A List Of Postpartum Period Perks New Moms Might Miss

Bringing a new life into the world is a transformative and rewarding journey. While the postpartum period often comes with its own set of challenges, there are some wonderful perks that new moms might overlook. Here in this article, we explore some of these often-underappreciated postpartum period perks that can make a world of difference for new mothers.

In This Article

1. Getting To Wear Pajamas All Day

For many new moms, the thought of lounging around in comfy pajamas all day is a dream come true. During the postpartum period, you have the perfect excuse to embrace this cozy attire. It’s not just about the comfort; it’s a well-deserved break from the usual hustle and bustle.

2. Having Bigger Boobs

The postpartum period often brings an unexpected perk – an increase in breast size. While some may view this as a mere side effect, it’s a natural part of the breastfeeding journey. It’s a perk that can make you feel more confident and powerful in your new role as a mom.

3. Having Guilt-Free Permission To Eat

As a new mom, you’re on a mission to nourish both yourself and your baby. This means that you get a guilt-free pass to indulge in your favorite foods. It’s not just about the enjoyment; it’s about replenishing your energy and ensuring your body has all it needs to recover and feed your little one.

4. A Divine First Postpartum Meal

Your first postpartum meal after giving birth can be a glorious experience. Whether it’s a homemade meal prepared by a loved one or something from your favorite restaurant, it’s a taste of heaven. It’s a well-deserved reward after your incredible journey.

5. Having Someone Wait On You During The Postpartum Period

Having Someone Wait On You During The Postpartum Period

Image: Shutterstock

During the postpartum period, it’s your time to shine, and you have an entire support system at your disposal. Whether it’s your partner, family, or friends, you have a team ready to cater to your needs. Take advantage of this period to rest and rejuvenate.

6. Having Permission To Take It Easy

One of the beautiful perks of the postpartum period is the universal understanding that you need to take it easy. You don’t have to worry about chores, work, or anything that doesn’t directly involve taking care of your baby. It’s a rare opportunity to prioritize self-care.

7. Family And Friends Checking In During The Postpartum Period

The postpartum period often brings an outpouring of love and support from family and friends. This is a time when your loved ones reach out to check on you, offer their assistance, and provide comforting words. Embrace this incredible network of people who are there to celebrate your new journey.

8. More Hands On Deck

There’s an abundance of helping hands during this period. Whether it’s changing diapers, feeding the baby, or simply offering a shoulder to lean on, you have an entire team of caregivers. It’s a time when you’re not alone in your parenting journey.

9. Family Time During The Postpartum Period

The postpartum period provides a unique opportunity for quality family time. Your partner and other children (if you have them) can bond with the new addition, creating beautiful memories together. These moments are precious and help strengthen family bonds.

10. The Magic Of Starting A New Journey With The Baby

The Magic Of Starting A New Journey With The Baby

Image: Shutterstock

Perhaps the most significant postpartum period perk is the magic of beginning a new journey with your baby. This is a time when you can experience the awe of watching your little one grow and develop. Every day is a new adventure, filled with love, learning, and endless joy.

11. Learning Patience And Flexibility

The postpartum period can be a valuable lesson in patience and flexibility. From sleepless nights to unexpected challenges, you’ll find yourself adapting and embracing the unpredictable nature of parenthood. This skill of patience and flexibility becomes an invaluable asset in your journey as a new mom and beyond.

12. An Instant Connection With Other Moms

One of the lesser-recognized perks of the postpartum period is the instant connection you’ll have with other moms. Whether you’re chatting at a mommy-and-me class or sharing your experiences online, the sense of camaraderie with fellow new moms can be a wonderful and supportive part of your journey.

13. Cherishing Small Moments

In the midst of all the baby-related tasks and routines, the postpartum period allows you to slow down and cherish the smallest of moments. From your baby’s first smile to their adorable coos, these tiny but precious moments create lasting memories and remind you of the beauty of motherhood.

While the postpartum period comes with its share of challenges, it’s essential to recognize the many perks that often go unnoticed. From cozy pajamas to divine postpartum meals, from the support of friends and family to the incredible bonding moments with your baby, these perks make the postpartum period a time to cherish and savor. Embrace the beauty of this journey, for it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will leave you with precious memories and a heart full of love.

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