You Won't Believe How These 14 Kids Sold Out Their Parents. Number 6 Is Nothing Short Of EPIC!

The one thing you can always guarantee when it comes to kids is how honest they can be. Their honesty can be brutal, dramatic, insulting, but also extremely funny (maybe just to an outsider).

Here is a list of quotes that prove how your kids will repay your love and devotion with insults and good old embarrassment. But hey, gotta love them, right?

In This Article

1. A Wine Mom

A wine mom is someone (usually a mom) who needs her glass of wine after a long and tiring day. So, when one little girl was asked to describe her mom’s hobbies, this is what she said.

“My mom likes drinking wine”

2. Lawyer & Artist

This little one is destined to be a lawyer or an artist. Her argument (below) was further explained with a drawing of a heart cracked in the middle.

“Mom, Dad, I love you but you can’t cut my hair. If you do, I will never forgive you. I love my hair and guess you don’t love me enough to do what I want for a change.”

Big fat tears were also involved.

3. Another Budding Artist

This kid used his talents to explain his problem.

“Dad remember father and son day, not father sleeps on his bed day. Understand this day (drawing) not this day (drawing).”

The first drawing was of a father and son bonding, and the second drawing was of the son’s father sleeping in bed.

4. Subpar Lunch

Sarcasm can explain your case. This kid shows you how.

“At school I ate stale Cheetos with lunch. Thanks mom.”

Nobody likes stale snacks.

5. More Subpar Lunch

This well-mannered kid teaches us how important it is to be polite when you’re trying to insult someone.

“Dear mommy, I love you, but I want to buy school lunch tomorrow. Thank you!”

Subtle hints can go a long way!

6. Conditional vs Unconditional Love

You can’t pick your family, but you can sure choose when to love them.

“To mom, I love you. I won’t love you if you make me clean my room.”

Moral of the story – don’t make your kids clean their rooms.

7. “My Most Interesting Person”

Some kids may or may not have a favourite, but this one is loud and proud about their choice.

“I think my dad is the most interesting person I know. It was easy to pick my dad over my mom because she’s more like a regular mom.”

8. Good Communications

Communication is key when friends, family, and everyone in general have a problem with something. This young one communicated her problem quite honestly when it came to a juice.

“This tasthorable”

We kept the spelling because it’s also adorable.

9. Little Rebel

This mommy left her son a lovely card – “Dear Julian, have a great day! Love, mom”

He replied quite blandly by saying, ““I will not.”

10. Another Artist

Kids sure know how to illustrate their thoughts. One drew his mom as a one eyed monster that is about to break a roller coaster and carousel. The monster’s name is Fun Crusher.

11. Evil Daughters

“Good morning. I see my assassins have failed.”

No comments.

12. Divorce Woes

This kid is just keeping it real.

“Dear dad, so glad that me and Isaac are staying with you! Me and Isaac miss you! I hope you and mom will get back together! But you and mom won’t because my mom does not like you.”

13. Vote For Elissa!

During family elections, a daughter wrote, “Daddy is ugly. He eats poop.”

Our vote goes to Elissa.

14. A Devious Genius

This was written to parents from the “class teacher”.

“Matt and Steph, on Monday no schoohl. Thank you.”

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