A Parental Guide For Answering Your Child’s Toughest Questions

Children often have the ability to ask us questions that leave us feeling bewildered and confused. But, there’s no need to panic. Every parent has been in this situation at least a couple hundred times. The truth is, sometimes you just don’t have the answers and other times it can be hard to explain a complex concept to your child. But keep in mind that your child is naturally curious and capable of learning about the world around them. So don’t put their questions aside to make them feel like their concern is irrelevant. Try instead to communicate with your child in an age-appropriate manner. Once they get a grasp of the concept you can always build on top of it as they develop and mature emotionally. Here are some ways to answer some hard hitting questions your little one might have.

In This Article

1. Life And Death

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Talk about tough questions! Children often want to know where they came from and how they came into this earth or their families. And as cute as it is, telling them that the storks dropped them from the sky just doesn’t do the trick anymore. Similarly, kids often ask what death is and what happens after we die. Enquiring about these things may seem disturbing to you but it’s only natural to be curious about solid concepts that everyone around them is familiar with. Instead of being evasive or lying to them, parents should take a pragmatic approach in order to help kids comprehend the notion of birth and death. Now this is often when religious beliefs come into play. But irrespective of religious beliefs or lack thereof, it is a parent’s job to help their child realize that life is precious and invaluable. Try to teach your child that both life and death are part of a life cycle.

2. Anatomy

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As your child grows and explores new environments they are going to interact with individuals of different genders. This will arouse curiosity concerning height, weight, color, genitalia and a long list of other differences. One way parents can address them is by utilizing animated visuals that illustrate how everyone is unique and perfect in their own way. You can also use charts, narratives and age appropriate movies to help them understand the concept of gender, races and different cultures.

3. Religion

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Children are very curious about God and why people choose to practice different religions. Your child probably has classmates who come from different religious backgrounds and some that are agnostic as well. Parents can teach their children about the unique beliefs and core values of each religion through storytelling and basic religious texts. Educate your child by imparting the knowledge you have on the significance of every faith. However, keep in mind that humanity must come first. Teach your children to love, respect and show kindness towards everyone, irrespective of their own religious beliefs. Learning to accept different views on religion and get along with their peers irrespective of differences will enhance the character of your child and impact them positively.

4. Finance

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Just like your child encounters people from different races and religious backgrounds, very earlier on, they will also encounter people from different socio-economic backgrounds. Your child might wonder why some people are homeless or don’t have the means to take care of themselves. Be patient with them. Sometimes their questions may come off as rude or curt but your child simply doesn’t understand why some people are poorer than others. The same will happen when they encounter someone with more possessions. If their friend has a bigger house or more toys, this may raise questions in their mind. Take the time to explain the basics of how money works in your society. This may seem inappropriate, as many parents think their children are too small. But the sooner they understand the concept of money the better.

This will enable them to learn how to be content with what they have and discover the importance of assisting those in need. It will also help them appreciate you more for all the work you do in order to provide for them. Your children must come to terms with the realities of the world, both good and bad. Let them figure out how they can contribute to society and give back to people. Let them volunteer with you at soup kitchens or other organizations that provide for the needy. Help them donate toys and clothes that they don’t use anymore. This will give them a broader understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Raising kids is always entertaining. One minute they want to know why the sky is blue and the next minute they want to know where their dead goldfish went. Although you may not have all the answers, it’s important to address some of these pressing questions head on. We hope this article helps you do just that! Happy parenting.


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