A List Of Things Today’s Kids Can Pick Up From The 90s Generation

Hey there, parents of gen Z kids! You know, the 90s were a whole different world, especially for kids. As a parent from that time, we can vouch that those days seemed relatively simpler, and there’s a bunch of cool stuff from that era that your kids could learn from. Here’s a peek at what you can pick up from the lifestyle of the 90s kids and parenting style. Read on to explore!

  1. Unplugged Fun

Remember when screens weren’t the kings of entertainment? Yeah, 90s kids were all about outdoor adventures and board games. They knew how to have a blast without needing a Wi-Fi password. Ask your kids to take a leaf from their book and dive into some good old-fashioned fun. Kick a ball, draw with chalk on the sidewalk, or have a board game marathon. There’s a world of joy beyond the glow of screens.

  1. Patience

Image: Shutterstock

Back then, instant gratification wasn’t really a thing. Dial-up internet? You’d understand the meaning of patience if you’d heard that sound! 90s kids waited for things—be it a favorite TV show airing at a specific time or a song on the radio. Today, everything’s a click away. But learning to wait teaches you that good things are worth it. So, next time your kids are impatient, tell them about  the dial-up days and take a breather.

  1. Creativity

The 90s were a hub of creativity. No YouTube tutorials or instant filters. Kids used imagination as their superpower. From making up games on the spot to DIY crafts without Pinterest, they soared with their creative wings. Try stepping into that world — paint, build, invent, and help your child’s creativity run wild. Who knows what amazing things your child might create?

  1. Face-To-Face Fun
Face-To-Face Fun

Image: Shutterstock

Texting wasn’t really a thing; you’d just ring a doorbell and hang out with friends. Crazy, right? 90s kids bonded face-to-face, and there’s something magical about that. So, sometimes ask your child to put that phone down, and have a good old chat with their pals. The real, in-person kind. They might discover a whole new side of their friends!

  1. Cherishing The Simple Joys

Ever heard of film cameras? 90s kids had them! No Snapchat filters, just a click and a wait for your photos. But oh, the excitement when you got them developed! They knew how to cherish simple moments because capturing memories wasn’t as instant. Take a snapshot of this — slow down, savor moments, and help your kids create memories that are worth more than a thousand Instagram likes.

  1. Embracing Imperfection
Embracing Imperfection

Image: Shutterstock

Mistakes were part of the game. Remember cassette tapes? If they got tangled, you’d patiently rewind them with a pencil. 90s kids knew how to handle imperfections. So, don’t forget to remind your children to not stress over everything being perfect. They can embrace the tangled tapes of life, learn from the mess-ups, and move forward stronger.

  1. Resourcefulness

Hand-me-downs were gold! 90s kids knew how to make the most of what they had. They turned cardboard boxes into forts, and old clothes into dress-up costumes. It’s not about having the shiniest new thing; it’s about what you do with what you’ve got. So, teach your kids to get creative, repurpose, and turn the ordinary into extraordinary.

  1. Nature’s Playground
Nature's Playground

Image: Shutterstock

90s kids were outdoor explorers. They roamed the streets, climbed trees, and played until the streetlights came on. Nature was their playground. Today, it’s easy to get lost in the virtual world, but remind your child to take a cue from them — explore the outdoors, breathe in fresh air, and let nature be your playmate.

  1. Mindful Moments

There were no constant pings or notifications; 90s kids lived in the moment. They were fully present without distractions. Ask your kids to try switching off for a bit — enjoy a meal without scrolling, listen to the birds chirping, or just take a quiet moment to appreciate the world around them. Mindfulness is a superpower; teach your kids to practice it.

  1. The Joy Of Sharing
The Joy Of Sharing

Image: Shutterstock

90s kids knew the joy of sharing. From swapping Pokémon cards to trading toys, they understood that sharing doubles the fun. So, ask your kids to share a snack, swap stories, or lend a hand to a friend in need. Sharing brings smiles all around.

  1. DIY Mentality

90s kids were DIY masters. They fixed bikes, sewed buttons, and knew how to MacGyver things. Learning some basic DIY skills can be empowering. You can encourage your kids to try fixing something around the house or creating something from scratch — they might feel like they are their own superhero!

  1. Handwritten Communication
Handwritten Communication

Image: Shutterstock

Letters were the texting of the 90s. Writing letters or cards shows you care. Ask your kids to try sending a handwritten note to a loved one — it’s personal and heartfelt.

  1. Thriftiness And Savings

90s kids learned the value of saving up for something they wanted. Pocket money didn’t magically multiply, so they learned to budget and save. You can also teach your kids to save a bit from their allowance or gifts — watching their savings grow is bound to make them happy!

In a nutshell, there’s a treasure trove of timeless lessons waiting for you from the 90s. Take a stroll down memory lane, embrace the best bits, and sprinkle them into your world. Remember, it’s not about living in the past; it’s about picking up the gems and shining them anew in today’s world.

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