What Should I Name my Little One?

Ever since you knew you have conceived, you would be asking yourself these three questions:

  1. Is it a boy or a girl?
  2. How would he/she look like?
  3. What would you call him/her?

The third question is the most relevant. Names last a lifetime, and we understand you want to keep them unique or by some of the baby’s characteristics. You may want to choose a name that indicates, ‘the fair one’, or ‘the strong one’, or a name according to their birth date or month.

Don’t worry if you haven’t decided a name for your baby. We are here to help you, bringing the choicest of a few names that your baby would love as he/she grows up.

In This Article

Names for the cute Princess

Aksa: ‘Aksa’ is Sanskrit for ‘soul’. This name would directly signify that your little princess is your soul. Since it is easy to call, you do not have to hunt for nick names either!

Chevonne: It is the Anglicized version of the Irish name Siobhan meaning ‘God is gracious’. It is also the female version of John.

Freida: A variant could be Frida, which is an Old Norse name. It signifies peace.

Kamra: In Sanskrit, it means ‘beautiful’ or ‘desirable’. Its origin is actually Arabic (Qamrah) and it means the moon. ‘Kamra’ could also be pronounced as ‘Kei-me-rah’.

Nazneen: This Farsi baby name means ‘exquisitely beautiful’. And, yes, your little princess is the most beautiful girl in the world.

Oria: This Latin name signifies golden color. So, the meaning of this name is ‘the golden princess’. It will be an ideal name if your daughter’s hair is golden.

Tirza: Remember the daughters of the Zelophehad of the Bible? He had only five daughters and no sons. His daughters appealed to the Moses to inherit his property in Israel at a time when women were denied any inheritance to their father’s property. The last one of his five daughters is Tirza, a name that signifies feminist ideals and means ‘delight’.

Vardah: Which girl is not fond of red roses? ‘Vardah’ means ‘red rose’ in Urdu.

Yanira: There are rare names starting with ‘y’, and one of these is the Spanish origin Yanira meaning ‘gift from God’.

Zephyr: Originating from the Greek Zephyros, it means a gentle breeze. P.B. Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” has a mention of Zephyrus and you can well say there is a poem in your pretty lass’ name!

Names for the cute Prince

Alam: For parents who prefer names with the letter ‘A’, ‘Alam’ seems apt and means ‘the whole world’. Nothing could be more special than this for your baby! Moreover, the word has the same meaning with equal relevance in Arabic, Sanskrit (Hindu), and Sikh cultures. Alam could also mean ‘flag’ or ‘sign’.

Chava: There are not many boys whose names start with ‘c’, so, Chava, which means ‘life-giving’ in Sanskrit, could be your ideal option as it is a rare choice.

Falak: The meaning of this name is ‘cosmos’, and it has equal relevance in Hindi, Arabic, and Punjabi. It is a Quranic name.

Iham: Though originally Sanskrit, this name meaning, ‘expected’, has an undeniable relevance in most Indian languages.

Lekan: This Yoruba name means ‘my wealth is growing’. It is a highly symbolic name which directly expresses how your baby is your greatest wealth. Lekan also means authoritative, ambitious, and self- assured person.

Naksh: This Sanskrit name means ‘priceless’. It is also used to signify moon.

Osaze: This Egyptian word means ‘favored by God’ and is a very unique name.

Rivash: This name, which rhymes well with names such as Avash, Devash, etc., is Sanskrit for ‘hypnotizing’. Venus is the ruling planet of this name.

Yadid: According to Jewish mythology this name means ‘friend or beloved’. This name is a real neutral name!

Zohar: Zohar means ‘light’. In Hebrew, it also represents the chief text of the Jewish Kabbalah. There are two famous Israeli actors by that name – Uri Zohar and Yael Bar Zohar.

We hope the confusion is over and you were able to choose an interesting name for your baby from our list. Happy Naming!

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