyalty and love, I hereby seek to be your partner in life through good and bad times until death does us part.

  1. Lovely [Name], long ago, you were just a dream and a prayer. On this day, you are standing in front of me and I cannot believe my dream has come true and my prayer has been fulfilled. As the Lord Jesus stands witness to this holy union, I hope you will take my hand and walk with me until death does us part.
  2. I will cherish you all my life. I will never take you for granted. Before the eyes of God and Jesus Christ, I vow to follow His commandments and be with you until death does us apart. I will be patient and kind and faithful. I pledge to love you until God calls us home.
  3. My dear [Name]. With this ring, I pledge my love and devotion to you as I have unto the Almighty. He created a wife to be a partner through good and bad to a husband. Today, as we stand on the brink of a new life, let us promise each other true love and faithfulness.
  4. “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” – 1 Peter 4:8

As God has decreed, love is the greatest of all good things. It can cover all our wrongs and make everything perfect. Let us enter this new phase in life with patience and understanding. Accept this ring and let me declare my love for you.

  1. God intended for a wife to be a helpmate to her husband. By marrying you in this sacred house of God, I request you to be with me through thick and thin. I will be the spiritual leader of our home, guiding you through bad times and good. Please be my wife and promise to be by my side always.
  2. “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” – Ephesians 4:2

Love is an eternal thing that has to be treated with patience. With our love for each other, let us vow to overcome all obstacles and stand strong. I hereby take you as my wife and pledge my unending loyalty to you.

  1. “He who finds a wife what is good and receives favor from the LORD.” – Proverb 18:22

Even the Lord blesses those who find a good wife. On this happy day, I wish to say that I have received all the blessings from the Almighty as I am about to make the most perfect woman my wife.

Short Wedding Vows

Do not want to sound too emotional? Then you can keep your wedding vows short like these.

  1. Today, I promise to be your designated driver in all the adventures you embark on in life. I promise to be your understanding friend first, and then your loving husband.
  2. Your love makes my life beautiful and I promise to keep you happy always. As your husband, I will take away your tears and replace them with your smiles. I feel lucky to have met you.
  3. From this day on, my lifeline is forever connected with yours. I promise to love you with all my heart and make a beautiful life together.
  4. Being with you forever does not seem enough. I wishto spend every single moment of my life with you. I promise to be the best companion for this lifetime.
  5. With this ring, I promise you will never feel lonely again. I will always be by your side as your biggest supporter and your only lover.
  6. Give me your impatience and I will give you my calmness. Give me your sadness and I will give you all the happiness in the world. I will always make you a proud and happy wife.
  7. I pledge today to love you like a lover, care for you like a father, and tease you like a friend. I want to be the one you share both your happiness and sadness with.
  8. I will always offer you my shoulders when you want someone to lean on. I promise you myself entirely.
  9. As a husband, I am yours entirely. I entrust you with my heart and life. I promise to care for you and love you always.
  10. I cannot predict the future but I can promise to work hard to make you a happy and content wife forever.
  11. Today, I promise to always hold you close to my heart and protect you from any harm. I will be a dutiful and doting husband to you forever.
  12. You are beautiful not only on the outside but also on the inside. It is my honor to be the man beside you forever.
  13. My hand, my heart, and my love is yours. I also give you my word that I will be your husband forever.
  14. I promise to be your guiding light in times of darkness. I vow to be the road whenever you are lost. I pledge to be at your side always so you never feel alone.
  15. I give you this ring and seal this promise of love. I hope to fall in love with you more and more each day, from this day onwards.
  16. I shall always protect you from harm and bad times. I promise to be at your side in good times and bad.
  17. I will always be your Prince Charming and your knight in shining armor. I will protect you from all evil and give you the best life you deserve.
  18. With this wedding band, I vow to walk beside you throughout life. There may be light or darkness, but we will always be together.
  19. You make me smile, you make me laugh, you make me happy. I couldn’t imagine a better partner and I couldn’t imagine life without you.
  20. If we could do it all over again, I would be yours every time. I simply cannot imagine a life without you.
  21. This is the beginning of forever – forever love, forever hugs, and forever kisses. We will be together forever.

Romantic Wedding Vows

World full of our love, wedding vows

Image: IStock

If she is the one who completes your world, why not express your feelings through a romantic vow full of devotion, affection, and adoration you have for her?

  1. I promise to kiss you to wake you every morning and kiss you to sleep every night. I promise to kiss every tear that leaves your eyes and every smile that appears on your face. I promise to kiss every bad thought away from your mind and every good thought into your mind.
  2. Let’s create a world of our own together. A world full of our love. A world in which we share our joys and sorrows together. A world where we can be our true selves and not worry about being judged. A world where it is just you, me, and our love.
  1. My life is meaningless without you. Marrying you means setting my life on track in a new direction. Setting out on a journey of happiness, excitement, and contentment. Today, I promise to be your best travel partner and ensure that our journey of life is smooth and joyful.
  2. Life never seemed so beautiful until you made an entry into it. You captured my heart with your pure innocence and showed me the dream of a life filled with love. As I stand here today, I take my first step toward a beautiful and fulfilling life with you as my partner for life. Let’s scream on this rollercoaster together.
  3. My love, along with this ring, I give you my heart and my trust. I also give you my weakness and strengths. I give you myself entirely. I vow to do my best to keep you happy always. No matter the situation we face, I will always keep you above everything else. You are the heartbeat of my life.
  4. Mignon McLaughlin once said, “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” I have fallen in love with you each day since I met you, and I know, I cannot love anyone else but you. I take you to be my wife because I know that I cannot do this with anyone else.
  5. We may not be perfect for each other but we are meant to be together. We may argue and disagree, but with you, I feel truly free. As we promise to love each other for this lifetime, I feel proud to call you mine.
  6. I have seen my parents together and I want our marriage to be a copy of theirs. The love and respect they have for each other is what I want to replicate in our marriage. I want you to know that I always have your back and will always be there for you.
  7. My life was incomplete before you entered it. Now, you have added all the missing pieces and made it complete. You are the light of my life, the reason for my smile. I am so happy I chose to spend the rest of my life with you. Every morning I wake up and see your face, I will remember this happy day.
  8. I have seen several movies about best friends marrying each other. I never thought they could be true stories until our story became one of them. From best friends to spouses, we have come a long way. I only hope we have a long life ahead together, too. I want to do many things with you.
  9. You came into my life when I was broken and put me back together piece by piece. You have seen me at my worst and accepted me then. I am constantly amazed at your patience and understanding. I still cannot believe you agreed to be with me.
  10. I promise I will hold your hand every day and every night. I promise I will fulfill your whims and fancies. I pledge I will never stray and always be by your side. Through sickness and health, I will never let us lose our spark.
  11. I promise to love you as you are. And I promise to love you for who you are to become. I have loved you from the moment I saw you and I promise to love you until I am no more. I will encourage your dreams and will support you always.
  12. There could be no happier man on earth than me right now. By agreeing to marry me, you have made my life so much better. I vow to protect and cherish you all my life.
  13. You taught me the value of honest communication. You taught me how mutual respect and trust could make a relationship work. I am still a work-in-progress and I am so thankful that you accepted me, warts and all.
  14. The sun shines brightly on our wedding day. It is as if it is showing its happiness at us two lovebirds coming together. From today, our hearts will beat as one and we will help each other be better people.
  15. Do you remember the day we first met? It was raining and we were stranded at the bus stop. Today, a decade later, the weather couldn’t be more different. Yet here we are, together, happy, and happy to be married. I love you, [Name], and I wish we will be together forever.

Funny Wedding Vows

If you’d like to see your partner crack up at the altar, then these funny wedding vows might do the trick for you.

  1. Today, I vow to always put you first. Even when Real Madrid vs Barcelona is on, I will watch it only after I have completed my daily chores and tucked my wife in bed.
  2. I vow to keep this short, so you do not fall asleep the way you did when I was narrating the story of Interstellar to you.
  3. I vow to take good care of you always. If I fail to do so, you are welcome to drive my favorite red car with me, riding shotgun and screaming for my life.
  4. I am so madly in love with you that I vow to never watch the new episode of our favorite show without you.
  5. I promise to not use your shampoo and soap even if it lures me with its fragrance.
  6. Let’s grow old together, so I can laugh at your gray hair while you admire my shiny bald head.
  7. I vow to let you have the last cookie in the jar even if my life depended on that single piece.
  8. Today, in front of our loved ones, I promise to not drive your car. And if I do, I will ensure that the gas is full for you to use.
  9. I promise to not judge your choice, henceforth, considering you chose a catch like me to be your life partner.
  10. Let’s shut our phones and gadgets every weekend and live like cavemen who love to eat burgers and chips.
  11. I promise to believe you when you say you will be ready in just a minute.
  12. I promise to patiently sit and help you pick the best outfit out of the two hundred options you have at any given time.
  13. I vow to notice your new shoes, new hairdo, new outfit, and even your new nail color.
  14. I promise to love you even when I am angry with you.
  15. I vow to not complain about the food even when I am the one cooking.
  16. I promise to watch all your favorite romantic movies with you except the ones where the hero dies in the end. You have to cry through that one alone.
  17. I promise, before every vacation, I will practice my photography skills so I can take as many amazing pictures of you for your Instagram.
  18. I promise to give you at least seven restaurant options each time you ask me where we can eat.
  19. Let us visit IKEA every weekend so that we can gloat about how put-together our life is.
  20. I promise to unclog the drain even though you have long hair.
  21. I will make sure the house is absolutely clean, even if I just have to sweep everything under the rug.
  22. I promise I will always look up when you speak, even when I am playing video games and my player is about to die.
  23. I will always share funny reels with you.
  24. When I say “I do,” I don’t mean the dishes. Or the cleaning. Or even laundry.
  25. A Lannister always pays his debts – and so shall I.
  26. I promise to always order two dishes – one for me and the other also for me after you have finished the first one after a “brief taste.”
  27. This ring is a symbol of how you have wrapped me around your finger. It sits comfortably, showing how happy I am to be there.
  28. You are making the absolutely right decision by saying yes to me.
  29. I promise I will use you as a reason for getting out of plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I write for my wedding vows?

When writing wedding vows, you may begin with the story of how you and your partner met and continue by speaking about the characteristics that made you fall in love. Mention how you both complement each other and the special bond that you share. Promise that you will be there for them in their moments of happiness and sadness. Do share your version of promises towards them.

2. How do you end wedding vows?

To end your wedding vows, you may choose a formal statement like “I love you,” “I promise to be there for you,” or “I shall never let you go until death do us apart.” You may even add a personal touch to these statements and reveal one of your inside jokes.

3. What should you not do while reading wedding vows?

Remember not to stretch your wedding vows too long. Keep them short and sweet. Don’t get carried away in a story and forget to share the crucial wedding promises of unity and fidelity. Understand how flexible your partner is when sharing personal stories. Try not to share too much information. Don’t hesitate to ask for help with your vows if needed. Your wedding vows are an integral part of your matrimony and togetherness. So keep them as unique but precise as possible.

Wedding vows are beautiful promises couples make to each other as they get into a union for a lifetime. They are not to be taken lightly, as remembering them when the marriage hits a rough patch can help rekindle the lost love. Vows are heartfelt, personalized, and unique. These sample wedding vows will help you put your feelings into words and make your beloved beam with happiness as you read them out loud on your wedding day.

Infographic: Romantic Wedding Vows That’ll Touch Your Heart

Wedding vows are an important element where couples express their love and commitment to each other through words. The infographic below presents a collection of sweet and romantic wedding vows for couples on their wedding day. You can also use these vows as an inspiration to write your own wedding vows.

what precautions should a pregnant woman take at 12 weeks (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Adding some verses from the Holy Bible can make your wedding vows sound traditional.
  • Short wedding vows can add a personal touch to the event.
  • You may write a romantic wedding vow to express your love to your partner during the wedding.

Illustration: Traditional And Lovely Wedding Vows For Couples

wedding vows_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Personal Experience: Source

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Amira Martin
Amira MartinLicensed Clinical Social Worker
Amira Martin is a licensed clinical social worker practicing in New York. Having done her master’s degree from the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College in 2002, she gained over 20 years of experience working with adults and children.

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Ratika holds a master's degree in commerce and a post-graduate diploma in communication and journalism from Mumbai University. She has 6 years of experience writing in various fields, such as finance, education, and lifestyle.

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Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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Benidamika holds a masters degree in Counseling Psychology from Assam Don Bosco University and another masters degree in English Literature from North Eastern Hill University. At MomJunction, Benidamika writes on human psychology and relationships.

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