A List Of Unsolicited Comments Strangers Make On Two Kids Under Two

Becoming a parent is an exciting and life-changing journey. However, when you have two kids under two years of age, you might find that strangers become a little more vocal with their opinions. It seems that no matter where you go, you’re likely to encounter unsolicited comments and advice from people. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common comments parents of two kids under two receive from strangers and share some insights on handling these encounters.

In This Article

1. No Two Kids Are The Same

It’s a universal truth in parenting – no two kids are the same. However, this comment from strangers is often delivered as if it’s a novel revelation. Parents of two little ones under two years old frequently hear this phrase, which may seem like an attempt at consolation for the challenging times they may be facing.

The reality is, parents know their children are unique, and it’s a joy to witness their individual personalities, preferences, and milestones develop.

2. Girls Are Good Now, But You’ll Sure Have Your Hands Full When They Get Older!

Girls Are Good Now, But You'll Sure Have Your Hands Full When They Get Older

Image: Shutterstock

It’s astonishing how strangers often think they can predict the future when they observe parents with two young children. The phrase, “Girls are good now, but you’ll sure have your hands full when they get older!” is one of those comments that can leave parents scratching their heads.

Of course, parenting two daughters under two is not a guarantee that they will be more challenging as they grow up. While the teenage years can present unique parenting challenges, it’s essential to remember that each child’s journey is different. Comments like these don’t offer much in the way of valuable advice and can often come across as overly judgmental.

3. With Two Girls Under Two, You Must Have A Lot Of Screaming In Your House

If there’s one thing that can be said about having two kids under two, it’s that there’s never a dull moment. Strangers who make comments about screaming and chaos are not entirely wrong, but the comment can still be a bit unsettling for parents who are already dealing with their fair share of challenges.

It’s important to remember that kids at this age are naturally curious, energetic, and expressive. They haven’t yet learned to filter their emotions or communicate as effectively as older children or adults. While there may be moments of commotion, there are also countless moments of joy, laughter, and love that make it all worthwhile.

4. They Are Really Close In Age; Was It Planned?

They Are Really Close In Age; Was It Planned

Image: Shutterstock

In a society where family planning has become more individualized, some strangers still find it surprising when they meet parents with two kids under two who are close in age. The question, “They are really close in age. Was it planned?” is one that parents often encounter.

This question can sometimes be invasive, as it touches on personal family planning decisions. Whether the age gap between your children was intentional or not, it’s a matter that should remain between you and your partner. As parents, you know what works best for your family, and that’s what matters most.

5. Are You Going To Try For A Boy? Do You Want A Boy? And Other Boy-Related Questions

For parents of two girls (or two boys) under two years, the comments and questions about having a child of the opposite gender can become tiresome. “Are you going to try for a boy?” or “Do you want a boy?” are among the inquiries that often pop up.

These questions may be well-intentioned, but they can also feel judgmental. The gender of a child is not something that parents can control, and it’s important to remember that love and happiness come from the unique individuals your children are, not their gender. If you have two girls and are perfectly content with your family as it is, there’s no need to justify or explain your choices to anyone.

Handling Unsolicited Comments

Handling Unsolicited Comments

Image: Shutterstock

As a parent, you’ll likely encounter a range of unsolicited comments from strangers, whether you have two kids under two or any other family dynamic. While it’s essential to remain polite and composed in these situations, it’s equally important to remember that you don’t owe anyone an explanation or justification for your family choices.

The best way to deal with unsolicited comments is to smile and respond in a way that makes you feel comfortable. You can choose to engage in a conversation if you feel like it, but you can also politely redirect the conversation or simply thank the person for their input and move on.

Parenting two kids under two is undoubtedly a unique experience, and the unsolicited comments from strangers can be a part of that journey. While these comments may be well-intentioned or merely curious, it’s essential to remember that you are the expert when it comes to your family. Your family choices are personal, and your focus should always be on the well-being and happiness of your children, rather than the opinions of strangers.

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