A List Of Welsh Names For Your Precious Baby

Choosing a name for your little one is a special journey filled with significance. Welsh names offer a unique charm, blending tradition, history, and beautiful meanings. Let’s explore an array of Welsh names — each carrying its own story and allure. Read on to explore the complete list!

In This Article

Welsh Names For Boys

  1. Rhys

Rhys, a name imbued with fervor and enthusiasm, speaks volumes about strength and passion. It mirrors a personality characterized by a spirited, fiery nature, igniting ardor in everything they pursue.

  1. Owain

Embodying the vitality and the exuberance of youth, Owain is a name that radiates energy and vigor, signifying an unyielding zest for life and an enduring sense of youthful enthusiasm.

  1. Ianto

A name meaning ‘gift of God,’ Ianto carries with it a profound sense of divine blessing and grace. It symbolizes a life bestowed with abundant gifts and spiritual favor.

  1. Cadogan

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Cadogan, translating to ‘battle glory,’ epitomizes valor and honor on the battlefield. It speaks of a noble and strong-willed persona, embodying bravery and triumph in the face of adversity.

  1. Efan

The name Efan is derived from ‘God is gracious.’ It encompasses a spirit of gratitude and blessings. It represents someone whose life is a testament to the grace and kindness bestowed by a higher power.

  1. Gareth

Gareth means ‘gentle.’ It reflects a soul imbued with kindness and compassion. It signifies a nurturing nature and a gentle strength that touches lives with empathy.

  1. Idris

Idris denotes a ‘fiery leader’ and encapsulates strength and leadership qualities. It represents someone who leads with passion and determination, inspiring others with their fiery spirit.

  1. Madoc

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The name Madoc means ‘fortunate’ and carries the essence of luck and good fortune. It symbolizes a life touched by serendipity and opportunities that pave the way for prosperity.

  1. Caradoc

Caradoc has its root in ‘beloved’ and represents profound affection and endearment. It embodies the love that binds hearts and signifies a deep connection with those around.

  1. Bran

Bran, translating to ‘raven,’ signifies intelligence and wisdom. The name reflects a sharp mind, an astute understanding, and the ability to navigate life’s complexities with insight.

Welsh Names For Girls

  1. Eira

Eira, representing ‘snow,’ evokes purity and beauty akin to delicate snowflakes. It embodies a pristine charm and an ethereal grace that captivates.

  1. Carys

Carys means ‘love’ and encapsulates the essence of deep affection and tenderness. This name is perfect for a heart that is brimming with love and compassion for others.

  1. Gwen

Gwen, denoting ‘blessed’ or ‘white,’ signifies purity and grace. The name embodies a serene and noble spirit, radiating an aura of divine favor.

  1. Anwen

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Anwen is derived from ‘very fair’ and signifies beauty and fairness. It represents an individual characterized by both inner and outer beauty.

  1. Branwen

Branwen, carrying the meaning of a ‘blessed raven,’ symbolizes divine favor and wisdom. The name represents a persona touched by celestial blessings and possessing remarkable wisdom.

  1. Efa

Efa, finds its roots in ‘life,’ and represents vitality and the essence of existence. It embodies the vibrant energy that breathes life into every moment.

  1. Enid

Enid, signifying ‘spirit,’ embodies a lively and spirited nature. It symbolizes resilience and an indomitable spirit that thrives in every circumstance.

  1. Eleri

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Eleri, means ‘bitterness’ and signifies resilience and strength in adversity. The name further represents someone who overcomes challenges with grace and fortitude.

  1. Eurgain

Eurgain, translating to ‘golden,’ conveys preciousness and brightness. It symbolizes a radiant and cherished presence, illuminating the lives of those around.

  1. Mairwen

Mairwen is rooted in ‘fair and blessed’ and combines notions of fairness and divine favor. It embodies a sense of purity and grace that graces every interaction.

Classic Welsh Names

  1. Rhodri

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The name Rhodri is rooted in ‘wheel king’ and epitomizes leadership and power. It signifies someone with the ability to navigate life’s complexities. This name represents an individual destined for positions of authority and possessing innate leadership qualities.

  1. Morgan

With the meaning ‘sea defender,’ Morgan symbolizes strength and protection. This name reflects a stalwart protector, someone who stands firm against life’s adversities. It represents a person with an innate sense of safeguarding others.

  1. Dafydd

Derived from ‘beloved,’ Dafydd embodies deep affection and endearment. The name encapsulates the essence of someone cherished and beloved by many. This name symbolizes a person whose warmth and kindness endear them to those around.

  1. Eurwen

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Eurven means ‘fair as gold’ and conveys beauty and preciousness. It represents an individual with a rare and radiant beauty, akin to the shimmering allure of gold. This name speaks of elegance, grace, and an inherent preciousness.

  1. Cadwallon

Translating to ‘battle ruler,’ Cadwallon denotes authority and prowess. This name signifies someone with commanding presence and strength, like a ruler on the battlefield.

  1. Gwilym

Gwilym means ‘resolute protector.’ The name embodies determination and guardianship. It represents an unwavering defender, someone resolute in safeguarding what they hold dear. This name reflects a steadfast guardian, strong-willed and protective.

  1. Nerys

Nerys means ‘lady’ and signifies grace and sophistication. This name embodies elegance and refinement, much like a true lady, exuding grace in every aspect. It symbolizes poise, dignity, and a refined presence.

Welsh names carry a rich heritage, weaving tales of strength, love, and heritage. Each name, rooted in tradition and meaning, offers a beautiful choice for your precious bundle of joy — a name that will be treasured throughout their life’s journey.

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