All You Need To Know About Mommy Wrist

Hey there, new moms! We all know that being a mother is no easy feat – from late-night feedings to endless diaper changes, your hands are working non-stop. But did you know that all this hard work could lead to something called “mommy wrist”? If you are not familiar with the term, we have everything you need to know about it. In this article, we’ll break down what mommy wrist is, how to know if you’ve got it, ways to deal with it, and when it’s time to talk to a doctor. Read on to know more!

What Is Mommy Wrist?

What Is Mommy Wrist

Image: Shutterstock

So, what exactly is mommy wrist? It is  a condition that can happen when your hands and wrists get tired from the repeated movements of mom life. The technical name is De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, but we’ll stick to mommy wrist for now. This happens when the tendons around the base of your thumb get all inflamed and make simple tasks like picking up your little one a real pain in the wrist (1)!

How To Know If You Have Mommy Wrist?

  1. Thumb Pain

Persistent pain around your thumb could signal mommy wrist. If simple tasks are becoming  painful, especially around this area, it’s time to be on the lookout.

  1. Spreading Discomfort
Spreading Discomfort

Image: Shutterstock

Watch out if the pain extends from your thumb to your wrist. It’s like a stealthy guest, moving around and signaling that your hands need some extra care.

  1. Noticeable Swelling

Swelling, especially around the base of your thumb and wrist, demands attention. If your hand looks puffier than usual, it’s a clear message that mommy wrist is making its presence known.

  1. Movement Difficulty

Struggling with simple movements? Mommy wrist might be the reason. Everyday tasks like picking up your child or holding a cup shouldn’t feel like a challenge. If they do, it’s time to address the issue.

  1. Clicking Sounds
Clicking Sounds

Image: Shutterstock

A clicking sound when you move your thumb and wrist signals potential trouble. If your hand starts communicating with clicks, it’s saying, “I need help!” Don’t ignore this unique language.

How To Deal With Mommy Wrist?

  1. Take A Break

Suspecting mommy wrist? It’s time to give your hands and wrists a break then. Avoid activities that worsen the pain, such as carrying heavy bags or doing repetitive thumb movements. Let your hands catch a breather and minimize strain.

  1. The RICE Method
The RICE Method

Image: Shutterstock

Remember the good old RICE method – Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Give your hands a rest by avoiding tasks that strain them. Apply ice wrapped in a cloth to reduce swelling. Utilize a compression bandage for extra wrist support, and when possible, elevate your hands to let gravity work its magic.

  1. Mommy Wrist Exercises

Embrace mommy wrist exercises as your new best friends. Incorporate gentle stretches and movements into your routine to strengthen wrist muscles and alleviate pain. The “thumbs up” stretch is a winner. Stick your thumb up and gently pull it toward your pinky finger. Hold for a few seconds, repeat, and remember, slow and steady wins the race, mom!

When To Contact A Doctor?

When To Contact A Doctor

Image: Shutterstock

If your mommy wrist isn’t improving or is getting worse, it’s time to consider reaching out to a doctor. Don’t hesitate, they’re here to help! Professional advice can make a significant difference in managing mommy wrist effectively. Here are some things your doctor might suggest:

  1. Wrist Splint Support

When the pain becomes overwhelming, your doctor may recommend a wrist splint to provide extra support. This simple device can assist in stabilizing your hands and wrists, allowing them to heal more effectively.

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Medications

For cases where pain persists, doctors might suggest anti-inflammatory medications. These medications can help alleviate inflammation and reduce discomfort, making daily mom duties more manageable.

How To Prevent Mommy Wrist From Troubling You?

Now that you have an idea about mommy wrist let’s talk about prevention.

How To Prevent Mommy Wrist From Troubling You

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Mindful Everyday Tasks

Preventing mommy wrist starts with being mindful of your hand and wrist positions during daily activities. Whether it’s lifting, holding, or carrying, try to maintain a neutral wrist position to minimize strain and potential discomfort.

  1. Neutral Wrist Position For Lifting

When picking up your little one, consciously keep your wrist in a neutral position. This simple adjustment can significantly reduce unnecessary strain on your hands and wrists, contributing to the prevention of mommy wrist.

  1. Babywearing Tips

For babywearing enthusiasts, ensure you distribute the weight evenly across both shoulders. Opt for a wrist-friendly baby carrier that doesn’t place extra stress on your hands. These small changes can make a big difference in preventing mommy wrist while enjoying the benefits of babywearing.

  1. Strengthening Hand Exercises
Strengthening Hand Exercises

Image: Shutterstock

Take a proactive approach by incorporating simple hand exercises into your routine. Squeeze a stress ball or engage in hand stretches to strengthen the muscles in your hands. Building hand strength can provide added support, making it less likely for mommy wrist to sneak its way into your busy mom life.

Being a mom is a tough gig, and sometimes your body might throw you a curveball like mommy wrist. But armed with the knowledge of what it is, how to recognize it, and ways to deal with it, you’ll be back to momming in no time. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a break, try out some exercises, and if all else fails, consult with a doctor.

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