What Will Your Baby Look Like?

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From the second you realize that you are pregnant, you just wait for the time that you will finally get to hold your little one in your arms. And, once you have welcomed your baby into the world, you start obsessing over every tiny detail when it comes to him/her. On one hand, it can be something as important as his/her feeding or napping habits, while on the other, you’ll also have extensive discussions on random topics. The most recurring discussion is about who your newborn looks like. Everyone – from your parents to your close friends – has an insight on offer. Some people say how your little one looks exactly like his/her father while others contradict saying how his/her eyes are just like yours.

However, parents start wondering about their baby’s appearance much earlier, even before his/her birth. We are sure that you are nodding your head in agreement. In fact, there are also several theories, which exist about how your baby will look. Here, we bring you some of these to give you an idea:

In This Article

1. The Eyes

The Eyes

Image: Shutterstock

Your baby’s eye color is determined by a pigment called melanin. And, this melanin makes the eyes green, blue, hazel, or brown. If there is less of this pigment, the color of the eyes is lighter. And, more melanin results in a darker eye color. And, at times, this amount can also vary, which is why you see people with two different eye colors (1).

If both you and your partner have brown eyes, there is a strong likelihood of your baby also having brown eyes. But, there are times when despite both the parents being brown-eyed, the little one might have a blue eye color. The eye color depends on which gene is passed on – the dominant or the recessive one. And, in the mentioned scenario, it is the recessive ‘blue eye color’ gene that is passed on instead of the dominant ‘brown eye color’. Though the chances are comparatively rare, it can happen!

2. The Hair Color

The Hair Color

Image: Shutterstock

Darker hair colors are generally dominant over the lighter ones. Since we generally don’t find people who have a light hair color in India, there is a slim chance that your baby will have blonde hair. You can safely expect your little one to have either black or brown hair locks. At times, babies are born with a lighter hair color but they mostly grow out of it.

3. The Facial Features

The Facial Features

Image: Shutterstock

Dominant genes might influence a few facial features such as the face symmetry, dimples, or freckles. So, if both you and your partner share this particular trait, there are chances that your little one will also be born with it. Also, some features like the birthmarks, earlobes, etc. might be passed on because it just runs in the entire family.

4. The Height

The Height

Image: Shutterstock

One of the thumb rules that most parents follow to figure out their little one’s height is fairly simple. Just take the average of both you and your significant other’s heights. And, if you are having a baby boy, just add two inches to it. Otherwise, if it is a girl, subtract two inches. Of course, this is just a theory and there is no evidence to it. Some people also say that if both the parents are tall, the kid is more likely to be tall too. And, the chances of him/her being short increases if both the parents are short. But, then, as we said, there is no scientific reasoning behind such theories. After all, there are times when you come across kids who are taller than anyone in the family.

As parents, you might be really curious to know how your little one will look. In fact, you might even have friendly banter with your husband, each one claiming that their progeny will resemble them more. But, don’t worry, you will have all your answers soon. Till then, we hope that this has helped satisfy your curiosity to some extent. Good luck!

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