A List Of Reasons That Might Not Make You Completely Love The Newborn Phase

Bringing a newborn into your life is an absolute whirlwind of emotions and experiences. While it’s a magical and transformative time, let’s be real — those early days with a newborn come with their fair share of challenges. It’s perfectly okay if you find yourself not entirely enamored with the newborn phase. There are valid reasons why this period might not feel like an Instagram-worthy journey. Let’s delve into why it’s alright to have mixed feelings about this phase of parenthood. Read on!

1. Sleep Deprivation Is Real

Sleep Deprivation Is Real

Image: Shutterstock

Those sleepless nights? They’re no joke! Your little one’s sleep schedule is all over the place, and that means yours is too. It’s tough when every yawn feels like a medal of honor.

2. The Constant Crying Can Be Overwhelming

Babies cry a lot! And sometimes, you can’t figure out why. It’s like solving a mystery without clues. The constant crying can get overwhelming, and it’s okay if you find it hard to handle.

3. Feeding Woes Are Stressful

Feeding time isn’t always smooth sailing. From latching problems to figuring out how much they need, it can feel like a guessing game. The stress levels can skyrocket when feeding becomes a challenge.

4. Diaper Changes Become A Marathon

You’ll probably set a personal record for the number of diaper changes in a day. And trust us, that smell isn’t the highlight of your day. It’s alright if you don’t find changing diapers the most enjoyable task.

5. No Me-Time Feels Draining

No Me-Time Feels Draining

Image: Shutterstock

Your days suddenly revolve around this tiny human. Finding time for yourself? It feels like searching for a mythical creature. The lack of “me-time” can be draining, and it’s okay if you miss that alone time.

6. Constant Worries About Doing It Right

Am I doing this parenting thing right? It’s a question that probably crosses your mind a hundred times a day. The constant worry about making mistakes or not being good enough can be overwhelming.

7. The Loss Of Independence Stings

Remember those spontaneous outings or even a quiet dinner? Yeah, they seem like a distant memory now. The loss of independence can sting a bit, and it’s okay to miss your pre-baby freedom.

8. Postpartum Changes Are Tough

Let’s talk about the postpartum changes. Your body is going through a rollercoaster of changes, and it’s not always a smooth ride. Dealing with these changes while caring for a newborn can feel like a lot to handle.

9. The Pressure To Feel Blissful

Everyone expects you to be over the moon with joy, but truth be told, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Feeling pressured to always feel ecstatic about this phase can add to the stress.

10. It’s Okay To Not Love Every Moment

It's Okay To Not Love Every Moment

Image: Shutterstock

In the midst of all this, you might hear, “Cherish every moment, it goes by fast.” But reality check: not every moment is Instagram-worthy. It’s alright if you don’t feel love for every second.

11. Impact On Career And Finances

The newborn phase might affect your career and finances. Balancing work commitments with childcare, along with potential financial adjustments, can be stressful. It’s alright if this causes concern or requires adaptation.

12. Changes In Social Relationships

Friendships and social circles might change. Some friends may understand your new phase of life, while others might drift away. Adapting to these changes in relationships is a natural part of this journey.

Dealing With The Mixed Feeling About The Newborn Phase

Dealing With The Mixed Feeling About The Newborn Phase

Image: Shutterstock

1. Remember, It’s Temporary

Here’s the thing, it’s okay to not love every bit of the newborn phase because guess what? It’s just a phase. It’s not forever. Things will change, and they’ll get better.

2. You’re Doing A Great Job

Amidst all the chaos, remind yourself that you’re doing an incredible job. It’s alright to not love every bit of this phase. What matters most is that you’re there, doing your best for your little one.

3. Seeking Help Doesn’t Mean You’re Failing

If it gets overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek help. Asking for support doesn’t make you a failure; it shows your strength in recognizing when you need assistance.

4. It’s About Survival Mode

It's About Survival Mode

Image: Shutterstock

Surviving the newborn phase is the name of the game. Sometimes, just making it through the day is a win. And you know what? That’s perfectly okay!

5. Embrace The Ups And Downs

Accept that it’s alright not to adore every moment of the newborn phase. Embrace the ups and downs, knowing that it’s all part of this wild and beautiful journey called parenthood.

In the midst of the whirlwind that is the newborn phase, it’s essential to remind yourselves that having mixed feelings is absolutely valid. Parenting, especially during this phase, isn’t always picture-perfect, and that’s okay. You’re navigating through uncharted waters, learning, growing, and adapting every step of the way. Even on those challenging days when doubt creeps in, remember that you’re doing an incredible job. Embrace the journey, celebrate the victories — big or small — and know that you’re not alone. Keep persevering, because each day, you’re writing your own unique story of parenthood, and that, in itself, is truly remarkable.

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