102 Baby Names That Mean Devotee


Baby names meaning devotee are a unique category that parents may choose from for their little one. As you embark on the cherished journey of selecting a beautiful and meaningful name for your child, we bring you a myriad of options to consider. While giving your child a name with a beautiful ring is important, giving him or her a name with real depth might be more vital. And one of the most beautiful meanings to consider is a devotee.

Devotee or even devotion is a profound word in its true sense. On the exterior, a devotee may mean an enthusiast, admirer, or student of any subject. But on a deeper level, a devotee is one who has a firm intention and determination to learn and practice the teachings in their purest essence. Devotion is the driving force behind a devotee. It's a devotion that motivates devotees to undergo all kinds of hardship so that they can be the best in their job.

Giving your child a name, meaning devotee, will help them be righteous and guide them toward an optimistic future. Also, a name embodying devotion could serve as a constant reminder of the cherished qualities of divinity and spirituality. Some potential names associated with the meaning devotee for your little bundle of joy include, Aghaghna, a masculine name that can be translated to mean a devotee to God who is righteous, dutiful, committed, loyal, pious, spiritual, faithful and sincere. Jasbhagat, is another phonetically pleasing name translated to mean 'devotee who sings God's praises' or 'a worshiper who adores God with his songs' and Taanusiya, a beautiful feminine name meaning 'a great devotee' or 'enthusiastic about someone or something.' So peruse through our list of baby names meaning devotee and select the best one for your kiddo.

heart image Yokanathan Baby Boy Sign Boy Devotee
heart image Zaahid Baby Boy Sign Boy Ascetic; Abstemious; Devotee; Hermit
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Baby names meaning devotee are unique and wonderful in their own right. Names that make up this category have a profound spiritual meaning. They are the first step a parent can take to lead their child toward righteousness and spirituality. Moreover, the morals parents instill in the child at a young age will influence their decisions later in life. Skim through the list of names we have compiled to give you a better idea and understanding of the potential names you can assign your child with the meaning devotee.

Infographic: Spiritual Baby Names Meaning Devotee

Baby names that mean 'devotee' are usually chosen by parents who lead a spiritual life. They tend to choose such a name for their child because they wish their child to follow in their footsteps and lead a life of servitude to God. If you’re inspired to bless your little one with a name meaning devotee, check out our informative infographic below.

pious baby names meaning devotee (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any gender-neutral names that mean 'devotee'?

Yes, there are gender-neutral names meaning 'devotee.' Bhakti is a Sanskrit name that translates to 'devotion' and can be used for both boys and girls. Malone is an English name derived from an Irish surname and means 'descendant of a disciple of Saint John.' This name exemplifies the concept of devotion through its historical association with discipleship and can be used for both boys and girls.

2. What are the origins of some names that mean 'devotee'?

Names that mean 'devotee' have diverse origins, reflecting the rich linguistic and cultural tapestry of the world. For instance, the name Asenath finds its roots in Ancient Egypt, signifying someone 'devoted to the goddess Neith.' In Greek, the name Therapon carries the meaning of 'servant' or 'worshipper,' denoting a devoted individual. Moving to Sanskrit, the name Namita is derived from the word 'namita,' which means 'bowed' or 'bent down'. It encompasses humility, modesty, and devotion.

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