146 Lebanese Baby Names Steeped In History

Many families of Lebanese descent take great pride in choosing Lebanese baby names for their newborns, honoring their cultural heritage. Naming the newborn baby is one of the first and most important responsibilities of a parent. Most parents today look for a classic and traditional name, just to be on the safe side. But if you don’t want your baby’s name to drown in the crowd, you have to step out of your comfort zone and pick a name from a different culture or country. Lebanon is a Middle Eastern country that is located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The culture of the nation is predominantly viewed as conservative and the people deeply value traditional Arab customs (1). Due to this reason, the naming customs and conventions of Lebanon are similar to that of Arabic. Names derived from the Holy Quran are a favorite, followed by Biblical and names inspired by locations. But that doesn’t mean Western names are not used in Lebanon. Anthony was the top name for baby boys in Lebanon last year. A typical Lebanese name consists of a personal name, followed by the father’s personal name and grandfather’s personal name or family name. Lebanese names are not chosen just for their meanings but the sound and flow of the name also play a significant role. The Lebanese naming convention, just like the Arabic naming convention, contains five elements. They are the ‘ism,’ which is a personal or a given name bestowed upon the baby after birth or on the third or seventh day after birth. The second element is the ‘kunya,’ which is an honorific name, and the third is the ‘nasab,’ or the pedigree name. The fourth element is the ‘laqab,’ usually a combination of religious words constituting a byname, and lastly, ‘nisba,’ which can be occupational, geographical, or of descent, indicating the ancestry of an individual. Traditionally, a Lebanese woman does not change her name upon marriage, but she may adopt her husband’s family name. It’s totally upon her. Take a look at our list of Lebanon baby names with meanings. We’re pretty sure you’ll find the one you are looking for from this list.

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Baby Girl Sign Girl Noble; nobility
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Ruler; Prince; Commander
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Torch; Bright shining light
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Night; Born at night
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Rich; Princess
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The almighty is gracious
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Affection
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Right-handed; Blessed
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Awakening
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Beautiful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Soldier; Protector; Universal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Variant of Idris; One who instructs or teaches
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Light
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of God; Servant of Allah
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Enlarging
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A newborn baby ; Of tender age
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Enlarging or abundance
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Narration of story of God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who deeply loves God and shares light
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Daisy flower; Excellence
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A prominent personality; A chief or leader
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A successor
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Rescue; Seeking shelter
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman with a fascinating and enchanting personality
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The bringer of good news
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Pillar; Support; Mainstay
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Baby Girl Sign Girl The walls of the house of Kaaba
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One of the names of the Prophet; Pious; True believer
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Princess; Beautiful as a princess
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who spreads light
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is noble and lovable
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A passionate and enthusiastic human being
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Badge of honor
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Hope; Aspiration; Work
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Lebanese version of Alexander; Defender of mankind
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A brave, bold, and courageous man
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Bright and shining
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A leader, king, or lord; One who is beneficence
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is forgiving
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A man who is superior and commands respect
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Baby Girl Sign Girl From the ancient times
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Advice; Testament; Counsel
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Alive; She who lives
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Recollection; Memory; Remembrance, Thoughts of the past
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Beautiful and bright
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Flower or blossom
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A well-dressed woman
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who believes Yahweh is the Lord
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Arbitrator in Lebanese; Successful; Triumphant
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Lebanon surname
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Light and deity
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has a Saint's name
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A successful, elegant, and royal being
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Brightness; Light; Radiance; Bringer of happiness
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Unity; Oneness; Harmony
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Someone important; A servant of the mighty
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Beautiful and healthy
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A fair and beautiful girl
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Worthy of praise
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A beautiful and fair god or goddess
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Refers to Qutb-Ud-Din Aibak; Slave or messenger
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A person who is broad-minded
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A young and handsome bloke
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Lightning, shining or fast.
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Jupiter or a star of the sixth sky
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Baby Girl Sign Girl To be proud of something
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Sleek; Smooth; Tender
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Baby Boy Sign Boy My father is joy
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Everlasting; Permanent
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Attraction; Charm; Fascination
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Lebanese variation of Jesus; Devoted to God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy An eloquent person
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Wide open or a wave of music
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Baby Girl Sign Girl High; Lofty; Elevated; Tall
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A prosperous, rich, and well-settled boy
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Passion; Fondness; Desire or longing
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Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is victorious and successful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Ghafran is an attributive name of prophet Muhammad; Absolution; Salvation
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Strong and powerful person
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Liberty; Generosity; Munificence
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is happy and cheerful and leads a comfortable life
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Consideration; Deliberation; Depth
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Saffron; Yellow color
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Baby Girl Sign Girl World; Universe
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who lives life with zeal, ardor and enthusiasm
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Friends; Ones who always stay together
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is brave, courageous and bold
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Baby Girl Sign Girl One with a sense of honor
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Angel or a black eyed heavenly nymph
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Baby Girl Sign Girl One who keeps her faith alive
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has a splendid or magnificent personality
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Miracle; Astonishment; Magnanimity
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is chosen; Elected or approved
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A man with good demeanor and moral virtues
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A variant of Imad; Pillar or support
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Safety; Protection; Shelter; Refuge
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Shining; Brilliant; Gittering; Glistening
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is humble and modest
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is brave, bold and courageous
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Lebanese baby names are often traditional in nature inspired by the Holy Quran or famous Biblical characters. However, names inspired by other cultures and regions are also adopted by Lebanese parents. Being a conservative nation, Lebanese names follow the Arabic naming practice which consists of five different naming elements. Lebanese names are also deeply intertwined with family ties due to the specific format they follow, emphasizing the incorporation of personal names, father's names, and grandfather's names, creating a strong familial connection.

Infographic: Enigmatic Lebanese Baby Names With Meanings

Lebanese baby names are captivating and striking because of their strong religious connections. Parents put much thought into choosing names for their children, often favoring ones that encapsulate powerful traits to instill a sense of pride and self-identity in their children. Discover some of these thoughtful names in this infographic below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some traditional or cultural Lebanese baby names?

Traditional or cultural Lebanese baby names encompass Rana (meaning beautiful or eye-catching), Ziad (meaning abundance or growth), Layla (meaning night), and Jamil (meaning handsome or attractive).

2. What are some unique Lebanese baby names?

Unique Lebanese baby names encompass Nour (signifying light), Elie (meaning my God is help), Hani (meaning happy), and Imad (support or pillar).

3. How do Lebanese baby names differ from other Arabic baby names?

Lebanese baby names stand out from other Arabic names by embracing influences from Lebanon's diverse heritage. With a mix of French, Phoenician, regional, and Arabic roots, they create a distinct naming tradition that reflects the country's rich history and cultural fusion.

4. How do parents in Lebanon typically choose their baby's name?

In Lebanon, parents usually choose their baby's name by picking a gender-specific given name, while the surname is given by the grandparents. This traditional approach highlights the significance of parental choice and family lineage in the naming process.

5. Who are some religious or historical figures that influence Lebanese baby names?

Lebanese baby names can be influenced by religious or historical figures, such as Maryam (a wished-for child), Youssef (he will add), and Khadija (the wife of Prophet Muhammad). These names bear the influence of revered individuals, reflecting Lebanon's cultural and religious heritage.

6. How have Lebanese baby names evolved over time?

Lebanese baby names have undergone changes influenced by historical, cultural, and global trends. While traditional names with Arabic and religious origins continue to be favored, Lebanon's multiculturalism and modern influences have expanded the array of naming choices available to parents in the country.

7. What are some gender-neutral Lebanese baby names?

Gender-neutral Lebanese baby names that are popular include Dana (meaning wise or knowing), Joud (meaning generosity), and Amal (meaning hope or aspiration).

8. Have any Lebanese baby names gained popularity outside of Lebanon?

Names like Aaliyah (meaning high and lofty), Amir (meaning prince or commander), and Hasan (meaning handsome) have become increasingly popular in various countries due to their melodic sounds, cultural appeal, and positive meanings.

9. What is the process of legally registering a baby's name in Lebanon?

The process of legally registering a baby's name in Lebanon involves several steps. Parents must obtain a birth certificate from the municipality or the National Registry Office, provide required documentation, such as the parents' identification papers, and submit the chosen name (2).


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  1. Lebanese Culture.
Trisha worked as a schoolteacher for three years before taking up professional writing in 2021. She completed her masters in English from the University of Calcutta and bachelors in Education from the University of Burdwan.

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Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

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Nisha Bharatan is a writer with six years of experience. After completing her engineering from Savitribai Phule Pune University, she did content marketing courses to complement her interest in writing. Nisha discovered her passion for writing in 2016 when she started documenting her journey into motherhood.

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