A List Of Things You Should Not Be Ashamed Of Doing As A Mother

Motherhood is a journey filled with joy, love, and countless challenges. As a mom, it’s easy to find yourself constantly apologizing for various aspects of your parenting journey. But here’s the truth, there are some things moms should never apologize for. Let’s break down these guilt-inducing situations and why you should embrace them unapologetically. Read on!

In This Article

1. Needing A Break

Moms, it’s okay to admit that you need a break. Parenting is a demanding job, and it’s essential to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for your well-being and, by extension, your family’s. So, don’t apologize for needing some “me time” to recharge.

2. The Parenting Choices You Make

Every family is unique, and so are your parenting choices. Whether you co-sleep, bottle-feed, or practice attachment parenting, your choices are personal and should be respected. Don’t apologize for doing what you believe is best for your child, as long as it’s safe and loving.

3. Canceling Or Saying No To Plans Or Playdates

Canceling Or Saying No To Plans Or Playdates

Image: Shutterstock

Life as a mom can be unpredictable. Sometimes, your child gets sick, or you simply need a day at home. It’s perfectly acceptable to cancel plans or say no to playdates when necessary. Prioritizing your family’s needs is nothing to apologize for. Your true friends and well-wishers will understand.

4. Breastfeeding In Public

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby. If you choose to breastfeed in public, don’t apologize for it. Many countries have laws protecting a mother’s right to breastfeed in public spaces. Your baby’s needs come first, and there’s no need to feel ashamed for providing them with the best nutrition.

5. Indulging In Occasional Treats

Enjoying occasional treats is not a crime. Motherhood doesn’t mean you have to forgo all indulgences. As long as you’re responsible and not endangering your or your child’s health, there’s no need to apologize for occasionally indulging in not-so-healthy treats.

6. Your Baby Acting Like A Baby

Your Baby Acting Like A Baby

Image: Shutterstock

Babies cry, they fuss, and they make a mess. That’s just what babies do. You should never feel the need to apologize for your baby acting like a baby. It’s part of their development, and you’re doing a fantastic job in meeting their needs and guiding them through this phase.

7. Not Sharing Toys

Teaching your child about sharing is important, but it’s also essential to recognize that not every situation calls for sharing. If your child is playing with a cherished toy or needs some space, it’s perfectly fine to explain to other parents and children why sharing isn’t possible at that moment. You’re helping your child learn boundaries.

8. You Or The House Is A Mess

A messy house or an imperfect appearance is a reality for most moms. You’re juggling parenting, work, and household responsibilities, which can be overwhelming at times. Don’t apologize for the mess. Embrace it as a symbol of a home filled with love and a life well-lived.

9. Not Letting Everyone Hold The Baby

Everyone Hold The Baby

Image: Shutterstock

Your baby is precious, and you have every right to decide who holds them. Don’t feel obligated to pass your baby around to everyone who wants a turn. Trust your instincts and prioritize your baby’s comfort and safety over others’ expectations.

10. Being Late

Moms have a lot on their plates, and sometimes, being fashionably late is the best you can manage. Life with children can be unpredictable, and getting everyone ready and out the door on time can be a Herculean task. Don’t apologize for being a few minutes late; chances are, others will understand.

11. Letting Your Kids Have Screen Time

In today’s digital age, screen time is almost inevitable for children. While moderation is key, there’s no need to apologize for allowing your kids some screen time. Educational apps and shows can be beneficial and provide much-needed moments of quiet and relaxation for both you and your child.

12. Sharing Pictures Of Your Kids Or Talking About Them

Pictures Of Your Kids Or Talking About Them

Image: Shutterstock

You’re proud of your children, and you have every right to share your joy with friends and family. Whether you’re posting pictures on social media or gushing about your child’s latest achievements, don’t apologize for it. Just be mindful of your audience’s interest level.

13. Feeling All The Feelings

Motherhood is a rollercoaster of emotions. You’ll experience moments of sheer happiness, frustration, exhaustion, and everything in between. It’s okay to feel all the feelings, and you should never apologize for having them. Emotions are a natural part of being human.

14. Asking For Help

Last but not least, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Whether it’s seeking support from your partner, family, or friends, or even seeking professional help when needed, don’t apologize for reaching out. Motherhood is a team effort, and it’s okay to lean on others when you need it.

Being a mom is a journey filled with ups and downs, and it’s perfectly normal to experience these moments without feeling the need to apologize. Embrace the choices you make, prioritize self-care, and remember that you’re doing an incredible job. As a mom, you are enough, and you should never apologize for being the wonderful, loving, and imperfect mom that you are.

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