300+ Unique 'Would You Rather' Questions For Couples

For couples, games could be a fun way to get to know your partner better. And what better way to do this than with some “would you rather” questions for couples!

Would you rather questions can help a couple understand each other better and create a stronger bond. They help boost communication and intimacy by encouraging partners to share thoughts playfully and helping them bond over shared experiences. Whether you are a new couple or have been in a relationship for a long time, playing this game will ensure you have a great time while getting to know interesting details about each other.

Keep reading for some interesting and good “would you rather questions” we have compiled for a fun couples night.

In This Article

What Is ‘Would You Rather’ About?

Would you rather’ is a quiz game where your partner has to pick one of the two options you give them. This game can be played for fun, or to get to know each other better and see where your relationship is heading.

Before you start, let your partner know that the answer should be any one of the given options. ‘Neither’ or ‘both’ cannot be the answers.

If fun is what you’re looking for, avoid the serious questions. You can be silly, flirt, laugh, and even tease each with the questions. Playing it in person is the best way to do it, but if your long-distance relationship doesn’t allow it, text each other the questions.

If you’re ready, shall we get to the questions?

protip_icon Quick tip
Turn off your smartphone to avoid distractions while playing this game with your significant other. This will help you connect deeply with your partner and have a good time.

300+ ‘Would You Rather’ Questions For Couples

You may tweak the questions or come up with your own based on your relationship. Here, we have listed some interesting, some usual, some funny, and some intense but harmless questions to build a strong connection for you to start with.

You may start with some easy-peasy questions to get into the flow.

  1. Would you rather stay at home or go out for a date?
  1. Would you rather dine in a 5-star restaurant or enjoy homemade dinner by the campfire?
  2. Would you rather put your arm around my shoulder or hold hands in public?
  3. Would you rather see me with makeup or without makeup?
  4. Would you rather stay alone with me or hang out with friends on the weekend?
  5. Would you rather have the same tattoos or piercings?
  6. Would you rather kiss me on the forehead or cheek?
  7. Would you rather spend an evening watching the sunset or at a theater?
  8. Would you rather stay in casuals with me at home or dress up and enjoy at a pub?
  9. Would you rather talk to me on call or chat via texts?
  10. Would you rather like a surprise bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates?
Would You Rather Questions For Couples Over A Coffe

Image: Shutterstock

Were those too easy? Let’s take it a notch up and put your partner in a dilemma. Here are some of the best “would you rather” questions that aren’t easy to answer quickly.

  1. Would you rather have coffee or wine with me?
  2. Would you rather lose an argument to make me happy or make me sad by winning it because you were right?
  3. Would you rather play board games or video games with me?
  4. Would you rather take the risk of going into the past with me or see the future with me?
  5. Would you rather talk to my parents or your parents when in crisis?
  6. Would you rather buy new clothes or new cosmetics for me?
  7. Would you rather visit your in-laws or experience an adventure trip?
  8. Would you rather wait for me or keep me waiting?
  9. Would you rather your baby looked like you or me?
  10. Would you rather have your best friend or me by your side when facing a problem?
Would You Rather Questions For Couples Sitting On A Couch

Image: Shutterstock

The ‘would you rather’ game can also be used to know what’s on your partner’s mind. Whether it is to subtly know what they’d want for their birthday or planning a surprise trip, this game can be handy.

protip_icon Point to consider
To have a meaningful conversation, pay attention to your partner rather than pre-planning your response.

  1. Would you rather spend time with your family or your friends?
  2. Would you rather have a homemade dinner or a special candlelight dinner at a restaurant?
  3. Would you rather have sweets or drinks?
  4. Would you rather get a massage from me or by a professional at a salon?
  5. Would you rather spend the weekend at home or a hotel?
  6. Would you rather do something naughty or serious with me?
  7. Would you rather ask me for advice or think by yourself?
  8. Would you rather cook for me or have me cook for you?
  9. Would you rather spend a bonus check on yourself or get something for the house?
  10. Would you rather have me drive for you or drive for me this weekend?

If you sense that the game is getting too serious or if your partner is on to you (can’t ruin the surprise!), throw in some random, impersonal questions in between.

  1. Would you rather be dumped by or dump a person?
  2. Would you rather go to a Justin Bieber concert or The Jonas Brothers’ concert?
  3. Would you rather live in a 500-square-foot apartment or be in a long-distance relationship?
  4. Would you rather have a partner with money but no sense of humor or a poor but witty one?
  5. Would you rather vouch for a simple, private engagement proposal or a public one in front of a live audience?
  6. Would you rather keep $5000 in lottery wins for yourself or share with anyone?
  7. Would you rather shout ‘I love you’ or convey it through letters?
  8. Would you rather watch comedy shows or action thrillers?
  9. Would you rather be a scientist or a painter?
  10. Would you rather have wisdom or popularity?
Would You Rather Questions For Couples Through Messeges

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Would you rather live with me or with a million dollars?
  2. Would you rather spend your special occasions with just me or with the entire family?
  3. Would you rather sing a song for me or dance with me?
  4. Would you rather stay visible or invisible?
  5. Would you rather be a movie star or a sports star?
  6. Would you rather go without the internet or your friends for a week?
  7. Would you rather grow old with me and experience a future or stay young with me and enjoy the present?
  8. Would you rather go on a blind date or a date with an ex?
  9. Would you rather give up parties or fast food?
  10. Would you rather use your partner’s toothbrush or not brush for a week?
  11. Would you rather wear sweatpants or sparkly clothes for the rest of your life?
  12. Would you rather eat something sweet or spicy for the rest of your life?
  13. Would you rather be always hot or always cold?
  14. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with your ex or with a talkative person?
  15. Would you rather have only summers or only winters for the rest of your life?
  16. Would you rather never eat your favorite food again or eat only that for the rest of your life?
  17. Would you rather wear the same pair of clothes for a whole year or borrow clothes from me?
  18. Would you rather prefer a simple candlelight dinner at home or a lavish dinner at a five-star restaurant?
  19. Would you rather live forever in a peaceful village or a bustling city?
  20. Would you rather speak all the languages in the world or speak to animals?
  21. Would you rather advise your 10-year-old self or 70-year-old self?
  22. Would you rather go to the beach or climb a hill?
  23. Would you rather stay near a lot of people or in an isolated area?
  24. Would you rather explore new planets or the depths of the ocean?
  25. Would you rather put up with the barking of a dog or the scratching of a cat?
  26. Would you rather get a massive pay raise or a six-month-long holiday?
  27. Would you rather be penniless in your own country or have a million dollars in another country?
  28. Would you rather be the most attractive person or the funniest person at a party?
  29. Would you rather be with someone with lots of body hair or with no body hair at all?
  30. Would you rather make a new song or a new movie?
  31. Would you rather give up caffeine or alcohol altogether?
  32. Would you rather lose your sense of smell or taste?
  33. Would you rather tour with your favorite band or star with your favorite movie star?
  34. Would you rather listen to just your favorite song all your life or never listen to it ever again?
  35. Would you rather go to a soccer game or a baseball game?
  36. Would you rather watch a game at the stadium alone or at home with friends?
  37. Would you rather prefer a sexy text message or a romantic love note?
  38. Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jumping?
  39. Would you rather have a DSLR camera or a high-end iPhone?
  40. Would you rather prefer your partner to be affectionate in private or in public?
  41. Would you rather be 20 or 50 for all your life?
  42. Would you rather have children or pets?
  43. Would you rather live with my parents along with me or all alone?
  44. Would you rather have a partner who is rich and arrogant or poor and humble?
  45. Would you rather like to read your partner’s mind or have the power to influence their thoughts?
  46. Would you rather be an influencer on social media or have no social media presence at all?
  47. Would you rather want to be successful separately or fail together?
  48. Would you rather be with someone who never hugs or one who never kisses?
  49. Would you rather jump on a trampoline or in a bouncy house?
  50. Would you rather go out on a double date or have a romantic dinner at home?
  51. Would you rather be proposed at a stadium or on a beach?
  52. Would you rather live with your partner’s parents or their siblings?
  53. Would you rather have no television or no phone?
  54. Would you rather have a partner who does not care or is super jealous?
  55. Would you rather have dinner with someone who does not have table manners or someone who burps loudly?
  56. Would you rather have the ability to know every answer to a question or be able to ask tough questions and confuse others?
  57. Would you rather be with a healthcare professional or an IT professional?
  58. Would you rather be with an ex-convict or an ex-addict?
  59. Would you rather buy a house on the beach or in the mountains?
  60. Would you rather commit a crime for your partner or your best friend?
  61. Would you rather be with someone who goes out every night or prefers staying home alone every night?
protip_icon Point to consider
Accept your partner as they are, and don’t question their choices. Embracing differences and celebrating commonness is the key.

Funny ‘Would You Rather’ Questions

Here, we have listed out some imaginative and weird “would you rather” questions so that you both can ask for a good laugh.

  1. Would you rather kiss a pig or a donkey?
  2. Would you rather eat uncooked meat or cooked fruit?
  3. Would you rather give up your car or your pet?
  4. Would you rather steal cash or a laptop?
  5. Would you rather have free Wi-fi anywhere you go or free electricity at home?
  6. Would you rather be a donkey doing nothing or a tiger doing loads of work?
  7. Would you rather burp or fart in a crowded room?
  8. Would you rather give up fast food for a year or shopping for a month?
  9. Would you rather live on a tree in the jungle or a cave on an island?
  10. Would you rather drink a bottle of tomato ketchup or eat a box of salty, spicy cookies?
Funny Would You Rather Questions For Couples

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Would you rather be trapped in a jungle or a haunted house?
  2. Would you rather be an actor or date an actor?
  3. Would you rather be a part of a comic show or an art theater?
  4. Would you rather have falling hair or wrinkles?
  5. Would you rather stay as you are or change?
  6. Would you travel in a bus with a snake or a plane with frogs?
  7. Would you rather sit blindfolded to watch your favorite movie or sit with a closed mouth at your favorite food joint?
  8. Would you rather have one ear bigger than the other or one hand bigger than the other?
  9. Would you rather taste something without seeing or wear something without seeing?
  10. Would you rather pause the time or fast-forward it?

A couple who laughs together is always happy. To keep happiness and passion constant in your life, you should include as many fun questions as possible.

  1. Would you rather live in a messy, dirty bungalow or a small clean house?
  2. Would you rather have an extra finger or a missing finger?
  3. Would you rather be embarrassed in front of your colleagues or in-laws?
  4. Would you rather be jailed for being a mysterious person or for being too adorable?
  5. Would you rather be attacked by a maniac or an animal?
  6. Would you rather be sticky all day or itchy all night?
  7. Would you rather have hiccups all day or sneeze all day?
  8. Would you rather have soup or salad for the rest of your life?
  9. Would you rather live in a house filled with bugs or cockroaches?
  10. Would you rather be talked about for being bad or hated for being good?
Would You Rather Questions For Couples On Snacktime

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Would you rather be kidnapped by terrorists or aliens?
  2. Would you rather live for one year with me or 100 years without me?
  3. Would you rather walk backward or crawl on your fours?
  4. Would you rather visit the Amazon forest or travel through the Bermuda triangle?
  5. Would you rather be the intelligent person or funniest in the room?
  6. Would you rather own a robot or a magic carpet?
  7. Would you rather travel to a desert during summers or stay at home locked during winters?
  8. Would you rather go on a long drive with a psychopath or go on a date with your ex?
  9. Would you rather fly or walk at a tortoise’s speed?
  10. Would you rather click selfies or click pictures of someone?
  11. Would you rather forget to read or to speak?
  12. Would you rather visit the moon or mars?
  13. Would you rather talk to animals or aliens?
  14. Would you rather read the minds of people or have Superman’s superpower?
  15. Would you rather have your wallet stolen or your mobile hacked?
  16. Would you rather use emojis or short forms to talk?
  17. Would you rather be in a mental asylum for one year or jail for five years?
  18. Would you rather replace your feet with wheels or hands with swords?
  19. Would you rather be a leader or a member of a cult?
  20. Would you rather have your head stuck in a bucket or hand stuck inside a jar?
Would You Rather Questions For Couples To Laugh

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Would you rather wake up at work in your nightwear or wake up well dressed in the woods with a bear?
  2. Would you rather forget your collection of favorite secret movies or your mobile without a lock on your parent’s desk?
  3. Would you rather eat a stale sandwich or drink stale milk?
  4. Would you rather be born with a monkey’s tail or a giraffe’s neck?
  5. Would you rather date a zombie or an alien?
  6. Would you rather have a growing mustache or growing nails?
  7. Would you rather send a wrong message to your boss or your ex?
  8. Would you rather be stuck in a desert with an annoying person or a calm animal?
  9. Would you rather scold or give candy to a baby who is crying?
  10. Would you rather go to jail or fake your death by sleeping for a year?
  11. Would you rather live in a place with no rain or where it never stops raining?
  12. Would you rather board a UFO or an undetected submarine?
  13. Would you rather make a new colony on the Moon or remain on Earth with limited supplies?
  14. Would you rather have your partner wake up as a dog or a cat?
  15. Would you rather eat cayenne peppers or pineapple on pizza?
  16. Would you rather prefer getting a bad birthday present or none at all?
  17. Would you rather wake up in the morning with a face full of hair or a baby face?
  18. Would you rather be the fun one at a party or the responsible one?
  19. Would you rather eat only salad or only dessert for the rest of your life?
  20. Would you rather be a cat or a pigeon?
  21. Would you rather have a partner who sleeps all day or is awake all night?
  22. Would you rather have no internet for six months or not see your partner for six months?
  23. Would you rather have a partner who never spends time with you or one who never leaves you alone?
  24. Would you rather whisper forever or shout forever?
  25. Would you rather have no baths for a month or no social media for a month?
  26. Would you rather wear the same socks or the same underwear for a whole month?
  27. Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?
  28. Would you rather run at supersonic speeds or walk at a turtle’s pace?
  29. Would you rather have a million dollars or a different shirt to wear daily for the rest of your life?
  30. Would you rather make a baby laugh or a cat purr?
  31. Would you rather date an introvert or an extrovert?
  32. Would you rather be in the spotlight or behind the scenes?
  33. Would you rather live in a trailer van with your partner or alone in a castle?
  34. Would you rather sleep when your partner sleeps or gaze at their face?
  35. Would you rather wake up at 5 am daily or never go to bed before midnight?
  36. Would you rather be a terrible singer or a terrible dancer?
  37. Would you rather fall down the stairs or get stuck in an elevator?
  38. Would you rather be late for work or wake up early?
  39. Would you rather be rich from ill-earned money or poor with hard-earned money?
  40. Would you rather eat only healthy foods or only junk foods for the rest of your life?
  41. Would you rather eat tarantulas or cockroaches?
  42. Would you rather wear dirty underwear or no underwear for a month?
  43. Would you rather have free breakfast or free lunch at your favorite resort?
  44. Would you rather be attacked by a lion or a shark?
  45. Would you rather have a bird spoil your favorite shirt or a cat tearing your favorite pants?
  46. Would you rather know all the currencies of the world or the capitals of all the countries?
  47. Would you rather be embarrassed before your boss or your in-laws?
  48. Would you rather be best friends with your boss or your receptionist?
  49. Would you rather be able to escape from any trap or do any magic trick?
  50. Would you rather have lipstick on your teeth or a shiny nose?
  51. Would you rather give up smoking or drinking?
  52. Would you rather be a cat or a dog?
  53. Would you rather be a rabbit or a squirrel?
  54. Would you rather eat a rat or a snake?
  55. Would you rather be blind or deaf?
  56. Would you rather have yellow teeth or two front teeth missing?
  57. Would you rather be the world’s best singer or the world’s best painter?
  58. Would you rather work from home or from the office?
  59. Would you rather be a nerd or a jock?
  60. Would you rather clean the kitchen daily or never make a mess at all?

Deep ‘Would You Rather’ Questions

If you need to clarify certain things about the relationship but do not know how to broach the subject, try this game. You can tactfully frame some intimate questions to ask your partner and find out what they are thinking. Just make sure to respect their space, and it doesn’t end up in a heated discussion.

  1. Would you rather be with someone or left alone when depressed or in a bad mood?
  2. Would you rather become old or be a baby?
  3. Would you rather lose your suitcase or get lost on a trip?
  4. Would you rather go on a date with an intellectual partner or an attractive partner?
  5. Would you rather control or read someone’s mind?
  6. Would you rather have everything or know everything?
  7. Would you rather play a game to have fun and lose or to win but have no fun?
  8. Would you rather be a part of the planet’s beginning or extinction?
  9. Would you rather win a lottery or be blessed with the best health?
  10. Would you rather control fire or water?
  11. Would you rather live in a world without technology or nature?

Deep questions are not always serious. Here we bring you some extreme “would you rather” questions that can give you the answers you need.

  1. Would you rather check my browser history or my WhatsApp messages?
  2. Would you rather be 30 minutes late or early to an important event?
  3. Would you rather have ten mediocre friends who you meet every day or one best friend who meets you once a while?
  4. Would you give away your salary for a person in need or serve him or her every day with household chores?
  5. Would you rather be locked in a dark room with a mute or a bright room with a talkative person?
  6. Would you rather eat healthy for ten years or eat unhealthy for one year?
  7. Would you rather spend your old age in a city or a village?
  8. Would you rather let someone spoil your surprise or spoil someone’s surprise?
  9. Would you rather win a lottery ticket or work hard to get a reward?
  10. Would you rather sacrifice your professional life or your love life?
Romantic Would You Rather Questions For Couples

Image: Shutterstock

Even some simple questions with simple answers can give you important insights into the kind of person your partner is and what they want.

  1. Would you rather work alone at home and be your boss or work with a team in an office?
  2. Would you rather catch someone lying or get away with lying?
  3. Would you rather change your religion to survive or stick to your own until death?
  4. Would you rather have five children and less money or no children and more money?
  5. Would you rather kill someone for the food or die without food?
  6. Would you rather give up using social media or give up your gadgets?
  7. Would you rather be able to think and not talk at all, or be able to talk without thinking at all?
  8. Would you rather give up your principles to save somebody or stick to your principles and let the person suffer?
  9. Would you rather stay calm and listen to an annoying person or tell him or her to shut up?
  10. Would you rather be allergic to sweets or social media?
Funny Would You Rather Questions For Couples

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Would you rather earn for your family or serve your family?
  2. Would you rather know some gossip about you or be ignorant about it?
  3. Would you rather be a popular YouTube star making silly videos or be a commoner doing satisfying work?
  4. Would you rather be under-dressed or overdressed at a party?
  5. Would you rather use affordable public transport or an expensive private vehicle for the daily commute?
  6. Would you rather have plenty of gold and cash or save your enemy’s life?
  7. Would you rather spend six months doing nothing in jail or serve in a hospital?
  8. Would you rather win a cash prize or a medal?
  9. Would you rather solve a problem between two strangers or enjoy watching them fight?
  10. Would you rather argue and resolve a conflict or end the argument and leave it unresolved?
  11. Would you rather ask me what I want or intrigue me with a surprise gift?
  12. Would you rather have a job that you hate but makes you more money or a job that you like but makes less money?
  13. Would you rather be a follower or a leader?
  14. Would you rather be quiet in a noisy environment or talkative in a quiet space?
  15. Would you rather have a quiet yet meaningful life or an adventurous yet dangerous one?
  16. Would you rather die quickly or slowly?
  17. Would you rather invite 50 people or 500 people to your wedding?
  18. Would you rather hold a meeting or send an email?
  19. Would you rather stay with your partner for 10 years or have a one-night stand with your favorite celebrity?
  20. Would you rather have money but no holidays or holidays but no money?
  21. Would you rather remain young physically or mentally?
  22. Would you rather have world peace or unlimited wealth for yourself?
  23. Would you rather end homelessness or child abuse?
  24. Would you rather be an alcoholic or a drug addict?
  25. Would you rather have a personal stylist or a personal chef?
  26. Would you rather have bad breath or body odor?
  27. Would you rather have three close friends or twenty average friends?
  28. Would you rather get a thoughtful gift or an expensive one?
  29. Would you rather live in a houseboat or a cabin?
  30. Would you rather let your partner date your best friend or archenemy?
  31. Would you rather forget your best memory or remember your worst memory?
  32. Would you rather achieve your career goals but have no time for family or have time for family but not achieve career goals?
  33. Would you rather know the time of your death or the cause of your death?
  34. Would you rather die before or after your partner?
  35. Would you rather have more time or more money?
  36. Would you rather read all the books in the world or watch all the movies in the world?
  37. Would you rather not brush your teeth or not shower for a week?
  38. Would you rather believe all people or trust no one?
  39. Would you rather spend more time with family or friends?
  40. Would you rather live 30 extra years with regrets or 10 fewer years without regrets?
  41. Would you rather lose your vision or your memories?
  42. Would you rather be forgotten after you die or be infamous and never forgotten?
  43. Would you rather lose all the money you made this year or all the memories you made this year?
  44. Would you rather have weird dreams forever or no dreams at all?
  45. Would you rather have the lights turned on or off?
  46. Would you rather get rid of all flies or mosquitoes?
  47. Would you rather break a heart or be heartbroken?
  48. Would you rather have no emotions or feel everything deeply?
  49. Would you rather never lie or never tell the truth?
  50. Would you rather have a life-threatening job or a time-consuming one?
  51. Would you rather tell a white lie or the harsh truth?
  52. Would you rather lose the ability to see or the ability to walk?
  53. Would you rather have more hours in a day or more days in a week?
  54. Would you rather have a medical fund or a travel fund?
  55. Would you rather be loved but taken for granted or respected but feared?
  56. Would you rather take long walks with your partner or lie in their lap?
  57. Would you rather have all the love you could get or all the money you could get?
  58. Would you rather forget every single joke you ever knew or every single bit of trivia you ever knew?
  59. Would you rather be unable to speak or unable to move?
  60. Would you rather prefer a plant-based diet or animal-based diet?
  61. Would you rather see your partner or your favorite singer sing?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should couples ask each other “would you rather” questions?

It is up to the couple to decide how often they want to play “would you rather” questions, but these questions are a fun and engaging way for couples to get to know each other better and ignite the romance.

2. Can “would you rather” questions be used as a game or activity to spice up a date night?

Yes, these questions can be used on a date night to spice up the evening. They serve as great conversation starters for couples. You may ask each other questions while spending time together, getting to know each other more, and bonding more strongly.

3. How can playing “Would You Rather” help improve communication and intimacy in a relationship?

The game “Would You Rather” can enhance commitment, intimacy, and communication in a relationship by encouraging partners to open up and share their feelings and perspectives. It can foster empathy and understanding by enabling couples to comprehend one another’s viewpoints.

4. How can “Would You Rather” questions be used to learn more about each other’s values and priorities?

Would You Rather questions can be used to learn more about each other’s values and priorities by using questions on subjects, such as their future goals, family-related questions, career paths, etc. To make the most of “Would You Rather” questions, create a relaxed setting. Take turns asking questions and openly discuss your answers. Sharing your thoughts and feelings through these questions can help deepen your connection in a fun, intimate way.

Would you rather questions for couples are perfect if you are looking for a fun way filled with excitement to spend your time together. These can be about anything and everything as long as you both are comfortable. Start with some generic light-hearted questions and gradually set the mood to some teasing or flirty ones. You can pick the questions from our list to get started and customize them accordingly. But be careful not to make them too tense as it can spoil the mood. Go ahead and explore more of your partner’s likes, dislikes, and desires with these would-you-rather questions for couples.

Key Pointers

  • ‘Would You Rather’ questions are an enjoyable way for couples to better understand each other.
  • Questions should pertain to a wide variety of topics. Customize questions according to your partner’s comfort level.
  • Shuffle between light-hearted and thought-provoking questions for an engaging session.
  • Ensure there are no distractions around to have a meaningful and fulfilling experience.

Illustration: Unique &039Would You Rather&039 Questions For Couples

Would You Rather Questions For Couples_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Infographic: ‘Would You Rather’ Questions For Couples

Playing exciting games with your girlfriend or boyfriend allows you to spend quality time and know each other better. So, if you are planning to indulge in a game of ‘would you rather,’ we suggest you keep this infographic handy and use it as a wild card when your partner thinks you are running out of questions to ask.

would your rather questions (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Are you looking for some fun and interesting questions to ask your partner? Check out this video for the best would you rather questions for couples! Get ready for some funny, awkward, and spicy questions!

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Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena
Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-GoyenaPhD (Counseling Psychology)
Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena is a board licensed therapist in the USA and Puerto Rico with a specialty in couples, families, and relationships. Dr. Carlos possesses a PhD in Counseling Psychology granted at the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico.

Read full bio of Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena
Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

Read full bio of Shikha Thakur
Siddharth Kesiraju
Siddharth KesirajuMA, Certification in Relationship Coaching
Siddharth holds a certification in Relationship Coaching and a masters degree in communication and journalism from the University of Hyderabad. He has around seven years of experience in various fields of writing and editing.

Read full bio of Siddharth Kesiraju