What A Working Mom Wants Her Husband To Know

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Working women are always under the microscope of society. Though they are confident in handling their personal and professional lives quite well, yet they are victims of persistent judgments (1). People often exclaim that working women do not make good mothers due to the abundance of work in their life. They have been hearing statements like, “I don’t think I could leave my kid at daycare all day, ” or ” Why have a kid, if you won’t spend time with him/her?” Even though two-income households are becoming common by the day, societal pressure has not come down even.

And here comes the role of a husband. Since working mothers feel guilty about not being present for their family 24 by 7, it is their husband’s support that can help them deal with it in an ideal manner.

This is for all the men out there. We bring you face-to-face with things that your partner wants you to know;

In This Article

1. You Must Know Why I Work

You Must Know Why I Work

Image: Shutterstock

Yes, many women work because they need to support their families. But, I work because I want to become a great role model for our kids. If I am doing something I love and it makes me happy, it would give our children a sense of wisdom and freedom, which I could not experience at an early age.

2. Yes, I Do Get Lonely

Yes, I Do Get Lonely

Image: Shutterstock

Most of the mom-wife working class faces loneliness. Just like me, all my friends have the same career tasks and a household to attend to. So, we cannot find time for each other anymore. Gone are the days where we could go for a day of spa or shop till we drop. The only way I might be able to curb some of that loneliness is if I could get some relaxation and pampering from you at home. Please understand that this feeling of being alone is not good for me, so push me to socialize more and help me leave the four walls every once in a while.

3. I Need You To Help Me Out

I Need You To Help Me Out

Image: Shutterstock

When I constantly have to juggle between the projects piled up at my desk and the parent-teacher meetings at schools, I am bound to get tired. There are not enough words for me to adequately describe the level of fatigue. Everything that you could do to help is appreciated. Even if it is a relaxing bubble bath or buying groceries once in a while. PS: Would it kill you to keep a check on your socks and keys, for once?

4. I Don’t Get “Me” Time Anymore

I Don't Get Me Time Anymore

Image: Shutterstock

When I am not working and facing the rants of my boss, I am at home handling the pressure of school activities, dinner, and laundry. I often have to get up early to finish chores and sleep late in order to finish work. I am stressed. And I want you to understand that I need my ME time more than anything else. Also, I cannot do much without your help and support. Hint, hint: I have been meaning to read that book on my bedside for almost a month now.

So, dear husband, remember that though I love you with all my heart and soul, I love myself too. Remember, I am not perfect. While you may think that stay-at-home moms get most of the parenting job right, we working moms do too. I hope you encourage me in most things, especially in my parenting efforts, my job-life and the way I contribute to our family (2). With so much stuff on my plate, there’s only so much I can give my 100% to, but I try. Maybe I’ll keep falling short, but could you keep assuring me that I am doing fine?

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