220 Baby Names That Mean Song


Baby names that mean song embody the power of music to inspire, uplift, and connect. Whether you are depressed, moody, sad, happy, joyous, or ecstatic, there are songs for every mood. Songs touch our hearts and evoke memories. They help us express ourselves when we cannot translate our feelings into words. Even the most cynical human enjoys songs, rap, hip-hop, or classical renditions. Songs have the power to instantly change our mood from miserable to euphoric. We just have to select the right track and hit the play button. If you love songs, there are several creative ways to impart that interest to your child. One of the easiest ways is to give your child a name meaning song. Names such as these connect harmoniously to music, a universal language transcending cultures, time, and emotions. The art of song has been an integral part of human expression since time immemorial. It is often said that music's origin coincides with that of spoken language. Songs were one of the earliest forms of communication. People wove stories, feelings, and memories into lyrical melodies. Every nationality, language, culture, and society has its own distinct variety of music, making it a part of people’s identity. Baby names that mean song are as soothing, rhythmic, pleasant, and musical as a song. The act of naming shapes an individual's identity and embodies their potential. A name with the essence of a song not only celebrates the timeless allure of music but also serves as a reminder of the rhythmic cadence of life itself. In this collection, names are more than labels; they are lyrical expressions that hold the power to create connections. Join us on this enchanting journey as we navigate the harmonious landscape of baby names meaning ‘song,’ celebrating the everlasting impact of music on our lives and identities. Take a look at our options below.

heart image Shirom Baby Girl Sign Girl My song
heart image Shirra Baby Girl Sign Girl The song that belongs to her
heart image Shirrina Baby Girl Sign Girl This is my little song
heart image Sonnet Baby Girl Sign Girl She is like a little song
heart image Tailah Baby Boy Sign Boy Praise; Song; Earth
heart image Taranah Baby Girl Sign Girl A harmonic song
heart image Taraneh Baby Girl Sign Girl A song
heart image Tehila Baby Girl Sign Girl Song of praise
heart image Tehilla Baby Girl Sign Girl Songs of God's glory
heart image Tehillah Baby Girl Sign Girl A praise song
heart image Wambui Baby Girl Sign Girl The singer of songs
heart image Wrenn Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Small songbird
heart image Zaley Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Sea strength; Genre of music of the Zarma and Songhay people of Niger
heart image Zamir Baby Boy Sign Boy Songbird
heart image Zamirah Baby Girl Sign Girl Song; Melody
heart image Zaron Unisex Baby Sign Unisex New beginnings; Sweetness of song
heart image Zemirah Baby Girl Sign Girl Song of joy
heart image Zemora Baby Girl Sign Girl Song of praise
heart image Zim Baby Boy Sign Boy My Song; My joy; Song of Joy; A contracted form of the name Zimran
heart image Zimra Baby Boy Sign Boy The song of praise
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Baby names that mean song represent the universal language of music, which channels stories, emotions, and connections. Opting for a name that means song pays homage to the timeless resonance of melodies. These names infuse human existence with rhythm and resonance. Regardless of your culture or nationality, you will likely find a name that embodies song and music. These names go beyond mere labels; they transcend cultural boundaries and echo through generations.

Infographic: Soothing Baby Names That Mean Song

Baby names imbued with the essence of song transcend language and culture, echoing the universal language of music. Choosing a name meaning ‘song’ is embracing the harmonious melodies that resonate through life's journey, infusing every step with rhythm and joy. Dive into the infographic below for such names and select a sweet-sounding one for your child.

rhythmic names meaning song for your adorable baby (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some baby names that mean music?

Kanata is a unisex name of Japanese origin composed of the elements kana, meaning 'music,' and ta, meaning 'many.' Zimri is a biblical masculine name meaning 'my music.' Wakana is a feminine name derived from the Japanese 'wa' meaning 'harmony, peace' and 'kana' meaning 'play music, complete.'

2. Are there any Spanish baby names that mean 'song'?

Spanish baby names meaning 'song' include Carmen, the Medieval Spanish form of Carmel, and Udelia, a feminine name of Hebrew origin meaning 'song' or 'praise God.'

3. Are there any Japanese baby names that mean 'song'?

There are numerous Japanese baby names meaning 'song.' Examples include Eita, derived from ei, meaning compose, poem, recite, song, and ta, meaning 'frequent, many, much.' Utazou combines uta, meaning 'song, poetry,' and zou, meaning 'Three.' Rikuei is derived from riku, which means 'land,' and ei, which means 'poem, recite, song.'

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