12054 English Baby Names With Meanings

English Baby Names With Meanings

Illustration: MomJunction Design Team

English has been around since 450 CE (1). Hence, it is no surprise that English baby names are famous worldwide. English, spoken by over a billion people, is the world's lingua franca. The language of Dante, Shakespeare, and Queen Elizabeth, English has a universal magnificence, which elevates even the simplest write-up to a nifty piece of art. There's no dearth of attractive names in the English language. Many of these names traveled to the US with the early settlers and set up homes in the new country. With such an ancient language, many influences have shaped modern names. Biblical names such as John and Hannah have always been a part of religious English culture. Historical names, including Charles and Isabel, also found a permanent place in English royalty.

Moreover, names having cultural associations, such as William and Charlotte exude a timeless charm and literary prowess. There's a trend of using English surnames as given names, such as Bradley and Cameron. Vocabulary words like Hope, Charity, and Summer are also being used as given names. The stock is further increased by traditional and classic names like Alicia, Emily, Marshall, Nicholas, and their short forms. In recent years, celebrity names like Margaret and David have found new favor with parents. With diminishing global and cultural boundaries, regional variations are commonly used among English baby names. For example, Sean for John and Siobhan for Joan give a regional twist to regular English baby names. English baby names have blended with other languages and taken their place in several countries with their variations. For instance, names like Emma and Louis are popular in France. Maria is famous as an Italian and Swedish name, while Adela and Daniel are well-known Spanish names. Below is our wide selection of English baby names with their meanings and additional information. It will surely help you pick the perfect name for the latest member of your family.

Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex A flat, shallow container used to hold or carry items
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A man with strong arms; One who trains
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Town full of trees
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A small or little person as strong as iron
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A white skinned person
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A way or path to walk
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Collection of greatly valued items
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy The delight of a person
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Strong; Brave
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy walking heavily or destructively
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy The walk of a strong warrior
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A black woman who strives to educate the superstitious community
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Adventurous and independent
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl The images of a journey
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is from a big town
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is from a big town near the woods
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A dignified or a trustworthy advisor
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A sensitive, elegant, and humanly person
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy The town beside the Trent river
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Approachable and independent
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Gushing waters
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A swift person, one who dwells near the swift stream
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy From the town near Trent River
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl The river Trent, swift river
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Trent's town
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Fashionable; Confident; Unique
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who lives by the bridge of a tree
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is loyal or faithful to his partner
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A faithful or loyal woman
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl delicate, fairylike or a sophisticated girl
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A woman with long hair
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Large village or settlement
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A fair town or one from a fair town
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A large homestead; Settlement
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Near the farmstead or Elian
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Surname of Cornish origin
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A fair town near homestead
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is from a large village
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is from a town of good people
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy From a big farm or estate
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A girl from the big farm
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is from the large village
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Fair town
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Someone who is honest, loyal, and trustworthy
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A mark left by the passing of someone; A trail left
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A son born third to the parents
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A third-born son or child
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy The third small child
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Triangle Below Canal Street
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Haul up and fasten with a rope
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Trigger of a gun
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Gentle; Soft; Harmonious
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A noble daughter of a bald man
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Beloved; Loyal; Trustworthy
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl The third niece, pretty
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is on a travel
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A traveller, always travelling
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy the town of a traveller
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A noble girl
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl An agitated noise or outcry; Arthurian knight
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A rhyming noise, full of sorrows
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A virgin girl; A pure girl
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A virtuous pure virgin girl
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy The weighing machine
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is from the tropical climate
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is the son of Troit
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A messenger
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A channel constructed by trees
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A bridge of timber and woods
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A connection made by trees
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Genuine; Real
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Genuine; Authentic; Accurate; Factual; Real
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex fact or reality; genuine, authentic, or sincere
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl One with the truth of whole heart
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Honest and trust worthy
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is the loyal one
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Honest perdon from Dell
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy From a farm that is very close to someone
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Dry resinous wood; River bend
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A person who always visits his dear one's farm
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Who is small in appearance but loyal
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A person who always speaks the truth
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who has a great influence on many
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Faithful man
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A trustworthy and faithful man
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A truthful and good natured person
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A firm and strong man
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy The person who is sturdy and powerful
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A bold and confident individual
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Mightyful or full of strength
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Who is full of goods
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy The one who is having great power
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A man who tells the truth
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Possessing huge power
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A focused and desirable person
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Occupational name of a trumpeter
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A practical, focused individual
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A spontaneous individual who enjoys life
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Responsible and mature person
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Time traveler; Drink; Tree trunk

English baby names have created a loyal audience worldwide. New parents all over the world are attracted to these names due to their timeless allure and the ability to morph into recent trends. These names are rooted in history, literature, royalty, and pop culture. They show versatility in their variety and meanings. English baby names, originally from England, have now traveled across the globe to reach new shores. Moreover, they have also assimilated the quirks of other languages and included their names.

Infographic: Eloquent English Baby Names With Meanings

English baby names have been around for a long time. They have also morphed to become new names that are now famous all over the world. New parents are enamored of these names because of their classic feel. Take a look at this infographic to get endearing English baby names for your little one.

enchanting english names for your newborn (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What customs and traditions are associated with English baby names?

English naming customs typically involve three elements - a given name, a middle name (s), and a family name. The British follow a patrilineal naming system where the child inherits their father's family name. However, following the patrilineal naming system is not mandatory. Instead, parents have the freedom to choose their child's last name. Some parents could also give their child the mother's last name. In contrast, others may provide both mother and father surnames in a hyphenated form, reflecting the flexibility in English naming traditions and customs.

2. How do English baby names reflect a person's heritage?

English naming conventions are diverse, encompassing people from different religions, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds. Many parents may opt for names that mirror their ethnic and cultural connections. For example, parents of Irish heritage may choose titles like Liam. On the other hand, those of Greek origin might opt for names like Sophia or Alexander. Parents may also pick names that reflect their regional heritage. For example, Devon and Kent are names inspired by specific regions or places within England. Furthermore, many families pass down names from one generation to another or choose monikers inspired by literary and historical figures.


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Old English.
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Dishaa D

Dishaa DMBA, Numerologist, Reiki Grandmaster, Astrologist

Dishaa D is a numerologist and the founder of AskDishaa based in Chandigarh, India. Her professional journey in the mystical arts commenced in 2008, and she offers consultations by integrating tarot, astrology, and numerology. Dishaa's interest in occult sciences started as a curiosity, which evolved into a comprehensive exploration. She is known for her pragmatic approach, enlightening clients about their...read full bio